Ron Paul's Last hurrah

Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

But I see he can do no wrong.
Paul: I dont see myself in the WH.
SUpporters: See how modest he is!

Paul: When I'm president I will let the Germans over-run Britain.
Supporters: See how confident he is!

Paul: I never had a single bill I sponsored pass.
Supporters: See how principled he is!

Paul: I support the KKK's right to ride at night.
Supporters: See how pro-freedom he is!

And yet ironically, he's outscoring your boy, Rick Perry.... Imagine that.

Finally took my name off Perry's subscriber list and defriended him on FaceBook.
Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

But I see he can do no wrong.
Paul: I dont see myself in the WH.
SUpporters: See how modest he is!

Paul: When I'm president I will let the Germans over-run Britain.
Supporters: See how confident he is!

Paul: I never had a single bill I sponsored pass.
Supporters: See how principled he is!

Paul: I support the KKK's right to ride at night.
Supporters: See how pro-freedom he is!

And yet ironically, he's outscoring your boy, Rick Perry.... Imagine that.

Finally took my name off Perry's subscriber list and defriended him on FaceBook.

Perry doesnt need fair-weather friends.
No one does.
Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

But I see he can do no wrong.
Paul: I dont see myself in the WH.
SUpporters: See how modest he is!

Paul: When I'm president I will let the Germans over-run Britain.
Supporters: See how confident he is!

Paul: I never had a single bill I sponsored pass.
Supporters: See how principled he is!

Paul: I support the KKK's right to ride at night.
Supporters: See how pro-freedom he is!

And yet ironically, he's outscoring your boy, Rick Perry.... Imagine that.

Finally took my name off Perry's subscriber list and defriended him on FaceBook.

Perry doesnt need fair-weather friends.
No one does.

Perry needs all the friends he can get right now.
I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.

I've never voted for Ron Paul for any office.

But what do you claim him to be unqualified about? He appears more dedicated to the constitution than 80% of the congress. Only the Tea Party matches his dedication, and they have not been sticking to principle, cowed by the savage media. So Paul ranks ahead of even them.

There are many things I disagree with Paul on, many more I disagree with Romney on. Both are better than Obama. So what, precisely makes Paul "unqualified?"

The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.
What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.
But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.
Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Ahhhh, I get like Chicago style politicians who "persuade" people to get deals done. :eusa_whistle:
I've never voted for Ron Paul for any office.

But what do you claim him to be unqualified about? He appears more dedicated to the constitution than 80% of the congress. Only the Tea Party matches his dedication, and they have not been sticking to principle, cowed by the savage media. So Paul ranks ahead of even them.

There are many things I disagree with Paul on, many more I disagree with Romney on. Both are better than Obama. So what, precisely makes Paul "unqualified?"

The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.
What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.
But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.
Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Ahhhh, I get like Chicago style politicians who "persuade" people to get deals done. :eusa_whistle:

I prefer them to do-nothing grandstanders who tell their slavish followers that it's everyone else's fault.
All of Rabbi's hate stems from the misguided idea that Ron Paul hates Israel. This has been proven not to be true but people like Jroc and Rabbi refuse to listen to reason on this. If you are for promoting another countries interests at the expense of the country you live in then in my mind that makes you a traitor. You can not be loyal to two different countries.

Dual citizenship is a myth. At some point you have to pick a side. If your country, meaning the country you live in, decides to abandon a policy that supports your homeland and stop sending a welfare check to them then you need to be down with that. My ancestors are from Ireland but I could give a shit less about Ireland because I am an American. I was raised catholic but I won't be going to bat for the Vatican. My principles dictate that the people that have died for my freedom not die in vain. I will stand with the people that I work with every day and my family that lives here in America and Ireland can fend for itself.

If the shit hits the fan and the U.S. decides that Israel is the problem and that the government there needs to go then which side would you be on?
Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.

It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.

Remind us again how many percentage points he was behind number 1? Oh that's right, 3%. Wow, what a drubbing he took. :rolleyes:
The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.
What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.
But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.
Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Ahhhh, I get like Chicago style politicians who "persuade" people to get deals done. :eusa_whistle:

I prefer them to do-nothing grandstanders who tell their slavish followers that it's everyone else's fault.

Good Lord, you're beginning to make truthmatters look like an highly informed poster. :eusa_whistle:
You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed.

So what you're saying is that you support Anchor Babies and oppose clarification of the 14th to stop this outrageous practice?

What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation.

No, it's RATIONAL government.

Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?

Just vote for Obama, you share his views.
Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.

It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.

3,000 votes is basically a 3 way tie. Even the pundits admit it.
If Ron Paul runs as an independent for his cult, then the Republicans should pull every job he has in DC so he is pretty much just there to vote with no chance to influence bills.

Kick his ass out of the party.....

He already said he won't run independent.

What I would like is if some of the RINO's would adopt a few conservative positions from Paul.

How about opposition to Anchor Babies?
A lone voice of freedom in a room full of corruption, what do you expect to happen. What you need to understand is he brought the central bank center stage and we discovered how much American wealth has been transferred overseas. HR1207 was more important then any of these other small battles combined.

Iowa told you he will beat Obama - won independent and moderate votes 8 to 1

You forgot the part about lions and lambs lying down together and unicorns flying out of his ass.

All of Rabbi's hate stems from the misguided idea that Ron Paul hates Israel.

I think you're right.

Unfortunately, Paul does attract a lot of Anti-Semites. Paul supporters end up hurting Paul in the polls because too many of them really are JOOOO haters.

This has been proven not to be true but people like Jroc and Rabbi refuse to listen to reason on this. If you are for promoting another countries interests at the expense of the country you live in then in my mind that makes you a traitor. You can not be loyal to two different countries.

Israel is America's bitch, she does what she is told.

Anyone thinking it's the other way around is just fucking stupid.

Dual citizenship is a myth. At some point you have to pick a side. If your country, meaning the country you live in, decides to abandon a policy that supports your homeland and stop sending a welfare check to them then you need to be down with that. My ancestors are from Ireland but I could give a shit less about Ireland because I am an American. I was raised catholic but I won't be going to bat for the Vatican. My principles dictate that the people that have died for my freedom not die in vain. I will stand with the people that I work with every day and my family that lives here in America and Ireland can fend for itself.

If the shit hits the fan and the U.S. decides that Israel is the problem and that the government there needs to go then which side would you be on?

Should we decide that Mexico and Canada are the problem as well?

Israel is the only real ally we have in the snake pit of the middle east, they are our shock troops against some really bad people.
Ron Paul is the only candidate whos policy defends true Zionism, if he is bring both Jews and anti-semites together as well as miniorities and other so called racists. There is something else at work, and your political education levels only make you believe it is racism?

Ron Paul is doing something we haven't seen in decades and that is uniting people around to a common banner. In Iowa, he scored Independent and Moderate votes 8 to 1. He is the establishments worse nightmare.
Ron Paul is the only candidate whos policy defends true Zionism, if he is bring both Jews and anti-semites together as well as miniorities and other so called racists. There is something else at work, and your political education levels only make you believe it is racism?

Ron Paul is doing something we haven't seen in decades and that is uniting people around to a common banner. In Iowa, he scored Independent and Moderate votes 8 to 1. He is the establishments worse nightmare.

Analysts noted that many of the Paul Independent votes were spoilers, seeking to disrupt the GOP process, rather than actual supporters. The concept being that Paul would be easier for Obama to beat, therefore him getting the nomination helps their actual choice.
Boy, you conservative voters are tearing each other up!!

Even Santorum, Paul, Perry, Romney and Gingrich are more well behaved and gentile to each other than you guys are!

Even so, Romney is going to win. So you fringe nuts give up on the pure social con or the libertarian and start taking your marching orders from the corporatist! If your guy did win the nomination, he would not win the preisdentcy. The "moderates" will politically stab you in the guts in a heart beat! Recognize your political reality! By the way, you still have a viable choice in Perry, but there are just too many rightwing fringe nuts in the race splitting Perry's "anti-Romney" vote!
All of Rabbi's hate stems from the misguided idea that Ron Paul hates Israel.

I think you're right.

Unfortunately, Paul does attract a lot of Anti-Semites. Paul supporters end up hurting Paul in the polls because too many of them really are JOOOO haters.

This has been proven not to be true but people like Jroc and Rabbi refuse to listen to reason on this. If you are for promoting another countries interests at the expense of the country you live in then in my mind that makes you a traitor. You can not be loyal to two different countries.

Israel is America's bitch, she does what she is told.

Anyone thinking it's the other way around is just fucking stupid.

Dual citizenship is a myth. At some point you have to pick a side. If your country, meaning the country you live in, decides to abandon a policy that supports your homeland and stop sending a welfare check to them then you need to be down with that. My ancestors are from Ireland but I could give a shit less about Ireland because I am an American. I was raised catholic but I won't be going to bat for the Vatican. My principles dictate that the people that have died for my freedom not die in vain. I will stand with the people that I work with every day and my family that lives here in America and Ireland can fend for itself.

If the shit hits the fan and the U.S. decides that Israel is the problem and that the government there needs to go then which side would you be on?

Should we decide that Mexico and Canada are the problem as well?

Israel is the only real ally we have in the snake pit of the middle east, they are our shock troops against some really bad people.

It doesn't matter to me if Israel is our bitch or not. What matters to me is the fact that Rebublicans bitch about welfare lines and ignore the fact that every country in the world is in the U.S. welfare line.

When you see people flying two flags and then bitching about people questioning policies that benefit the people with loyalty to the flag that's not ours, then you have to wonder where they stand.

I disagree with the value placed on Israel as a strategic ally. The fact that Israel was created in the first place is the source of a lot of animosity in that region. I am not passing judgement on whether it was right or wrong, I am just stating a fact. The U.S. backing that decision and propping up Israel has caused a lot of the hatred towards us. So from a strategic standpoint Israel is a liability not an asset.

The point about the U.S. deciding Israel was the problem was a hypothetical question designed to illicit a response about the apparent dual loyalties present in this country. We have in america a meltiing pot but with that mix comes baggage and I think it's a fair question to ask. I would ask it of any immigrant or dual citizen especially in times of conflict.

I have no problem with Jewish people having their own country if that's what they want. They should make it work on their own and stop being a puppet. They should insist on their own sovreignty. They should also not pick fights that they can't back up on thier own.
Boy, you conservative voters are tearing each other up!!

Even Santorum, Paul, Perry, Romney and Gingrich are more well behaved and gentile to each other than you guys are!

Even so, Romney is going to win. So you fringe nuts give up on the pure social con or the libertarian and start taking your marching orders from the corporatist! If your guy did win the nomination, he would not win the preisdentcy. The "moderates" will politically stab you in the guts in a heart beat! Recognize your political reality! By the way, you still have a viable choice in Perry, but there are just too many rightwing fringe nuts in the race splitting Perry's "anti-Romney" vote!

HOW IS PERRY MORE VIABLE THEN PAUL? Perry has no intellectual ammo, he is the male form of Sarah Palin. Obama uses guys like Perry in debates for target practice.
All of Rabbi's hate stems from the misguided idea that Ron Paul hates Israel. This has been proven not to be true but people like Jroc and Rabbi refuse to listen to reason on this. If you are for promoting another countries interests at the expense of the country you live in then in my mind that makes you a traitor. You can not be loyal to two different countries.

Dual citizenship is a myth. At some point you have to pick a side. If your country, meaning the country you live in, decides to abandon a policy that supports your homeland and stop sending a welfare check to them then you need to be down with that. My ancestors are from Ireland but I could give a shit less about Ireland because I am an American. I was raised catholic but I won't be going to bat for the Vatican. My principles dictate that the people that have died for my freedom not die in vain. I will stand with the people that I work with every day and my family that lives here in America and Ireland can fend for itself.

If the shit hits the fan and the U.S. decides that Israel is the problem and that the government there needs to go then which side would you be on?

Wow, three lies in the first sentence. That must be some kind of record.
For starters, I dont hate Ron Paul. Never met the man. It is instructive that his claque see any criticism as "hate".
Second, of all the things I object to about Paul and his positions, his position on Israel really isn't one of them. There is plenty of other crap he believes.
Third, I don't know whether Paul hates Israel or not. It doesn't matter either way.

Whether Paul is an anti-semite or not (and I dont believe he is) it is undoubted that his views give cover to people who are in fact card-carrying jew-haters.
Boy, you conservative voters are tearing each other up!!

Even Santorum, Paul, Perry, Romney and Gingrich are more well behaved and gentile to each other than you guys are!

Even so, Romney is going to win. So you fringe nuts give up on the pure social con or the libertarian and start taking your marching orders from the corporatist! If your guy did win the nomination, he would not win the preisdentcy. The "moderates" will politically stab you in the guts in a heart beat! Recognize your political reality! By the way, you still have a viable choice in Perry, but there are just too many rightwing fringe nuts in the race splitting Perry's "anti-Romney" vote!

HOW IS PERRY MORE VIABLE THEN PAUL? Perry has no intellectual ammo, he is the male form of Sarah Palin. Obama uses guys like Perry in debates for target practice.

Paul is a Libertarian. Sarah Palin has 10 times as much chance of winning the Republican nomination than Paul, and that is including the fact that she is not running!:badgrin:

Great for the Congress, scary as hell as President!
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