Ron Paul's Last hurrah

It doesn't matter to me if Israel is our bitch or not. What matters to me is the fact that Rebublicans bitch about welfare lines and ignore the fact that every country in the world is in the U.S. welfare line.


What was the expenditure for AFDC last year?

How does that contrast to paying Israel to keep the violent Muslims under control - which is the fact of the aid.

I'll give you a hint, AFDC was $233 billion for FY 2010.
45 CFR 233.31 - Budgeting methods for AFDC. - Code of Federal Regulations - Title 45: Public Welfare - vLex

Aid to Israel was $3 billion

What is it, Israeli aid is 1.28% of AFDC? No wonder attacking Israel is your priority.

We spend more building an Aircraft carrier and get far less effectivity.

When you see people flying two flags and then bitching about people questioning policies that benefit the people with loyalty to the flag that's not ours, then you have to wonder where they stand.

I live in Southern California, you've described 80% of the population. I see more Mexican than US flags on any given day.

I disagree with the value placed on Israel as a strategic ally.

Then you're not paying attention.

The fact that Israel was created in the first place is the source of a lot of animosity in that region.

Animosity and hostility are central themes in Islam - nothing other than adopting Sharia as our form of government will change that.

I am not passing judgement on whether it was right or wrong, I am just stating a fact. The U.S. backing that decision and propping up Israel has caused a lot of the hatred towards us. So from a strategic standpoint Israel is a liability not an asset.

Utter nonsense. You base that on the fallacy that if not for Israel the Muslims would love us. Bin Laden attacked because we set foot in Saudi Arabia, to protect them in the Gulf War - it had nothing to do with Israel.

We care about the ME because of oil, Israel is the ONLY friendly nation over there. Saudi Arabia is a shit pool full of the most vile terrorists in the world. Jordan has a friendly government, but the people hate the USA.

The point about the U.S. deciding Israel was the problem was a hypothetical question designed to illicit a response about the apparent dual loyalties present in this country. We have in america a meltiing pot but with that mix comes baggage and I think it's a fair question to ask. I would ask it of any immigrant or dual citizen especially in times of conflict.

We don't have a conflict with Israel, quite the opposite.

I know the JOOOOOO haters want a conflict, but they are the lunatic fringe. Again, they severely damage Paul. What I don't understand is that the Neo-Nazi's don't hold Libertarian views economically nor in regard to individual liberty, so why follow Paul? David Duke is there for them!

I have no problem with Jewish people having their own country if that's what they want. They should make it work on their own and stop being a puppet. They should insist on their own sovreignty. They should also not pick fights that they can't back up on thier own.

It's a symbiotic relationship. They act as our front line, and we give them backing. It's a win-win.

The Muslims are nasty fuckers - pretending otherwise won't change reality.
Boy, you conservative voters are tearing each other up!!

Even Santorum, Paul, Perry, Romney and Gingrich are more well behaved and gentile to each other than you guys are!

Even so, Romney is going to win. So you fringe nuts give up on the pure social con or the libertarian and start taking your marching orders from the corporatist! If your guy did win the nomination, he would not win the preisdentcy. The "moderates" will politically stab you in the guts in a heart beat! Recognize your political reality! By the way, you still have a viable choice in Perry, but there are just too many rightwing fringe nuts in the race splitting Perry's "anti-Romney" vote!

HOW IS PERRY MORE VIABLE THEN PAUL? Perry has no intellectual ammo, he is the male form of Sarah Palin. Obama uses guys like Perry in debates for target practice.

Paul is a Libertarian. Sarah Palin has 10 times as much chance of winning the Republican nomination than Paul, and that is including the fact that she is not running!:badgrin:

Great for the Congress, scary as hell as President!

I'll bet you Sarah Palin endorses Ron Paul.
Boy, you conservative voters are tearing each other up!!

Even Santorum, Paul, Perry, Romney and Gingrich are more well behaved and gentile to each other than you guys are!

Even so, Romney is going to win. So you fringe nuts give up on the pure social con or the libertarian and start taking your marching orders from the corporatist! If your guy did win the nomination, he would not win the preisdentcy. The "moderates" will politically stab you in the guts in a heart beat! Recognize your political reality! By the way, you still have a viable choice in Perry, but there are just too many rightwing fringe nuts in the race splitting Perry's "anti-Romney" vote!

Never say never. Marxist fringer Obama won the last election, which proves anything is possible.
Why do the muslims have animosity and hostility? Is it maybe caused by the fact that the U.N. stepped in and decided to give land that they believe is theirs to the jews? The Arab league declared war the very next day after Israel was established is this a coincidence? What if the U.N. stepped in and said that Texas should go to Mexico? How would the average American feel about that?

I am not against aid to just Israel I am against aid to all countries because we are borrowing the money to pay for it. They don't need it anyway.
Why do the muslims have animosity and hostility? Is it maybe caused by the fact that the U.N. stepped in and decided to give land that they believe is theirs to the jews? The Arab league declared war the very next day after Israel was established is this a coincidence? What if the U.N. stepped in and said that Texas should go to Mexico? How would the average American feel about that?

I am not against aid to just Israel I am against aid to all countries because we are borrowing the money to pay for it. They don't need it anyway.

Newsflash: If Israel disappeared tomorrow radical Muslims would still hate us.

I dont see you criticizing Egypt, even though Egypt is the 2nd largest aid recipient.
HOW IS PERRY MORE VIABLE THEN PAUL? Perry has no intellectual ammo, he is the male form of Sarah Palin. Obama uses guys like Perry in debates for target practice.

Paul is a Libertarian. Sarah Palin has 10 times as much chance of winning the Republican nomination than Paul, and that is including the fact that she is not running!:badgrin:

Great for the Congress, scary as hell as President!

I'll bet you Sarah Palin endorses Ron Paul.

Only way Sarah Palin will endorse Ron Paul is if Ron Paul wins the nomination. Why nominate someone that has less chance winning the nomination than she do?:badgrin:

What you do not realize is that Palin is a bit of a social Conservative, Paul is a libertairan. They work together against democrats, but thier ideology tends to bump heads when you consider societal policies such as gay marriage and legalizing drugs.
Paul is a Libertarian. Sarah Palin has 10 times as much chance of winning the Republican nomination than Paul, and that is including the fact that she is not running!:badgrin:

Great for the Congress, scary as hell as President!

I'll bet you Sarah Palin endorses Ron Paul.

Only way Sarah Palin will endorse Ron Paul is if Ron Paul wins the nomination. Why nominate someone that has less chance winning the nomination than she do?:badgrin:

What you do not realize is that Palin is a bit of a social Conservative, Paul is a libertairan. They work together against democrats, but thier ideology tends to bump heads when you consider societal policies such as gay marriage and legalizing drugs.

However, she did endorse Rand Paul who is very libertarian as well.
Paul is a Libertarian. Sarah Palin has 10 times as much chance of winning the Republican nomination than Paul, and that is including the fact that she is not running!:badgrin:

Great for the Congress, scary as hell as President!

I'll bet you Sarah Palin endorses Ron Paul.

Only way Sarah Palin will endorse Ron Paul is if Ron Paul wins the nomination.

Sarah Palin will endorse Barack Obama if Obama becomes a conservative Republican. Since both of those are about as likely it is pointless.
Why do the muslims have animosity and hostility? Is it maybe caused by the fact that the U.N. stepped in and decided to give land that they believe is theirs to the jews? The Arab league declared war the very next day after Israel was established is this a coincidence? What if the U.N. stepped in and said that Texas should go to Mexico? How would the average American feel about that?

I am not against aid to just Israel I am against aid to all countries because we are borrowing the money to pay for it. They don't need it anyway.

Newsflash: If Israel disappeared tomorrow radical Muslims would still hate us.

I dont see you criticizing Egypt, even though Egypt is the 2nd largest aid recipient.

You are right they would hate us because we have already established ourselves as their enemy. We have to try to mitigate that hatred with diplomacy.

I am against aid to Egypt just as strongly as I am against aid to Israel. I am against ALL foreign aid. That means Canada and Mexico and England and France and Germany too. We can't afford it.
Why do the muslims have animosity and hostility?

Because the Koran teaches that non-Muslims must be subdued or killed as a matter of loyalty to their god.

Is it maybe caused by the fact that the U.N. stepped in and decided to give land that they believe is theirs to the jews?

Well maybe.

{"Islam was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."} Thomas Jefferson - report to congress on he Barbary Pirates, 1786

Did the UN "give land" to Israel prior to 1786?

Or maybe the Muslims knew that someday land would be given to the hated Jews and were preemptive?

The Arab league declared war the very next day after Israel was established is this a coincidence? What if the U.N. stepped in and said that Texas should go to Mexico? How would the average American feel about that?

Of course not, Islam will not suffer infidels to have dominion over even one grain of sand in lands that they claim as Muslim.

I am not against aid to just Israel I am against aid to all countries because we are borrowing the money to pay for it. They don't need it anyway.

Think of it as paying mercenaries.
Why do the muslims have animosity and hostility? Is it maybe caused by the fact that the U.N. stepped in and decided to give land that they believe is theirs to the jews? The Arab league declared war the very next day after Israel was established is this a coincidence? What if the U.N. stepped in and said that Texas should go to Mexico? How would the average American feel about that?

I am not against aid to just Israel I am against aid to all countries because we are borrowing the money to pay for it. They don't need it anyway.

Newsflash: If Israel disappeared tomorrow radical Muslims would still hate us.

I dont see you criticizing Egypt, even though Egypt is the 2nd largest aid recipient.

You are right they would hate us because we have already established ourselves as their enemy. We have to try to mitigate that hatred with diplomacy.

I am against aid to Egypt just as strongly as I am against aid to Israel. I am against ALL foreign aid. That means Canada and Mexico and England and France and Germany too. We can't afford it.

I see I am not dealing with Henry Kissinger here.

If the US cut off aid to all Arab countries would that increase or decrease their hostility towards us?
Palestine had been a Turkish Ottoman province for generations up until WWI. In return for helping them defeat the Ottomans, Britain promised the land to the Arabs; however, to curry favor with the Jews scattered throughout its territories and who were already recolonizing the land, they also promised it to the Jews. That double promise became their nemesis which the British, with help from the U.N., attempted to solve in the mid 1940's by carving out a tiny portion of the land for the smaller Jewish population--that became Israel. WWII had displaced millions of Jews, most of which migrated to the USA or to Israel which took them all in when nobody else wanted them. Israel is little more land mass than many U.S. counties.

The Arabs refused to agree to any reapportionment because anti-Jewish sentiment was already rampant and they wished to share no portion of the land with the Jews. They have also rejected every diplomatic solution since. The Jews have been pretty accommodating trying to work something out.

The Jews made the previous harsh and mostly undeveloped land they were given flourish and were good stewards. There was previously no government, no clear boundaries, no law, little infrastructure, no discipline in the area. Most of the Arabs who were occupying that part of the world fled so that five neighboring Arab countries could obliterate the Jews. When Israel prevailed in that first war, the Arabs who had stayed and didn't fight against the Jews were accepted as full Israeli citizens and of all the Arab peoples, they are the only ones now who are truly free. The Jews did not allow those to come back who were assenting to their defeat and demise. Nor have any of the attacking Arab countries offered a homeland to those displaced Arabs.

The situation has been really ugly ever since with the Arabs and their sympathisers accusing the Jews of illegal occupation of the land. It isn't illegal. It was given to them by the nation then owning the land--Britain--and the new nation was sanctioned and recognized by the U.N.

Ron Paul I believe would allow the Arabs to obliterate Israel and would shrug and say something that could be translated 'the Jews had it coming.' Many who support Israel will reject Paul for that reason alone. Many who hate Israel support Paul for that reason too.

I don't know how aggressive, hateful, and threatening the militant Muslims would have to be to get Paul to see them as a threat.
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Palestine had been a Turkish Ottoman province for generations up until WWI. In return for helping them defeat the Ottomans, Britain promised the land to the Arabs; however, to curry favor with the Jews scattered throughout its territories and who were already recolonizing the land, they also promised it to the Jews. t.


"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."

Palestine had been a Turkish Ottoman province for generations up until WWI. In return for helping them defeat the Ottomans, Britain promised the land to the Arabs; however, to curry favor with the Jews scattered throughout its territories and who were already recolonizing the land, they also promised it to the Jews. t.


"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."


They created two states: one Jewish, one Arab. The Jewish state was called Israel. The Arab state was called Trans-Jordan. Jordan is the Palestinian homeland. They can all fuck off there.
Palestine had been a Turkish Ottoman province for generations up until WWI. In return for helping them defeat the Ottomans, Britain promised the land to the Arabs; however, to curry favor with the Jews scattered throughout its territories and who were already recolonizing the land, they also promised it to the Jews. t.


"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."


They created two states: one Jewish, one Arab. The Jewish state was called Israel. The Arab state was called Trans-Jordan. Jordan is the Palestinian homeland. They can all fuck off there.

The Allies did not grant the Brits the authority to create two states:

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Funny how this thread turns into Jews and Israel thing. Seems like we always get there with the Ron Paul loons ...Go figure
Funny how this thread turns into Jews and Israel thing. Seems like we always get there with the Ron Paul loons ...Go figure

Ya' know , the testimony before the 09/11 Commission - which it REFUSED to publish - blamed the Jews and Israel Thang - the witnesses were FBI agents not Dr Paul followers:

[ame=""]What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't [/ame]

Funny how this thread turns into Jews and Israel thing. Seems like we always get there with the Ron Paul loons ...Go figure

Ya' know , the testimony before the 09/11 Commission - which it REFUSED to publish - blamed the Jews and Israel Thang - the witnesses were FBI agents not Dr Paul followers:

[ame=""]What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't [/ame]


Part of Ron Paul's base.. How nice doesntr really matter if Ron Paul is a Jew hater or not, many of his supporters are but he's a loon regardless.

[ame=]Ron Paul talks about the Bilderberg Group - YouTube[/ame]

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