Ron Paul's Last hurrah

Ron Paul's Last hurrah

I don't think he has a last hurrah. He has shown growth in support. I think any viable candidate will win if he can rally behind the strengths of Ron Raul. Probably number one is getting the hell out of all the places we do not belong in this world.

Its high time this country made itself great again. We used to do great things. We put a man on the moon 1st. We built mt rushmoor. We built the golden gate bridge. Empire state building. Hoover dam. etc.. etc.. etc..

What have we done in the last 20 years? War, all over the world.

There is no further evidence that we are on the wrong path then the fact that it took us a decade to build the monument to 9/11, and it is not really that special.
Ron Paul's Last hurrah

I don't think he has a last hurrah. He has shown growth in support. I think any viable candidate will win if he can rally behind the strengths of Ron Raul. Probably number one is getting the hell out of all the places we do not belong in this world.

Its high time this country made itself great again. We used to do great things. We put a man on the moon 1st. We built mt rushmoor. We built the golden gate bridge. Empire state building. Hoover dam. etc.. etc.. etc..

What have we done in the last 20 years? War, all over the world.

There is no further evidence that we are on the wrong path then the fact that it took us a decade to build the monument to 9/11, and it is not really that special.

and...during those years we largely minded our own F'n business.
The Roman Empire at its height had 38 military bases around the world. The British empire had 39 around the world. The United States has over 700, spread out in over 39 countries, in every continent, with troops station in over 100 countries. Our military footprint on the world essentially means that at any given time, a member of the US army could put his foot in another country. That is how far we have spread ourselves.

Remember the old saying? The sun never set on the British Empire...until it did. We are on the same path. People forget that the idea of nation building and massive military intervention around the world was the philosophy of big government progressives like Wilson and FDR...Republicans historically have been against war! Are our memories so short that we forget most of our history?

Since when was endless war necessary for defense? Where did the common sense of the Republican party go? Wake up folks. We are digging our own, hot sandy graves.
Ron Pauls last hurruh will be when he takes a sledge hammer to the federal reserve.

President Paul, tear down this corrupt institution!

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I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.

I've never voted for Ron Paul for any office.

But what do you claim him to be unqualified about? He appears more dedicated to the constitution than 80% of the congress. Only the Tea Party matches his dedication, and they have not been sticking to principle, cowed by the savage media. So Paul ranks ahead of even them.

There are many things I disagree with Paul on, many more I disagree with Romney on. Both are better than Obama. So what, precisely makes Paul "unqualified?"

The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.
What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.
But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.
Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

I'm hard pressed to understand why Paul would have to "persuade" his party to sponsor a bill to eliminate the Dept. of Education.

Just because the party pays lip service to these issues doesn't mean they actually support them.

The fact is, the republican party at this point is not conservative. They have no desire to reduce the size of the government.
The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.

I see. So failure to flow with the status quo is unqualified?

But let's look at some of this legislation, shall we?

Kosovo, 1999–2000: Prohibits the Department of Defense from using troops in Kosovo unless specifically authorized by law.

Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2009. H.R. 1146, 2009-02-24, originally H.R. 1146, 1997-03-20. Ends U.S. participation and membership in the United Nations and its activities.
World Trade Organization, 1999-2000: Withdraws U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization.

Get us out of the UN and out of the WTO - agree of disagree? Why?

Terror Immigration Elimination Act of 2007. H.R. 3217, 2007-07-27, originally H.R. 488, 2003-01-29. Limits the issuance of student and diversity immigrant visas in relation to Saudi Arabia, countries that support terrorism, and countries not cooperating fully with United States antiterrorism efforts.

Birthright citizenship: H.J.Res. 46, 2007-06-13, originally H.J.Res. 46, 2005-04-28. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to deny United States citizenship to individuals born in the United States to parents who are neither United States citizens nor persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States. Clarifies the Fourteenth Amendment in accord with Paul's opposition to birthright citizenship.

Trans-Texas Corridor: H.R. 5191, 2008-01-29. To prohibit the use of Federal funds to carry out the highway project known as the "Trans-Texas Corridor".

Damn, how could any non-democrat oppose these?

A hell of a lot. Too bad there weren't a few more congress critters with principle. Seriously - he had the guts to propose an end to Anchor Babies, one of the predominant problems of our time.

I'm tired of these left leaning fools like Bush, who move us to socialism, just a little bit slower than Obama. Time for a conservative who supports the constitution.

Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Utter nonsense - you sound just like the dims. All sound and fury, no substance.

You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed. What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation. Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?

Feel good legislation??

Do you wake up in the morning and sniff glue or something?

Those are pieces of legislation meant to achieve some of the most significant conservative ideals of this country.

Why is it Paul's fault that his party doesn't want to support reducing the size of government?

Aren't you tired of them paying lip service to these ideas in campaigns and then not doing a god damn fucking thing about them when they have the ability?
I don't like or appreciate anyone pissing on my leg and being told it's raining.

So you don't like the sitting President, or any GOP candidate but Ron Paul. He's the one telling you that it's a deluge and the others are saying it's sunny skies.

Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

So since you said:
I would be outraged if I were a member of Paul's district, getting ineffective grandstanding representation in Congress.

And I said:
If you actually have proof of your assertion now would be a great time to produce it.

I can take your lack of intelligent response as a concession?

No, you can take your head out of your ass.
I already posted the challenge of what ROn Paul has done. I got a huge list of bills. Most of them never made it out of committee. None of them ever passed and became law. His "achivement" seems to be making speeches and blaming the United States for 9/11.
Why anyone expects that if he became president (c'v) he would somehow magically be able to work with people in Congress to do anything is beyond me. He is an ineffective old gas bag.
No, you can take your head out of your ass. Fuck you and your attitude Twit.

I already posted the challenge of what ROn Paul has done. I got a huge list of bills. Most of them never made it out of committee. None of them ever passed and became law. So, the failure of Congress to recognise quality work is his fault. Good god man. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?

His "achivement" seems to be making speeches and blaming the United States for 9/11. Really? So, not only are you a moron, but an uninformed moron at that. Nice.

Why anyone expects that if he became president (c'v) he would somehow magically be able to work with people in Congress to do anything is beyond me. So far a lot appears to be beyond you. But, let's try to help Jerry (Springers) Kid a little. He doesn't have to work with members of Congress. All he has to do is spend four years vetoing and explaining the veto. That, and he can refuse to start a war that Congress is too chickenshit to declare.

He is an ineffective old gas bag. Stupid, uninformed, and unimaginative as well. It really sucks to be you.

No, you can take your head out of your ass. Fuck you and your attitude Twit.

I already posted the challenge of what ROn Paul has done. I got a huge list of bills. Most of them never made it out of committee. None of them ever passed and became law. So, the failure of Congress to recognise quality work is his fault. Good god man. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?

His "achivement" seems to be making speeches and blaming the United States for 9/11. Really? So, not only are you a moron, but an uninformed moron at that. Nice.

Why anyone expects that if he became president (c'v) he would somehow magically be able to work with people in Congress to do anything is beyond me. So far a lot appears to be beyond you. But, let's try to help Jerry (Springers) Kid a little. He doesn't have to work with members of Congress. All he has to do is spend four years vetoing and explaining the veto. That, and he can refuse to start a war that Congress is too chickenshit to declare.

He is an ineffective old gas bag. Stupid, uninformed, and unimaginative as well. It really sucks to be you.


Typical Paul-bot. Paul's failures are everyone else's fault. None of it is Paul's fault.
Newsflash: If you're in Congress you're elected to represent your district. Your job is to politic, to line up support for your positions, to make deals to make it happen. That's politics.
Paul is a gross failure. He thinks he can stand outside of it and be lilly white. He isn't. He is a failed congressman, and a failed presidential candidate.
He could reinvent himself as a radio talk show host I guess.
No, you can take your head out of your ass. Fuck you and your attitude Twit.

I already posted the challenge of what ROn Paul has done. I got a huge list of bills. Most of them never made it out of committee. None of them ever passed and became law. So, the failure of Congress to recognise quality work is his fault. Good god man. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?

His "achivement" seems to be making speeches and blaming the United States for 9/11. Really? So, not only are you a moron, but an uninformed moron at that. Nice.

Why anyone expects that if he became president (c'v) he would somehow magically be able to work with people in Congress to do anything is beyond me. So far a lot appears to be beyond you. But, let's try to help Jerry (Springers) Kid a little. He doesn't have to work with members of Congress. All he has to do is spend four years vetoing and explaining the veto. That, and he can refuse to start a war that Congress is too chickenshit to declare.

He is an ineffective old gas bag. Stupid, uninformed, and unimaginative as well. It really sucks to be you.


Typical Paul-bot. Paul's failures are everyone else's fault. None of it is Paul's fault. You obviously don't understand such things as character. Your core values are faulty. Got it.

Newsflash: If you're in Congress you're elected to represent your district. Your job is to politic, to line up support for your positions, to make deals to make it happen. That's politics. Your job is to set a good example by doing the right thing. Strike two for you.

Paul is a gross failure. He thinks he can stand outside of it and be lilly white. He isn't. He is a failed congressman, and a failed presidential candidate.
He could reinvent himself as a radio talk show host I guess. I see now why people laugh at you.

Typical Paul-bot. Paul's failures are everyone else's fault. None of it is Paul's fault. You obviously don't understand such things as character. Your core values are faulty. Got it.

Newsflash: If you're in Congress you're elected to represent your district. Your job is to politic, to line up support for your positions, to make deals to make it happen. That's politics. Your job is to set a good example by doing the right thing. Strike two for you.

Paul is a gross failure. He thinks he can stand outside of it and be lilly white. He isn't. He is a failed congressman, and a failed presidential candidate.
He could reinvent himself as a radio talk show host I guess. I see now why people laugh at you.

No refutation at all. Just name-calling.
You cannot present any evidence that Paul has done anything other than grandstand and been ineffective through his 30 years in Congress. That hardly makes him fit for office. What will happen when nothing gets done in Congress for 4 years? He'll blame Congress? We already one of those in the WHite House. We don't need another.
Typical Paul-bot. Paul's failures are everyone else's fault. None of it is Paul's fault. You obviously don't understand such things as character. Your core values are faulty. Got it.

Newsflash: If you're in Congress you're elected to represent your district. Your job is to politic, to line up support for your positions, to make deals to make it happen. That's politics. Your job is to set a good example by doing the right thing. Strike two for you.

Paul is a gross failure. He thinks he can stand outside of it and be lilly white. He isn't. He is a failed congressman, and a failed presidential candidate.
He could reinvent himself as a radio talk show host I guess. I see now why people laugh at you.

No refutation at all. Just name-calling. You are the one with the burden of proof since you made the assertions dumb ass. Name Calling? You are the one who started it. Stop crying because I am better at it than you.

You cannot present any evidence that Paul has done anything other than grandstand and been ineffective through his 30 years in Congress. That hardly makes him fit for office. He's raised the bar instead of following the herd. He's a member of a team sport where he's the only one who understands the rules and actually tries to play fair.

What will happen when nothing gets done in Congress for 4 years? He'll blame Congress? Actually, with all the vetoes and the bully pulpit he will educate the American people and the media. Of course, you won't get it....

We already one of those in the WHite House. We don't need another. We don't have a Ron Paul in the white house. So, your second sentence is as wrong as the first.


No refutation at all. Just name-calling. You are the one with the burden of proof since you made the assertions dumb ass. Name Calling? You are the one who started it. Stop crying because I am better at it than you.

You cannot present any evidence that Paul has done anything other than grandstand and been ineffective through his 30 years in Congress. That hardly makes him fit for office. He's raised the bar instead of following the herd. He's a member of a team sport where he's the only one who understands the rules and actually tries to play fair.

What will happen when nothing gets done in Congress for 4 years? He'll blame Congress? Actually, with all the vetoes and the bully pulpit he will educate the American people and the media. Of course, you won't get it....

We already one of those in the WHite House. We don't need another. We don't have a Ron Paul in the white house. So, your second sentence is as wrong as the first.


I thought Ron Paul was about personal responsibility. I guess he is, as long as it's someone else's responsibility.
What a hypocrite. His followers are a bunch of duped idiots. You might be the chief dim bulb here.
No refutation at all. Just name-calling. You are the one with the burden of proof since you made the assertions dumb ass. Name Calling? You are the one who started it. Stop crying because I am better at it than you.

You cannot present any evidence that Paul has done anything other than grandstand and been ineffective through his 30 years in Congress. That hardly makes him fit for office. He's raised the bar instead of following the herd. He's a member of a team sport where he's the only one who understands the rules and actually tries to play fair.

What will happen when nothing gets done in Congress for 4 years? He'll blame Congress? Actually, with all the vetoes and the bully pulpit he will educate the American people and the media. Of course, you won't get it....

We already one of those in the WHite House. We don't need another. We don't have a Ron Paul in the white house. So, your second sentence is as wrong as the first.


I thought Ron Paul was about personal responsibility. I guess he is, as long as it's someone else's responsibility. You thought? Holy shit. That's an occasion for celebration.

What a hypocrite. His followers are a bunch of duped idiots. You might be the chief dim bulb here. Guess I was wrong, cancel the celebration.

AWWW don't just neg rep and run. Stay here and continue getting your ass handed to you. It's a slow night.

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I thought Ron Paul was about personal responsibility. I guess he is, as long as it's someone else's responsibility. You thought? Holy shit. That's an occasion for celebration.

What a hypocrite. His followers are a bunch of duped idiots. You might be the chief dim bulb here. Guess I was wrong, cancel the celebration.

AWWW don't just neg rep and run. Stay here and continue getting your ass handed to you. It's a slow night.


It appears you are the one with his ass in hand.
You have failed to show why Paul is qualified to be president. Hell, you haven't shown why he's qualified to shine my shoes.
The truth is he is not qualified for any elected office. Having some kind of idiosyncratic view of the world qualifies you for nothing but the nut hatch.
This is something you have failed to refute. Indeed, you confirm it time and again: he has been grossly ineffective over 30 years in Congress.
I thought Ron Paul was about personal responsibility. I guess he is, as long as it's someone else's responsibility. You thought? Holy shit. That's an occasion for celebration.

What a hypocrite. His followers are a bunch of duped idiots. You might be the chief dim bulb here. Guess I was wrong, cancel the celebration.

AWWW don't just neg rep and run. Stay here and continue getting your ass handed to you. It's a slow night.


It appears you are the one with his ass in hand.
You have failed to show why Paul is qualified to be president. Hell, you haven't shown why he's qualified to shine my shoes.
The truth is he is not qualified for any elected office. Having some kind of idiosyncratic view of the world qualifies you for nothing but the nut hatch.
This is something you have failed to refute. Indeed, you confirm it time and again: he has been grossly ineffective over 30 years in Congress.

Spot on about Paul. He's actually embarrassed himself lately. He's completely out to lunch and it's time for him to fade away. He could have been a constructive force, but instead he's been a destructive force for the party. He's a loon and his followers are even worse.

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