Ron Paul's Last hurrah

Funny how this thread turns into Jews and Israel thing. Seems like we always get there with the Ron Paul loons ...Go figure

Just because religious extremists such as yourself think you can defame Ron Paul on the basis of religion. Never mind the fact that he is more of a god fearing man then any of the other candidates. Never mind that his older brother is a minister. Never mind the man has more moral integrity in his pinky then all the other candidates.

Its all about Israel and the irrational support of a country that is none of our damn business.
They created two states: one Jewish, one Arab. The Jewish state was called Israel. The Arab state was called Trans-Jordan. Jordan is the Palestinian homeland. They can all fuck off there.

A fact the Anti-Semites just don't seem to grasp.


We are PRO semites - we support the Palestinian Arabs - they are the ONLY semites in the bunch - the Israelites are WHITE Europeans --- a fact the zionuts just don't seem to grasp.

Funny how this thread turns into Jews and Israel thing. Seems like we always get there with the Ron Paul loons ...Go figure

Just because religious extremists such as yourself think you can defame Ron Paul on the basis of religion. Never mind the fact that he is more of a god fearing man then any of the other candidates. Never mind that his older brother is a minister. Never mind the man has more moral integrity in his pinky then all the other candidates.

Its all about Israel and the irrational support of a country that is none of our damn business.

"religious extremists" ....Me? not hardly. This thread has nothing to do with religon.
They created two states: one Jewish, one Arab. The Jewish state was called Israel. The Arab state was called Trans-Jordan. Jordan is the Palestinian homeland. They can all fuck off there.

A fact the Anti-Semites just don't seem to grasp.


We are PRO semites - we support the Palestinian Arabs - they are the ONLY semites in the bunch - the Israelites are WHITE Europeans --- a fact the zionuts just don't seem to grasp.


Wrong...I thought this thread was about Ron Paul?

We are PRO semites

No, you're Muslim supremests.

- we support the Palestinian Arabs

You support Islam and the genocide of Infidels.

- they are the ONLY semites in the bunch - the Israelites are WHITE Europeans --- a fact the zionuts just don't seem to grasp.


You hate them because they are white? Or because they are not Muslim?

Be honest.
Now the personal attacks start....

We can discuss U.S. foreign policy as it relates to Israel without being anti-semites. For me this isn't about religion or race at all. It is about what we should be doing in that region of the world. I merely pointed out that a lot of the Paul haters appear to be jewish or Israeli sympathizers. I think this is because of a misunderstanding of Dr. Pauls ideas regarding foreign aid and the sovereignty of other nations.

History has shown that the Arabs are not happy about the formation of Israel. That is clear from day one. Now one can extrapolate that out and say that the main reason Israel exists today is because of backers like the U.S. and it would only be logical that they would hold that against us. The israelis treatment of the Palestinians has been a sore spot in that region for decades. It has been cited many times as the reason for terror attacks and mentioned by Osama Bin Laden in his videos.

Show me evidence that the Arabs/Muslims hated America prior to 1948.
Ya' know , the testimony before the 09/11 Commission - which it REFUSED to publish - blamed the Jews and Israel Thang - the witnesses were FBI agents not Dr Paul followers:

Why support Ron Paul? Seriously, David Duke is there for you, bud.

If Dr Paul is a racist why the fucketh is he supporting the Palestinian cause. The Israelites are the ones who are European whites !!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."


They created two states: one Jewish, one Arab. The Jewish state was called Israel. The Arab state was called Trans-Jordan. Jordan is the Palestinian homeland. They can all fuck off there.

The Allies did not grant the Brits the authority to create two states:

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.


So did the Brits create a state for the Jews or not? You seem to be contradicting yourself here.
That might be because the syphilis has rotted your brain. Most anti-semites actually suffer from syphilis left untreated. Arafat did. That might be where you got it.
Now the personal attacks start....

We can discuss U.S. foreign policy as it relates to Israel without being anti-semites. For me this isn't about religion or race at all. It is about what we should be doing in that region of the world. I merely pointed out that a lot of the Paul haters appear to be jewish or Israeli sympathizers. I think this is because of a misunderstanding of Dr. Pauls ideas regarding foreign aid and the sovereignty of other nations.

History has shown that the Arabs are not happy about the formation of Israel. That is clear from day one. Now one can extrapolate that out and say that the main reason Israel exists today is because of backers like the U.S. and it would only be logical that they would hold that against us. The israelis treatment of the Palestinians has been a sore spot in that region for decades. It has been cited many times as the reason for terror attacks and mentioned by Osama Bin Laden in his videos.

Show me evidence that the Arabs/Muslims hated America prior to 1948.

NO, actually you said that MY "hatred" of Paul was due to his stand on Israel. Youv'e never recanted that.
In fact, opposition to Paul is based on his lunatic ideas about returning to the 18th century. The anti-semitism thing is just among his whack-o supporters who use Paul to legiimize their hatred and bigotry.
They created two states: one Jewish, one Arab. The Jewish state was called Israel. The Arab state was called Trans-Jordan. Jordan is the Palestinian homeland. They can all fuck off there.

The Allies did not grant the Brits the authority to create two states:

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.


So did the Brits create a state for the Jews or not? You seem to be contradicting yourself here.
That might be because the syphilis has rotted your brain. Most anti-semites actually suffer from syphilis left untreated. Arafat did. That might be where you got it.

Mr Shithead, sir:

The Talmudist State was created by one Harry Truman after the chief zionut - David Ben Gurion - donated a million dollars to his political campaign.

Now the personal attacks start....

We can discuss U.S. foreign policy as it relates to Israel without being anti-semites.

Sure we can.

Funny though, I'll never hear one of you rail on foreign policy as it relates to Mexico, France, or Korea in the same way - only Israel.

For me this isn't about religion or race at all. It is about what we should be doing in that region of the world. I merely pointed out that a lot of the Paul haters appear to be jewish or Israeli sympathizers.

I agreed with you.

Of course, if you started demanding that the USA act punitively against Spain because of sympathies you have toward the Basque, I would also cry foul.

Israel is an ally, and a good one. Attacking them because of some fucknut conspiracy shit regarding the Rothchilds and Illuminati and all the rest of the stupid shit that JOOOO haters toss out is irritating.

I think this is because of a misunderstanding of Dr. Pauls ideas regarding foreign aid and the sovereignty of other nations.

It's not Paul.

I mostly respect and agree with him. It's some of his followers, who are certified nutjobs.

History has shown that the Arabs are not happy about the formation of Israel.

Who gives a fuck?

That is clear from day one. Now one can extrapolate that out and say that the main reason Israel exists today is because of backers like the U.S. and it would only be logical that they would hold that against us. The israelis treatment of the Palestinians has been a sore spot in that region for decades. It has been cited many times as the reason for terror attacks and mentioned by Osama Bin Laden in his videos.

Bin Laden directly stated that 9-11 was for the United States defiling Mecca during the Gulf War.

Show me evidence that the Arabs/Muslims hated America prior to 1948.

What are you babbling about?

Try 1786. What the fuck do you think the "Shores of Tripoli" was all about?
Now the personal attacks start....

We can discuss U.S. foreign policy as it relates to Israel without being anti-semites. For me this isn't about religion or race at all. It is about what we should be doing in that region of the world. I merely pointed out that a lot of the Paul haters appear to be jewish or Israeli sympathizers. I think this is because of a misunderstanding of Dr. Pauls ideas regarding foreign aid and the sovereignty of other nations.

History has shown that the Arabs are not happy about the formation of Israel. That is clear from day one. Now one can extrapolate that out and say that the main reason Israel exists today is because of backers like the U.S. and it would only be logical that they would hold that against us. The israelis treatment of the Palestinians has been a sore spot in that region for decades. It has been cited many times as the reason for terror attacks and mentioned by Osama Bin Laden in his videos.

Show me evidence that the Arabs/Muslims hated America prior to 1948.

NO, actually you said that MY "hatred" of Paul was due to his stand on Israel. Youv'e never recanted that.
In fact, opposition to Paul is based on his lunatic ideas about returning to the 18th century. The anti-semitism thing is just among his whack-o supporters who use Paul to legiimize their hatred and bigotry.

If you never called Ron Paul an anti-semite then I apologize for including you in that group. I might have confused you with some of the other posters. It's not my intention to put words into peoples mouths or to have things devolve into name calling. I just wanted to have an honest discussion about the foreign policy in that region. I don't expect to convince anyone but I learn from these discussions myself and I find it rewarding. People bring up things I never thought about or wasn't aware of and I go research it and broaden my mind.
Romney, Bachman -the hose bag who quit, Perry, Newty, etc...

All of the Republicans President Wannabees, except for Ron Paul, kiss Israel's ass. Not one of those drips should be allowed to vote, let alone run for office.

Romney makes me want to PUKE!! Nobody really likes him, except the ZOG. And, with the multitude of brain dead Americans, he could possibly win the nomination.
I don't like or appreciate anyone pissing on my leg and being told it's raining.

So you don't like the sitting President, or any GOP candidate but Ron Paul. He's the one telling you that it's a deluge and the others are saying it's sunny skies.

Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

So since you said:
I would be outraged if I were a member of Paul's district, getting ineffective grandstanding representation in Congress.

And I said:
If you actually have proof of your assertion now would be a great time to produce it.

I can take your lack of intelligent response as a concession?
Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

But I see he can do no wrong.
Paul: I dont see myself in the WH.
SUpporters: See how modest he is!

Paul: When I'm president I will let the Germans over-run Britain.
Supporters: See how confident he is!

Paul: I never had a single bill I sponsored pass.
Supporters: See how principled he is!

Paul: I support the KKK's right to ride at night.
Supporters: See how pro-freedom he is!

And yet ironically, he's outscoring your boy, Rick Perry.... Imagine that.

Finally took my name off Perry's subscriber list and defriended him on FaceBook.

Perry doesnt need fair-weather friends.
No one does.

Hey, he had his chance... and he went up on stage and looked like a total retard.

Not my fault.
Ron Pauls last hurruh will be when he takes a sledge hammer to the federal reserve.

President Paul, tear down this corrupt institution!
Ron Paul's Last hurrah

I don't think he has a last hurrah. He has shown growth in support. I think any viable candidate will win if he can rally behind the strengths of Ron Raul. Probably number one is getting the hell out of all the places we do not belong in this world.

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