Ron Paul's Last hurrah

I thought Ron Paul was about personal responsibility. I guess he is, as long as it's someone else's responsibility. You thought? Holy shit. That's an occasion for celebration.

What a hypocrite. His followers are a bunch of duped idiots. You might be the chief dim bulb here. Guess I was wrong, cancel the celebration.

AWWW don't just neg rep and run. Stay here and continue getting your ass handed to you. It's a slow night.


It appears you are the one with his ass in hand. Nope, but thanks for playing. As a consolation prize you will be allowed to continue embarrassing yourself in public.

You have failed to show why Paul is qualified to be president. Hell, you haven't shown why he's qualified to shine my shoes. I don't have to prove anything. You made the stupid assertion, failed to prove said assertion, started crying like a bitch, got slapped, and now seem to think that your obvious stupid assertion isn't there. Here is a clue watson, you cannot prove a negative. But, since you are stupid, and assert negatives, have fun trying to prove them. Oh wait, you haven't figured that out yet.

The truth is he is not qualified for any elected office. Having some kind of idiosyncratic view of the world qualifies you for nothing but the nut hatch. Here is another clue mary. Look up the qualifications to hold office. In a very factual way you are proving to be an idiot.

This is something you have failed to refute. Indeed, you confirm it time and again: he has been grossly ineffective over 30 years in Congress. You've been grossly stupid over the last 30 minutes. I can prove that assertion by simply scrolling up. You cannot prove your assertion because you are still being grossly stupid.

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
George Bernard Shaw

Read more: Pig Quotes - BrainyQuote
AWWW don't just neg rep and run. Stay here and continue getting your ass handed to you. It's a slow night.


It appears you are the one with his ass in hand. Nope, but thanks for playing. As a consolation prize you will be allowed to continue embarrassing yourself in public.

You have failed to show why Paul is qualified to be president. Hell, you haven't shown why he's qualified to shine my shoes. I don't have to prove anything. You made the stupid assertion, failed to prove said assertion, started crying like a bitch, got slapped, and now seem to think that your obvious stupid assertion isn't there. Here is a clue watson, you cannot prove a negative. But, since you are stupid, and assert negatives, have fun trying to prove them. Oh wait, you haven't figured that out yet.

The truth is he is not qualified for any elected office. Having some kind of idiosyncratic view of the world qualifies you for nothing but the nut hatch. Here is another clue mary. Look up the qualifications to hold office. In a very factual way you are proving to be an idiot.

This is something you have failed to refute. Indeed, you confirm it time and again: he has been grossly ineffective over 30 years in Congress. You've been grossly stupid over the last 30 minutes. I can prove that assertion by simply scrolling up. You cannot prove your assertion because you are still being grossly stupid.

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
George Bernard Shaw

Read more: Pig Quotes - BrainyQuote

Thanks for playing. You've been played.
On to iggy you go.
It appears you are the one with his ass in hand. Nope, but thanks for playing. As a consolation prize you will be allowed to continue embarrassing yourself in public.

You have failed to show why Paul is qualified to be president. Hell, you haven't shown why he's qualified to shine my shoes. I don't have to prove anything. You made the stupid assertion, failed to prove said assertion, started crying like a bitch, got slapped, and now seem to think that your obvious stupid assertion isn't there. Here is a clue watson, you cannot prove a negative. But, since you are stupid, and assert negatives, have fun trying to prove them. Oh wait, you haven't figured that out yet.

The truth is he is not qualified for any elected office. Having some kind of idiosyncratic view of the world qualifies you for nothing but the nut hatch. Here is another clue mary. Look up the qualifications to hold office. In a very factual way you are proving to be an idiot.

This is something you have failed to refute. Indeed, you confirm it time and again: he has been grossly ineffective over 30 years in Congress. You've been grossly stupid over the last 30 minutes. I can prove that assertion by simply scrolling up. You cannot prove your assertion because you are still being grossly stupid.

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
George Bernard Shaw

Read more: Pig Quotes - BrainyQuote

Thanks for playing. You've been played.
On to iggy you go.

Your retreat is duly noted. Next time you want to disagree with someone feel free to maintain an adult sense of civility lest they also decide not to put up with your shit.
This message is hidden because pegwinn is on your ignore list.

Ah, most intelligent thing I've seen from you yet.
This message is hidden because pegwinn is on your ignore list. And yet you still talk to me? You must be my secret admirer.

Ah, most intelligent thing I've seen from you yet. At least your public retreat is noted here and in the system.
This message is hidden because pegwinn is on your ignore list. And yet you still talk to me? You must be my secret admirer.

Ah, most intelligent thing I've seen from you yet. At least your public retreat is noted here and in the system.

Wow, what a fucking little baby this guy is, huh? :lol:

Neg reps of "fuck off" and ignore lists and shit.

I'd be embarrassed to act like this kid.
This message is hidden because pegwinn is on your ignore list. And yet you still talk to me? You must be my secret admirer.

Ah, most intelligent thing I've seen from you yet. At least your public retreat is noted here and in the system.

Wow, what a fucking little baby this guy is, huh? :lol:

Neg reps of "fuck off" and ignore lists and shit.

I'd be embarrassed to act like this kid.

Rabbi is an embarrassment, that's for sure.
This message is hidden because pegwinn is on your ignore list. And yet you still talk to me? You must be my secret admirer.

Ah, most intelligent thing I've seen from you yet. At least your public retreat is noted here and in the system.

Wow, what a fucking little baby this guy is, huh? :lol:

Neg reps of "fuck off" and ignore lists and shit.

I'd be embarrassed to act like this kid.

It's all you deserve. I've had more intelligent conversations with a mollusk.
[ame=]WEEN - "The Mollusk" - YouTube[/ame]
No sir.

Either you blindly and fanatically support the zionists or you are an anti-semite .


Everything is DA JOOOOZZZZ to you.

The United States has a military presence in 205 countries outside of our own borders. Israel has a military presence in zero countries outside of her borders.

Your seething Antisemitism is irrational and fails to address the actual issue. Like the leftists with a refrain of "Rape the Rich," you have one answer to every question, "Attack the Jews."

Take off the tinfoil hat son, it ain't the Joozzz - it's us.
The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.

I see. So failure to flow with the status quo is unqualified?

But let's look at some of this legislation, shall we?

Kosovo, 1999–2000: Prohibits the Department of Defense from using troops in Kosovo unless specifically authorized by law.

Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2009. H.R. 1146, 2009-02-24, originally H.R. 1146, 1997-03-20. Ends U.S. participation and membership in the United Nations and its activities.
World Trade Organization, 1999-2000: Withdraws U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization.

Get us out of the UN and out of the WTO - agree of disagree? Why?

Terror Immigration Elimination Act of 2007. H.R. 3217, 2007-07-27, originally H.R. 488, 2003-01-29. Limits the issuance of student and diversity immigrant visas in relation to Saudi Arabia, countries that support terrorism, and countries not cooperating fully with United States antiterrorism efforts.

Birthright citizenship: H.J.Res. 46, 2007-06-13, originally H.J.Res. 46, 2005-04-28. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to deny United States citizenship to individuals born in the United States to parents who are neither United States citizens nor persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States. Clarifies the Fourteenth Amendment in accord with Paul's opposition to birthright citizenship.

Trans-Texas Corridor: H.R. 5191, 2008-01-29. To prohibit the use of Federal funds to carry out the highway project known as the "Trans-Texas Corridor".

Damn, how could any non-democrat oppose these?

A hell of a lot. Too bad there weren't a few more congress critters with principle. Seriously - he had the guts to propose an end to Anchor Babies, one of the predominant problems of our time.

I'm tired of these left leaning fools like Bush, who move us to socialism, just a little bit slower than Obama. Time for a conservative who supports the constitution.

Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Utter nonsense - you sound just like the dims. All sound and fury, no substance.

You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed. What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation. Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?

Didn't even at least try to say why you do or don't agree with the legislation Paul introduced?

Why are you so against putting ANY responsibility on your party and the politicians in it for not supporting this legislation Paul introduces?

What's more important, Paul's ability as a salesman or your party's ability to read a bill and support it on their own based on their principles?
No sir.

Either you blindly and fanatically support the zionists or you are an anti-semite .


Everything is DA JOOOOZZZZ to you.

The United States has a military presence in 205 countries outside of our own borders. Israel has a military presence in zero countries outside of her borders.

This is exactly the point. The U.S. is everywhere paying for everything. We should adopt Israels foreign policy and only attack other countries when there is a clear and present danger to our national security. Ron Paul supported Israel when they did so and he would do the same as POTUS.
This is exactly the point. The U.S. is everywhere paying for everything. We should adopt Israels foreign policy and only attack other countries when there is a clear and present danger to our national security. Ron Paul supported Israel when they did so and he would do the same as POTUS.

I agree.

I find Dr. Paul to be very sensible and supportive of the constitution. I generally go ahead and support the LPUSA, which I will do in this election - which is to say I won't support Paul and will take the actual Libertarian. Still, I agree with 80+% of what Paul supports. (Which is about 50% more than I agree with any of the other GOP candidates on.) I lean toward RJ Harris.

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