Ron Paul's Last hurrah

Ron's problem is that he won't kill enough babies to satisfy your blood lust. That was a general assertion and not pointed at anyone in particular.
What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
So he is unqualified because he has been the only person in Congress standing up for the Constitution they all took an oath to defend?

He is unqualified because he was the only one who said no to the big spending and big government of the welfare warfare state while the rest of Congress was making money off of it at the expense of the rest of us trying to scrape by?

He is unqualified because he has been elected in his district by a landslide over and over again, whereas Rick Santorum lost his recent Senate bid by a 10 point margin?

The only evidence you have that Ron Paul is unqualified are soundbites from the media. Then again, if standing alone for what is right, upholding the constitution even when it is unpopular, voting to protect the interests of the American people rather than elites and special interest groups, and remaining consistent honest through decades of political experience is what makes a candidate "unqualified" to be president, then you are absolutely right--Ron Paul is the most "unqualified" candidate there is.

Umm...there's a big difference between getting elected in a small district as opposed to state wide. Paul could not win a statewide election let alone a federal one
There is a big difference between winning an election and losing one. If Santorum lost an election in his own state, what makes you think he can win anywhere else?

Is your assumption that because Ron Paul wins district elections, he therefore cannot win any other type of election? That is bogus. To win an election, you need money and organization. Ron Paul raises more money than any candidate except for Romney, and his organization and support is unteachable.

You also need to appeal to independents, again, something Ron Paul is doing. You also have to pull in democrats, and there is an entire group supporting Paul called "Blue Republicans" comprised of democrats who will leave Obama for Paul. Young people overwhelmingly support Paul, representing the future direction of the party.

What about his views? The vast majority of Americans agree with Paul on his foreign policy views, making him the only candidate that advocates for them including Obama. His economic views are gaining more and more favor, as people understand that endless spending and big government will not work. His social positions are very reasonable and rooted in the Constitution.

If you add up all those factors, he seems to be one of the most electable candidates there is.
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I didnt know you and Saddam were friends.
Iraq had the largest army in the region. Kuwait had one of the smallest. I dont think laziness had much to do with it.
You seem to have a disconnect as to what point the Zionist conspiracy came into play. Was it suborning Amb. Glaspie or was it coercing the UN and the Congress to vote for war?
Kuwait is an oil exporting state. Stability in the region is a vital US interest. Saddam would have gone for Saudi Arabia next.
Actually you could spin it that the Saudis coerced Bush into attacking Saddam. That would make as much sense.
But a bigot like you is just jealous of the Jewish people so that's where your hatred goes.

It isn't about Jews, it's about Zionism.

It's about this fantasy that the Magic Sky Man loves us the best, so the whole world has to kiss our butts. No thank you.

Can't feel bad for the Kuwaitis... They bankrolled Saddam when he was invading Iran. Then they were ripping him off by stealing oil from the Rumelia fields. It's a conflict between two tinpot dictators and April Glaspie said as much.

Until the Zionists saw an oppurtunity to get rid of someone they were scared of. And suddenly, Kuwait, which we had NO TREATIES with, was suddenly a top priority.
He had a list of vanity bills a mile long. Not one of them passed.
The biggest failure since TPaw.

And the only republican of course who deserves blame for his spending cuts and gov't cuts not passing is Ron Paul. Certainly none of the republicans you support. And when they vote for spending increases and gov't growing and Paul doesn't, that's Paul's fault too, not theirs.

I'm on board now.
Ron Paul utterly failed to persuade his fellow congressmen of his position.
He couldn't sell condoms in a whorehouse.

Actually Ron Paul is well known for working with anyone that will work with him. Problem is most of congress is shit. Hence 8% approval rating.

Its called refusing to compromise principals. Its called leadership.
The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.

I see. So failure to flow with the status quo is unqualified?

But let's look at some of this legislation, shall we?

Kosovo, 1999–2000: Prohibits the Department of Defense from using troops in Kosovo unless specifically authorized by law.

Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2009. H.R. 1146, 2009-02-24, originally H.R. 1146, 1997-03-20. Ends U.S. participation and membership in the United Nations and its activities.
World Trade Organization, 1999-2000: Withdraws U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization.

Get us out of the UN and out of the WTO - agree of disagree? Why?

Terror Immigration Elimination Act of 2007. H.R. 3217, 2007-07-27, originally H.R. 488, 2003-01-29. Limits the issuance of student and diversity immigrant visas in relation to Saudi Arabia, countries that support terrorism, and countries not cooperating fully with United States antiterrorism efforts.

Birthright citizenship: H.J.Res. 46, 2007-06-13, originally H.J.Res. 46, 2005-04-28. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to deny United States citizenship to individuals born in the United States to parents who are neither United States citizens nor persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States. Clarifies the Fourteenth Amendment in accord with Paul's opposition to birthright citizenship.

Trans-Texas Corridor: H.R. 5191, 2008-01-29. To prohibit the use of Federal funds to carry out the highway project known as the "Trans-Texas Corridor".

Damn, how could any non-democrat oppose these?

What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.

A hell of a lot. Too bad there weren't a few more congress critters with principle. Seriously - he had the guts to propose an end to Anchor Babies, one of the predominant problems of our time.

But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.

I'm tired of these left leaning fools like Bush, who move us to socialism, just a little bit slower than Obama. Time for a conservative who supports the constitution.

Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Utter nonsense - you sound just like the dims. All sound and fury, no substance.

You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed. What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation. Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?
And the only republican of course who deserves blame for his spending cuts and gov't cuts not passing is Ron Paul. Certainly none of the republicans you support. And when they vote for spending increases and gov't growing and Paul doesn't, that's Paul's fault too, not theirs.

I'm on board now.
Ron Paul utterly failed to persuade his fellow congressmen of his position.
He couldn't sell condoms in a whorehouse.

Actually Ron Paul is well known for working with anyone that will work with him. Problem is most of congress is shit. Hence 8% approval rating.

Its called refusing to compromise principals. Its called leadership.

He'll work with anyone who agrees with him, is what you mean. This is why not a single bill of his in 30 year has passed. He put it my way or the highway and everyone else chose the Texas Corridor.
You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed. What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation. Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?

Actually you should be outraged by the Congress as a whole. You should be outraged that they are so corrupted by ethics issues, partisanship, and special interests. You should be outraged that they refuse to pass bills that are obviously in the public interest.
You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed. What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation. Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?

Actually you should be outraged by the Congress as a whole. You should be outraged that they are so corrupted by ethics issues, partisanship, and special interests. You should be outraged that they refuse to pass bills that are obviously in the public interest.

I should be lots of things but I'm not.

I would be outraged if I were a member of Paul's district, getting ineffective grandstanding representation in Congress.
Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.

It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.
Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.

It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.

It's like dealing with drug addicts, which is maybe why Paul wants many more drug addicts, to bolster his chances. They dont have a problem. Everyone else has a problem.
Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.

It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.
They won't fare better than they did in 2004, and 2008.

This is Pau'ls last huzzah.
If Ron Paul runs as an independent for his cult, then the Republicans should pull every job he has in DC so he is pretty much just there to vote with no chance to influence bills.

Kick his ass out of the party.....
If Ron Paul runs as an independent for his cult, then the Republicans should pull every job he has in DC so he is pretty much just there to vote with no chance to influence bills.

Kick his ass out of the party.....
He will change Parties again...

And WHY did he say the following:

Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House'
You've made my case. A whole list of bills and NOT ONE OF THEM passed. What good is that? That is right wing feel good legislation. Right wing feel good legislation is no more valuable than left wing feel good legislation. Ron Paul is just Carolyn McCarthy turned sideways. No one would vote for McCarthy for president or consider her remotely qualified. Why should Paul be?

Actually you should be outraged by the Congress as a whole. You should be outraged that they are so corrupted by ethics issues, partisanship, and special interests. You should be outraged that they refuse to pass bills that are obviously in the public interest.

I should be lots of things but I'm not.

I would be outraged if I were a member of Paul's district, getting ineffective grandstanding representation in Congress.

If you actually have proof of your assertion now would be a great time to produce it.

Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.

It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.

Wow the GOP is sure recruiting some winners. Are you graduating high school anytime soon?

If Ron Paul runs as an independent for his cult, then the Republicans should pull every job he has in DC so he is pretty much just there to vote with no chance to influence bills.

Kick his ass out of the party.....

That line would go over great in the old Soviet Union. Take it to China, Cuba, or North Korea; they might let you copyright it.

If Ron Paul runs as an independent for his cult, then the Republicans should pull every job he has in DC so he is pretty much just there to vote with no chance to influence bills.

Kick his ass out of the party.....
He will change Parties again...

And WHY did he say the following:

Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House'

It's called being a realist.

From your link:
Asked in an ABC News interview in Des Moines whether he sees himself in the Oval Office, Mr Paul replied: 'Not really, but I think it's a possibility.'

He added: 'I don't deceive myself. You know what the odds are. The odds have been slim.'

Read more: Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House' | Mail Online

Note the difference between him and the other politicians. He faces and discusses the realities of the campaign. The odds are against him. Not so his opponents. They cultivate a false "upbeat" meme. That's how they can crow about how they are going to win, and their concession speeches have the exact same trained "speechifying" tone. They are some of the most plastic people.
He will change Parties again...

And WHY did he say the following:

Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House'

It's called being a realist.

From your link:
Asked in an ABC News interview in Des Moines whether he sees himself in the Oval Office, Mr Paul replied: 'Not really, but I think it's a possibility.'

He added: 'I don't deceive myself. You know what the odds are. The odds have been slim.'

Read more: Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House' | Mail Online

Note the difference between him and the other politicians. He faces and discusses the realities of the campaign. The odds are against him. Not so his opponents. They cultivate a false "upbeat" meme. That's how they can crow about how they are going to win, and their concession speeches have the exact same trained "speechifying" tone. They are some of the most plastic people.

I get the feeling that many Americans actually want to be lied to. That is why everyone seems to vote for the best liar. Deep down inside they know its all bullshit, but a good liar can make bullshit sound realistic.
He will change Parties again...

And WHY did he say the following:

Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House'

It's called being a realist.

From your link:
Asked in an ABC News interview in Des Moines whether he sees himself in the Oval Office, Mr Paul replied: 'Not really, but I think it's a possibility.'

He added: 'I don't deceive myself. You know what the odds are. The odds have been slim.'

Read more: Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House' | Mail Online

Note the difference between him and the other politicians. He faces and discusses the realities of the campaign. The odds are against him. Not so his opponents. They cultivate a false "upbeat" meme. That's how they can crow about how they are going to win, and their concession speeches have the exact same trained "speechifying" tone. They are some of the most plastic people.

I get the feeling that many Americans actually want to be lied to. That is why everyone seems to vote for the best liar. Deep down inside they know its all bullshit, but a good liar can make bullshit sound realistic.
I don't like or appreciate anyone pissing on my leg and being told it's raining.
If Ron Paul runs as an independent for his cult, then the Republicans should pull every job he has in DC so he is pretty much just there to vote with no chance to influence bills.

Kick his ass out of the party.....
He will change Parties again...

And WHY did he say the following:

Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House'

Its called modesty dumbass. Its a virtue, which in this country used to be a good thing. Before we allowed the liberals and political correctness to take over.
Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.
It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.
Yeah and your guy has been campaigning for awhile and still can't get above 20-25%. You barely won against a guy named Santorum and a 76 year old man.
What the @#$ does that say about Romney? He's a member of a "cult" himself.
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Ron Paul blew his wad in Iowa and was supposed to win but came in 3rd place, that should tell him and his cult they are all losers.
It's like a bunch of geeks and rejects claiming their guy is going to win the school homecoming contest and coming in 3rd, but then they still claim they won and will crash the dumbfucks.
Yeah and your guy has been campaigning for awhile and still can't get above 20-25%. You barely won against a guy named Santorum and a 76 year old man.
What the @#$ does that say about Romney? He's a member of a "cult" himself.

Don't be too hard on him, he is just voting how the TV told him too after all.
Actually you should be outraged by the Congress as a whole. You should be outraged that they are so corrupted by ethics issues, partisanship, and special interests. You should be outraged that they refuse to pass bills that are obviously in the public interest.

I should be lots of things but I'm not.

I would be outraged if I were a member of Paul's district, getting ineffective grandstanding representation in Congress.

If you actually have proof of your assertion now would be a great time to produce it.

Wow the GOP is sure recruiting some winners. Are you graduating high school anytime soon?

That line would go over great in the old Soviet Union. Take it to China, Cuba, or North Korea; they might let you copyright it.

He will change Parties again...

And WHY did he say the following:

Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House'

It's called being a realist.

From your link:
Asked in an ABC News interview in Des Moines whether he sees himself in the Oval Office, Mr Paul replied: 'Not really, but I think it's a possibility.'

He added: 'I don't deceive myself. You know what the odds are. The odds have been slim.'

Read more: Presidential frontrunner Ron Paul admits: 'I don't see myself in the White House' | Mail Online

Note the difference between him and the other politicians. He faces and discusses the realities of the campaign. The odds are against him. Not so his opponents. They cultivate a false "upbeat" meme. That's how they can crow about how they are going to win, and their concession speeches have the exact same trained "speechifying" tone. They are some of the most plastic people.

Ron Paul's lack of competence has been amply demonstrated in other threads, if not here already.

But I see he can do no wrong.
Paul: I dont see myself in the WH.
SUpporters: See how modest he is!

Paul: When I'm president I will let the Germans over-run Britain.
Supporters: See how confident he is!

Paul: I never had a single bill I sponsored pass.
Supporters: See how principled he is!

Paul: I support the KKK's right to ride at night.
Supporters: See how pro-freedom he is!

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