Ronald Reagan and some words of wisdom...


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
IN HIS OWN WORDS: Ronald Reagan and Personal Responsibility
May 08, 2017

“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

- Ronald Reagan

Personal responsibility is what created the United States. Literally.

When our forefathers’ declared independence from England, they sent a signal to the world that freedom and liberty are only possible when each person is allowed to determine how to live their life.

They called these God-given rights. And with these rights come responsibilities.

We teach our children they will be held accountable for their actions. We tell them they will reap what they sow. Yet they often see lawbreakers set free, or never arrested in the first place. Many who are sent to prison commit more crimes upon their release.

This cycle repeats itself time and time again until the laws cease to be a deterrent. They become a mere nuisance to the criminals.

As President Reagan stated, it’s time to put a stop to this. Laws are laws for a reason. We need them in order to have a functioning society.

Some may disagree with a law. Fine. Seek to change it. Until then, live within the law.

When laws are not enforced, lawbreakers are in essence being told that their actions are permitted.

Laws are not the problem. Lawbreakers are the problem.

Personal responsibility is not a burden. It is a requirement for a country that was founded on the God-given rights of freedom and liberty.

To be truly free, one must be personally responsible.

How could anyone disagree with these words?
Poor choice using Reagan as a roll model.

He was the most criminal individual to ever hold high office in the US. 130+ of his administration were charged/indicted/convicted of crimes in office. Under Nixon? Only 8. Reagan was like Nixon on steroids from Superman's supplier. He took no personal responsibilty, during the Iran/Contra hearings his whole schtick was "I can't remember".

I know conservatives have this weird fake view of Reagan that never existed but it is fraud. He was a criminal.
Indeed. I agree 100%. With some additional and vital addendums (or addenda if you are old school).

If a man or woman is egregiously treated by law enforcement, that LEO must also be responsible for his/her actions and be held to account. Be it job loss, lawsuit or prison time as warranted. Whether it's someone lying on the stand or a Crown lawyer going after and wrongfully sending someone to prison. There is no amount of money that can return a mans life when 20-30 years were spent in prison or in other interference in his life. There needs to be heavy consequences for those who bear false witness.

Also, once someone pays their debt to society, that is it, his/her debt is paid. People who have made mistakes 25 years ago shouldn't be a perpetual slush fund for the security apparatus. It's not only morally, socially and ethically repugnant, it is expensive and costly to the economy and fortunes of a nation. A massive drag that ruins generations and bears no benefit to society.

None other than the Great state of Texas advised my former PM Harper that his wrong headed, self righteous, "tough on crime" with shiny new prisons to house his agenda was a massive and costly waste that would only anger regular citizens due to the immense costs.

I will bet you if Reagan were to expand on his opinions about individual rights, liberty, small government and accountability, he would have sided with the above statements. Far too many "create crimes" and are too lazy to hold to account power, and everyone pays a steep price for such a system.

God Bless Ronald Reagan!
Poor choice using Reagan as a roll model.

He was the most criminal individual to ever hold high office in the US. 130+ of his administration were charged/indicted/convicted of crimes in office. Under Nixon? Only 8. Reagan was like Nixon on steroids from Superman's supplier. He took no personal responsibilty, during the Iran/Contra hearings his whole schtick was "I can't remember".

I know conservatives have this weird fake view of Reagan that never existed but it is fraud. He was a criminal.

You are entitled to your own opinion little guy. However, laughable.
IN HIS OWN WORDS: Ronald Reagan and Personal Responsibility
May 08, 2017

“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

- Ronald Reagan

Personal responsibility is what created the United States. Literally.

When our forefathers’ declared independence from England, they sent a signal to the world that freedom and liberty are only possible when each person is allowed to determine how to live their life.

They called these God-given rights. And with these rights come responsibilities.

We teach our children they will be held accountable for their actions. We tell them they will reap what they sow. Yet they often see lawbreakers set free, or never arrested in the first place. Many who are sent to prison commit more crimes upon their release.

This cycle repeats itself time and time again until the laws cease to be a deterrent. They become a mere nuisance to the criminals.

As President Reagan stated, it’s time to put a stop to this. Laws are laws for a reason. We need them in order to have a functioning society.

Some may disagree with a law. Fine. Seek to change it. Until then, live within the law.

When laws are not enforced, lawbreakers are in essence being told that their actions are permitted.

Laws are not the problem. Lawbreakers are the problem.

Personal responsibility is not a burden. It is a requirement for a country that was founded on the God-given rights of freedom and liberty.

To be truly free, one must be personally responsible.

How could anyone disagree with these words?
The Reagan worshippers are so funny!

They are like the Trump worshippers only they come from the movie scene not from the tv scene.
Indeed. I agree 100%. With some additional and vital addendums (or addenda if you are old school).

If a man or woman is egregiously treated by law enforcement, that LEO must also be responsible for his/her actions and be held to account. Be it job loss, lawsuit or prison time as warranted. Whether it's someone lying on the stand or a Crown lawyer going after and wrongfully sending someone to prison. There is no amount of money that can return a mans life when 20-30 years were spent in prison or in other interference in his life. There needs to be heavy consequences for those who bear false witness.

Also, once someone pays their debt to society, that is it, his/her debt is paid. People who have made mistakes 25 years ago shouldn't be a perpetual slush fund for the security apparatus. It's not only morally, socially and ethically repugnant, it is expensive and costly to the economy and fortunes of a nation. A massive drag that ruins generations and bears no benefit to society.

None other than the Great state of Texas advised my former PM Harper that his wrong headed, self righteous, "tough on crime" with shiny new prisons to house his agenda was a massive and costly waste that would only anger regular citizens due to the immense costs.

I will bet you if Reagan were to expand on his opinions about individual rights, liberty, small government and accountability, he would have sided with the above statements. Far too many "create crimes" and are too lazy to hold to account power, and everyone pays a steep price for such a system.

God Bless Ronald Reagan!
You've got Trudeau Sr. and Trudeau Jr. and you don't need Reagan or Trump.
Indeed. I agree 100%. With some additional and vital addendums (or addenda if you are old school).

If a man or woman is egregiously treated by law enforcement, that LEO must also be responsible for his/her actions and be held to account. Be it job loss, lawsuit or prison time as warranted. Whether it's someone lying on the stand or a Crown lawyer going after and wrongfully sending someone to prison. There is no amount of money that can return a mans life when 20-30 years were spent in prison or in other interference in his life. There needs to be heavy consequences for those who bear false witness.

Also, once someone pays their debt to society, that is it, his/her debt is paid. People who have made mistakes 25 years ago shouldn't be a perpetual slush fund for the security apparatus. It's not only morally, socially and ethically repugnant, it is expensive and costly to the economy and fortunes of a nation. A massive drag that ruins generations and bears no benefit to society.

None other than the Great state of Texas advised my former PM Harper that his wrong headed, self righteous, "tough on crime" with shiny new prisons to house his agenda was a massive and costly waste that would only anger regular citizens due to the immense costs.

I will bet you if Reagan were to expand on his opinions about individual rights, liberty, small government and accountability, he would have sided with the above statements. Far too many "create crimes" and are too lazy to hold to account power, and everyone pays a steep price for such a system.

God Bless Ronald Reagan!
You've got Trudeau Sr. and Trudeau Jr. and you don't need Reagan or Trump.

Err...good sir, NOONE is Reagan. He is one of a kind, up there with Churchill. Well, not THAT tried and tested, but he is certainly the best president in my lifetime.
Poor choice using Reagan as a roll model.

He was the most criminal individual to ever hold high office in the US. 130+ of his administration were charged/indicted/convicted of crimes in office. Under Nixon? Only 8. Reagan was like Nixon on steroids from Superman's supplier. He took no personal responsibilty, during the Iran/Contra hearings his whole schtick was "I can't remember".

I know conservatives have this weird fake view of Reagan that never existed but it is fraud. He was a criminal.

You are entitled to your own opinion little guy. However, laughable.

Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.
Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.

Your grandpa was a liar and a criminal, sorry snowflake you can't rewrite history. You can pretend, which is the mass delusion cons participate in regarding Ronny The Crook. But his criminal activity is VERY WELL documented. Easily found by the simplest of searches.

But looking for fact and truth isn't in the card for conservatives, myth and talking snakes is the phoney reality that you desperately cling to.
Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.

Your grandpa was a liar and a criminal, sorry snowflake you can't rewrite history. You can pretend, which is the mass delusion cons participate in regarding Ronny The Crook. But his criminal activity is VERY WELL documented. Easily found by the simplest of searches.

But looking for fact and truth isn't in the card for conservatives, myth and talking snakes is the phoney reality that you desperately cling to.
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Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.

Your grandpa was a liar and a criminal, sorry snowflake you can't rewrite history. You can pretend, which is the mass delusion cons participate in regarding Ronny The Crook. But his criminal activity is VERY WELL documented. Easily found by the simplest of searches.

But looking for fact and truth isn't in the card for conservatives, myth and talking snakes is the phoney reality that you desperately cling to.
Please fill out this form and we'll see if we can help:


You really think old worn out memes work anymore? You're butt-hurt because your fake hero Raygun has been outed as the criminal he is. Facts Percy, you can't refute facts so you fall back to the cliches. It's what one does when wit has left the building.
Poor choice using Reagan as a roll model.

He was the most criminal individual to ever hold high office in the US. 130+ of his administration were charged/indicted/convicted of crimes in office. Under Nixon? Only 8. Reagan was like Nixon on steroids from Superman's supplier. He took no personal responsibilty, during the Iran/Contra hearings his whole schtick was "I can't remember".

I know conservatives have this weird fake view of Reagan that never existed but it is fraud. He was a criminal.

You are entitled to your own opinion little guy. However, laughable.

Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.

Facts - like the fall of your brloved communism?
Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.

Your grandpa was a liar and a criminal, sorry snowflake you can't rewrite history. You can pretend, which is the mass delusion cons participate in regarding Ronny The Crook. But his criminal activity is VERY WELL documented. Easily found by the simplest of searches.

But looking for fact and truth isn't in the card for conservatives, myth and talking snakes is the phoney reality that you desperately cling to.

Yours was Hillary - how did that work out for you tinkerbell?
Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.

Your grandpa was a liar and a criminal, sorry snowflake you can't rewrite history. You can pretend, which is the mass delusion cons participate in regarding Ronny The Crook. But his criminal activity is VERY WELL documented. Easily found by the simplest of searches.

But looking for fact and truth isn't in the card for conservatives, myth and talking snakes is the phoney reality that you desperately cling to.
Please fill out this form and we'll see if we can help:


You really think old worn out memes work anymore? You're butt-hurt because your fake hero Raygun has been outed as the criminal he is. Facts Percy, you can't refute facts so you fall back to the cliches. It's what one does when wit has left the building.

When did Reagan last serve cupcake?
Nah no opinion needed. The facts are what they are. But as I said conservative have this weird aversion to the truth regarding their senile grandpa Reagan. They just can't believe he was the eqivalent to Al Capone in the white house.
Sorry, but you don't get to do butt hurt in world history.

Your grandpa was a liar and a criminal, sorry snowflake you can't rewrite history. You can pretend, which is the mass delusion cons participate in regarding Ronny The Crook. But his criminal activity is VERY WELL documented. Easily found by the simplest of searches.

But looking for fact and truth isn't in the card for conservatives, myth and talking snakes is the phoney reality that you desperately cling to.
Please fill out this form and we'll see if we can help:


You really think old worn out memes work anymore? You're butt-hurt because your fake hero Raygun has been outed as the criminal he is. Facts Percy, you can't refute facts so you fall back to the cliches. It's what one does when wit has left the building.
Just fill out the form and be honest about it. Do it for yourself! Who knows, maybe we can help.

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