Ronald Reagan's Birthday and the Myth of Reagan

I mean, a good loving mom would never even consider getting an abortion. There is a damn good reason why some women get them.

Agreed yet some abort just as a matter of convenience.

Well, are these the kinds of people you think should be having babies? And, unfortunately, with technological advances in things like in vitro fertilization, more and more couples are choosing to NOT adopt. A lot of children are raised in "orphanages" or foster care. Imagine growing up with no family, with no parents, with no one who loves you?
I've never heard anything but good things about Ronald Reagan, except for some bitter liberals.

American Liberals have a bigger vested interest in the old USSR than even members of the Politburo. While normal kids have pictures of rockstars and athletes in their rooms, "American" Progressives have Che, Gorby and Smiling Uncle Joe Stalin staring down at them. I say "American" Progressives because only their body is here, their heart lies elsewhere.

Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?
I've never heard anything but good things about Ronald Reagan, except for some bitter liberals.

American Liberals have a bigger vested interest in the old USSR than even members of the Politburo. While normal kids have pictures of rockstars and athletes in their rooms, "American" Progressives have Che, Gorby and Smiling Uncle Joe Stalin staring down at them. I say "American" Progressives because only their body is here, their heart lies elsewhere.

Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.
Let me elaborate on one very controversial issue that I completely disagree with conservatives on, and that is abortion. Although I am personally opposed to abortion and find it rather disgusting act, you cannot force people to be parents who do not want to be parents. I know you would like to punish women who get pregnant out of wedlock, but that is too effing bad. The only person you would be "punishing" is the child. Kudos to those people who realize they would make crappy parents and don't bring children into the world that would probably turn out to be what you conservatives like to refer to as "thugs." Not to mention, the social services supports you would have to give these people unless you want their babies to die a horrible death.

There are other alternatives to abortion, adoption being one.

It's simple. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. No innocent life would then have to be terminated.

That is ignorant as hell, one of the reasons why I don't agree with conservatives.

Yes, adoption is an option for some people who wish to go through an unwanted pregnancy that carries with it many, many health risks. It's not just like, Oh, I'm pregnant, let me pop out a kid. Duh. It is a MEDICAL condition that comes with a lot of potential complications including loss of mom's life in some instances.

Oh, is that easy? Just don't get pregnant? Good grief. :rolleyes-41: For one thing, did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable to begin with? Or maybe they are very young and naive? Shit happens.

Not getting a pregnant to avoid an abortion is ignorant?

Not knowing how pregnancies occur is what's ignorant and you just give those morons a pass because "shit happens". Good grief is right.
I've never heard anything but good things about Ronald Reagan, except for some bitter liberals.

American Liberals have a bigger vested interest in the old USSR than even members of the Politburo. While normal kids have pictures of rockstars and athletes in their rooms, "American" Progressives have Che, Gorby and Smiling Uncle Joe Stalin staring down at them. I say "American" Progressives because only their body is here, their heart lies elsewhere.

Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"
Let me elaborate on one very controversial issue that I completely disagree with conservatives on, and that is abortion. Although I am personally opposed to abortion and find it rather disgusting act, you cannot force people to be parents who do not want to be parents. I know you would like to punish women who get pregnant out of wedlock, but that is too effing bad. The only person you would be "punishing" is the child. Kudos to those people who realize they would make crappy parents and don't bring children into the world that would probably turn out to be what you conservatives like to refer to as "thugs." Not to mention, the social services supports you would have to give these people unless you want their babies to die a horrible death.

There are other alternatives to abortion, adoption being one.

It's simple. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. No innocent life would then have to be terminated.

That is ignorant as hell, one of the reasons why I don't agree with conservatives.

Yes, adoption is an option for some people who wish to go through an unwanted pregnancy that carries with it many, many health risks. It's not just like, Oh, I'm pregnant, let me pop out a kid. Duh. It is a MEDICAL condition that comes with a lot of potential complications including loss of mom's life in some instances.

Oh, is that easy? Just don't get pregnant? Good grief. :rolleyes-41: For one thing, did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable to begin with? Or maybe they are very young and naive? Shit happens.

Not getting a pregnant to avoid an abortion is ignorant?

Not knowing how pregnancies occur is what's ignorant and you just give those morons a pass because "shit happens". Good grief is right.

Who says they don't know how pregnancies work? The fact is that people are going to have sex and sometimes pregnancy might result from that. Deal with it. It's life. Been happening since there were people.
American Liberals have a bigger vested interest in the old USSR than even members of the Politburo. While normal kids have pictures of rockstars and athletes in their rooms, "American" Progressives have Che, Gorby and Smiling Uncle Joe Stalin staring down at them. I say "American" Progressives because only their body is here, their heart lies elsewhere.

Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.
Let me elaborate on one very controversial issue that I completely disagree with conservatives on, and that is abortion. Although I am personally opposed to abortion and find it rather disgusting act, you cannot force people to be parents who do not want to be parents. I know you would like to punish women who get pregnant out of wedlock, but that is too effing bad. The only person you would be "punishing" is the child. Kudos to those people who realize they would make crappy parents and don't bring children into the world that would probably turn out to be what you conservatives like to refer to as "thugs." Not to mention, the social services supports you would have to give these people unless you want their babies to die a horrible death.

There are other alternatives to abortion, adoption being one.

It's simple. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. No innocent life would then have to be terminated.

That is ignorant as hell, one of the reasons why I don't agree with conservatives.

Yes, adoption is an option for some people who wish to go through an unwanted pregnancy that carries with it many, many health risks. It's not just like, Oh, I'm pregnant, let me pop out a kid. Duh. It is a MEDICAL condition that comes with a lot of potential complications including loss of mom's life in some instances.

Oh, is that easy? Just don't get pregnant? Good grief. :rolleyes-41: For one thing, did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable to begin with? Or maybe they are very young and naive? Shit happens.

Not getting a pregnant to avoid an abortion is ignorant?

Not knowing how pregnancies occur is what's ignorant and you just give those morons a pass because "shit happens". Good grief is right.

It's people like you who have turned me off completely to the republican party. People are not robots. People are going to have sex, married or not. It is a need for intimacy that people desire. Do you expect men to not have sex? Probably not.
Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.

Of course you believe the entire Democratic party is as that idiot described. I would expect nothing less.
No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.

Of course you believe the entire Democratic party is as that idiot described. I would expect nothing less.

Hmm. Interesting, considering I never said that. :D Obviously, you are just another nutty liberal.
American Liberals have a bigger vested interest in the old USSR than even members of the Politburo. While normal kids have pictures of rockstars and athletes in their rooms, "American" Progressives have Che, Gorby and Smiling Uncle Joe Stalin staring down at them. I say "American" Progressives because only their body is here, their heart lies elsewhere.

Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

:crybaby: Does it hurt your feelings that everyone in your party isn't wonderful?
Let me elaborate on one very controversial issue that I completely disagree with conservatives on, and that is abortion. Although I am personally opposed to abortion and find it rather disgusting act, you cannot force people to be parents who do not want to be parents. I know you would like to punish women who get pregnant out of wedlock, but that is too effing bad. The only person you would be "punishing" is the child. Kudos to those people who realize they would make crappy parents and don't bring children into the world that would probably turn out to be what you conservatives like to refer to as "thugs." Not to mention, the social services supports you would have to give these people unless you want their babies to die a horrible death.

There are other alternatives to abortion, adoption being one.

It's simple. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. No innocent life would then have to be terminated.

That is ignorant as hell, one of the reasons why I don't agree with conservatives.

Yes, adoption is an option for some people who wish to go through an unwanted pregnancy that carries with it many, many health risks. It's not just like, Oh, I'm pregnant, let me pop out a kid. Duh. It is a MEDICAL condition that comes with a lot of potential complications including loss of mom's life in some instances.

Oh, is that easy? Just don't get pregnant? Good grief. :rolleyes-41: For one thing, did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable to begin with? Or maybe they are very young and naive? Shit happens.

Not getting a pregnant to avoid an abortion is ignorant?

Not knowing how pregnancies occur is what's ignorant and you just give those morons a pass because "shit happens". Good grief is right.

Who says they don't know how pregnancies work? The fact is that people are going to have sex and sometimes pregnancy might result from that. Deal with it. It's life. Been happening since there were people.

That's what you implied. "did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable.........Or maybe they are very young and naïve"

It's life for those that make bad choices. Why not teach young people to make good choices? Like, not to engage in risky behavior if you're not ready to accept the consequences. I have five grown children, four daughters and none have gotten pregnant out of wedlock.

You seem to think that abstinence is an impossibility.
Let me elaborate on one very controversial issue that I completely disagree with conservatives on, and that is abortion. Although I am personally opposed to abortion and find it rather disgusting act, you cannot force people to be parents who do not want to be parents. I know you would like to punish women who get pregnant out of wedlock, but that is too effing bad. The only person you would be "punishing" is the child. Kudos to those people who realize they would make crappy parents and don't bring children into the world that would probably turn out to be what you conservatives like to refer to as "thugs." Not to mention, the social services supports you would have to give these people unless you want their babies to die a horrible death.

There are other alternatives to abortion, adoption being one.

It's simple. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. No innocent life would then have to be terminated.

That is ignorant as hell, one of the reasons why I don't agree with conservatives.

Yes, adoption is an option for some people who wish to go through an unwanted pregnancy that carries with it many, many health risks. It's not just like, Oh, I'm pregnant, let me pop out a kid. Duh. It is a MEDICAL condition that comes with a lot of potential complications including loss of mom's life in some instances.

Oh, is that easy? Just don't get pregnant? Good grief. :rolleyes-41: For one thing, did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable to begin with? Or maybe they are very young and naive? Shit happens.

Not getting a pregnant to avoid an abortion is ignorant?

Not knowing how pregnancies occur is what's ignorant and you just give those morons a pass because "shit happens". Good grief is right.

Who says they don't know how pregnancies work? The fact is that people are going to have sex and sometimes pregnancy might result from that. Deal with it. It's life. Been happening since there were people.

That's what you implied. "did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable.........Or maybe they are very young and naïve"

It's life for those that make bad choices. Why not teach young people to make good choices? Like, not to engage in risky behavior if you're not ready to accept the consequences. I have five grown children, four daughters and none have gotten pregnant out of wedlock.

You seem to think that abstinence is an impossibility.

You seem to live on fantasy island. Not everyone has good responsible parents. Not everyone HAS parents. Not everyone has a nice fairy tale life. People make mistakes in judgment, especially when they are young and naive. These are facts of life. This is the REAL world, not your fantasy world.
In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.

Of course you believe the entire Democratic party is as that idiot described. I would expect nothing less.

Hmm. Interesting, considering I never said that. :D Obviously, you are just another nutty liberal.

But you did in post #86 when you did agree.
Again you demonstrate that right wingers have an imaginary bad guy that rush told them to call Democrat, and they have no idea what Democrats really are.

No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

:crybaby: Does it hurt your feelings that everyone in your party isn't wonderful?

Of course not, but to portray the entire party that way is lie. When the GOP is linked to the crazies in their party, there are actual bills presented by their representatives to make that link unquestionable.
No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.

Of course you believe the entire Democratic party is as that idiot described. I would expect nothing less.

Hmm. Interesting, considering I never said that. :D Obviously, you are just another nutty liberal.

But you did in post #86 when you did agree.

Oh, STFU. I can agree with anything I want to agree with. I thought he made a good point, which holds some truth. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't have to answer to you.
No, he's right. I've met a lot of young people who consider themselves "socialists" and such. They do look up to those guys as idols too.

In a country with millions of people, I'm sure you could find some with all kinds of odd ideas, so I don't question that you met some as you say. Do you really want to say he is right about liberals, in general, having a vested interest in the USSR and having posters of Stalin on their walls? A sane person couldn't possibly say "he's right" about that and still be taken seriously. Are you really going to agree with such a stupid statement?

No, certainly not all, but there are some who do hold socialistic ideals. I've met plenty of them and they are not all that odd. Go to some other message boards, and you will see that there are quite a few of them.

Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

:crybaby: Does it hurt your feelings that everyone in your party isn't wonderful?

Of course not, but to portray the entire party that way is lie. When the GOP is linked to the crazies in their party, there are actual bills presented by their representatives to make that link unquestionable.

And OBVIOUSLY, I agree if you've been reading my posts. I don't follow either one of your stupid ridiculous parties. I think they both suck balls.
Let me elaborate on one very controversial issue that I completely disagree with conservatives on, and that is abortion. Although I am personally opposed to abortion and find it rather disgusting act, you cannot force people to be parents who do not want to be parents. I know you would like to punish women who get pregnant out of wedlock, but that is too effing bad. The only person you would be "punishing" is the child. Kudos to those people who realize they would make crappy parents and don't bring children into the world that would probably turn out to be what you conservatives like to refer to as "thugs." Not to mention, the social services supports you would have to give these people unless you want their babies to die a horrible death.

There are other alternatives to abortion, adoption being one.

It's simple. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. No innocent life would then have to be terminated.

That is ignorant as hell, one of the reasons why I don't agree with conservatives.

Yes, adoption is an option for some people who wish to go through an unwanted pregnancy that carries with it many, many health risks. It's not just like, Oh, I'm pregnant, let me pop out a kid. Duh. It is a MEDICAL condition that comes with a lot of potential complications including loss of mom's life in some instances.

Oh, is that easy? Just don't get pregnant? Good grief. :rolleyes-41: For one thing, did it ever occur to you that SOME people who get pregnant may not be very mentally stable to begin with? Or maybe they are very young and naive? Shit happens.

Not getting a pregnant to avoid an abortion is ignorant?

Not knowing how pregnancies occur is what's ignorant and you just give those morons a pass because "shit happens". Good grief is right.

It's people like you who have turned me off completely to the republican party. People are not robots. People are going to have sex, married or not. It is a need for intimacy that people desire. Do you expect men to not have sex? Probably not.

Good thing I'm not a Republican then.

"People are going to have sex married or not" isn't the issue, the issue is engaging in risky behavior then taking an innocent life to pay for that risk, which you seem to be ok with.

I'm not.

I think all innocent life should be protected, especially those that are the most vulnerable and incapable of protecting themselves.

My expectations are irrelevant. We are discussing abortions which you seem to think is perfectly fine. Although you would never consider it.

Seems to me like you don't care that an innocent life is being taken as long as it's not you doing it, which is a callous way to be. IMO
Socialistic ideals are still a long shot from the description you agreed with. Hyperbolic statements are part of the reason that the GOP is known by people in it's own party as the "STUPID PARTY"

I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.

Of course you believe the entire Democratic party is as that idiot described. I would expect nothing less.

Hmm. Interesting, considering I never said that. :D Obviously, you are just another nutty liberal.

But you did in post #86 when you did agree.

Oh, STFU. I can agree with anything I want to agree with. I thought he made a good point, which holds some truth. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't have to answer to you.

Of course you are free to agree or disagree as you wish. However, when you agree, and then try to backpedal as you did, I, or someone else will generally point that out.
I disagree. His statement was valid. I've seen it myself. You are entitled to disagree, but you would be wrong.

Of course you believe the entire Democratic party is as that idiot described. I would expect nothing less.

Hmm. Interesting, considering I never said that. :D Obviously, you are just another nutty liberal.

But you did in post #86 when you did agree.

Oh, STFU. I can agree with anything I want to agree with. I thought he made a good point, which holds some truth. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't have to answer to you.

Of course you are free to agree or disagree as you wish. However, when you agree, and then try to backpedal as you did, I, or someone else will generally point that out.

I didn't back pedal. I AGREE with his post.

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