Roosevelt: The Poorest of Students.

In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:


Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.

Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring....I am more concerned how/why the GOP screwed up so bad when Hoover was in office during the depression that it took the GOP 20 years to get elected to the White House...

"Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring...."

Reality is defined by actions.....not by words.
One would imagine that you'd gave learned that. claim that reading my posts is some sort of chore......
...yet you do, daily.
The message is that the truth I provide is a burr under your saddle.
Excellent....that is the beginning of education.
That Hoover screwed up so bad that he lost the GOP the White house for a generation? What did he not do that was so important?

FDR explained exactly how Hoover 'screwed up' when he was running against Hoover.

Then he proceeded to do the same on steroids.

Was he stupid....or do you have an alternative explanation as to why he wanted the recession to become a Depression?
Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring....I am more concerned how/why the GOP screwed up so bad when Hoover was in office during the depression that it took the GOP 20 years to get elected to the White House...

"Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring...."

Reality is defined by actions.....not by words.
One would imagine that you'd gave learned that. claim that reading my posts is some sort of chore......
...yet you do, daily.
The message is that the truth I provide is a burr under your saddle.
Excellent....that is the beginning of education.
That Hoover screwed up so bad that he lost the GOP the White house for a generation? What did he not do that was so important?

So there is nothing in my post that you can point to as incorrect, or untrue?

No,,, it's just that your approach is old and rotten, shouldn't you approach this from another direction?

Shouldn't you be able to point out anything in my posts that are wrong, inaccurate, or incorrect?

Why are you unable to do so?

Clearly, your posts validate everything I state.

Don't ever change.
.....foreign policy.....let's compare Franklin Roosevelt's ability to deal with the murderous dictatorship, the Soviet Union.....compared with an earlier President, that very same Republican, Harding, whose lessons in foreign policy, he could and should have learned as well.
But he didn't.

Roosevelt was the poorest of student.

4. Keep in mind that this thread is not aimed at explaining Roosevelt's actions......but, rather, at illuminating them.
I'll leave it to fans of Roosevelt's failures to try to explain them.

The OP proves.....PROVES....the abject failure that FDR was in economic policy, inflating one of America's 50 or so economic downturns....none of which lasted even five years.....and blew it into a Depression lasting a decade!

And, as the OP states, Republican Harding showed exactly how to cure the problems....FDR actually promised to do just what Harding did.....then reneged on his promise.

5. Now...I'll show that Harding faced the same problem Roosevelt did with the Soviet Union kidnapping Americans....and how differently the two President's handled the communist empire.

You will see this situation mirror the Harding-Roosevelt attempts vis-a-vis the economy, and in the same way that Roosevelt could have followed Harding's recipe for success.....he didn't.

Pretty stupid, huh?

Once again, the Republican, successfully.....the Democrat, a wretched failure.

Stay tuned.
Harding had that brand new income tax money rolling in and the last of the booze tax monies before progressive reforms screwed the US out of a prosperous business to placate the minority feminist movement, the suffragettes....Things went to hell after that...

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

1. America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed Woodrow Wilson who got America into World War I, ...Harding inherited the mess, in particular the post-World War I depression – almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933, that FDR inherited and prolonged. Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, in their book Out of Work (1993), noted that the magnitude of the 1920 depression "exceeded that for the Great Depression of the following decade for several quarters." The estimated gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921.

2. Compared to FDR, Harding had a much better understanding of how an economy works. Harding, wrote historian Robert K. Murray, in The Harding Era (1969), "always decried high taxes, government waste, and excessive governmental interference in the private sector of the economy. In February 1920, shortly after announcing his candidacy, he advocated a cut in government expenditures and stated that government ought to ‘strike the shackles from industry.’ ‘We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation,’ he said. Surprisingly, big business took very little notice of him at the time."

3. One of Harding’s campaign slogans was "less government in business," and it served him well. Harding embraced the advice of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon and called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress, April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and "excess" profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8% of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging investment essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did.

4. Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s, until FDR began conscripting millions of young men for the armed forces.
America’s Greatest Depression*Fighter by Jim Powell
America’s Greatest Depression Fighter by Jim Powell
In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:


Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.

In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:


Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?
Every single thing I posted is correct????


And another one bites the dust.

2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Same crap the OP has posted numerous times, and been debunked numerous times, and one of the examples used to discredit the Folsom book :New Deal or Raw Deal". Left out of the story are the almost five million employed in the public works programs that were building infrastructure all over the country. Those five million workers were considered by Folsom and still by the OP to have been on relief because the projects were "government funded, hence, not to be part of the actual work force and thus, "unemployed". According to the OP's calculations, workers collecting paychecks for building the Lincoln Tunnel into Manhatten or the Blue Ridge Parkway were not really employed.
In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:
She left out that it wasn't a world wide depression, just a recession..Post war recession..Harding the progressives passed the Volt act, outlawing alcohol, and giving women the vote..

"giving women the vote.."

It was the Republicans who gave women the vote.

Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship fought bitterly and tirelessly to prevent women, and blacks, from having the vote.

Challenge me on that.

The silence is deafening.....I accept your white flag.
In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:


Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.

In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:


Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?
Every single thing I posted is correct????


And another one bites the dust.

No Stop are just spouting nonsense......I can't take it

Harding faced similar economic conditions as Roosevelt?



2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Same crap the OP has posted numerous times, and been debunked numerous times, and one of the examples used to discredit the Folsom book :New Deal or Raw Deal". Left out of the story are the almost five million employed in the public works programs that were building infrastructure all over the country. Those five million workers were considered by Folsom and still by the OP to have been on relief because the projects were "government funded, hence, not to be part of the actual work force and thus, "unemployed". According to the OP's calculations, workers collecting paychecks for building the Lincoln Tunnel into Manhatten or the Blue Ridge Parkway were not really employed.

Nothing I've posted has ever been 'debunked.'

Let's have you prove my posts to be totally accurate and correct:

Did FDR promise to reverse Hoover's policies....that he claimed caused the recession....and then FDR went right ahead and compounded the same policies.

True or not.

Speak up, you dunce.
Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring....I am more concerned how/why the GOP screwed up so bad when Hoover was in office during the depression that it took the GOP 20 years to get elected to the White House...

"Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring...."

Reality is defined by actions.....not by words.
One would imagine that you'd gave learned that. claim that reading my posts is some sort of chore......
...yet you do, daily.
The message is that the truth I provide is a burr under your saddle.
Excellent....that is the beginning of education.
That Hoover screwed up so bad that he lost the GOP the White house for a generation? What did he not do that was so important?

So there is nothing in my post that you can point to as incorrect, or untrue?

No,,, it's just that your approach is old and rotten, shouldn't you approach this from another direction?

Shouldn't you be able to point out anything in my posts that are wrong, inaccurate, or incorrect?

Why are you unable to do so?

Clearly, your posts validate everything I state.

Don't ever change.
You lie by omitting facts. Like omitting the fact that FDR had to deal with a little factor previous Presidents didnt have to deal with, specifically, when FDR became President over 5,000 banks had been forced into closure. Five thousand banks that were no longer open and returning deposits to customers. Imagine if 5,000 banks closed tomorrow in America and deposits were not insured.
Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.

Are you denying what I posted?

Please....don't hesitate to show that I am incorrect....and they, as per usual, I'll eviscerate your post.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?
Every single thing I posted is correct????


And another one bites the dust.

No Stop are just spouting nonsense......I can't take it

Harding faced similar economic conditions as Roosevelt?



No problem:

1. America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed Woodrow Wilson who got America into World War I, ...Harding inherited the mess, in particular the post-World War I depression – almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933, that FDR inherited and prolonged. Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, in their book Out of Work (1993), noted that the magnitude of the 1920 depression "exceeded that for the Great Depression of the following decade for several quarters." The estimated gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921.

2. Compared to FDR, Harding had a much better understanding of how an economy works. Harding, wrote historian Robert K. Murray, in The Harding Era (1969), "always decried high taxes, government waste, and excessive governmental interference in the private sector of the economy. In February 1920, shortly after announcing his candidacy, he advocated a cut in government expenditures and stated that government ought to ‘strike the shackles from industry.’ ‘We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation,’ he said. Surprisingly, big business took very little notice of him at the time."

3. Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s, until FDR began conscripting millions of young men for the armed forces.
America’s Greatest Depression*Fighter by Jim Powell
America’s Greatest Depression Fighter by Jim Powell

Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s,

I love it when you serve my purposes....

Don't hesitate to ask again.
"Like eating leftovers, this thread is so boring...."

Reality is defined by actions.....not by words.
One would imagine that you'd gave learned that. claim that reading my posts is some sort of chore......
...yet you do, daily.
The message is that the truth I provide is a burr under your saddle.
Excellent....that is the beginning of education.
That Hoover screwed up so bad that he lost the GOP the White house for a generation? What did he not do that was so important?

So there is nothing in my post that you can point to as incorrect, or untrue?

No,,, it's just that your approach is old and rotten, shouldn't you approach this from another direction?

Shouldn't you be able to point out anything in my posts that are wrong, inaccurate, or incorrect?

Why are you unable to do so?

Clearly, your posts validate everything I state.

Don't ever change.
You lie by omitting facts. Like omitting the fact that FDR had to deal with a little factor previous Presidents didnt have to deal with, specifically, when FDR became President over 5,000 banks had been forced into closure. Five thousand banks that were no longer open and returning deposits to customers. Imagine if 5,000 banks closed tomorrow in America and deposits were not insured.

Let's have you prove my posts to be totally accurate and correct:

Did FDR promise to reverse Hoover's policies....that he claimed caused the recession....and then FDR went right ahead and compounded the same policies.

True or not.

Speak up, you dunce.
Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.

Stop it!...Stop it!...I can't take it anymore


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?
Every single thing I posted is correct????


And another one bites the dust.

No Stop are just spouting nonsense......I can't take it

Harding faced similar economic conditions as Roosevelt?



No problem:

1. America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed Woodrow Wilson who got America into World War I, ...Harding inherited the mess, in particular the post-World War I depression – almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933, that FDR inherited and prolonged. Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, in their book Out of Work (1993), noted that the magnitude of the 1920 depression "exceeded that for the Great Depression of the following decade for several quarters." The estimated gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921.

2. Compared to FDR, Harding had a much better understanding of how an economy works. Harding, wrote historian Robert K. Murray, in The Harding Era (1969), "always decried high taxes, government waste, and excessive governmental interference in the private sector of the economy. In February 1920, shortly after announcing his candidacy, he advocated a cut in government expenditures and stated that government ought to ‘strike the shackles from industry.’ ‘We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation,’ he said. Surprisingly, big business took very little notice of him at the time."

3. Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s, until FDR began conscripting millions of young men for the armed forces.
America’s Greatest Depression*Fighter by Jim Powell
America’s Greatest Depression Fighter by Jim Powell

Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s,

I love it when you serve my purposes....

Don't hesitate to ask again.
Too funny....keep it up

So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.

So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?


And another one bites the dust.


So we can't find anyway to show that I am incorrect?
Every single thing I posted is correct????


And another one bites the dust.

No Stop are just spouting nonsense......I can't take it

Harding faced similar economic conditions as Roosevelt?



No problem:

1. America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed Woodrow Wilson who got America into World War I, ...Harding inherited the mess, in particular the post-World War I depression – almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933, that FDR inherited and prolonged. Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, in their book Out of Work (1993), noted that the magnitude of the 1920 depression "exceeded that for the Great Depression of the following decade for several quarters." The estimated gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921.

2. Compared to FDR, Harding had a much better understanding of how an economy works. Harding, wrote historian Robert K. Murray, in The Harding Era (1969), "always decried high taxes, government waste, and excessive governmental interference in the private sector of the economy. In February 1920, shortly after announcing his candidacy, he advocated a cut in government expenditures and stated that government ought to ‘strike the shackles from industry.’ ‘We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation,’ he said. Surprisingly, big business took very little notice of him at the time."

3. Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s, until FDR began conscripting millions of young men for the armed forces.
America’s Greatest Depression*Fighter by Jim Powell
America’s Greatest Depression Fighter by Jim Powell

Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s,

I love it when you serve my purposes....

Don't hesitate to ask again.
Too funny....keep it up


Can you find anything in my posts that is not accurate, correct, and true?


In these posts, I have reminded all that Republican Harding came into office facing similar economic problems to Roosevelt's:
She left out that it wasn't a world wide depression, just a recession..Post war recession..Harding the progressives passed the Volt act, outlawing alcohol, and giving women the vote..

"giving women the vote.."

It was the Republicans who gave women the vote.

Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship fought bitterly and tirelessly to prevent women, and blacks, from having the vote.

Challenge me on that.

The silence is deafening.....I accept your white flag.
I don't like showing my ignorance, but I just can't see your point, Ms Chic. How is discrediting FDR (that 'traitor to his class') related to today's decisions for the Presidency? You clearly cherry-pick, but even if that were not so and you think that period of our history could have been done better, your one-sided tirades are lost on me. Get simple and tell me what you want me to learn.

2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Same crap the OP has posted numerous times, and been debunked numerous times, and one of the examples used to discredit the Folsom book :New Deal or Raw Deal". Left out of the story are the almost five million employed in the public works programs that were building infrastructure all over the country. Those five million workers were considered by Folsom and still by the OP to have been on relief because the projects were "government funded, hence, not to be part of the actual work force and thus, "unemployed". According to the OP's calculations, workers collecting paychecks for building the Lincoln Tunnel into Manhatten or the Blue Ridge Parkway were not really employed.

Nothing I've posted has ever been 'debunked.'

Let's have you prove my posts to be totally accurate and correct:

Did FDR promise to reverse Hoover's policies....that he claimed caused the recession....and then FDR went right ahead and compounded the same policies.

True or not.

Speak up, you dunce.
The line of unemployed stretch across America is bullshit. Unemployment in both the industrial/private sector and the general population began dropping as soon as the New Deal was implemented. The line did not get longer, it got shorter.
The poorest of students and the greatest of presidents.

He made the economic turndown last twice as long as any of the previous fifty or so.

That's your definition of 'great'?

You must be a dunce, huh?

You can spend your time day after day going on and on with your endless diatribes against Roosevelt but you'll never be right.

You're as wrong as wrong can be. that I've shown what an abject failure FDR was in economic policy....

....let's go over the foreign policy of the era......

6. Progressive President Woodrow Wilson sent some 5,000 American troops to fight in Russia.

a. "....the Allies grew apprehensive about the German threat to the ports of Murmansk and Archangel, and sent the Allied Expeditionary Force to Siberia to protect the rear. As a result of the fighting against Soviet Bolshevik forces around Archangel in 1918-1919, there were many causalities, and eyewitness accounts of hundreds of U.S.and British and French personnel who disappeared.

In 1921, the New York Times reported that the American prisoners held by the Soviet Government of Russia have been told by the Bolsheviks that they are held because the United States government had not made vigorous demands for their release....[2] "Captive Release Repeatedly Sought," The New York Times, April 18, 1921.

It was widely known that the Bolsheviks held many American POWs and other U.S. citizens against their will."

7. When the war ended, the Bolsheviks exhibited the savagery well known to be their nature: they threw any captives into work camps and dungeons.

a. "The Polar Bear Expedition (also known as the Northern Russian Expedition, theAmerican North Russia Expeditionary Force - ANREF or the American Expeditionary Force North Russia - AEFNR) was a contingent of about 5,000 United States Army troops[1] that landed in Arkhangelsk, Russia as part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War and fought the Red Army in the surrounding region during the period of September 1918 through to July 1919.

Following the Allied Armistice with Germany on November 11, 1918, family members and friends of the ANREF soldiers began writing letters to newspapers and circulating petitions to their representatives in the U.S. Congress asking for the immediate return of the ANREF.
Polar Bear Expedition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So.....Democrat Wilson ended his administration with lots of Americans held by the Bolsheviks.
What to do?

See what Republican Harding did...and, then, what Democrat Roosevelt did.
Let's compare the actions of the two, as we did in economic policies....

....and find the exact same consequences.

Did I mention how truly stupid FDR was???

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