Roosevelt's Great Depression

The Brookings Institute was not 'left leaning' in 1935. There's your first lie. me stick the "lie" title where it belongs, NYLiar:

PolitiFact, in an August, 2009 story, spoke to a range of experts from the left-leaning Brookings Institute to the conservative Heritage Foundation, who said they found Kronick’s results credible.

Do people without health insurance die sooner PolitiFact Virginia

That 1 percent increase in domestic spending represents an ongoing problem, according to former Congress member and budget analyst Bill Frenzel of the left-leaning Brookings Institute.

For Washington Insiders, the coming together of the left leaning Brookings Institute and the right leaning Heritage Foundation to discuss an issue, any issue, over the course of a year registers as something like a minor miracle.

As the left-leaning Brookings Institute pointed out in March, Ohio is important because President Obama Can’t Win the 2012 Election Without It. Not because of the Buckeye state’s 20 electoral votes, but because

...Government is not a right-wing activist group. Its board includes two representatives from the left-leaning BrookingsInstitute and one from Harvard University. Clinton himself is an honorary co-chair. Add to that a study by Media Research...

MEDIA The spinsters

"Looking at the (liberal) Brookings Institute figures actually makes the situation look quite good, by historical standards. " Government/1100 readings.htm
The Brookings Institute (Left Leaning)
The American Enterprise Institute (Right Leaning
The Heritage Foundation (Right Leaning)
The Hoover Institution (Right Leaning)
The Manhattan Institute (Libertarian)
The Mercatus Center (Right leaning)
The Progressive Policy Institute(Left leaning)
Cato Institute (Libertarian)

The left-leaning Brookings Institute hinted as much in a Sept. 2003 article, "Work and Marriage: The Way to End Poverty and Welfare. Institute for Policy Studies (Left Leaning)

IRmep Brooking on the Absurd
The Brookings Institute is often cited as a Democratic counterpart to right-wing think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Many Democrats,
Brookings Institute The liberal Brookings Institute is one of the leading Washington DC think-tanks covering South Asia. Professor Steve Cohen is their South Asia specialist.
So most of the above identify Brookings as Liberal!

The left-leaning Brookings Institute has evaluated that global warming fix that Congress is conjuring up.

They estimate the cost to be about $9 trillion, which will reduce consumption about $2 trillion by mid-century. Aw, peanuts. We can afford that, can’t we?

Global warming fix well maybe not exactly a fix- Orange Punch Blog Orange County Register

Watcho say, boyyyyeeeeee????

I say the Brookings Institute was not left leaning in 1935.

You cited a 1935 Brookings OPINION, not a 21st century one.

Did you not realize you were doing that?

Get that egg off your face, liar.

You conveniently dodged the fact about the Brookings Institute I posted,


that their economists developed Warren G. Harding's economic policy?

lol, I knew you would.
She is a Mises clone, and not a good one at that.

She's a head full of mush Limbaugh-esque robot who let's others tell her what she's supposed to believe without having thought the issues through herself.

That's why she ends up trying to defend the indefensible quoting other people.

Did you just say "robot"???

Yesterday was the birthday of the man who first used the word.

Know his name? know so little....what are the odds.
The republicans fumbled the ball badly under Hoover, who tried to balance the budget and worsened the recession into the great depression between the 1929 stock market crash and his defeat as a failed one term president in 1932, the bottom of the depression when the people turned to Roosevelt and the democrats.

On Hoover's activity:
"When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression with moderate government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam. Unfortunately, the record tariffs imbedded in the Smoot-Hawley Tariff and aggressive increases in the top tax bracket from 25% to 63%, coupled with increases in corporate taxes.[3] yielded a "balanced budget" in 1933, but seriously hindered economic recovery. Instead, the economy plummeted and unemployment rates rose to afflict one in four American workers. This downward spiral set the stage for Hoover's defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal."
Herbert Hoover - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There are people who don't agree with what Roosevelt did, and many support what he did. I am not interested in your propaganda. Hoover failed miserably. The American people at the time voted to elect the man who DEMONSTRATED the ability to deal with the Great Depression, and they then RE-ELECTED him THREE TIMES!

The reforms that came out of the Great Depression were amazingly good, the Pecora Commission actually got to the real reasons for the Wall St. crash. We got the Securities and Exchange Commission out of that which brought much greater transparency to our securities markets, we got the Glass-Steagall Act that prevented commercial banks from also doing investment banking and insurance, and we got minimum capital requirements for banks that were not relaxed until Chris Cox and the republicans did it in 2004, just before the collapse of our biggest banks like Lehman Bros.

"I am not interested in your propaganda. "

I posted facts, you moron.

Quoted Morgenthau, the Brookings Institute, and the FACTUAL history of Harding's economic policies and Roosevelt's failures.

Let me guess: you're a grad of government schools?

"Facts" quoted out of context can equal propaganda.

You omit the debacle that was the Hoover republican president when the great depression began in 1929 and presided over constant downslide in the economy to the bottom of the depression in 1932 when Roosevelt took over. Roosevelt did not create the depression, the republicans in the 1920's did. The people turned to the democrats and Roosevelt in 1932 to FIX it, and they re-elected him 3 times, because they could see he had a clue about how to deal with the problems, that the republicans never did. That's why Hoover was a failed one term president.

This thread is not about Hoover, you dunce.

Cut to the chase: did FDR's economic policies shorten the depression?

Since things got progressively better starting in 1933, the answer is either

1. yes, FDR's policies shortened the Depression, or,

2. we can't prove cause and effect, but the economy improved from 1933 on, that is undeniable.

Take your pick.
The republicans fumbled the ball badly under Hoover, who tried to balance the budget and worsened the recession into the great depression between the 1929 stock market crash and his defeat as a failed one term president in 1932, the bottom of the depression when the people turned to Roosevelt and the democrats.

On Hoover's activity:
"When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression with moderate government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam. Unfortunately, the record tariffs imbedded in the Smoot-Hawley Tariff and aggressive increases in the top tax bracket from 25% to 63%, coupled with increases in corporate taxes.[3] yielded a "balanced budget" in 1933, but seriously hindered economic recovery. Instead, the economy plummeted and unemployment rates rose to afflict one in four American workers. This downward spiral set the stage for Hoover's defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal."
Herbert Hoover - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There are people who don't agree with what Roosevelt did, and many support what he did. I am not interested in your propaganda. Hoover failed miserably. The American people at the time voted to elect the man who DEMONSTRATED the ability to deal with the Great Depression, and they then RE-ELECTED him THREE TIMES!

The reforms that came out of the Great Depression were amazingly good, the Pecora Commission actually got to the real reasons for the Wall St. crash. We got the Securities and Exchange Commission out of that which brought much greater transparency to our securities markets, we got the Glass-Steagall Act that prevented commercial banks from also doing investment banking and insurance, and we got minimum capital requirements for banks that were not relaxed until Chris Cox and the republicans did it in 2004, just before the collapse of our biggest banks like Lehman Bros.

"I am not interested in your propaganda. "

I posted facts, you moron.

Quoted Morgenthau, the Brookings Institute, and the FACTUAL history of Harding's economic policies and Roosevelt's failures.

Let me guess: you're a grad of government schools?

"Facts" quoted out of context can equal propaganda.

You omit the debacle that was the Hoover republican president when the great depression began in 1929 and presided over constant downslide in the economy to the bottom of the depression in 1932 when Roosevelt took over. Roosevelt did not create the depression, the republicans in the 1920's did. The people turned to the democrats and Roosevelt in 1932 to FIX it, and they re-elected him 3 times, because they could see he had a clue about how to deal with the problems, that the republicans never did. That's why Hoover was a failed one term president.

This thread is not about Hoover, you dunce.

Cut to the chase: did FDR's economic policies shorten the depression?

You made it about Hoover when you started citing stats and facts from 1931.
The depression hit during Hoover, yet Roosevelt gets the blame for the Great Depression..

The recession, Hoover.
The Depression.....Roosevelt

The Depression peaked in 1933. FDR was not even inaugurated until March of 1933.

Liar....oooops....I forgot it was you.

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundreds of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.

2. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

No wonder you are known as NYLiar!
The republicans fumbled the ball badly under Hoover, who tried to balance the budget and worsened the recession into the great depression between the 1929 stock market crash and his defeat as a failed one term president in 1932, the bottom of the depression when the people turned to Roosevelt and the democrats.

On Hoover's activity:
"When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression with moderate government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam. Unfortunately, the record tariffs imbedded in the Smoot-Hawley Tariff and aggressive increases in the top tax bracket from 25% to 63%, coupled with increases in corporate taxes.[3] yielded a "balanced budget" in 1933, but seriously hindered economic recovery. Instead, the economy plummeted and unemployment rates rose to afflict one in four American workers. This downward spiral set the stage for Hoover's defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal."
Herbert Hoover - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There are people who don't agree with what Roosevelt did, and many support what he did. I am not interested in your propaganda. Hoover failed miserably. The American people at the time voted to elect the man who DEMONSTRATED the ability to deal with the Great Depression, and they then RE-ELECTED him THREE TIMES!

The reforms that came out of the Great Depression were amazingly good, the Pecora Commission actually got to the real reasons for the Wall St. crash. We got the Securities and Exchange Commission out of that which brought much greater transparency to our securities markets, we got the Glass-Steagall Act that prevented commercial banks from also doing investment banking and insurance, and we got minimum capital requirements for banks that were not relaxed until Chris Cox and the republicans did it in 2004, just before the collapse of our biggest banks like Lehman Bros.

"I am not interested in your propaganda. "

I posted facts, you moron.

Quoted Morgenthau, the Brookings Institute, and the FACTUAL history of Harding's economic policies and Roosevelt's failures.

Let me guess: you're a grad of government schools?

"Facts" quoted out of context can equal propaganda.

You omit the debacle that was the Hoover republican president when the great depression began in 1929 and presided over constant downslide in the economy to the bottom of the depression in 1932 when Roosevelt took over. Roosevelt did not create the depression, the republicans in the 1920's did. The people turned to the democrats and Roosevelt in 1932 to FIX it, and they re-elected him 3 times, because they could see he had a clue about how to deal with the problems, that the republicans never did. That's why Hoover was a failed one term president.

This thread is not about Hoover, you dunce.

Cut to the chase: did FDR's economic policies shorten the depression?

Since things got progressively better starting in 1933, the answer is either

1. yes, FDR's policies shortened the Depression, or,

2. we can't prove cause and effect, but the economy improved from 1933 on,that is undeniable.

Take your pick.

"...that is undeniable."
The facts deny it, liar.
The depression hit during Hoover, yet Roosevelt gets the blame for the Great Depression..

The recession, Hoover.
The Depression.....Roosevelt

The Depression peaked in 1933. FDR was not even inaugurated until March of 1933.

Liar....oooops....I forgot it was you.

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundreds of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.


Why are you measuring from 1931 instead of 1933?

Unemployment was 24% in 1933, not 17%.
PoliticalChic attacks FDR because her status and career depends on it.

But if she can make money pandering to far right loonies, that's the American way.

PC attracts many customers, and they keep coming back, suggesting she is serving up some good something. I do see much status envy going on with her good, informative OPs. ;)

Beauty, as I have said before, is in the eye of the beholder. Let her begin her argument with 1929 and Hoover, then everyone is on solid footing. :lol: I don't think anyone is envious of PC.

I hope you are having a good day, AA.
The republicans fumbled the ball badly under Hoover, who tried to balance the budget and worsened the recession into the great depression between the 1929 stock market crash and his defeat as a failed one term president in 1932, the bottom of the depression when the people turned to Roosevelt and the democrats.

On Hoover's activity:
"When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression with moderate government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam. Unfortunately, the record tariffs imbedded in the Smoot-Hawley Tariff and aggressive increases in the top tax bracket from 25% to 63%, coupled with increases in corporate taxes.[3] yielded a "balanced budget" in 1933, but seriously hindered economic recovery. Instead, the economy plummeted and unemployment rates rose to afflict one in four American workers. This downward spiral set the stage for Hoover's defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal."
Herbert Hoover - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There are people who don't agree with what Roosevelt did, and many support what he did. I am not interested in your propaganda. Hoover failed miserably. The American people at the time voted to elect the man who DEMONSTRATED the ability to deal with the Great Depression, and they then RE-ELECTED him THREE TIMES!

The reforms that came out of the Great Depression were amazingly good, the Pecora Commission actually got to the real reasons for the Wall St. crash. We got the Securities and Exchange Commission out of that which brought much greater transparency to our securities markets, we got the Glass-Steagall Act that prevented commercial banks from also doing investment banking and insurance, and we got minimum capital requirements for banks that were not relaxed until Chris Cox and the republicans did it in 2004, just before the collapse of our biggest banks like Lehman Bros.

"I am not interested in your propaganda. "

I posted facts, you moron.

Quoted Morgenthau, the Brookings Institute, and the FACTUAL history of Harding's economic policies and Roosevelt's failures.

Let me guess: you're a grad of government schools?

"Facts" quoted out of context can equal propaganda.

You omit the debacle that was the Hoover republican president when the great depression began in 1929 and presided over constant downslide in the economy to the bottom of the depression in 1932 when Roosevelt took over. Roosevelt did not create the depression, the republicans in the 1920's did. The people turned to the democrats and Roosevelt in 1932 to FIX it, and they re-elected him 3 times, because they could see he had a clue about how to deal with the problems, that the republicans never did. That's why Hoover was a failed one term president.

This thread is not about Hoover, you dunce.

Cut to the chase: did FDR's economic policies shorten the depression?

Since things got progressively better starting in 1933, the answer is either

1. yes, FDR's policies shortened the Depression, or,

2. we can't prove cause and effect, but the economy improved from 1933 on,that is undeniable.

Take your pick.

"...that is undeniable."
The facts deny it, liar.

By what measure was the economy worse when FDR took office and when he departed?
PoliticalChic attacks FDR because her status and career depends on it.

But if she can make money pandering to far right loonies, that's the American way.

PC attracts many customers, and they keep coming back, suggesting she is serving up some good something. I do see much status envy going on with her good, informative OPs. ;)

Do you not care that her OP's are full of misinformation, ignorance, and lies?
6. Maybe the stock market improved?

Nope. The value of all stocks dropped almost half from 1937-1939

7. Harding had cut federal spending big time! FDR? The United States had budget surpluses in 1930 and 1931, with a $16 billion dollar national debt in 1931. By the end of the decade the debt had ballooned to over $40 billion.

Guess which economic whiz ballooned the current debt to over $18 TRILLION?
Can't imagine who the morons were who voted for this wind bag.

a. From 1776 to 1931, the spending to support seven wars and at least five recessions was more than offset by the debt of Roosevelt's regime. Amazing? In less than a decade the financial wizardry of Franklin the First, said debt grew more than in the previous 150 years.
Folsom, Op. Cit.
Perhaps Lincoln's presidency has been studied more, but by this time, FDR's period has been researched to death by both liberals and conservatives, enough times to draw some conclusions about that epic in American history. There were no manuals on curing depressions at that time, (is there today?) and as FDR said we would try things, and he did. Not all were successful, and today an author can take those failures, make a book, and make conservatives feel better. Still for conservatives, FDR has got to be hard to take, I mean all historians rate him at least third best president; those that lived through that period elected him four times and would probably be electing him still today, even Reagan voted for him. That's gotta hurt conservatives.
"This thread is not about Hoover, you dunce. Cut to the chase: did FDR's economic policies shorten the depression?"

You have to compare it with Hoover's inadequacy to get an in-context answer.
Kiddies, this is what happens when you lock up someone and make them listen to Hate Radio all day.
Not at all, no this is what happens when you live in a dream...

FDR was disastrous, but you would have to have an IQ over 20 to understand that fact alone...

They name stuff after FDR. They don't name jack shit after Coolidge.

This says it all...
Last edited:
We've seen this thread before. And all of its dishonesty has been debunked.

Really? Where? Can you form an opinion of your own? FDR prolonged the Great Depression...

Our current Liberal POTUS is doing the same thing with the Great Recession, but he is your hero...

Your excuses are welcomed...
PC, I try not to treat your rambling threads seriously, but you are obviously too young to know people like my parents who lived through FDR's leadership.

Even my Dad, who was a staunch Nixon supporter, admitted that FDR was a great president. His leadership got America through the Depression and the War. It's why he was elected four times.
^ that

PoliticalChic should just have a running thread entitled something like "My zany rw :tinfoil: hack pot shots at librals" & let her talk to herself as her threads are SO PREDICTABLE :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

She wants to rewrite history but it aint gonna happen :laugh: "4-termer" Can you say that PC? :( :rofl:
Note that every fucking time, pardon my francais, PC tries to make this idiotic argument she tries to start a timeline from

1931!! WTF?

I dare her to explain that repeatedly, but she is too cowardly to do so.

PC looks more and more like a liberal parodying conservatives to make them look bad.
She's the perfect LW sock to make eXtreme rw'ers like herself, Stephanie, Vigilante, The Rabbi, Listening, 007, etc... look bad, not that that is exceedingly difficult :p
We've seen this thread before. And all of its dishonesty has been debunked.

Really? Where? Can you form an opinion of your own? FDR prolonged the Great Depression...

Our current Liberal POTUS is doing the same thing with the Great Recession, but he is your hero...

Your excuses are welcomed...

FDR did not prolong the depression. That is RWnut myth. Get over it.

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