Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes


ABC Management voting on the Roseanne cancellation. All in favor, raise your right hand
The Thought Police in full force.
So much for democrat freedom of speech. If only Michelle Wolf had said this about Melania Trump that would have been completely acceptable.

So when Colin Kapernick expresses his free speech he's anti-American, but when any conservatives does it and gets blowback it's "they're agin ar freedom o' speech and all conservatives should be able to call black people apes regardless of the affect on their employer".

You people are braindead.
ABC is free to do whatever they wish when it comes to the show. Private company and whatnot.
I say we make them bake cakes...

Unless yours are better...

You won’t get any argument from me on that account either. I’ve made my feelings about that issue very plain. Also, my confections are pretty awesome. My mom was a baker for several years and made all sorts of awesome things to sell when we lived on the family farm.
I'll be right over.

Don't worry, she'll try to reboot the show again 20 years from now.

I'm sure Tim Allen will be out next bitching about something. Conservatives love to whine.

And isn't it comical that she supported orange turd who vomits on twitter daily and he isn't cancelled YET.
. Conservatives love to whine.
and liberals dont? on Isaac...

Conservatives have refined it to a daily affirmation. Listen to any con talk radio show 24/7 or Fake Fox News and it is nonstop whining about how miserable life is and how it's all someone else's fault. And then it's repeated the next day, day in and day out.
Where's the left's demands that Roseanne has a first amendment right to say what she wants ?

It's freedom of speech when it's NFL players kneeling, but it's suddenly not free speech when it's something they don't agree with.

You do understand the difference between a peaceful protest to address an injustice and just saying something rude and racist, right?

Exactly true.

DigitalDrifter - I DO support Barr's right to be stupid and racist but I also support the right of other not to defend or support her.

The right has purposely chosen to lie about NFL players and their RIGHT to protest police brutality.

Similarly -

Notice how ABC was quick to act when the person is not considered part of the far left religious order.

Funny that you RWNJs are ASSSuming that all RWs are racist.

JMO, but Barr had/has the right to say that but ABC has the right not to pay her for it.

Its that simple. Get it through your head that the free market is not always going to do what you want. Quit whining when it doesn't.

Quit being SO triggered and so offended and SO snowflake when all people speak and not just the rabid, racist right.

Speaking of racist far left drones!
Too funny.

You have a right to free speech as long as its about how long Obama's dick is.

Talk bad about ANY of the lefts poster children and your ass gets canned.

It was pretty foul.........yow. Can that be taken into consideration, that most of us (you excepted) wouldn't say that about anyone? I don't like Obama and Co. either, but jeepers, what a thing to say.

I expect alcohol was involved.
So much for democrat freedom of speech. If only Michelle Wolf had said this about Melania Trump that would have been completely acceptable.

So when Colin Kapernick expresses his free speech he's anti-American, but when any conservatives does it and gets blowback it's "they're agin ar freedom o' speech and all conservatives should be able to call black people apes regardless of the affect on their employer".

You people are braindead.
No, not brain dead, fucking stupid.
Too funny
Yes, too fucking funny. She can join Tim Allen and Dennis Miller in the group of Republicans no one thinks are funny anymore.

Going back to the eighties? Wow, you're desperate. You do know Rosanne is a liberal, that happens to like Trump. You better watch out how fast you throw people off the plantation, soon there won't be anymore of you around. So keep up the good work.
What the fuck is up with these fuckin white women that seem to get off on fuckin with us black folk? If they not calling the cops on us for sitting in a gotdamned Starbucks, they calling decent people apes...this fat white pile of face lift trash, shame on that bitch!!
Roseanne should do what the Democrats did when the hacking and release of the DNC e-mails exposed them to be primary-rigging racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...


What the fuck is up with these fuckin white women that seem to get off on fuckin with us black folk? If they not calling the cops on us for sitting in a gotdamned Starbucks, they calling decent people apes...this fat white pile of face lift trash, shame on that bitch!!
It wasn't what she said about Jarret, but what she said about Soros. Jarret is as significant as stepped on dog dung

Here we go again, another piece of shit slobbering over Trump's mindless supporters. That so called joke was not only not funny, it wasn't necessary...what the fuck is up with this white bitch??
What the fuck is up with these fuckin white women that seem to get off on fuckin with us black folk? If they not calling the cops on us for sitting in a gotdamned Starbucks, they calling decent people apes...this fat white pile of face lift trash, shame on that bitch!!
It wasn't what she said about Jarret, but what she said about Soros. Jarret is as significant as stepped on dog dung

Says a pile of donkey

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