Rosebud Sioux Tribe: House Vote On Keystone XL Pipeline An ‘Act Of War'

We were the first Americans, you idiot. We discovered America and were here when Columbus 'discovered' America.

Yep. Then he and those who followed nearly wiped your people off the face of the planet. Possession is 99% of the law and now you only have a fraction of "your" land which is more than you should have.

Do you hate all non-whites?
We were the first Americans, you idiot. We discovered America and were here when Columbus 'discovered' America.

Yep. Then he and those who followed nearly wiped your people off the face of the planet. Possession is 99% of the law and now you only have a fraction of "your" land which is more than you should have.
What if the Chinese started taking American land? Would you be OK with that? Possession and everything.
The native Americans are right. In the long term, their ancestral lands will be screwed over for what Republicans value most- short-term profit :(.
We were the first Americans, you idiot. We discovered America and were here when Columbus 'discovered' America.

Yep. Then he and those who followed nearly wiped your people off the face of the planet. Possession is 99% of the law and now you only have a fraction of "your" land which is more than you should have.
What if the Chinese started taking American land? Would you be OK with that? Possession and everything.

they already are. have you noticed who owns the expensive property in Hawaii? Chinese and Japanese, thats who.
Well, I made it 5 pages into this shit before wanting to vomit. You cons are some real classy people.
Well if they declare war then that certainly should end any more Indian problems. But you and Liz Warren have nothing to worry about, just real native Americans.
Do you hate all non-whites?

Not at all. I don't even hate people of native american descent. What I hate are non - Americans...... people whose allegiance is to anything other than the country my forefathers brought forth on this nation.
Does 'native american' tell you anything?

First Nations. There was no such entity as a native American.
Indians think the term Native American funny.
What if the Chinese started taking American land? Would you be OK with that? Possession and everything.

If they can take it and hold it, then it's theirs. I wouldn't be OK with it, but it would be the US Government/Military that I would be pissed off at, not the Chinese.
Does 'native american' tell you anything?

Yes. It tells me that I live in a nation of PC asshats who refuse to accept the fact that these people LOST their entire claim to the land when they were not able to defend it from the European invaders; yet whom we refuse to force to join our culture or get the hell out of this country.
Who said the pipeline would not run through tribal land?


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