Rosie O'Donnell Attacks Trumps 10 Year Old Son Asking This On Twitter: "Barron Trump Autistic?"

Again for you illiterates --- I said nothing against the child. I don't even know him.
Go forth and learn to read. You continue to embarrass yourself.
Disagreed. You attacked his name, his genetics then implied he should never have been born.

"Barron" huh?
Say isn't that one of the names Rump used as an imaginary friend to pump his insatiable ego to the press?

Could be that insanity is just genetic.
Poor kid. Adults who have that kind of fucked-up mental disease going on should know better than to procreate.

See what I mean about "illiterates"?

*ALL* of that responsibility is placed where it belongs --- on the father. The kid can't help his genetics...... that's the entire POINT.

And *WHERE* is any "attack on his name"? Hm?

Again --- learn how the fuck to READ. You're not entitled to your own dictionary.

But you know what's revealing --- all these fake tears for poor little Barron from the same crowd that's looking the other way with the whole Ivanka incest thing.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

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This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic
Trump has said worse about more people. When did you become so politically correct?
Trump has said worse about more people
any links to him doing it to children?

He's joked about he and his friends and all the young girls they have had.
Really unfair trying to hit somebody insulting his child... :(
Besides even if this kid was autistic she wouldn't insult him and his family!

My thoughts exactly. OP never did explain how observing that a child is autistic is an "attack". Many of us are autistic.

What it really is is "irrelevant". The kid didn't run for anything.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic
Trump has said worse about more people. When did you become so politically correct?
Trump has said worse about more people
any links to him doing it to children?

He's joked about he and his friends and all the young girls they have had.

What comes to mind is watching a ten-year-old girl ascend the escalator after declaring "I'm gonna be dating her in ten years".

But at least he gave it "ten years".

Right, Rumpbots?
This is the left.........they tell us to leave the kids of obama alone...which we already did, since we actually have decency as part of who we are....and then they attack Trump's minor child......the older ones are fair game, the younger boy is fucking off limits....
Agreed. Chelsea, as a minor, should have been off-limits. As an adult, when she joined the campaign, she put herself in the arena. Same goes for the adult offspring of any politician.
Trump said all that needed to be said about her. She's a miserable pig. Nuff said.
Really unfair trying to hit somebody insulting his child... :(
Besides even if this kid was autistic she wouldn't insult him and his family!

My thoughts exactly. OP never did explain how observing that a child is autistic is an "attack". Many of us are autistic.

What it really is is "irrelevant". The kid didn't run for anything.

Actually the entire story is skewed from the beginning (big news when Steve McRacist is involved) --- here's the actual ENTIRE text of the tweet O'Donnell sent, being twisted into some sort of "attack" -- verbatim:

Barron Trump Autistic? if so - what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic
It's attached to a video that already makes the case strongly, citing Barron's erratic physical movements (I didn't watch the whole thing) --- and also notes, correctly, that autism impairs social skills and social understanding. ALL of that is right there in the OP's own link.

---- Which drives right back to my post about heredity. He's the son of a known sociopath so it's reasonable to expect that his autism may be either biologically inherited or socially learned or more likely a combination of both.

So bottom line, O'Donnell is correct -- it is an opportunity to bring attention to, and understanding of, autism.

Or -- we could just sweep it under the rug and pervert it into fake headlines about some kind of "attack".

Good job there, McRacist. Ya fucking hack.
Really unfair trying to hit somebody insulting his child... :(
Besides even if this kid was autistic she wouldn't insult him and his family!

My thoughts exactly. OP never did explain how observing that a child is autistic is an "attack". Many of us are autistic.

What it really is is "irrelevant". The kid didn't run for anything.

Actually the entire story is skewed from the beginning (big news when Steve McRacist is involved) --- here's the actual text of the tweet O'Donnell sent, being twisted into some sort of "attack" -- verbatim:

Barron Trump Autistic? if so - what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic
It's attached to a video that already makes the case strongly, citing Barron's erratic physical movements (I didn't watch the whole thing) --- and also notes, correctly, that autism impairs social skills and social understanding. ALL of that is right there in the OP's own link.

---- Which drives right back to my post about heredity. He's the son of a known sociopath so it's reasonable to expect that his autism may be either biologically inherited or socially learned or more likely a combination of both.

So bottom line, O'Donnell is correct -- it is an opportunity to bring attention to, and understanding of, autism.

Or -- we could just sweep it under the rug and pervert it into fake headlines about some kind of "attack".

Good job there, McRacist.

It's none of her business. She attacked a defenseless a child. You can't go any lower. Having a problem with Trump is one thing, but attacking his children is something else.

But hey, these are the kinds of hateful Communists/Progressives y'all get your 'News & information' from. So it isn't surprising you're defending her. Y'all should try attending Church sometime. It'll help you with your hateful hearts. Jesus will forgive and heal you.
Here's the video that O'Donnell was commenting on.

-- even features Rump himself referring to it.
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It's none of her business. She attacked a defenseless a child.

Oh did she.

I posted the entire tweet. As well as the video it was referring to.
---- care to essplain to the class where there's any "attack"?

No, you don't, because you cant. Because you're a lying sack like the OP and the horse he rode in on.
It's none of her business. She attacked a defenseless a child.

Oh did she.

I posted the entire tweet. As well as the video it was referring to.
---- care to essplain to the class where there's any "attack"?

No, you don't, because you cant. Because you're a lying sack like the OP and the horse he rode in on.

Like i said, not surprising you're defending her. She took a shot at Trump's child. It's heinous. Y'all really should consider finding Jesus. Allow him into your hearts. He will forgive and heal.
Here's the video that O'Donnell was commenting on.

-- even features Rump himself referring to it.

And yet, at the end it raises the question of why the family doesn't directly acknowledge or comment on it. Even with this opportunity to defend Barron.

Some of us know why.

Because the massive demented Ego of the sociopathic father can't handle it. He sees it as a "failure" and like all his failures, runs away from it.
It's none of her business. She attacked a defenseless a child.

Oh did she.

I posted the entire tweet. As well as the video it was referring to.
---- care to essplain to the class where there's any "attack"?

No, you don't, because you cant. Because you're a lying sack like the OP and the horse he rode in on.

Like i said, not surprising you're defending her. She took a shot at Trump's child. It's heinous. Y'all really should consider finding Jesus. Allow him into your hearts. He will forgive and heal.

And as I said (it's as, not "like") --- you can't quote ANYTHING that's "taking a shot" since no such "shot" exists.
I just proved it.

I pulled your pants down and you're trying to tell us you still have pants. You're a dishonest hack. You'd rather score points on your childish message board scoreboard than address actual autism. You can go to hell.

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