Rosie O'Donnell Attacks Trumps 10 Year Old Son Asking This On Twitter: "Barron Trump Autistic?"

This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Translation: Yes.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
Right. And by by being a fat ugly slob, O'Donnell brought this on herself.
She's actually slimmed down some. I saw a comedy show a few weeks ago (forgot which one) and didn't even recognize her. Maybe she has cancer. You can always hope, eh? ;)

Looks like the qu33r has a spare tire in that pic.

Remember when MSM broadcaster Megan "Great to see U" Kelly confronted The Donald at the debate, asking him about calling women as a group names which started the MSM lie that he was prejudiced? He corrected her and said was describing the hideous, jealous, butch qu33r O'Donnell who insulted him on some MSM venue.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Based on what?
How do you know she is attacking him? I read that he was autistic from one of those righty fake news sites. What if it's true, and what if Trump did advance the cause? My good friend at work has an autistic child who is extremely endearing. I'd hate to think people like you think that being autistic is somehow bad.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Based on what?

Based on the fact that you're the worst racist on USMB and you should shut up
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Translation: Yes.

When you start objecting to the OP's racism, we'll give a very small space in the civilized world.
How do you know she is attacking him? I read that he was autistic from one of those righty fake news sites. What if it's true, and what if Trump did advance the cause? My good friend at work has an autistic child who is extremely endearing. I'd hate to think people like you think that being autistic is somehow bad.

Could he be an idiot savant, like Ben Carson?
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

"Barron" huh?
Say isn't that one of the names Rump used as an imaginary friend to pump his insatiable ego to the press?

Could be that insanity is just genetic.
Poor kid. Adults who have that kind of fucked-up mental disease going on should know better than to procreate.

Pity you have turned into a complete scumbucket Pogo. You've truly gone over to the dark side.

Ah --- rilly? You're gonna tell us you don't know about all this?

>> A recording obtained by The Washington Post captures what New York reporters and editors who covered Trump’s early career experienced in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s: calls from Trump’s Manhattan office that resulted in conversations with “John Miller” or John Barron — public-relations men who sound precisely like Trump himself — who indeed are Trump, masquerading as an unusually helpful and boastful advocate for himself, according to the journalists and several of Trump’s top aides.

.... Some reporters found the calls from Miller or Barron disturbing or even creepy; others thought they were just examples of Trump being playful. Today, as the presumptive Republican nominee for president faces questions about his attitudes toward women, what stands out to some who received those calls is Trump’s characterization of women whom he portrayed as drawn to him sexually.

Miller was consistent about referring to Trump as “he,” but at one point, when asked how important Bruni was in Trump’s busy love life, the spokesman said, “I think it’s somebody that — you know, she’s beautiful. I saw her once, quickly, and beautiful . . . ” and then he quickly pivoted back into talking about Trump — then a 44-year-old father of three — in the third person.

In 1990, Trump testified in a court case that “I believe on occasion I used that name.”

In a phone call to NBC’s “Today” program Friday morning after this article appeared online, Trump denied that he was John Miller. “No, I don’t think it — I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all,” he said. “I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams — doesn’t sound like me.” Later, he was more definitive: “It was not me on the phone. And it doesn’t sound like me on the phone, I will tell you that, and it was not me on the phone. And when was this? Twenty-five years ago?”

Then, Friday afternoon, Washington Post reporters who were 44 minutes into a phone interview with Trump about his finances asked him a question about Miller: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?”

The phone went silent, then dead. When the reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now. I don’t know what happened.”

Trump has never been terribly adamant about denying that he often made calls to reporters posing as someone else. From his earliest years in business, he occasionally called reporters using the name “John Barron.”

A “John Baron,” described as a “vice-president of the Trump organization,” appeared in a front-page New York Times article as early as 1980, defending Trump’s decision to destroy sculptures on the facade of the Bonwit Teller department store building, the Fifth Avenue landmark he was demolishing to make way for his Trump Tower. Barron was quoted variously as a “Trump spokesman,” “Trump executive” or “Trump representative” in New York magazine, The Washington Post and other publications.

Trump’s fascination with the name “Barron” persisted for decades. When he was seeing Maples while still married to Ivana, he sometimes used the code name “the Baron” when he left messages for her. In 2004, when Trump commissioned a dramatic TV series based on the life of a New York real estate mogul like him, his only request to the writer was to name the main character “Barron.” And when Trump and his third wife, Melania, had a son, they named him Barron.

Carswell this week recalled that she immediately recognized something familiar in the Queens accent of Trump’s new publicist. She thought, “It’s so weird that Donald hired someone who sounds just like him.” After the 20-minute interview, she walked down the hall to play the tape to co-workers, who identified Trump’s voice. Carswell then called Cindy Adams, the longtime New York Post gossip columnist who had been close to Trump since the early 1970s. Adams immediately identified the voice as Trump’s.

“Oh, that’s Donald,” Carswell recalled Adams saying. “What is he doing?”

Then Carswell played the tape for Maples, who confirmed it was Trump and burst into tears as she heard Miller deny that a ring Trump gave her implied any intent to marry her.

Carswell, now a reporter-researcher at Vanity Fair, said the tape cuts off mid-interview, leaving out the part in which Miller said that actress Kim Basinger had been trying to date Trump. Hearing the tape for the first time in decades, Carswell said, “This was so farcical, that he pretended to be his own publicist. Here was this so-called billion-dollar real estate mogul, and he can’t hire his own publicist. It also said something about the control he wanted to keep of the news cycle flowing with this story, and I can’t believe he thought he’d get away with it.” << --- Rump Masqueraded as Publicist to Brag About Himself

--- so this is all news to you, right? You live in some kind of cave, is that it?

The man's mentally ill. Invents imaginary spokespersons, then admits having done it, then denies having done it after he's already admitted to it IN COURT. He literally thinks he can alter realities of the past ----------------- simply by denying they ever happened.

Tell me again how that's not fucked up delusional. :cuckoo:
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Based on what?

Based on the fact that you're the worst racist on USMB and you should shut up
See, you can't back up your post why Trump is guilty of this. Once again I expose you for spouting off lies.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.

This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Translation: Yes.

When you start objecting to the OP's racism, we'll give a very small space in the civilized world.
I only post factual truth's. There is nothing to object.
This is shocking! Let’s see if the media goes 24/7 over this the way it would if Trump had said something similar.


Rosie O'Donnell Sparks Outrage with Tweet Asking Whether Barron Trump Is Autistic

So what? Trump brought this on himself.
So, you're defending her attack on Trump's 10 year old son? Classy.

No. Trump is responsible for the attack on his son. Trump is the guilty party here. As usual.
Translation: Yes.

When you start objecting to the OP's racism, we'll give a very small space in the civilized world.
Deflection. Address your own bigotry. You defend adults attacking 10 year old children because you're consumed with hate for his father. How pathetic. You and pogo make a great pair (of bigots).
and no one gave a fuck when Rush called Chelsea ugly, right?
I don't know. Did they? Obviously I don't because I don't recall it.

For the record, attacking minors is worse than lame, it's pathetic. Still, Rosie O'donnell is a has-been D-list actress trading on past fame. If you and others want to give a shit about her, have at it.
Rosie is a has been that was going to move if Trump won the Presidency. She needs to fulfill her promise.

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