ROTFLOL ! "Passive Racism"

Folks, could I get someone to wake me up from this non-stop crazy that has been going on now for several years ?
If anyone knows of a cheap planet out there well away from this insanity, please drop me a PM asap.
Too funny. A vast majority of people wouldn't have thought twice about that photo.

But no, not the hypersensitive narcissists.

I guess we can add "passive racism" to the list with "micro aggression".

Can't blame the Gap for panicking, though, that's precisely what cultural intimidation is meant to cause.
Will someone burn the Exaggerated PC book

What happened to just plain common sense and mutual respect?

If it does not have a black or minority it is racism, if it does it can only be in a particular way or it's racism....

People, kids

racism if one does not have brown or red hair? What next, at least one must have two different color eyes? A gap in the teeth? A disability requiring a prosthesis? At least one person over the age of 80?

All demographics it would look like a class photo

I had a thread the other day on commercials. Every black person is Einstein and every white person is a dumb fuck.

That is definitely the trend these days.

Just last night I saw a new Dr Scholls gel insoles commercial.
It featured two guys working at a construction site. A black worker and a white worker. Both were complaining about their sore feet. Suddenly a third worker, (white guy), shows up who is all smiles, he's "gellin'".
The black guy says he wants what the gellin' guy has.

I sat there watching surprised that the gellin' guy wasn't the black guy, since he's made to look like the smarter guy of the three.
This is the way it is now. In the past no one would have noticed or cared, but since there is now obviously an agenda going, it surprising when the narrative goes off script.
Will someone burn the Exaggerated PC book

What happened to just plain common sense and mutual respect?

If it does not have a black or minority it is racism, if it does it can only be in a particular way or it's racism....

People, kids

racism if one does not have brown or red hair? What next, at least one must have two different color eyes? A gap in the teeth? A disability requiring a prosthesis? At least one person over the age of 80?

All demographics it would look like a class photo

I had a thread the other day on commercials. Every black person is Einstein and every white person is a dumb fuck.
The Gap made a serious mistake pulling that Ad. We are still able to say niggardly because people stood up against the dumb fucks who thought it was racist. Pulling the Ad admits that the Gap designed a racist Ad when it didn't and is a slap in the face of white people. Not a good marketing plan.
The race card is a weapon that people who hate whites use.

It is that simple.

They know they gain power everytime it is used. So it is used as much as possible. Even when it is false. False racism claims probably run 90%. They are hurting the other 10% of claims that are real.

Reminds of the boy who cried wolf. Sooner or later you're going fuck yourself over if you keep it up.
The race card is a weapon that people who hate whites use.

It is that simple.

They know they gain power everytime it is used. So it is used as much as possible. Even when it is false. False racism claims probably run 90%. They are hurting the other 10% of claims that are real.

Reminds of the boy who cried wolf. Sooner or later you're going fuck yourself over if you keep it up.

It's way overused for sure, and it's very sad when people give in to the stupid claims like the Gap has done here.
Would it he better if those people had no jobs at all?

costs and standards of living are very different over in those countries. There are places were a few dollars is a living wage.
Many have no jobs so those who do get work is a blessing for their families. The clothing mills pay more than many other jobs.
They get labor grateful to have jobs and we get clothing that low income people can afford.
If the clothing did not come here, it would be sold elsewhere in the world.

Yes it would be nice for their wages to be higher and their work conditions to be better, but there is no shortage of people willing to take those jobs at any price.
We might want to turn our noses up and clothes made in those mills but most of the world will not. Without companies bringing them jobs, they would be far worse off and many of the younger women would turn to sex industries.
There are groups trying to take women that seek to leave sex workers and give them jobs from clothing to jewellery to local crafts sold world wide. Some also help with education and health care.
Some of those are countries that used to kill girls because they had no value to the family as workers. Now they might bring home more than working in the fields with their family or preparing what little food might be brought home.

We can condemn such work, but most of the workers are grateful for it.

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