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Rowan County,Ky Clerk of court refuses to listen to tyranny

How did this sort of thing work out for the bigots in the past?
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Rowan County Clerk s Office Defies Federal Judge s Order - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

GOOD JOB KIM! Very proud of you. To hell with the judicial tyranny and activist judges. You do what's right and stand by your beliefs! This judge had a very easy out and refused to do so. He wants to FORCE her to go against her religious beliefs which is against 1st amendment. He could EASILY have declared her absent and let someone else do this.

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
Rowan County Clerk s Office Defies Federal Judge s Order - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

GOOD JOB KIM! Very proud of you. To hell with the judicial tyranny and activist judges. You do what's right and stand by your beliefs! This judge had a very easy out and refused to do so. He wants to FORCE her to go against her religious beliefs which is against 1st amendment. He could EASILY have declared her absent and let someone else do this.

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Your argument is fatally flawed.

Says you. On the other hand, every court to hear the issue has ruled against her. Even the republican governor has ruled against her.

Clearly there's something about her argument that you're missing.

Conscience doesn't necessarily arise from religion. Even some atheists don't believe SSM is right. Charles Darwin was one of them. You ASSume what you have no right to.

So you're saying that her Christian beliefs aren't her motivation? Because Kim Davis says otherwise:

Kim Davis has argued that her deeply held Christian beliefs prevent her from issuing licenses to same-sex couples. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled gay marriage bans unconstitutional, Davis stopped issuing licenses to any couple, gay or straight.

Kim Davis Rowan County Clerk denies David Moore and David Ermold marriage license defying court Newsday

So why would I ignore Davis on her own beliefs and instead believe you pretending to speak for her?

You were saying about 'fatal flaws'?
No I didn't say that her views weren't motivated by religion, I said it's an assumption we can't make because conscience doesn't always find a basis in religious belief. So it really doesn't matter. A compelling argument could be made that all values are based on religion if religion is defined as those things we accept dogmatically. If that were the case, then a Leftist like you couldn't be in government forcing your religious views either.

Doublethink and newspeak. ROFL

I think you are arguing that a political conservative holding public office or job and motivated by beliefs of any kind (e.g., anti-liberal beliefs), may impose his conservative views on the general public even if those beliefs are in violation of laws . . . perhaps even a petty official for the local "food stamp" department could refuse to do her job because she's opposed to the liberal or progressive policy of feeding the poor.
Your brand of "civil disobedience" loses. Ask George Wallace.
Ahhh when normal society is called bigoted...night is day,right is wrong,up is down...new speak...lovely. George Wallace was a chicken shit politician that really didn't care about his people he just care about getting re elected.Like Kennedy said. Refuse to let peaceful revolution happen then violence is going to solve the problem for us.:)

"Normal" society? Opposition to your attempted use of the power of the government to impose your hate of others and bigoted views on society as a whole is itself bigoted? You're the victim, not the people you victimize? and other people are the ones engaged in Orwellian thinking?
The hero of bigots, Kim Davis, has now sought an emergency stay of the preliminary injunction in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals:

15-5880 #15
How did this sort of thing work out for the bigots in the past?
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Rowan County Clerk s Office Defies Federal Judge s Order - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

GOOD JOB KIM! Very proud of you. To hell with the judicial tyranny and activist judges. You do what's right and stand by your beliefs! This judge had a very easy out and refused to do so. He wants to FORCE her to go against her religious beliefs which is against 1st amendment. He could EASILY have declared her absent and let someone else do this.

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
No I am not. But a revolution will happen here. Either because America finally runs out of money or China comes calling for its money or just so many takers overwhelming the system etc....I can't wait either way.
Rowan County Clerk s Office Defies Federal Judge s Order - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

GOOD JOB KIM! Very proud of you. To hell with the judicial tyranny and activist judges. You do what's right and stand by your beliefs! This judge had a very easy out and refused to do so. He wants to FORCE her to go against her religious beliefs which is against 1st amendment. He could EASILY have declared her absent and let someone else do this.

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Your argument is fatally flawed.

Says you. On the other hand, every court to hear the issue has ruled against her. Even the republican governor has ruled against her.

Clearly there's something about her argument that you're missing.

Conscience doesn't necessarily arise from religion. Even some atheists don't believe SSM is right. Charles Darwin was one of them. You ASSume what you have no right to.

So you're saying that her Christian beliefs aren't her motivation? Because Kim Davis says otherwise:

Kim Davis has argued that her deeply held Christian beliefs prevent her from issuing licenses to same-sex couples. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled gay marriage bans unconstitutional, Davis stopped issuing licenses to any couple, gay or straight.

Kim Davis Rowan County Clerk denies David Moore and David Ermold marriage license defying court Newsday

So why would I ignore Davis on her own beliefs and instead believe you pretending to speak for her?

You were saying about 'fatal flaws'?
No I didn't say that her views weren't motivated by religion, I said it's an assumption we can't make because conscience doesn't always find a basis in religious belief. So it really doesn't matter. A compelling argument could be made that all values are based on religion if religion is defined as those things we accept dogmatically. If that were the case, then a Leftist like you couldn't be in government forcing your religious views either.

Doublethink and newspeak. ROFL

I think you are arguing that a political conservative holding public office or job and motivated by beliefs of any kind (e.g., anti-liberal beliefs), may impose his conservative views on the general public even if those beliefs are in violation of laws . . . perhaps even a petty official for the local "food stamp" department could refuse to do her job because she's opposed to the liberal or progressive policy of feeding the poor.
Why are conservatives under this kind of scrutiny but Leftists aren't? Do you remember the black racist that worked for the USDA and confessed to discriminating against white farmers? We do. How about the IRS denying 501c status to Tea Party organizations and feeding their personal info to Left wing media sources? For all your concern that conservatives are forcing their views, you sure seem to miss how often this happens on your side.
Good for her. This protest has to spread. Peaceful resistance.
down with the US constitution up with Bible thumping
The constitution does not give gays the right to marry

In order to secure the blessings of liberty, our forefathers formed a government of limited powers. In doing so, they did not surrender all of their liberty interests (rights) to the government only to have a few doled back to them in a bill of rights. They surrendered nothing; they retained all of their liberty interests. The Ninth Amendment explicitly states, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The Fourteenth Amendment was adopted after the Civil War. It provides, "No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The right to marry is a fundamental liberty interest secured by the constitution against state deprivations. Because same-sex couples are similarly situated to opposite-sex couples, there is no legitimate reason to deprive them of equal protection under the law.

The question is not what the constitution gives to people because it was never intended to be a charter of rights. The question is what government deprivations, denials, or disparagements of individual liberty interests (rights) are legitimately within the government's power.
How did this sort of thing work out for the bigots in the past?
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Rowan County Clerk s Office Defies Federal Judge s Order - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

GOOD JOB KIM! Very proud of you. To hell with the judicial tyranny and activist judges. You do what's right and stand by your beliefs! This judge had a very easy out and refused to do so. He wants to FORCE her to go against her religious beliefs which is against 1st amendment. He could EASILY have declared her absent and let someone else do this.

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
No I am not. But a revolution will happen here. Either because America finally runs out of money or China comes calling for its money or just so many takers overwhelming the system etc....I can't wait either way.

Americans did not borrow trillions of dollars from China to fund same-sex marriages. Who exactly have their hands in the till? Put the blame where it belongs: on our elected representatives who tell you what you want to hear to get elected, and then spend their time in office catering to billionaires and big money interests. You should be looking at the biggest takers: trillions spent on industrial war machine and corporate bail-outs and corporate welfare. Also, Congress borrowed so much money from our social security fund that the people who paid into the system are getting the shaft. Programs for the poor are a small portion of our national budget.
Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Your argument is fatally flawed.

Says you. On the other hand, every court to hear the issue has ruled against her. Even the republican governor has ruled against her.

Clearly there's something about her argument that you're missing.

Conscience doesn't necessarily arise from religion. Even some atheists don't believe SSM is right. Charles Darwin was one of them. You ASSume what you have no right to.

So you're saying that her Christian beliefs aren't her motivation? Because Kim Davis says otherwise:

Kim Davis has argued that her deeply held Christian beliefs prevent her from issuing licenses to same-sex couples. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled gay marriage bans unconstitutional, Davis stopped issuing licenses to any couple, gay or straight.

Kim Davis Rowan County Clerk denies David Moore and David Ermold marriage license defying court Newsday

So why would I ignore Davis on her own beliefs and instead believe you pretending to speak for her?

You were saying about 'fatal flaws'?
No I didn't say that her views weren't motivated by religion, I said it's an assumption we can't make because conscience doesn't always find a basis in religious belief. So it really doesn't matter. A compelling argument could be made that all values are based on religion if religion is defined as those things we accept dogmatically. If that were the case, then a Leftist like you couldn't be in government forcing your religious views either.

Doublethink and newspeak. ROFL

I think you are arguing that a political conservative holding public office or job and motivated by beliefs of any kind (e.g., anti-liberal beliefs), may impose his conservative views on the general public even if those beliefs are in violation of laws . . . perhaps even a petty official for the local "food stamp" department could refuse to do her job because she's opposed to the liberal or progressive policy of feeding the poor.
Why are conservatives under this kind of scrutiny but Leftists aren't? Do you remember the black racist that worked for the USDA and confessed to discriminating against white farmers? We do. How about the IRS denying 501c status to Tea Party organizations and feeding their personal info to Left wing media sources? For all your concern that conservatives are forcing their views, you sure seem to miss how often this happens on your side.

Did anyone else notice an appalling lack of links to support all of the contentions listed above?
How did this sort of thing work out for the bigots in the past?
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Rowan County Clerk s Office Defies Federal Judge s Order - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

GOOD JOB KIM! Very proud of you. To hell with the judicial tyranny and activist judges. You do what's right and stand by your beliefs! This judge had a very easy out and refused to do so. He wants to FORCE her to go against her religious beliefs which is against 1st amendment. He could EASILY have declared her absent and let someone else do this.

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
No I am not. But a revolution will happen here. Either because America finally runs out of money or China comes calling for its money or just so many takers overwhelming the system etc....I can't wait either way.

Americans did not borrow trillions of dollars from China to fund same-sex marriages.

Or at all. I think our total debt to china tops out at the hundreds of billions. Most of our debt is owed to the States and Federal Reserve Banks. In short, to ourselves.
How did this sort of thing work out for the bigots in the past?
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
No I am not. But a revolution will happen here. Either because America finally runs out of money or China comes calling for its money or just so many takers overwhelming the system etc....I can't wait either way.

Americans did not borrow trillions of dollars from China to fund same-sex marriages.

Or at all. I think our total debt to china tops out at the hundreds of billions. Most of our debt is owed to the States and Federal Reserve Banks. In short, to ourselves.
Debra. I never said we borrowed ANY money to fund these fake marriages. I am stating a fact in GENERAL. Oh and the Fed is a PRIVATE banking entity attached to the Rothschilds who care less about a nations politics because they control almost every nations banking! They control the money.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
No I am not. But a revolution will happen here. Either because America finally runs out of money or China comes calling for its money or just so many takers overwhelming the system etc....I can't wait either way.

Americans did not borrow trillions of dollars from China to fund same-sex marriages.

Or at all. I think our total debt to china tops out at the hundreds of billions. Most of our debt is owed to the States and Federal Reserve Banks. In short, to ourselves.
Debra. I never said we borrowed ANY money to fund these fake marriages. I am stating a fact in GENERAL. Oh and the Fed is a PRIVATE banking entity attached to the Rothschilds who care less about a nations politics because they control almost every nations banking! They control the money.

They're kinda private. The FOMC has tremendous sway over the banks. And we assign a controlling interest of its members, including its chairman. Plus, any money made by the Fed banks above operating expenses is refunded to the federal government. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars a year. In 2013 for example the Fed distributed something like 80 billion dollars to the US Treasury.

Something no purely private bank would ever do.
Granny says, "Dat's right - she standin' up fer what she believes...

Kim Davis Standing Her Ground
September 1, 2015 - “I never imagined a day like this would come, where I would be asked to violate a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself regarding marriage.”
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who stopped issuing marriage licenses because of her Christian convictions about gay marriage. The high court refused to stay a lower court order. That means the Rowan County clerk must now decide whether to resume issuing marriage licenses or continue to defy a federal judge's order. So far, she is choosing to defy the court order.

Davis emerged from her office Tuesday morning after couples were denied marriage licenses. David Moore and David Ermold were among them. They have been rejected four times. The Associated Press reports Davis asked Moore and Ermold to leave her office Tuesday and they replied, "We're not leaving until we have a license." Davis responded, "Then you're going to have a long day." A deputy clerk also told lesbian couple April Miller and Karen Roberts no licenses would be issued.

Davis stopped issuing all marriage licenses after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in June. She says she's doing so "under God's authority." Kentucky's governor and a federal judge ordered Davis to issue the licenses. An appeals court upheld that decision. On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to intervene, leaving Davis no legal grounds to refuse. If Davis refuses to resume issuing the licenses, she could face fines or jail time. Her attorney has said she is aware of the consequences.

KY Clerk Stands Ground Despite High Court Ruling - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
She need to publicly convert to Islam. That oughtta do it.
Is that the Kentucky religion where a clerk can issue a license for Daisy Mae's marriage to her sixth husband but not to Bruce's marriage to his first husband?
Granny says, "Dat's right - she standin' up fer what she believes...

Kim Davis Standing Her Ground
September 1, 2015 - “I never imagined a day like this would come, where I would be asked to violate a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself regarding marriage.”

It's a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself that you are not allowed to divorce and re-marry. How many Kentuckians have been turned away by this sanctimonious hypocritical bitch when applying for their second, third, fourth, or fifth marriage license, pray tell?
How did this sort of thing work out for the bigots in the past?
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Actually its the 1st amendment that forbids her actions. As it forbids the establishment of religion. She's a government representative. And she's using her office to impose her religious views on others.

That's establishing religion. Which the constitution explicitly forbids. If her religion forbids her from doing her job, she can get another job.
Actually she isn't. She is merely saying HER religion forbids her from doing this. Simple. So the tyrannical fuck in the robe can declare her absent and have someone else sign the papers for the faggots.

Odium: Are you suggesting if Kim Davis loses her case, then the next step will be for her and her gun-toting supporters to barricade themselves inside the county clerk's office and commit violence upon applicants for marriage licenses? What kind of violent revolution do you envision will happen when petty government officials are not permitted (under the First Amendment) to become a law unto themselves and establish religious fiefdoms throughout the land?
No I am not. But a revolution will happen here. Either because America finally runs out of money or China comes calling for its money or just so many takers overwhelming the system etc....I can't wait either way.

Americans did not borrow trillions of dollars from China to fund same-sex marriages.

Or at all. I think our total debt to china tops out at the hundreds of billions. Most of our debt is owed to the States and Federal Reserve Banks. In short, to ourselves.

China owns about $1T in US treasuries, as of the last time I bothered to check.

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