Rs "... guilty of murder ..."

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Right-wing extremists ?are guilty of murder,? Sen. Angus King tells Salon -

“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion,” Sen. Angus King, a Maine Independent who caucuses with Democrats, told me in a Friday interview. “Some of those people they persuade are going to end up dying because they don’t have health insurance. For people who do that to other people in the name of some obscure political ideology is one of the grossest violations of our humanity I can think of. This absolutely drives me crazy.”

“I tried to look up the phone number for one of these guys … to ask “are you aware of what you’re doing?” he added.

Forty years ago, when King was 29 years old, he was provided health insurance as a staffer for then-Sen. Bill Hathaway, D-Maine, and for the first time in a decade went to a clinic for a checkup.

“I had a health policy that included in it a free annual physical as a part of the policy and they had evening clinic hours. And I wouldn’t have taken the day off — and if that hadn’t been covered under the insurance there’s no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t have gone to have the checkup,” King said.

Repubs want to hurt the poor, women, elderly, children. That's their goal.

And, yes, they could be responsible for people dying.

Lots for the R to celebrate.
Right-wing extremists ?are guilty of murder,? Sen. Angus King tells Salon -

“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion,” Sen. Angus King, a Maine Independent who caucuses with Democrats, told me in a Friday interview. “Some of those people they persuade are going to end up dying because they don’t have health insurance. For people who do that to other people in the name of some obscure political ideology is one of the grossest violations of our humanity I can think of. This absolutely drives me crazy.”

“I tried to look up the phone number for one of these guys … to ask “are you aware of what you’re doing?” he added.

Forty years ago, when King was 29 years old, he was provided health insurance as a staffer for then-Sen. Bill Hathaway, D-Maine, and for the first time in a decade went to a clinic for a checkup.

“I had a health policy that included in it a free annual physical as a part of the policy and they had evening clinic hours. And I wouldn’t have taken the day off — and if that hadn’t been covered under the insurance there’s no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t have gone to have the checkup,” King said.

Repubs want to hurt the poor, women, elderly, children. That's their goal.

And, yes, they could be responsible for people dying.

Lots for the R to celebrate.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Over 56 MILLION abortions since 1973.

Liberals celebrate that.
Repubs want to hurt the poor, women, elderly, children. That's their goal.

To Luddly Neddite: You can’t name one with proof.

And, yes, they could be responsible for people dying.

To Luddly Neddite: In addition to the Democrat party’s Culture of Death; infanticide, assisted suicide, ACA death panels, etcetera, I can name Harry Reid:

Reid dumped his usual boilerplate about the unspeakable outrage of Republicans picking and choosing which parts of government to fund. ”But if you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?” Bash pressed.

“Why would we want to do that?” snarled Reid. ”I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own.”

Reid followed up with a little dash of condescension and misogyny by sneering at Bash, “To have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you’re irresponsible and reckless.”

Shakespeare could not improve upon John Hayward’s description of the man Democrats love:

Reid is an ugly piece of work, a hyper-partisan hatchet man . . .

Harry Reid: Why would we save children with cancer when federal employees are hurting?
By: John Hayward
10/2/2013 04:41 PM

Harry Reid: Why would we save children with cancer when federal employees are hurting? | Human Events
Not surprising that no rw can actually address the subject of the op.

Funny guys.

Really funny.
I don't know about the rest of you but when I get up in the morning, the first thing I do as a right winger is go to down to the preschool and kill me some kids. Next, it's to the nursing home for some Ben Gay and a mass shooting. Yep, that sure has got me pegged. I'm a RW terrorist who hates children and the elderly and I want them to die.

Later I find some woman, play a little stinky pinky with her before I cap her. She's a liability. She might get breast cancer some day.
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Repubs want to hurt the poor, women, elderly, children. That's their goal.

And, yes, they could be responsible for people dying.

Lots for the R to celebrate.

This kind of bullshit post is why no one takes you seriously. You are the epitome of a mindless hyper-partisan shill.
Right-wing extremists ?are guilty of murder,? Sen. Angus King tells Salon -

“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion,” Sen. Angus King, a Maine Independent who caucuses with Democrats, told me in a Friday interview. “Some of those people they persuade are going to end up dying because they don’t have health insurance. For people who do that to other people in the name of some obscure political ideology is one of the grossest violations of our humanity I can think of. This absolutely drives me crazy.”

“I tried to look up the phone number for one of these guys … to ask “are you aware of what you’re doing?” he added.

Forty years ago, when King was 29 years old, he was provided health insurance as a staffer for then-Sen. Bill Hathaway, D-Maine, and for the first time in a decade went to a clinic for a checkup.

“I had a health policy that included in it a free annual physical as a part of the policy and they had evening clinic hours. And I wouldn’t have taken the day off — and if that hadn’t been covered under the insurance there’s no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t have gone to have the checkup,” King said.

Repubs want to hurt the poor, women, elderly, children. That's their goal.

And, yes, they could be responsible for people dying.

Lots for the R to celebrate.

Sorry, it's your boy Harry Reid that says fuck the kids with cancer........

Help kids with cancer? Reid asks: 'Why would we want to do that?' | Fox News

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