Rubio/Cruz/Kasich Encourage Rioters

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What I would like to know is what difference rioters and protesters think that they are going to make by their rioting and protesting because at the end of the day, everyone is going to do whatever it is that makes sense to them including voting for whoever it is that they want to see behind that desk in the White House and that is if voting for anyone at all means enough to them. I know plenty of people who are not interested enough in this whole thing to vote for anyone.

God bless you and them always!!!


I wonder what the protesters would have taken had the event been in a town center somewhere?? New TVs???

Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??

Correcting the trade imbalance, bringing factories (and jobs) back to the U.S., more people working for higher wages, will bring much more money into the government as well as the private sector and entitlements won't have to be cut.

So you're a supporter of a $15 minimum wage too, then. Because your argument is the same one those who support the $15 minimum wage use. And the economics are about the same. They both raise the costs for consumers and decrease corporate profits.

What a topsy turvy world we live in when so-called conservatives make leftist higher-tax, higher-wage, government-interfering economic arguments, eh?

And FTR, those jobs aren't coming back. Sorry. Trump's lying to you.

So you link higher wages to increased productivity!!! Good job old bean!!!

Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??

He's a liar. He has no degree in economics. If he did, he wouldn't be a liberal.
Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??

He's a liar. He has no degree in economics. If he did, he wouldn't be a liberal.

I've argued with Marxist Economists before. Arrogant persons. (I'm used to the badlands).

Marxist Economists: we have limited resources. Everyone gets what they need; wants are for US to decide!!!

I say this to Marxists....damn; not in the badlands. lol

Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??

He's a liar. He has no degree in economics. If he did, he wouldn't be a liberal.

I've argued with Marxist Economists before. Arrogant persons. (I'm used to the badlands).

They all think they're economists, only it doesn't take a degree to believe that stealing money from those who earn it and using that money to buy somebody's vote is sound economic policy.
Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??

He's a liar. He has no degree in economics. If he did, he wouldn't be a liberal.

I've argued with Marxist Economists before. Arrogant persons. (I'm used to the badlands).

They all think they're economists, only it doesn't take a degree to believe that stealing money from those who earn it and using that money to buy somebody's vote is sound economic policy.
I agree. Dems are now in two camps; cargo cultists and lefty loons. Hard to tell which is which some days. I know a COUPLE of free enterprise Dems but they're in despair!!!

Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??


An increase in wages because of tariffs or minimum wages doesn't increase productivity.

And I'm not a lefty, you idiot, at least not in economics.
I have a degree in economics
Yeah, sure you do. :lol:

I have an honours degree in finance and economics, an MBA, a CFA, have lectured at a university, and run an investment department.

Your inability to answer my argument is noted. Your ignorance in economics is obvious.
No one is impressed with a claim from an anonymous person on a message board.
Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??


An increase in wages because of tariffs or minimum wages doesn't increase productivity.

And I'm not a lefty, you idiot, at least not in economics.
Did you deliberately miss the point or are you just trying to point score? I was wondering why you didn't link wage rises and productivity?? Avoiding the issue??

I have a degree in economics
Yeah, sure you do. :lol:

I have an honours degree in finance and economics, an MBA, a CFA, have lectured at a university, and run an investment department.

Your inability to answer my argument is noted. Your ignorance in economics is obvious.
No one is impressed with a claim from an anonymous person on a message board.

That's ironic, given that you made a claim that I was a liar.

I've made a 20-year career navigating capital markets. I can tell when ignorant fuckstains like yourself have no idea what they're talking about.

Unless you want to back your shit up, which you refuse to do.
One of the most disgraceful things I've eve seen in politics is the encouragement being given to anti-Trump rioters, by the 3 stooges > Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich. While these losers, in their pathetic desperation, seem to be willing to throw common decency to the wind, in order to derail Trump, in any way they can, they are guilty of the same thing they are accusing Trump of doing.

All their anti-Trump talk, trying to paint him as the villain in all this rally turmoil is only lending aid and comfort to the anarchistic, disrupter-protestors. By shifting the blame from the disruptors to Trump and his folks, they have become participants in the sickening actions of those sabatoging our freedom of speech and democracy process.

Adding to the fiasco, is Hillary and Bernie (make that the 5 stooges), who couldn't resist jumping in, to get their Trump hater fans like them a bit more. All these stooges are trying to make a case that Trump and his people are being violent to the protesters who are supposedly only exercising the right to free speech. They do have a right of free speech, but they don't have a right to break laws, such as disrupting a peaceful meeting, disturbing the peace, threats, assault & battery, and inciting riot.

Their MO seems to be taking the lawful "violence" that secret service, police and security use to subdue, control, and expel disruptors, and trying to paint that as being unlawful and improper. I expect to see deceit like that coming from the left, but seeing it from Republicans is disheartening. If there ever was any chance for Rubio, Kasich or Cruz to gain a god job in a possible Trump administration, they have buried that now.

Trump has said when the troublemaker crazies come into his rallies and disrupt and fight with Trump followers, the Trump folks should fight back. Nothing wrong with that. The 5 stooges can go chew on a tree stump.
This only thing disgraceful is the propensity of most on the right to lie – this being one of many examples.
Only an idiot like yourself would think that an economy based on real productivity and low unemployment that benefits workers with higher wages is the same thing as the government mandating higher wages through wealth redistribution.

I have a degree in economics, and I am telling you that the economic effects of a minimum wage increase and a higher tariff are about the same, though a tariff is probably worse since a tariff creates a dead-weight loss of wealth in the economy whereas a minimum wage increase shifts the demand curve for labor without inducing a dead-weight loss.

The reason why leftists support both tariffs and minimum wage hikes is because they believe both induce demand. You, without knowing it, are making a leftist economic argument. Both higher tariffs and higher minimum wages are the government coming into the market and dictating prices.

And you have it completely backwards about productivity. Tariffs reduce productivity, not increase it. We've known this since the 19th century. Tariffs reallocate wealth to less efficient industries that cannot exist without protection. It is an axiom in economics. This destroys wealth since capital is allocated within the economy less efficiently. Tariffs are a bane to capitalism.

If a 45% tariff is imposed on Chinese or Mexican goods, then companies will either increase their investments in automation - no, those jobs aren't coming back - or they will route the goods through some other jurisdiction not subject to the tariff, and come into the country anyways.

Donald Trump is lying to you. He is making promises he cannot keep. Those jobs aren't coming back.

I have a degree in economics,

From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??


An increase in wages because of tariffs or minimum wages doesn't increase productivity.

And I'm not a lefty, you idiot, at least not in economics.
Did you deliberately miss the point or are you just trying to point score. I was wondering why you didn't link wage rises and productivity?? Avoiding the issue??


In theory, rising productivity means rising wages. However, that link appears to have been broken over the past three decades. Instead, the gains have accrued mostly to capital.

Now, why are you talking about rising productivity? What point are you trying to make? That has nothing to do with tariffs. Or are you just as obtuse as SJ?
I have a degree in economics
Yeah, sure you do. :lol:

I have an honours degree in finance and economics, an MBA, a CFA, have lectured at a university, and run an investment department.

Your inability to answer my argument is noted. Your ignorance in economics is obvious.
No one is impressed with a claim from an anonymous person on a message board.

That's ironic, given that you made a claim that I was a liar.

I've made a 20-year career navigating capital markets. I can tell when ignorant fuckstains like yourself have no idea what they're talking about.

Unless you want to back your shit up, which you refuse to do.
How about if you back up YOUR claim of navigating capital markets for 20 years, fuckstain?
I have a degree in economics
Yeah, sure you do. :lol:

I have an honours degree in finance and economics, an MBA, a CFA, have lectured at a university, and run an investment department.

Your inability to answer my argument is noted. Your ignorance in economics is obvious.
No one is impressed with a claim from an anonymous person on a message board.

That's ironic, given that you made a claim that I was a liar.

I've made a 20-year career navigating capital markets. I can tell when ignorant fuckstains like yourself have no idea what they're talking about.

Unless you want to back your shit up, which you refuse to do.
How about if you back up YOUR claim of navigating capital markets for 20 years, fuckstain?

I don't have to prove anything to lowlifes like you.

Since you can't provide anything to support your argument, this is the point where you should STFU and slink out of this thread, rather than continue to prove that Trump voters are generally uneducated.
Yeah, sure you do. :lol:

I have an honours degree in finance and economics, an MBA, a CFA, have lectured at a university, and run an investment department.

Your inability to answer my argument is noted. Your ignorance in economics is obvious.
No one is impressed with a claim from an anonymous person on a message board.

That's ironic, given that you made a claim that I was a liar.

I've made a 20-year career navigating capital markets. I can tell when ignorant fuckstains like yourself have no idea what they're talking about.

Unless you want to back your shit up, which you refuse to do.
How about if you back up YOUR claim of navigating capital markets for 20 years, fuckstain?

I don't have to prove anything to lowlifes like you.

Since you can't provide anything to support your argument, this is the point where you should STFU and slink out of this thread, rather than continue to prove that Trump voters are generally uneducated.
In other words, you can't prove a damn thing. Just as I thought.

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