Rubio/Cruz/Kasich Encourage Rioters

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Quotes from the three listed in your thread title encouraging riots.
I don't know why you feel the need to ask for a link for something that was all over the news just a few days ago, but sure I'll post them. Links coming right up. Stand by.

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence

Donald Trump's rivals rip him for 'disturbing, ugly' rhetoric amid chaos in Chicago
Rubio blamed everyone including Obama, himself and the media.

And here I thought you were going to be honest.

Oh well.
So you're a supporter of a $15 minimum wage too, then. Because your argument is the same one those who support the $15 minimum wage use. And the economics are about the same. They both raise the costs for consumers and decrease corporate profits.

What a topsy turvy world we live in when so-called conservatives make leftist higher-tax, higher-wage, government-interfering economic arguments, eh?

And FTR, those jobs aren't coming back. Sorry. Trump's lying to you.
Minimum wage does NOT raise cost for consumers, and 58% of Republicans support it, as opposed to 39% who oppose. (Gallup Poll) And who said anything about higher taxes ? Trump is proposing the top bracket tax rate in 85 years.

Most Americans for Raising Minimum Wage

Tax Reform

Rubio blamed everyone including Obama, himself and the media.

And here I thought you were going to be honest.

Oh well.
What Rubio said about TRUMP is what we're talking about here (not some other people). And here I thought you were going to be honest.

"The Florida senator and Ohio governor, who are both fighting to avoid campaign-ending losses to Trump in their home states on Tuesday, blamed him for fostering a climate at his campaign events that enables violence. That climate, Rubio said, has the country “careening toward chaos and anarchy.”

“We settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence,” Rubio told reporters.

“You wonder if we’re headed in a different direction today where we’re no longer capable of having differences of opinion but in fact now protests become a license to take up violence and take on your opponents physically,” he said. “This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence
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You are a dishonest idiot. My post does not say anything about a link. Do it again and you will be reported.
I don't know how your name got on the quote. Obviously, the link was asked for by BlueGin. Just a simple glitch-mistake I guess. But you can report it if you wish. And then I'll report you for your personal attack (which isn't a mistake).

It's not a personal attack when it is true. There are board rules covering misuse of quotes.
Rule number ONE!!! Blame the assholes who planned and executed the violence and disruption!!! They were/are Sanders/Hillary supporters and this is what that pair of jerks find quite acceptable. The next are Sanders and Hillary. They should have condemned the rioters FIRST AND FOREMOST!!! Instead, they used the old rapist logic; (s)he deserved it(they had it coming; blame the victim etc etc)!! One suspects that Hillary is rather accepting of that logic due to Bill's antics but that is another question. As for the "observations" of Cruz, Rubio and Kasich; a tad silly quite frankly. Even if they condemned the rioters first and with gusto, which I have not seen, and condemned Sanders and Hillary for NOT dissing their own supporters who were involved in the fracas(which I have not seen) it is just dumb to think that the media would not jump on their references to Trump. They need reminding that the Editor is stronger than the truth!!!

As for Trump; much better than anything Democrat of course but I still can't warm to him. But that is irrelevant; his policies are quite good but not really that much different from the other three. I'd love to see a Trump/Palin ticket quite frankly. Sarah has a great deal to offer.


Why on earth should the dems get involved with the trouble completely aimed at and contained in GOP rallys for GOP candidates?
It really isn't their problem.
As usual the GOP is putting on a very entertaining selection process. Why don't the RWers just cut off Donald's campaign money? It would be simple. Just get him arrested for something serious and have his assets frozen. The gubmint does it all the time against other criminals.
Good question. What's your answer?

The Donald talks tough. I saw him say he would have punched one of the disruptives in the face himself if the SS hadn't stepped in and got in the way.

Well I think they should pat down one of these guys for weapons and have a fighting cage handy so Trump can go change into boxers and a hoody so he could have a cage match with his enemy intruder.

I'm getting tired of how tough Trump thinks he is. I say let him have an opportunity to prove it. He hasn't exactly been acting "presidential" anyway so it couldn't hurt his reputation.

OK: Sanders VS Trump in a cage fight!! I'll drink to that!!!! lol

Better still; Hillary and Bernie!!!

A tad ridiculous all round really.

Rubio blamed everyone including Obama, himself and the media.

And here I thought you were going to be honest.

Oh well.
What Rubio said about TRUMP is what we're talking about here (not some other people). And here I thought you were going to be honest.

"The Florida senator and Ohio governor, who are both fighting to avoid campaign-ending losses to Trump in their home states on Tuesday, blamed him for fostering a climate at his campaign events that enables violence. That climate, Rubio said, has the country “careening toward chaos and anarchy.”

“We settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence,” Rubio told reporters.

“You wonder if we’re headed in a different direction today where we’re no longer capable of having differences of opinion but in fact now protests become a license to take up violence and take on your opponents physically,” he said. “This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence

Trump is feeding into EXISTING discontent. He's not LEADING IT. Blaming him is stupid. It exists and Trump is saying that he wants to do something about it. Number one is NOT BACK DOWN IN THE FACE OF IT!! I agree with him.

That is NOT inciting violence. Rubio is wrong to say that Trump is "feeding into" it; he is refusing to be cowered by it.

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From where?? And I agree on tariffs etc. Seems odd that you're a lefty; you seem unable to link wage rise and increased productivity?? Why is that??


An increase in wages because of tariffs or minimum wages doesn't increase productivity.

And I'm not a lefty, you idiot, at least not in economics.
Did you deliberately miss the point or are you just trying to point score. I was wondering why you didn't link wage rises and productivity?? Avoiding the issue??


In theory, rising productivity means rising wages. However, that link appears to have been broken over the past three decades. Instead, the gains have accrued mostly to capital.

Now, why are you talking about rising productivity? What point are you trying to make? That has nothing to do with tariffs. Or are you just as obtuse as SJ?

Last three decades?? Who's stats are you using?? Think Progress??



Inside the Fight Over Productivity and Wages

The debate isn't whether or not the gap between productivity and wage growth has widened, but by how much.

You fail, "Greg."

Profits as a share of the economy is near its all-time high.

Graph: Corporate Profits After Tax (without IVA and CCAdj)/Gross Domestic Product - FRED - St. Louis Fed

That's an empirical fact, not a normative statement.


So real compensation is spread unevenly through the workforce; why is THAT no surprise. The rise in hourly compensation (average) is hardly insignificant. Your point is what exactly?? Corporations are sending children back into the coal mines?? That's just daft!!

Rubio blamed everyone including Obama, himself and the media.

And here I thought you were going to be honest.

Oh well.
What Rubio said about TRUMP is what we're talking about here (not some other people). And here I thought you were going to be honest.

"The Florida senator and Ohio governor, who are both fighting to avoid campaign-ending losses to Trump in their home states on Tuesday, blamed him for fostering a climate at his campaign events that enables violence. That climate, Rubio said, has the country “careening toward chaos and anarchy.”

“We settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence,” Rubio told reporters.

“You wonder if we’re headed in a different direction today where we’re no longer capable of having differences of opinion but in fact now protests become a license to take up violence and take on your opponents physically,” he said. “This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence
interfering with the political system is illegal. Protesting at a political was introduced under Obummer in 2012 with HR347.

"2)knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions;"

Oh, I would never expect Bernie to take ownership of the disruption either, he's a loser. Someone's paying those jerkoffs that want to interfere with others rights. Wow, what a special place for those assholes to exist in that they feel the desire to disrupt someone elses rights. Punks each and everyone of them. And Rubio is no better by his comments. he should just shut his fkng mouth and campaign with his nonsense. he's inciting the violence 10 times whatever he thinks Trump might be.
Rubio blamed everyone including Obama, himself and the media.

And here I thought you were going to be honest.

Oh well.
What Rubio said about TRUMP is what we're talking about here (not some other people). And here I thought you were going to be honest.

"The Florida senator and Ohio governor, who are both fighting to avoid campaign-ending losses to Trump in their home states on Tuesday, blamed him for fostering a climate at his campaign events that enables violence. That climate, Rubio said, has the country “careening toward chaos and anarchy.”

“We settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence,” Rubio told reporters.

“You wonder if we’re headed in a different direction today where we’re no longer capable of having differences of opinion but in fact now protests become a license to take up violence and take on your opponents physically,” he said. “This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence
interfering with the political system is illegal. Protesting at a political was introduced under Obummer in 2012 with HR347.

"2)knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions;"

Oh, I would never expect Bernie to take ownership of the disruption either, he's a loser. Someone's paying those jerkoffs that want to interfere with others rights. Wow, what a special place for those assholes to exist in that they feel the desire to disrupt someone elses rights. Punks each and everyone of them. And Rubio is no better by his comments. he should just shut his fkng mouth and campaign with his nonsense. he's inciting the violence 10 times whatever he thinks Trump might be.

Rubio gone.

Rubio blamed everyone including Obama, himself and the media.

And here I thought you were going to be honest.

Oh well.
What Rubio said about TRUMP is what we're talking about here (not some other people). And here I thought you were going to be honest.

"The Florida senator and Ohio governor, who are both fighting to avoid campaign-ending losses to Trump in their home states on Tuesday, blamed him for fostering a climate at his campaign events that enables violence. That climate, Rubio said, has the country “careening toward chaos and anarchy.”

“We settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence,” Rubio told reporters.

“You wonder if we’re headed in a different direction today where we’re no longer capable of having differences of opinion but in fact now protests become a license to take up violence and take on your opponents physically,” he said. “This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence
interfering with the political system is illegal. Protesting at a political was introduced under Obummer in 2012 with HR347.

"2)knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions;"

Oh, I would never expect Bernie to take ownership of the disruption either, he's a loser. Someone's paying those jerkoffs that want to interfere with others rights. Wow, what a special place for those assholes to exist in that they feel the desire to disrupt someone elses rights. Punks each and everyone of them. And Rubio is no better by his comments. he should just shut his fkng mouth and campaign with his nonsense. he's inciting the violence 10 times whatever he thinks Trump might be.

Rubio gone.

Crater face Kasich needs to drop out now.

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