Rubio Increases Ad Buys to $7 Million in Early Voting States


Silver Member
Aug 25, 2011
Is American democracy owned by citizens or a commodity to be purchased by the highest bidder?
Is American democracy owned by citizens or a commodity to be purchased by the highest bidder?

Anyone really want a guy so delusional he's wasting millions on a futile gesture?
By any normal standard the Rubio campaign could be seen as a "futile gesture." Not so long ago, presidential primaries were contests between the two or three strongest candidates in the party. Primaries are the invention of the Progressive Party, designed to take elections out of the smoke-filled back rooms inhabited by party bosses and return them to the citizens. That, pretty obviously, ain't happenin'

It seems clear that for the GOP to have fifteen or twenty primary contenders over a year from election day isn't really aimed at allowing voters to express preference in a field of established party leaders, but idoes that mean that the whole process is merely a gesture, and a futile one at that?

Both money and power are involved on a very large scale in this GOP primary pageant. These are resources not usually squandered by party professionals on a mere gesture. There is something going on and something more at stake in this convoluted free-for-all than just deciding who will be Republican standard bearer in the 2016 presidential election. But what is it?

Part of the answer can be found in considering the way our politics have changed over the past fifty years, an evolutionary process culminating in the Citizens United decision by SCOTUS. If the old rules under which the winning candidate got to run for president while those he defeated in the primaries got nothing for their time, money and effort still applied, it would be madness for most contestants to gamble against the odds in hopes of even a long shot chance at winning the nomination. There are other prizes besides winning the nomination, prizes that make the candidacy of Rubio, Fiorina or Perry more of an investment than a wild gamble.

Understanding how the election process has changed is the key to solving the mystery because in todays America, primary elections do a lot more than select the nominee.
at least Rubio can speak Spanish! I am still waiting to Hear Hillary speak spanish without a teleprompter to a crowd of screaming fans.

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