Rubio Responds to Harkins Praise of Cuba


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
After a Democrat Praises Cuba, Marco Rubio Blasts Communism Like No U.S. Politician Since Reagan | Independent Journal Review

After Democratic Senator Tom Harkin praised Cuba on several issues, Senator Marco Rubio gave what has been called by Miami Herald reporter Marc Caputo as the “best oration of his career.” Its passion and candor about the despicable socialist regimes of Cuba and Venezuela should put those politicians who can actually praise the oppressive nations to shame.

[ame=]Rubio Delivers Floor Speech On Crisis In Venezuela - YouTube[/ame]

That the party of JFK, Truman and FDR has degenerated to such a point that an elected Democrat Senator would praise Cuba is just mind boggling.

Which is why I don't think the formal name applies anymore; they are now Demofascists, not Democrats.
Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.
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Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.

The people actually suffering under communist rule in Cuba might disagree.
Rubio? Same guy that claimed that his parents were exiles except they weren't.
Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.

The people actually suffering under communist rule in Cuba might disagree.

And lifting the Embargo and allowing money to flow into the island through trade and tourism would improve those peoples lives. Cuba would be Communist in name only in under ten years.
Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.

JFK actually ordered 1200 Cuban cigars hours before issuing the trade embargo. What a douche. :tongue:
Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.

I agree that the embargo should be lifted so American influence can steadily rescue Cuba. But I'd like Castro to be Seal Team 6'd first.
Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.

The people actually suffering under communist rule in Cuba might disagree.

And lifting the Embargo and allowing money to flow into the island through trade and tourism would improve those peoples lives. Cuba would be Communist in name only in under ten years.

Lol, yeah, like Venezuela or Red China?

You are a fool.
Cuba is nothing more than a Wedge issue for the GOP for a large community of Cubans in southern Florida. They no longer pose a threat and the continued embargo is a joke. I want some Cuban cigars dammit.

Then go your ass to Canada, book a flight, fly to Cuba and stay there 20 years. Then report back to us. Otherwise we'll assume you don't know your ass from a democrat talking point.

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