Rubio says we must respond and defend Turkey

Here's where we have to get to Rubio and others in the run. If they are being fed lies by the administration's State Department that Turkey is really our friend lalalalalalala all the while funding ISIS our guys are getting lied too.

Anyone got direct links?

so ISIS bombs Suruc Turkey, kills 31 people and injures a hundred more, and ISIS is being funded by Turkey ..

got it.
Just like Obama put our credibility on the line by giving our word over a red line we also gave our word to our NATO allies. Until which time we withdrawal from NATO is it not imperative that we HONOR OUR WORD?

Ps. Why does Turkey need to be defended?
While I agree with your premise, I don't agree with the subjects at hand.
Fuck sponsors of terrorism :thup:

All these people dead because Assad didn't jump to Obama's command.

I want Obama charged along with Clinton and Kerry crimes against humanity.

viola ! the bottom line surfaces ...

Charge Obama !!!!! ... with something ... anything ..... just charge him ... same shit different day for the last 8 years... please call ME partisan.

viola ! the bottom line surfaces ...

Charge Obama !!!!! ... with something ... anything ..... just charge him ... same shit different day for the last 8 years... please call ME partisan.


Not charge Obama with 'something'. Last week it was fully exposed how Obama has been protecting, supplying, arming, and even training ISIS. he spent millions of US dollars to train ISIS fighters, supply them with weapons, and the whole time prevented the bombing of their HQs, oil facilities, and oil tankers they were using to engage in black marketing of oil to Turkey, an operation which funded 50% ISIS' include the invasion of Iraq, the slaughtering of thousands of Iraqis and Kurds, AND the terrorist attacks on Paris.

Obama's F*ed up obsession with Assad and his desire to atone for his disastrous handling of his failed Red line actions caused him to climb in bed with ISIS against Assad.

For all that Obama's actions and support of ISIS has caused he could and should be tried by the U.N. for War Crimes....
Here's where we have to get to Rubio and others in the run. If they are being fed lies by the administration's State Department that Turkey is really our friend lalalalalalala all the while funding ISIS our guys are getting lied too.

Anyone got direct links?

so ISIS bombs Suruc Turkey, kills 31 people and injures a hundred more, and ISIS is being funded by Turkey ..

got it.
Just like Obama put our credibility on the line by giving our word over a red line we also gave our word to our NATO allies. Until which time we withdrawal from NATO is it not imperative that we HONOR OUR WORD?

Ps. Why does Turkey need to be defended?
While I agree with your premise, I don't agree with the subjects at hand.
Fuck sponsors of terrorism :thup:

All these people dead because Assad didn't jump to Obama's command.

I want Obama charged along with Clinton and Kerry crimes against humanity.
You sound like the looney left going after Bush & Cheney

Oh sweet lord these bastards have really been doing it. Get up to speed.

I can give you New York Times articles that claim what they did. I can give you everything that we have done to back this bullshit and I'm a nobody.
Where did that 500 million dollars go for rebels in training? :dunno:
Oh yea, we got 5 trained..
viola ! the bottom line surfaces ...

Charge Obama !!!!! ... with something ... anything ..... just charge him ... same shit different day for the last 8 years... please call ME partisan.


Not charge Obama with 'something'. Last week it was fully exposed how Obama has been protecting, supplying, arming, and even training ISIS. he spent millions of US dollars to train ISIS fighters, supply them with weapons, and the whole time prevented the bombing of their HQs, oil facilities, and oil tankers they were using to engage in black marketing of oil to Turkey, an operation which funded 50% ISIS' include the invasion of Iraq, the slaughtering of thousands of Iraqis and Kurds, AND the terrorist attacks on Paris.

Obama's F*ed up obsession with Assad and his desire to atone for his disastrous handling of his failed Red line actions caused him to climb in bed with ISIS against Assad.

For all that Obama's actions and support of ISIS has caused he could and should be tried by the U.N. for War Crimes....

Crimes against humanity. Big time.
Putin is a Christian patriot

BWA-HA-HA-HA! Holy shit, that's one of the most deluded things I have ever heard, and that's really saying something.

Are you suuuure you want to claim Putin as a Christian?
We need to not be involved at all

I agree, but our NATO alliance could cause problems here.

Weather or not one agrees with the existence of NATO the fact is that it does exist and we have entered into obligations that we must honor.

HOWEVER, an actual war between superpowers is not a tenable outcome. That cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances. I have to wonder why he would make such a statement - turkey is not under attack from Russia so there really is no need to 'defend' them at this time.

I would add that NATO is not something that we should be withdrawing from. It is crazy to think that we should not be maintaining powerful allies to ensure our security. The main problem here is that there is members in NATO that do not have our shared interests - Turkey being one of those cations. NATO can accomplish it purpose with us and most of Europe.
We need to not be involved at all

I agree, but our NATO alliance could cause problems here.

Which is one reason we should pull out of NATO.

If we were going to pull out we should have dissolved in the early 90s after the cold war ended. Doing so now when a member is under a threat and may invoke the defense clause is going to do serious damage to our credibility internationally and pissed off a lot of nations.

Bush seniors fault here
And make any alliance/treaty we are involved in essentially invalid. Not a good idea at all.
After Republicans have expressed our ire over the past 7 years lamenting that we need to stand by our allies, to criticize Rubio for coming to the defense of a NATO member seems totally insane and self defeating.
After Republicans have expressed our ire over the past 7 years lamenting that we need to stand by our allies, to criticize Rubio for coming to the defense of a NATO member seems totally insane and self defeating.

I've been saying we need to withdraw from NATO since before Obama was in office.
We need to not be involved at all

I agree, but our NATO alliance could cause problems here.

Which is one reason we should pull out of NATO.

If we were going to pull out we should have dissolved in the early 90s after the cold war ended. Doing so now when a member is under a threat and may invoke the defense clause is going to do serious damage to our credibility internationally and pissed off a lot of nations.

Bush seniors fault here
And make any alliance/treaty we are involved in essentially invalid. Not a good idea at all.

Treaties are made, broken and renegotiated all the time. Any defensive alliance should be a short time anyway.
After Republicans have expressed our ire over the past 7 years lamenting that we need to stand by our allies, to criticize Rubio for coming to the defense of a NATO member seems totally insane and self defeating.

Do we have an obligation to come to their defense when they were the aggressor?
About IS oil facilities.

Last night, Britain officially joined the effort and their first act--the bombing of IS oil facilities.

That is the biggest "Kiss my Ass, Obama!" that I've ever seen...
By the way, If both England and France jump in this mess--expect to see them cooperating with Russia.
  • Russia Parachutes 5 tons of Military Equipment to Syrian Kurds ^ | Thursday, 03 December 2015 | Hawar Abdulrazaq
    Russia Parachutes Military Equipment to PYD Five tons of arms and ammunition delivered to Syrian Kurds Thursday, 03 December 2015 Hawar Abdulrazaq ALEPPO — A Russian military transport aircraft has parachuted tons of military equipment to Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces near Aleppo. A statement by the Local Coordination Committees of Syria (LCCS) confirmed that, on Wednesday, a Russian military aircraft dropped five tons of standard arms and ammunition for the PYD forces, north of Aleppo. The Russian military support for the Syrian Kurds comes after a Russian warplane was downed by Turkey last week and tensions between Moscow and...

  • Erdogan's Turkey Is a Dubious Ally ^ | December 3, 2015 | Victor Davis Hanson
    Turkey often appeals to the West for support, given its longtime membership in NATO. Now, Turkish leadership is in a shouting match with Russia's provocative president, Vladimir Putin, over Turkey's downing of a Russian jet in probable Turkish airspace. Each country has accused the other of helping terrorists in Syria. The problem with Turkey and the West, however, is that their relationship is decades out of date. What was once an alliance is now nothing special at all. Barack Obama used to lecture reluctant Europeans about why they should accept Turkey into the European Union as its first Islamic...

  • 'Kurds attack Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces with Russian help' ^ | 11/28/2015 - 07:25pm, updated: 07:25pm | i24news With AFP
    'Kurds attack Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces with Russian help' By i24news Published: 11/28/2015 - 07:25pm, updated: 07:25pm Forces attack only supply line for Syrian opposition in Aleppo, London-based newspaper reports In the past few days, Kurdish forces along with forces loyal to them have attacked the only supply line for Syrian opposition forces in Aleppo, and were accompanied by a Russian aerial bombardment, al-Araby al-Jadeed reported. The London-based newspaper reported that rebel forces, including the Nusra Front, engaged in fighting with Jaysh al-Thuwar, a faction affiliated to the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), in northern Aleppo near Azaz, according to...
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    Well, someone’s buying oil from ISIS, and there are all sorts of suspects. The problem is less the whodunit and more the who’ll-do-it when it comes to actually fighting ISIS. The US isn’t interested in putting up an effective fight, so Barack Obama has put together a coalition of nations that are more likely to start a war with each other than unite against the threat of ISIS. In fact, Turkey and Russia are on the brink of war now after the shootdown of a Russian fighter, to the point where Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard warned that the US...
Leave it to the left to call Rubio "an establishment goon" and walk away from the complicated situation. Left wing blogs and post and run out of context sound bites is a left wing substitute for thinking.
yes, I am the left :rofl:
in 20 minutes I will get called a conservative. Followed by a socialist :lol:
You people need to wake the fuck up :thup:

I thought you were a Green Nazi Libertarian that supported Pinko Marxism!?!

As for defending Turkey, well they are NATO, but I feel like letting those punks getting their ass handed to them by Russia!
We need to not be involved at all

I agree, but our NATO alliance could cause problems here.

Which is one reason we should pull out of NATO.

If we were going to pull out we should have dissolved in the early 90s after the cold war ended. Doing so now when a member is under a threat and may invoke the defense clause is going to do serious damage to our credibility internationally and pissed off a lot of nations.

Bush seniors fault here
And make any alliance/treaty we are involved in essentially invalid. Not a good idea at all.

Treaties are made, broken and renegotiated all the time. Any defensive alliance should be a short time anyway.
Yes they are. That does not change the fact that dissolving one only at the point in time that we would have to honor it would negate any semblance of the US following its obligations.

IOW, make any treaty with the us worth less than the paper it is written on.
If Rw's can't gargle jizz with a KGB cock in their mouth at the same time they're useless.

Our fellow RW war lords want no fly zones and pledge they'll defend them. Turkey does exactly that and these dolts go apeshit crazy. To hell with Pootin'.
You are such a partisan it is disgusting

bite me ..... Turkey shot down a fighter jet in their air space regardless who it belonged to. Boris got busted and paid the price ... partisan has nothing to do with it unless you suck KGB cock .... I don't, do you?

Turkey has invaded Greece's airspace over two count them TWO THOUSAND times in 2014. Russia was if Turkey is to be believed only flying over Turkish airspace a full 17 seconds. I guess we can expect Greece to down every Turk plane now.

By our freaking logic, Greece can now take out any and all Turk jets.

It was a planned attack on that Russian plane and Putin knows it. And someone in NATO gave up the flight paths that Russia has been submitting to the US as to prevent an altercation.

Wonder who gave Erdogan that flight path?

And it's not a matter of sucking KGB cock. Putin has finally gone balls to the walls bombing the shit out of the ISIS/Turkey coalition's oil refineries and convoys.

That son of a bitch Erdogan has been buying ISIS oil and funding al Nusra and we've fucking let him.

Thousands have died all because our idiotic leaders want to hand Syria over to the Muslim Brotherhood despite their grand failures in Egypt and Libya.

AND the son of a bitch Turk has been using the ISIS mess to bomb Kurds and we've let him.

It's outrageous.
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