Rubio: "We are called to ignore" SCOTUS rulings that go against God


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Rubio: ā€˜Godā€™s rulesā€™ trump Supreme Court decisions

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says religious believers are called to ā€œignoreā€ laws that violate their faith.

ā€œIn essence, if we are ever ordered by a government authority to personally violate and sin ā€” violate Godā€™s law and sin ā€” if weā€™re ordered to stop preaching the Gospel, if weā€™re ordered to perform a same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it, we are called to ignore that,ā€ Rubio said in an interview with CBN on Tuesday.

ā€œSo when those two come into conflict, Godā€™s rules always win,ā€ he added.

Rubio said Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision creating a constitutional right to abortion, is open to revision.

ā€œItā€™s current law; itā€™s not settled law,ā€ he said. ā€œNo law is settled. Roe v. Wade is current law, but it doesnā€™t mean that we donā€™t continue to aspire to fix it, because we think itā€™s wrong.ā€

The Republican presidential candidate, who is rising in the polls, encouraged the faithful to work within the political process to change laws that violate their conscience.

ā€œIf you live in a society where the government creates an avenue and a way for you to peacefully change the law, then youā€™re called to participate in that process to try to change it,ā€ he said.
This is just further confirmation of Rubio's ignorance of, and contempt for. the rule of law, the Constitution, and its case law.

Rubio is of course wrong, as is anyone else on the right who agrees with him.
sounds good to me. all of sudden they (Supreme court) think they are God. they aren't there to IMPOSE anything on us such as this homosexual marriage. and the more states and people who ignores them the better.
we should also start demanding a term limit on these people in the Supreme court. My gawd who said it was a job until they die in their chair
Jones, civil dissent is recognized as American cultural behavior.

Get over it.
Rubio represents the bane of the social right ā€“ the arrogance, the fear of diversity and dissent, and the ignorance of Constitutional case law.

Griswold/Eisenstadt/Roe/Casey represents the wisdom of the Constitutionā€™s guarantee of the right to privacy, where citizens are at liberty to make decisions concerning personal matters absent unwarranted interference from the state.

Indeed, the social rightā€™s hostility to privacy rights jurisprudence represents their intent to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty, completely contrary to the intent of the Founding Generation.

Rubioā€™s contempt for the privacy rights of Americans and the Constitutionā€™s guarantee to a right to privacy render him unqualified to be president.
Rubio is trying to pick off some Trump far righties, nothing more.
sounds good to me. all of sudden they (Supreme court) think they are God. they aren't there to IMPOSE anything on us such as this homosexual marriage. and the more states and people who ignores them the better.
we should also start demanding a term limit on these people in the Supreme court. My gawd who said it was a job until they die in their chair
It ā€˜sounds goodā€™ to any social conservative hostile to the protected liberty of Americans to express themselves as individuals; and to social conservatives who seek to compel conformity through force of law, in violation of the Constitution and the right to privacy.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, authorized by the doctrine of judicial review and Articles III and VI; rulings of the Supreme Court are the law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, Constitutional case law that cannot be ā€˜ignoredā€™ by officers of the states nor the elected officials of any jurisdiction.

Again, as a fact of law Rubio is wrong.
Rubio: ā€˜Godā€™s rulesā€™ trump Supreme Court decisions

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says religious believers are called to ā€œignoreā€ laws that violate their faith.

ā€œIn essence, if we are ever ordered by a government authority to personally violate and sin ā€” violate Godā€™s law and sin ā€” if weā€™re ordered to stop preaching the Gospel, if weā€™re ordered to perform a same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it, we are called to ignore that,ā€ Rubio said in an interview with CBN on Tuesday.

ā€œSo when those two come into conflict, Godā€™s rules always win,ā€ he added.

Rubio said Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision creating a constitutional right to abortion, is open to revision.

ā€œItā€™s current law; itā€™s not settled law,ā€ he said. ā€œNo law is settled. Roe v. Wade is current law, but it doesnā€™t mean that we donā€™t continue to aspire to fix it, because we think itā€™s wrong.ā€

The Republican presidential candidate, who is rising in the polls, encouraged the faithful to work within the political process to change laws that violate their conscience.

ā€œIf you live in a society where the government creates an avenue and a way for you to peacefully change the law, then youā€™re called to participate in that process to try to change it,ā€ he said.
Sounds like Sharia Law
Rubio: ā€˜Godā€™s rulesā€™ trump Supreme Court decisions

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says religious believers are called to ā€œignoreā€ laws that violate their faith.

ā€œIn essence, if we are ever ordered by a government authority to personally violate and sin ā€” violate Godā€™s law and sin ā€” if weā€™re ordered to stop preaching the Gospel, if weā€™re ordered to perform a same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it, we are called to ignore that,ā€ Rubio said in an interview with CBN on Tuesday.

ā€œSo when those two come into conflict, Godā€™s rules always win,ā€ he added.

Rubio said Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision creating a constitutional right to abortion, is open to revision.

ā€œItā€™s current law; itā€™s not settled law,ā€ he said. ā€œNo law is settled. Roe v. Wade is current law, but it doesnā€™t mean that we donā€™t continue to aspire to fix it, because we think itā€™s wrong.ā€

The Republican presidential candidate, who is rising in the polls, encouraged the faithful to work within the political process to change laws that violate their conscience.

ā€œIf you live in a society where the government creates an avenue and a way for you to peacefully change the law, then youā€™re called to participate in that process to try to change it,ā€ he said.

"Senator Rubio, do you conduct campaign or senatorial business during the Sabbath?"
'Rubio: "We are called to ignore" SCOTUS rulings that go against God'

ā€˜Calledā€™ by whom ā€“ the arrogance and stupidity of the social right blinds them to the fact that the case law they despise in fact protects their right to practice their beliefs immune from attack by the state.

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