Rubio winning dc

Cruz floated an amendment to Rubio’s Gang of Eight bill in 2013 that would have preserved work permits andgreen cards for illegals but would have eliminated the path to citizenship. His campaign will tell you (and actually did tell me) that he did that not because he’s gung ho for legalization but because he wanted to set a trap for Democrats. Cruz wanted to prove that Dems don’t give a wet fart about letting illegals stay here to work and “come out of the shadows” or whatever; what they care about is turning illegals into citizens, because citizens vote and Latino citizens (especially if they’re recent immigrants) overwhelmingly vote Democratic. So Cruz called their bluff. I’ll trade you work permits and green cards for citizenship, he said. Democrats refused and rejected his amendment with help from Republicans like Rubio. That was really stupid strategically, since this sort of threshold legalization is exactly what illegals need to prepare the battlespace politically for eventual citizenship. But the amnesty activists on the left aren’t willing to play the long game so Schumer wasn’t either. They want a path to citizenship now. Cruz’s amendment went up in smoke and he got to tell everyone that he’d proved his point.
Of course that does mean more delegates that Trump doesn't get. So I can live with it.

I anticipate a contested convention with a Cruz Rubio ticket. Of course Tuesday will provide a clearer picture
So you must want a Hillary presidency? Because me and MILLIONS of others WILL NOT support either of those clowns.

So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.

Only a Trumpette would be so pig-stupid as to think "afraid for my country because of the violent white-trash morons he encourages" is the same as "gets under your skin". Of course, this is no shock in someone who thinks he's somehow going to finally become a "winner" in life if he can JUST vote for Donald Trump. Trumpettes are just a new iteration of the same old suckers Donny's been cheating for decades . . . and they thank him for it!
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.

No. We are going to get a constitutionalist. His name is Ted Cruz.
A "constitutionalist" that supports amnesty,more "free trade" that sends American factories and jobs overseas,more welfare to Israel,and corporate welfare his his owners Goldman Sachs....mmhmm one hell of a Constitutionalist. If you idiots wanted someone that obeyed the constitution you would have backed Ron Paul when he ran.

Ted Cruz single handedly crushed the amnesty bill last time it was presented. Donald trump openly supported amnesty till he ran for president. I'll take Ted on immigration any day

Do you ever notice how wannabes like Odium try to parse and lawyer Cruz's record to make him out as the Antichrist, but are completely oblivious to much bigger contradictions in Trump's positions . . . often in the same damned speech?

I will never understand why anyone who can say, "Cruz is inconsistent, but Trump is strong and trustworthy" with a straight face expects to be taken seriously. Same reason schizophrenics don't realize the voices in their heads aren't real, I guess.

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