Rubio winning dc

Of course that does mean more delegates that Trump doesn't get. So I can live with it.

I anticipate a contested convention with a Cruz Rubio ticket. Of course Tuesday will provide a clearer picture
Yes it will. When Little Marco loses in his home state...the fat lady sings.
He can try but as the convention is past filing deadlines for third party candidates it will be a write in campaign and he doesn't have the organization needed for one.

Texas' filing deadline isn't until May 9. So, if push comes to shove, and there is clear evidence of collusion against Trump within the GOP, he could decide to jump out by the end of this month. As far as "organization" goes, he didn't need it to win the 13 states he's won thus far. The same scenario would play out on an independent run, though the results may vary more than in primaries and caucuses.

Yeah, because the media is going to continue to puff that loser up when they've got their own candidate to tend to in the general. You just go with that.
Just proves what we already know, DC Is full of Idiots.
another day and another Neo Con RINO that cares more about Israel than the United States
Yes, but the other 60-65% are ALSO their constituents, and there are more of them who flat-out HATE the guy than there are of you worshipers.

Don't get me wrong Cecilie, I don't worship Trump, and he's not worshiping material. I don't do idolatry. Like I said to you, I'll probably wind up regretting my choice.

In elections, numbers matter obviously. If 40% of your constituency chooses not to vote for the nominee in the general election, it won't matter if there are more of them than the "worshipers." The nominee is screwed.

As of 2012, there were 30,700,138 registered Republicans (and I'm sure it has grown since then), but if 40% of the base decides to stay home, that's 12,280,055 of them that won't vote for the nominee in the election (that's assuming they don't, and this is only a hypothetical).

There were over 143 million registered voters in 2012. Those 12,280,055 people would represent about 8.6% (give or take a few decimal points) of the entire electorate. That would devastate the Republican nominee if they were spurned in this manner.
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If the GOP screws Trump IF it goes to convention the GOP will come in at least 3rd place in the general election. Guaranteed.

If Trump doesn't get the delegates it will go to the convention. And he won't get the delegates.

I expect it will be a Cruz Rubio team to get the needed number. Trump's problem is he is a piece of crap and has burned any chances are others join him except kasich and I doubt he would have enough to put him over the top.

And there won't be a third party run because if it comes to the convention it will be too late for Trump to file the paperwork

If so much as an inkling of that happens, expect the 40% or so of the Republican electorate who supported Trump to sit home this cycle. The GOP will pay dearly if they try to take the nomination from Trump. That all but ensures a Hillary win.

Be careful what you wish for.

So it's okay for YOU to just sit home, but it's not okay for those of us who oppose Trump to vote for someone else? We're not even talking about staying home.

I noticed that too. It's funny because many of them brag about how they didn't vote for Romney the rino and yet they expect us to vote for s bigger rino or we will lose
I noticed that too. It's funny because many of them brag about how they didn't vote for Romney the rino and yet they expect us to vote for s bigger rino or we will lose

I'm going to ask you a simple question.

Is this division within the party going to help or hurt the eventual nominee in the general election? I would like your honest opinion.
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  • #49
I noticed that too. It's funny because many of them brag about how they didn't vote for Romney the rino and yet they expect us to vote for s bigger rino or we will lose

I'm going to ask you a simple question.

Is this division within the party going to help or hurt the eventual nominee in the general election? I would like your honest opinion.

Divisions never help. But I don't see how we can overcome these divisions without the grace of God.
Of course that does mean more delegates that Trump doesn't get. So I can live with it.

I anticipate a contested convention with a Cruz Rubio ticket. Of course Tuesday will provide a clearer picture
So you must want a Hillary presidency? Because me and MILLIONS of others WILL NOT support either of those clowns.

So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!
Yes, but the other 60-65% are ALSO their constituents, and there are more of them who flat-out HATE the guy than there are of you worshipers.

Don't get me wrong Cecilie, I don't worship Trump, and he's not worshiping material. I don't do idolatry. Like I said to you, I'll probably wind up regretting my choice.

In elections, numbers matter obviously. If 40% of your constituency chooses not to vote for the nominee in the general election, it won't matter if there are more of them than the "worshipers." The nominee is screwed.

As of 2012, there were 30,700,138 registered Republicans (and I'm sure it has grown since then), but if 40% of the base decides to stay home, that's 12,280,055 of them that won't vote for the nominee in the election (that's assuming they don't, and this is only a hypothetical).

There were over 143 million registered voters in 2012. Those 12,280,055 people would represent about 8.6% (give or take a few decimal points) of the entire electorate. That would devastate the Republican nominee if they were spurned in this manner.

Gosh, a wall of obfuscating numbers without addressing the point. :rolleyes:

Getting back to the point: the reason that the GOP requires 50% +1 of the delegates in order to be the nominee is to try to present some sort of majority consensus behind a candidate. (And yes, on a cynical note, the rules are also designed to allow the party leadership to retain control over the party's nominees.) If a candidate toddles in with a mere plurality, then he would be a weak and flawed candidate in the general election, unless he can consolidate the support he needs, one way or the other. That's what the brokering is about.

In Donald Trump's case, his supporters certainly are (at least to some extent) constituents of the Republican Party. However, they most certainly are not all or even most of the constituents of the Republican Party (particularly when you consider how many of his votes came from people who aren't Republicans and have no intention of being Republicans). And it is very necessary to consider that the people who aren't supporting him are ALSO Republican consituents; in many cases, they are the most bedrock, long-term, conservative constituents in the party; and they don't just "not support him". They actively hate the guy.

This is a real problem, and it's not something that can be glossed over or waved off with the typical Trumpette love for simplistic solutions. The rules are the rules, and they apply to everyone, even Donald Trump. Brokered conventions are part of the rules, and always have been, and they're part of the rules for a reason. If none of the candidates can secure the needed majority going into the convention, then it NEEDS to be brokered. The fact that many of the Trumpettes only heard about brokered conventions in the last month and they "feelz" that it's unfair and their hero is somehow "entitled" to the nomination is irrelevant to that fact. We don't listen to "feelz" and "entitled" when it comes from leftists; why in the hell should we start now?

However, if we get into the area of appointing someone who couldn't possibly have won without shenanigans and backroom deals (Kasich) or someone who wasn't running for President and didn't get any votes at all (Romney), then that's not playing according to Hoyle. We're definitely blowing off the voters at that point, and the GOP deserves and will get a revolt.

But revolting just on behalf of "Trump got a plurality, it's not fair, WAAHHH!!"? Not so much, and he and his supporters are going to have to accept that, however ungracefully.
So it's okay for YOU to just sit home, but it's not okay for those of us who oppose Trump to vote for someone else?

Is that what I said? It's up to you whether you vote or not. Don't mistake me for some deluded martinet who thinks he can dictate how people can vote. Nothing so arrogant and self delusional as that.

I'd be mightily obliged if Trump supporters would fight through the voices in their heads and hear what I'm actually saying. At no time have I ever suggested that I will stay home and forfeit my vote, and I find it offensive to have that attributed to me over and over.

I have every intention of casting my vote. I simply will not, now or ever, cast my vote for anyone I believe, to the depths of my soul, would be bad for my country.
I noticed that too. It's funny because many of them brag about how they didn't vote for Romney the rino and yet they expect us to vote for s bigger rino or we will lose

I'm going to ask you a simple question.

Is this division within the party going to help or hurt the eventual nominee in the general election? I would like your honest opinion.

Unless a whole lot of people calm down and wise up, the Republican Party is the Titanic, with nothing left but the band playing on as the lifeboats float away. And the United States is fucked.

The problem isn't simply division in the party, though. Merely "uniting behind any candidate at all to stop Hillary" is not going to fix it.
I noticed that too. It's funny because many of them brag about how they didn't vote for Romney the rino and yet they expect us to vote for s bigger rino or we will lose

I'm going to ask you a simple question.

Is this division within the party going to help or hurt the eventual nominee in the general election? I would like your honest opinion.

Divisions never help. But I don't see how we can overcome these divisions without the grace of God.

The people of the United States have painted themselves into a corner, and as much as we like to rail against this entity or that one, the truth is, we (collectively, at least) have no one to ultimately blame but ourselves.
Of course that does mean more delegates that Trump doesn't get. So I can live with it.

I anticipate a contested convention with a Cruz Rubio ticket. Of course Tuesday will provide a clearer picture
So you must want a Hillary presidency? Because me and MILLIONS of others WILL NOT support either of those clowns.

So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Of course that does mean more delegates that Trump doesn't get. So I can live with it.

I anticipate a contested convention with a Cruz Rubio ticket. Of course Tuesday will provide a clearer picture
So you must want a Hillary presidency? Because me and MILLIONS of others WILL NOT support either of those clowns.

So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.
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  • #57
Of course that does mean more delegates that Trump doesn't get. So I can live with it.

I anticipate a contested convention with a Cruz Rubio ticket. Of course Tuesday will provide a clearer picture
So you must want a Hillary presidency? Because me and MILLIONS of others WILL NOT support either of those clowns.

So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.

No. We are going to get a constitutionalist. His name is Ted Cruz.
So you must want a Hillary presidency? Because me and MILLIONS of others WILL NOT support either of those clowns.

So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.

No. We are going to get a constitutionalist. His name is Ted Cruz.
A "constitutionalist" that supports amnesty,more "free trade" that sends American factories and jobs overseas,more welfare to Israel,and corporate welfare his his owners Goldman Sachs....mmhmm one hell of a Constitutionalist. If you idiots wanted someone that obeyed the constitution you would have backed Ron Paul when he ran.
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  • #59
So basically, anything we do other than capitulating and goose-stepping along with you behind Trump is US making Hillary President?

I don't think "piss off" does your incredible arrogance and ignorance justice, but it's what I've got.
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.

No. We are going to get a constitutionalist. His name is Ted Cruz.
A "constitutionalist" that supports amnesty,more "free trade" that sends American factories and jobs overseas,more welfare to Israel,and corporate welfare his his owners Goldman Sachs....mmhmm one hell of a Constitutionalist. If you idiots wanted someone that obeyed the constitution you would have backed Ron Paul when he ran.

Ted Cruz single handedly crushed the amnesty bill last time it was presented. Donald trump openly supported amnesty till he ran for president. I'll take Ted on immigration any day
I am glad that pisses you off. :) Trump or Nothing!

Trump IS nothing.
Actually Trump is a lot of things. Front Runner for GOP candidate,Businessman,Father,Grandfather,etc. :) The fact he gets under your skin is hilarious. Poor wittle you not gonna get another NEO CON candidate.

No. We are going to get a constitutionalist. His name is Ted Cruz.
A "constitutionalist" that supports amnesty,more "free trade" that sends American factories and jobs overseas,more welfare to Israel,and corporate welfare his his owners Goldman Sachs....mmhmm one hell of a Constitutionalist. If you idiots wanted someone that obeyed the constitution you would have backed Ron Paul when he ran.

Ted Cruz single handedly crushed the amnesty bill last time it was presented. Donald trump openly supported amnesty till he ran for president. I'll take Ted on immigration any day
Ted Cruz’s ‘Flat Out Lie’ on Immigration

Try again oh and Trump was NOT a politician why would his opinion matter when he could do NOTHING to change it but Cruz can and could .

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