Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

... We maintain the Sea lanes around the world. …

Perhaps someone will write in some decades the last sentence of the last chapter about the US-history: "Und so endete die Geschichte dieses seltsamen quirligen Volkes. Aus Piratenjägern waren Piraten geworden - und so töteten sie sich selbst."
Who. Germany lol

Whoever tries will regret it.

The problem is "Germany" - better perhaps to say "the holy empire" - is the mother-culture of England and the grandfather-culture of the USA. It's not nice to see the own children dying.
We have an internal fued with leftist idiots.

Same as the rebellion going on in Europe against it.

Trump, his Grinch Grenell and others support in Germany the dark forces. Same do some people from England. Who tries to wake the dark forces has to live with every risk. In best case they will lose, in worst case they will win.
You don' give money to Germany for your army and don't try to force us now to calculate the real costs of the US-army for Germany. But if you are convinced from the nonsense which you are thinking then take your soldiers, leave Europe and never come back again.

Your problem .

I don't "discuss" with idiots about idiocies any longer. Try to do a canon boat politics with whomever you like to do in the world, but don't do not try to force us to send your soldiers home scalped only because the super-idiot, who is your president, needs enemies for the unification of the idiots who elect him for the new American union under his personal toilet paper.

Not a problem. I have no problem leaving Germany …

Good, because I will not leave Germany. Better you go.

Perhaps idremind you how we got there to begin with. Do you need that. And who stood the wall until Reagan. [7uqOTE]

I have no problem if you guys want us to go isolationist again

You never were "isolationists" since you wan the war against Algeria more than 200 years ago. Since this time you are doing a so called "canon boat politics". With canon boats you forced for example Japan not to be isolationists any longer. And to be honest: I don't have the feeling the USA has the quality of a monk, who takes a vow of silence in an old monastery. You just simple do not take the responsibility for your own deeds - that's why you deny the climate change for example.

The family of your president for example is rich because of the work of whores. In this way started their riches. Did you ever hear he made something for whores - for example for old whores who are not able to do their "job" any longer - so they will be able to live in dignity and peace? Why did you vote for this man? Because you'll make him much more rich and then he will show his great heart and gives you something else than a kick up in the ass?

Gun boat diplomacy.

"I will kill you, if you don't do what I say" is not diplomacy.

Take the Paris accords and shove them.

176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

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You don' give money to Germany for your army and don't try to force us now to calculate the real costs of the US-army for Germany. But if you are convinced from the nonsense which you are thinking then take your soldiers, leave Europe and never come back again.

The economy is a lot more diverse than what you represent ...
And it's a good idea you don't discuss things you don't understand.

If a soldier takes a taxi ... The taxi driver makes money.
The taxi driver spends some of the money they make to meet their energy costs ...
And some of their profit to meet their energy costs at home.

When the soldier gets to a bar and orders a beer ...
It costs more than the beer would cost in a grocery store.
That's because the soldier is not just paying for the beer ...
But for the refrigerator in the bar, salary for bar employees, energy costs for the establishment.
The bar employees use a portion of their earnings to cover their energy costs.

And so on ...

Furthermore ... We really don't care what you want America to do with our troops ...
We aren't asking your permission ... :thup:

Not a problem. I have no problem leaving Germany …

Good, because I will not leave Germany. Better you go.

Perhaps idremind you how we got there to begin with. Do you need that. And who stood the wall until Reagan. [7uqOTE]

I have no problem if you guys want us to go isolationist again

You never were "isolationists" since you wan the war against Algeria more than 200 years ago. Since this time you are doing a so called "canon boat politics". With canon boats you forced for example Japan not to be isolationists any longer. And to be honest: I don't have the feeling the USA has the quality of a monk, who takes a vow of silence in an old monastery. You just simple do not take the responsibility for your own deeds - that's why you deny the climate change for example.

The family of your president for example is rich because of the work of whores. In this way started their riches. Did you ever hear he made something for whores - for example for old whores who are not able to do their "job" any longer - so they will be able to live in dignity and peace? Why did you vote for this man? Because you'll make him much more rich and then he will show his great heart and gives you something else than a kick up in the ass?

Gun boat diplomacy.

"I will kill you, if you don't do what I say" is not diplomacy.

Take the Paris accords and shove them.

176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

Yes it is diplomatic and it is a tactic of Peace thru Strength. You don't play nice with people like Kim Jung..........Or Iran.........In regards to both we are sanctioning their butts a last resort to avoid another War.

They don't respond to another UN harsh letter.
176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

You do realize that treaty is not a treaty until ratified by Congress. Neither Kyoto or Paris were ratified by Congress, so you can't blame just Trump.

Second, why would we agree with anything that is against our own interests. If treaty affects everyone equally, I don't think anyone in US would have problem with that. But no, the treaty is hurting us and it's designed by leftist governments whose sole goal is wealth redistribution.

Paris accord in a nutshell.

176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

You do realize that treaty is not a treaty until ratified by Congress. Neither Kyoto or Paris were ratified by Congress, so you can't blame just Trump.

Second, why would we agree with anything that is against our own interests. If treaty affects everyone equally, I don't think anyone in US would have problem with that. But no, the treaty is hurting us and it's designed by leftist governments whose sole goal is wealth redistribution.

Paris accord in a nutshell.


Idiot. I'm sure you know why this is the only possible answer. Example: If everyone would travel with Zeppelins instead of aeroplanes than we had much less problems worldwide. And you need not an airport for a Zeppelin. The "problem": Zeppelins are not machines which aggressive idiots are easily able to use as weapons. Or if I think about the fuel cell: The fuel cell is much more than a hundred years old - but the Western World forgot to realize this very good concept of the use of energy, because they did not calculate the "dirt" they were producing with cheaper technologies.

So move your ass and do something for all and every life on our planet - also for the life of the Indians and their ecosphere. Stop it to be an idiot on local US-American reasons. All nations in the world have the right to live "civilized" - but this is only able if we all change a lot in the current form of technology.

If you don't like to move your ass and help the world and all mankind to survive, then bring all your soldiers home, bring all your citizens home, bring all your ships and aeroplanes home and let the rest of the world build a wall around the USA, so we are able to solve the very serious problems of the world, where your system of injustice is one of the biggest problems.

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You don' give money to Germany for your army and don't try to force us now to calculate the real costs of the US-army for Germany. But if you are convinced from the nonsense which you are thinking then take your soldiers, leave Europe and never come back again.

The economy is a lot more diverse than what you represent …

Some games are a little more complex than others - but to replace a brain with a $-sign makes indeed very poor.

And it's a good idea you don't discuss things you don't understand.

Our soldiers got the instruction not to use the English language in foreign countries any longer. The use of the English language makes a lot of people in the world meanwhile very aggressive.

If a soldier takes a taxi ... The taxi driver makes money.

Soldiers of the US-army seldom leave their working, living and housing areas and taxis are expensive in Germany. I guess they use the US-American taxi-system with the name "Uber", which exists not in Germany but exists perhaps under the US-Americans in Germany.

The taxi driver spends some of the money they make to meet their energy costs …

And some of their profit to meet their energy costs at home.

When the soldier gets to a bar and orders a beer …
It costs more than the beer would cost in a grocery store.
That's because the soldier is not just paying for the beer ...
But for the refrigerator in the bar, salary for bar employees, energy costs for the establishment.
The bar employees use a portion of their earnings to cover their energy costs.

And so on ...

Furthermore ... We really don't care what you want America to do with our troops ...
We aren't asking your permission ... :thup:

Peanuts. US-American soldiers get nearly everything what they need directly from the USA. They live in most cases always only in their own world. And do you like to say you pay to the US-soldiers in Germany 4 billion Dollars a year? It are 40-50,000 soldiers so they earn in average $80,000-$100,000 a year? I don't think we will have a big problem to give them good jobs in Germany, so we don't have to send them back scalped to "the Donald" if "his crazyness" will drive mad one day.

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Blah-Blah-Blah ... Blah ... Blah-Blah ...

Don't attempt to tell me what American soldiers in Germany do.
I was an American soldier in Germany for three years ... And I know what I did nit-wit ... :thup:

I am not asking you any questions about it ... Because I already know the answers.

You don' give money to Germany for your army and don't try to force us now to calculate the real costs of the US-army for Germany. But if you are convinced from the nonsense which you are thinking then take your soldiers, leave Europe and never come back again.

The economy is a lot more diverse than what you represent …

Some games are a little more complex than others - but to replace a brain with a $-sign makes indeed very poor.

And it's a good idea you don't discuss things you don't understand.

Our soldiers got the instruction not to use the English language in foreign countries any longer. The use of the English language makes a lot of people in the world meanwhile very aggressive.

If a soldier takes a taxi ... The taxi driver makes money.

Soldiers of the US-army seldom leave their working, living and housing areas and taxis are expensive in Germany. I guess they use the US-American taxi-system with the name "Uber", which exists not in Germany but exists perhaps under the US-Americans in Germany.

The taxi driver spends some of the money they make to meet their energy costs …

And some of their profit to meet their energy costs at home.

When the soldier gets to a bar and orders a beer …
It costs more than the beer would cost in a grocery store.
That's because the soldier is not just paying for the beer ...
But for the refrigerator in the bar, salary for bar employees, energy costs for the establishment.
The bar employees use a portion of their earnings to cover their energy costs.

And so on ...

Furthermore ... We really don't care what you want America to do with our troops ...
We aren't asking your permission ... :thup:

Peanuts. US-American soldiers get nearly everything what they need directly from the USA. They live in most cases always only in their own world. And do you like to say you pay to the US-soldiers in Germany 4 billion Dollars a year? It are 40-50,000 soldiers so they earn in average $80,000-$100,000 a year? I don't think we will have a big problem to give them good jobs in Germany, so we don't have to send them back scalped to "the Donald" if "his crazyness" will drive mad one day.

What makes you think they would abandon their on country to live in Germany. My God you are out there.

If your country doesn't want us there, then demand we leave.

I highly doubtful you speak for your country. Merkle is in hack because of her policy on immigration. I imagine conservatives from your country disagree with you, but probably can't say anything because of your Stupidity Hate speech laws.

If your country wants us gone. Let them say so. I as an American don't care. We can leave there and I will not lose a second sleep over it. If we need a strategic base there. Poland has offered. Bye
176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

You do realize that treaty is not a treaty until ratified by Congress. Neither Kyoto or Paris were ratified by Congress, so you can't blame just Trump.

Second, why would we agree with anything that is against our own interests. If treaty affects everyone equally, I don't think anyone in US would have problem with that. But no, the treaty is hurting us and it's designed by leftist governments whose sole goal is wealth redistribution.

Paris accord in a nutshell.


Idiot. I'm sure you know why this is the only possible answer. Example: If everyone would travel with Zeppelins instead of aeroplanes than we had much less problems worldwide. And you need not an airport for a Zeppelin. The "problem": Zeppelins are not machines which aggressive idiots are easily able to use as weapons. Or if I think about the fuel cell: The fuel cell is much more than a hundred years old - but the Western World forgot to realize this very good concept of the use of energy, because they did not calculate the "dirt" they were producing with cheaper technologies.

So move your ass and do something for all and every life on our planet - also for the life of the Indians and their ecosphere. Stop it to be an idiot on local US-American reasons. All nations in the world have the right to live "civilized" - but this is only able if we all change a lot in the current form of technology.

If you don't like to move your ass and help the world and all mankind to survive, then bring all your soldiers home, bring all your citizens home, bring all your ships and aeroplanes home and let the rest of the world build a wall around the USA, so we are able to solve the very serious problems of the world, where your system of injustice is one of the biggest problems.

Communist. You do know why is that only possible answer.

We are not the only country that flies airplanes, every country does it. From what you said, you would gladly sign the agreement where every country except US can continue using airplanes, while we have to go beck to blimps, because "life on the planet". You leftist fucks are demanding from us to drive electric or hybrids, and excluding yourself from those demands. You want to create rules that everyone except you are forced to follow.

It's not gonna happen. If I have to cut emissions, you'll have to do it too.

"so we are able to solve the very serious problems of the world"

Who are "we" you referring to?
176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

You do realize that treaty is not a treaty until ratified by Congress. Neither Kyoto or Paris were ratified by Congress, so you can't blame just Trump.

Second, why would we agree with anything that is against our own interests. If treaty affects everyone equally, I don't think anyone in US would have problem with that. But no, the treaty is hurting us and it's designed by leftist governments whose sole goal is wealth redistribution.

Paris accord in a nutshell.


Idiot. I'm sure you know why this is the only possible answer. Example: If everyone would travel with Zeppelins instead of aeroplanes than we had much less problems worldwide. And you need not an airport for a Zeppelin. The "problem": Zeppelins are not machines which aggressive idiots are easily able to use as weapons. Or if I think about the fuel cell: The fuel cell is much more than a hundred years old - but the Western World forgot to realize this very good concept of the use of energy, because they did not calculate the "dirt" they were producing with cheaper technologies.

So move your ass and do something for all and every life on our planet - also for the life of the Indians and their ecosphere. Stop it to be an idiot on local US-American reasons. All nations in the world have the right to live "civilized" - but this is only able if we all change a lot in the current form of technology.

If you don't like to move your ass and help the world and all mankind to survive, then bring all your soldiers home, bring all your citizens home, bring all your ships and aeroplanes home and let the rest of the world build a wall around the USA, so we are able to solve the very serious problems of the world, where your system of injustice is one of the biggest problems.


I'm a Christian right wing conservative, Nazi.

know why is that only possible answer.

We are not the only country that flies airplanes, every country does it. From what you said, you would gladly sign the agreement where every country except US can continue using airplanes, while we have to go beck to blimps, because "life on the planet". You leftist fucks are demanding from us to drive electric or hybrids, and excluding yourself from those demands. You want to create rules that everyone except you are forced to follow.

It's not gonna happen. If I have to cut emissions, you'll have to do it too.

"so we are able to solve the very serious problems of the world"

Who are "we" you referring to?

"We"? ... No idea what you are speaking about.

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Blah-Blah-Blah ... Blah ... Blah-Blah ...

Don't attempt to tell me what American soldiers in Germany do.
I was an American soldier in Germany for three years ... And I know what I did nit-wit ... :thup:

I am not asking you any questions about it ... Because I already know the answers.


The discussions in Germany about your president Donald Trump are always the same. Some think he's an idiot - some others think he is criminal and the rest thinks he's a criminal idiot.

And if you was a GI in Germany then you know one thing totally clear: You don't know what Germans are thinking. And you know also that GIs are unimportant for the economy of Germany.

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Good, because I will not leave Germany. Better you go.

Perhaps idremind you how we got there to begin with. Do you need that. And who stood the wall until Reagan.

I have no problem if you guys want us to go isolationist again

You never were "isolationists" since you wan the war against Algeria more than 200 years ago. Since this time you are doing a so called "canon boat politics". With canon boats you forced for example Japan not to be isolationists any longer. And to be honest: I don't have the feeling the USA has the quality of a monk, who takes a vow of silence in an old monastery. You just simple do not take the responsibility for your own deeds - that's why you deny the climate change for example.

The family of your president for example is rich because of the work of whores. In this way started their riches. Did you ever hear he made something for whores - for example for old whores who are not able to do their "job" any longer - so they will be able to live in dignity and peace? Why did you vote for this man? Because you'll make him much more rich and then he will show his great heart and gives you something else than a kick up in the ass?

Gun boat diplomacy.

"I will kill you, if you don't do what I say" is not diplomacy.

Take the Paris accords and shove them.

176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

Yes it is diplomatic

"I will kill you, if you don't do what I say" is not diplomacy.

}and it is a tactic of Peace thru Strength.

It is the tactic of an idiot. You destroyed for example the Japanese way to live and then you was astonished some decades later about Pearl Harbor.

You don't play nice with people like Kim Jung.

What a helpless and senseless theatre around this gnome.

.........Or Iran.........

The sanctions of the Iran are wrong. The agreement with the Iran was not the best - but it was an agreement and they did not break it. Better an agreement than no agreement. And to try to produce with US-American sanctions a situation of the Iran, where they don't have to lose any longer anything, this is a criminal war hungry politics. Besides brings Donald Trump totally normal companies into a captivity of his politics - or with other words: his politics is socialistic with a Darwinian element. We could also call this a national-socialistic politics.

In regards to both we are sanctioning their butts a last resort to avoid another War.

They don't respond to another UN harsh letter.

You got not any order from the UNO to do what you did do. You did do what men have to do: They have to be idiots, criminals or both.

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Perhaps idremind you how we got there to begin with. Do you need that. And who stood the wall until Reagan.

I have no problem if you guys want us to go isolationist again

You never were "isolationists" since you wan the war against Algeria more than 200 years ago. Since this time you are doing a so called "canon boat politics". With canon boats you forced for example Japan not to be isolationists any longer. And to be honest: I don't have the feeling the USA has the quality of a monk, who takes a vow of silence in an old monastery. You just simple do not take the responsibility for your own deeds - that's why you deny the climate change for example.

The family of your president for example is rich because of the work of whores. In this way started their riches. Did you ever hear he made something for whores - for example for old whores who are not able to do their "job" any longer - so they will be able to live in dignity and peace? Why did you vote for this man? Because you'll make him much more rich and then he will show his great heart and gives you something else than a kick up in the ass?
Gun boat diplomacy.

"I will kill you, if you don't do what I say" is not diplomacy.

Take the Paris accords and shove them.

176 nations ratified the Paris accord. The reasons of Donald Trump to resign were weird - nothing what he said in this context was plausible. His "facts" were no facts.

Yes it is diplomatic

"I will kill you, if you don't do what I say" is not diplomacy.

}and it is a tactic of Peace thru Strength.

It is the tactic of an idiot. You destroyed for example the Japanese way to live and then you was astonished about Pearl Harbor.

You don't play nice with people like Kim Jung.[/Uote]

What a helpless and senseless theatre around this gnome.

.........Or Iran.........

The sanctions of the Iran are wrong. The agreement with the Iran was not the best - but it was an agreement and they did not break it. Better an agreement than no agreement. And to try to produce with US-American sanctions as situation of the Iran where they don't have to lose any longer anything is a criminal war hungry politics. Besides foghht Donald trip aganstt he world economy in total with his perverted ideas.

In regards to both we are sanctioning their butts a last resort to avoid another War.

They don't respond to another UN harsh letter.

You do what men of the 19th century have to do: They have to be idiots, criminals or criminal idiots.

Don't see a post.???

But we don't need Germany.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

And if you was a GI in Germany then you know one thing totally clear: You don't know what Germans are thinking. And you know also that GIs are unimportant for the economy of Germany.

Wrong in both cases ... I found Germans to be quite nice, forthright and free to share their ideas/opinions.
And ... I spent far more money on the economy than I did at military installations.

My money was just as good as yours and didn't originate in the EU ...
So it was a bonus to your economy no matter how you would like to slice it.

You really don't know what you are talking about ... But keep talking ... :thup:

"We"? ... No idea what you are speaking about.

Interesting, you call others "idiots" and don't remember what you wrote in previous post.

Here we go again:

If you don't like to move your ass and help the world and all mankind to survive, then bring all your soldiers home, bring all your citizens home, bring all your ships and aeroplanes home and let the rest of the world build a wall around the USA, so we are able to solve the very serious problems of the world, where your system of injustice is one of the biggest problems.

Who are "we" you're referring to?

And what injustice, example perhaps?
What makes you think they would abandon their on country to live in Germany. My God you are out there.

If your country doesn't want us there, then demand we leave.

I highly doubtful you speak for your country. Merkle is in hack because of her policy on immigration. I imagine conservatives from your country disagree with you, but probably can't say anything because of your Stupidity Hate speech laws.

If your country wants us gone. Let them say so. I as an American don't care. We can leave there and I will not lose a second sleep over it. If we need a strategic base there. Poland has offered. Bye

It's true, under Markel there was noticeable prosperity in Germany. So it was under Schroder and Kohl. It would be under telephone pole if it was elected, it was just economic cycle that was in her favor. New EU members brought new markets to Germany and they used it to their advantage. Every policy of hers is product of Eastern Germany communist policies, meaning she's communist hack that just changed uniform. Her immigration policies and strongman European policies and connections to Putin before she became chancellor and German energy dependence to Russia explains that.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

And if you was a GI in Germany then you know one thing totally clear: You don't know what Germans are thinking. And you know also that GIs are unimportant for the economy of Germany.

Wrong in both cases ... I found Germans to be quite nice, forthright and free to share their ideas/opinions.
And ... I spent far more money on the economy than I did at military installations.

My money was just as good as yours and didn't originate in the EU ...
So it was a bonus to your economy no matter how you would like to slice it.

You really don't know what you are talking about ... But keep talking ... :thup:


You was not a GI in Germany. Or perhaps you was here a very very long time ago - in the past where wishes still became true. Your war in Iraq - and the unbelievable idiotic behavior of the Bush government - specially in case of Germany and France too - destroyed a lot of dreams about the USA. And Trump is destroying now the rest of our illusions.

I remember by the way a video of a visit of George W. Bush - some time before 9/11 - in Arabia. G.W.Bush and some Americans and a lot of leaders of the Arabian world met each other. I saw it on a TV when I was on my way somewhere in the city. Suddenly G.W. Bush put his feet on a very little decorative desk. I calculated the costs of this little desk with about 15-20 thousand dollars - a very fine work of an excellent master - while I took a look in all faces of the Arabian leaders which stood all around there. They all were smiling. "Damned good politicians!", I thought. The president of the USA showed them his soles (= "you are less worth than the dirt under my shoes") and the Arabian leaders smiled. When I saw the twins burning at 9/11 I remembered this again and thought "What an idiot, what an unbelievable idiot!"

Now Donald Trump makes blunder by blunder and next blunder by next blunder. Pray for the humor of all political leaders in the world, while he tries to separate the world into enemies of the USA and enemies of the USA.

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