Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Seemkingly u liberals didn't possess the intellectial ability to understang his point.

Too deep for you was it? An imbecile DarthVader cites Biden saying in public that bragged about doing some election fraud

Yeah sure. Bragging that in public? That’s stupid in itself.

So I pointed out that all Trumps lawyers admit in courtrooms their case has nothing to do with fraud.

why is that? You Trump boobs don’t seem to have an answer.
I'm must be behind in the times. I'm still waiting for Trump's legal team to show us the evidence of the 'fraudulent' Iowa caucus that was 'stolen' from him.


That tweet looks so familiar though. Where I have I seen its like?
Has Trump been compromised maybe (hope not), and is that the reason he has pushed Sidney Powell out of the loop or disconnected from her, otherwise basically telling her to save the country without him because he has been compromised maybe ???

I hope not, but is this separation from Powell, a separation in order to keep her independent, otherwise in so that she can freely do what she needs to do without a huge weight being placed around her shoulder when doing so ???

Is it something that had to be done in order to save the nation by minimizing exposure, and this was set up to stop Trump from becoming a target when the evil ones try to intimidate him or threaten him into submission, and by what ever means possible ?? Hmmmm.
Has Trump been compromised maybe (hope not), and is that the reason he has pushed Sidney Powell out of the loop or disconnected from her, otherwise basically telling her to save the country without him because he has been compromised maybe ???

I hope not, but is this separation from Powell, a separation in order to keep her independent, otherwise in so that she can freely do what she needs to do without a huge weight being placed around her shoulder when doing so ???

Is it something that had to be done in order to save the nation by minimizing exposure, and this was set up to stop Trump from becoming a target when the evil ones try to intimidate him or threaten him into submission, and by what ever means possible ?? Hmmmm.

Or.....don't over think it. Powell was another disaster for Trump.

You keep trying to look at this through the lens of '3-dimensional chess' and being confused by the outcome.

Try 'Dipshit Rodeo' and it all makes perfect sense.
Biden barely left his basement& he bragged about his election fraud .

Tell us why TRUMPo’s lawyers including the $20,000 per day Rudy the courtroom Rube tell all the judges that Trump0’s lawsuits are not about election fraud.

“This is not a fraud case,” the Trump campaign’s lawyer Kory Langhofer told a Maricopa County judge last week. Giuliani repeated that line verbatim in the late afternoon session, of the Middle District of Pennsylvania lawsuit.

The campaign’s other lawyers made similar remarks before state judges in Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties.

Seemkingly u liberals didn't possess the intellectial ability to understang his point.

Wins - 2

Losses - 35.
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.
Sorry there is no way a 'basement-mole candidate ' won legitimately. Remember 2016? Democrats have NEVER accepted Trump as legitimate. Karma is a bitch. Get used to it.
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.
Sorry there is no way a 'basement-mole candidate ' won legitimately. Remember 2016? Democrats have NEVER accepted Trump as legitimate. Karma is a bitch. Get used to it.

Sure there is: more people voted for him.

And I'm surprised you're not demanding the findings of Trump's investigation into the Iowa Caucus that was 'stolen' from him.

I swear, I've seen something like this before. Its on the tip of my tongue.
“American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” said Sidney

There are 80 million real American Patriots who reject the fascist right wing takeover of our America by 72 million Batshit Crazy, hallucinating tinfoil hat wearing Sidney Powell’s.

You are a minority. You lost. Get over it. You become irrelevant in 55 days.
“American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” said Sidney

There are 80 million real American Patriots who reject the fascist right wing takeover of our America by 72 million Batshit Crazy, hallucinating tinfoil hat wearing Sidney Powell’s.

You are a minority. You lost. Get over it. You become irrelevant in 55 days.

LOL....nope you are wrong.
LOL....nope you are wrong.

80 million true Americans have knocked your 72 million tinfoil hats off. In 55 days you become irrelevant. You can’t tell anybody that they are wrong.

Trump started the transition. He and you are done. God is blessing a President who actual lives a genuine Christian life and knows how to govern based on his moral principles.

You can coddle your fallen dictator at the tinfoil mansion at Maralago. Send him money. Send him lots of money.
LOL....nope you are wrong

I’m not wrong that 80 million beats 72 million and 306 beats 232.

TRUMPTY DUMPTY just tweeted a complaint about the “Dominion” Voting machines conspiracy theory, but he just fired his legal team lawyer Sidney Powell who has been gathering all the evidence that millions of votes were switched from trump to Biden. Thatvmeans Trump won..

So why did Trump fire Sidney If her nutjob Dominion conspiracy theory continues to float around in his head?

Donald J. Trump

What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.
11:07 PM · Nov 23, 2020

“American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” said Sidney

There are 80 million real American Patriots who reject the fascist right wing takeover of our America by 72 million Batshit Crazy, hallucinating tinfoil hat wearing Sidney Powell’s.

You are a minority. You lost. Get over it. You become irrelevant in 55 days.

Sidney is bat crap crazy. She is irrelevant.

45 is a LOSER. 45 is a Traitor. 45 is gutless goddamn coward who has never served a miserable day of his misbegotten life in uniform. He attacks Gold Star Families and attacks the memory of an American Hero. He does nothing when Russian puts a bounty on the lives of U.S. Soldiers.

HE FUCKING LOST. In 55-Days New York State will be coming for him and he will be held accountable for his crimes.
“American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” said Sidney

There are 80 million real American Patriots who reject the fascist right wing takeover of our America by 72 million Batshit Crazy, hallucinating tinfoil hat wearing Sidney Powell’s.

You are a minority. You lost. Get over it. You become irrelevant in 55 days.

LOL....nope you are wrong.

Last time I checked, 306 Electoral Votes Beats 232. 80,000,000 Votes beats 72,000,000. The sniveling gutless loser 45 had his fat white pimpled ass kicked. He is gone in 55-Days.
GOD BLESS RUDY............ and GOD BLESS SIDNEY..................

“American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” said Sidney


Ghouli has lost, and lost and lost and lost and lost.


It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.
Sorry there is no way a 'basement-mole candidate ' won legitimately. Remember 2016? Democrats have NEVER accepted Trump as legitimate. Karma is a bitch. Get used to it.

45 is Traitor.

VICE-PRESIDENT ELECT HARRIS is many things. Strong, intelligent, and she knows how fight. \
Believe what you want. The fact is Biden cheated no matter how you want to slice it.

When Rudy and all TRUMPO’s lawyers are in court under oath they tell the judge that there was no fraud there was no cheating - because they can’t lie in a courtroom. Then they go outside find a TV camera crew and claim the truth is that Biden only won by cheating.

They want TrumPO’s 72 million cult followers to send money for the legal farce they are fighting.

RUDY’s cut is $20,000 a day.,

How much $ have you sent?

Biden barely left his basement& he bragged about his election fraud .

It's a pity conservatives are so dishonest, they'll play that edited clip to alter the context of what President-elect Biden actually said about forming an election fraud hotline to help battle election fraud, not to commit election fraud as the cult likes to claim with that edited clip.

@ 18:40 (your out of context portion in red)

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to

Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.

You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Like you do? You only care about the result. As long as Xi Bai-Degn is our (proxy) ruler and civil rights are crushed, you don't care how he got there.

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