Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Cons are facing their own horrible end. They tried as hard they could to lie, cheat and steal their into keeping the Dear Leader in office and it failed in a most spectacular fashion. The public implosion of the D-Team of cracked team useless shysters cannot grab their asses with both hands AND GPS.


1-Set Aside.


Michigan has certified their Election.

Georgia has certified their Election.
(The new hand count will not change that reality)

Cons tried every which and way they could to LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL their way into keeping their Dear Leader in the office they know he not fit to hold.

The math here is very simple.

306 - 232 = 74.

The LOSER 45 lost the Electoral College (270 Votes Needed to Win) with only 232 Votes.

President-Elect Biden won the Electoral College (270 Votes Needed To Win) by 74 Votes.

No amount of bitching and whining will change that fact.

President-Elect Biden received 80,000,000 Votes.

The LOSER 45 received 72,000,000 Votes.


The Loser 45 LOST The Popular Vote....Again

No amount of bitching and whining will change that fact.

The Cracked Team of D-Shysters paid by the LOSER 45 has racked up a very sad and totally pathetic win loss record.


1-Set Aside.


No amount bitching and whining will change that fact.

Spouting unsupported, unverified conspiracy theories does change the facts.

Just in.

Pennsylvania Certifies Election Awarding 20-Electoral Votes To President Elect Joe Biden.

Georgia Certifies Biden as WINNER.

Michigan Certifies Biden as WINNER.

Last edited:

Now that China has stolen the election for Xi's man and the sanctions against your terrorist country will be lifted, will you be reassigned from your trolling job to help build nuclear weapons?

A fan of that idiot Sidney are you? There is zip, zero, nada, nothing and none in the way of proof of outside interference in the November 3 Election.

We know Russia did interfere in the 2016 Election, but because they helped the Impeached LOSER gain office you do not care.

We also know that the LOSER 45 asked China to interfere, to help him and they declined. There no proof that China helped Biden.

Come back with solid proof, which you know you do not have.
Nevada Certifies Election Results. Awards President-Elect Biden 6-Electoral Votes.


To repeat.

Georgia Has Certified For Biden.

(The hand count requested by the LOSER 45 will NOT move the needle at bit).

Michigan Has Certified For Biden.

Pennsylvania Has Certified For Biden.

Biden won the Electoral.

Biden won the Popular.

Right now a total 16-have certified elections results. Biden is winning.

“American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” said Sidney

There are 80 million real American Patriots who reject the fascist right wing takeover of our America by 72 million Batshit Crazy, hallucinating tinfoil hat wearing Sidney Powell’s.

You are a minority. You lost. Get over it. You become irrelevant in 55 days.
Wait, wait, wait, who rejected who first ?? The American patriots in 2016 and in 2020 have rejected the batcrap crazies within the democrat party, but one thing the Democrat party knows how to do, and that is to unite with the batcrap crazies, even though they are standing there holding their noses when doing so.
Wait, wait, wait, who rejected who first ??

YOUR BATSHIT crazy Became President not with the majority will of the American people. Trump won with a minority in 2016 because the electoral college favors the batshit crazy rural gun nuts and white evangelical Christian population who have lost all contact with reality and truth. Hence that gave us Donald Trump.


She’s quitting batshit crazy a bit. Why can’t you.
The American patriots in 2016

Let’s hope they keep coddling their forlorn befuddled dictator by doing this;

Fifty Shades of Whey


Trump supporters in Georgia vow to destroy the Republican Party if Trump doesn't win

I hear they want the Trump cult warriors to write in “Trump” instead of the the two GOP senatorial candidates in the runoff election.

Works for me.
The American patriots in 2016

Let’s hope they keep coddling their forlorn befuddled dictator by doing this;

Fifty Shades of Whey

Trump supporters in Georgia vow to destroy the Republican Party if Trump doesn't win

I hear they want the Trump cult warriors to write in “Trump” instead of the the two GOP senatorial candidates in the runoff election.

Works for me.

These meat heads will do that, der GroppenFuhrer says to.
You didn't care when Russia stole it 4 years ago.

You mean when Big Foot colluded with the Loch Ness monster to post facetwat memes?

But I'm serious Farouk, with the sanctions lifted your country can get back to terrorism and building nukes. Will you be reassigned?

No doubt Xi Bai-Degn will send over pallets of cash. Your agent, Kerry, is back in power and representing you.

A fan of that idiot Sidney are you? There is zip, zero, nada, nothing and none in the way of proof of outside interference in the November 3 Election.

We know Russia did interfere in the 2016 Election, but because they helped the Impeached LOSER gain office you do not care.

We also know that the LOSER 45 asked China to interfere, to help him and they declined. There no proof that China helped Biden.

Come back with solid proof, which you know you do not have.

The thing about your Communist traitors is that you are result oriented. You don't care HOW the party gains power, only that it does.

You have had your lying gash shoved in the massive fraud repeatedly, and you continue to lie. You have no integrity, and lust only for power for your filthy, traitorous party.


The Thomas More Society's Amistad Project on Tuesday filed an emergency petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court over the swing state's unofficial election results. The conservative group claims to have identified more than 150,000 ballots that have the potential for fraud, something they believe could have an impact on the state's declared winner.

“We have identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results, ” Phill Kline, director of the project, said in a statement.“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law."

The lawsuit claims election officials counted ineligible ballots, failed to count ballots that should have been counted, and that a number of counting errors and irregularities allegedly took place.


You don't care, you'll lie about this like you lie about everything. You have ZERO integrity and say anything that promotes your filthy traitorous party.

The demagogue sociopath party seeks the utter and complete destruction of the United States.
A fan of that idiot Sidney are you? There is zip, zero, nada, nothing and none in the way of proof of outside interference in the November 3 Election.

We know Russia did interfere in the 2016 Election, but because they helped the Impeached LOSER gain office you do not care.

We also know that the LOSER 45 asked China to interfere, to help him and they declined. There no proof that China helped Biden.

Come back with solid proof, which you know you do not have.

The thing about your Communist traitors is that you are result oriented. You don't care HOW the party gains power, only that it does.

You have had your lying gash shoved in the massive fraud repeatedly, and you continue to lie. You have no integrity, and lust only for power for your filthy, traitorous party.


The Thomas More Society's Amistad Project on Tuesday filed an emergency petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court over the swing state's unofficial election results. The conservative group claims to have identified more than 150,000 ballots that have the potential for fraud, something they believe could have an impact on the state's declared winner.

“We have identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results, ” Phill Kline, director of the project, said in a statement.“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law."

The lawsuit claims election officials counted ineligible ballots, failed to count ballots that should have been counted, and that a number of counting errors and irregularities allegedly took place.


You don't care, you'll lie about this like you lie about everything. You have ZERO integrity and say anything that promotes your filthy traitorous party.

The demagogue sociopath party seeks the utter and complete destruction of the United States.


1-Set Aside.


You didn't care when Russia stole it 4 years ago.

You mean when Big Foot colluded with the Loch Ness monster to post facetwat memes?

But I'm serious Farouk, with the sanctions lifted your country can get back to terrorism and building nukes. Will you be reassigned?

No doubt Xi Bai-Degn will send over pallets of cash. Your agent, Kerry, is back in power and representing you.

View attachment 421305
A fan of that idiot Sidney are you? There is zip, zero, nada, nothing and none in the way of proof of outside interference in the November 3 Election.

We know Russia did interfere in the 2016 Election, but because they helped the Impeached LOSER gain office you do not care.

We also know that the LOSER 45 asked China to interfere, to help him and they declined. There no proof that China helped Biden.

Come back with solid proof, which you know you do not have.

The thing about your Communist traitors is that you are result oriented. You don't care HOW the party gains power, only that it does.

You have had your lying gash shoved in the massive fraud repeatedly, and you continue to lie. You have no integrity, and lust only for power for your filthy, traitorous party.


The Thomas More Society's Amistad Project on Tuesday filed an emergency petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court over the swing state's unofficial election results. The conservative group claims to have identified more than 150,000 ballots that have the potential for fraud, something they believe could have an impact on the state's declared winner.

“We have identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results, ” Phill Kline, director of the project, said in a statement.“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law."

The lawsuit claims election officials counted ineligible ballots, failed to count ballots that should have been counted, and that a number of counting errors and irregularities allegedly took place.


You don't care, you'll lie about this like you lie about everything. You have ZERO integrity and say anything that promotes your filthy traitorous party.

The demagogue sociopath party seeks the utter and complete destruction of the United States.


1-Set Aside.



You were just presented evidence and directly lie.

Such is the way of you Stalinists, you are sociopaths.

The sanctions American President Trump placed on your country crippled your economy and your efforts at building nuclear arms to use against the great satan and the Jews that you hate.

But Xi's man will lift them instantly, and Iranian agent Kerry will again be in a position to represent his masters.
A fan of that idiot Sidney are you? There is zip, zero, nada, nothing and none in the way of proof of outside interference in the November 3 Election.

We know Russia did interfere in the 2016 Election, but because they helped the Impeached LOSER gain office you do not care.

We also know that the LOSER 45 asked China to interfere, to help him and they declined. There no proof that China helped Biden.

Come back with solid proof, which you know you do not have.

The thing about your Communist traitors is that you are result oriented. You don't care HOW the party gains power, only that it does.

You have had your lying gash shoved in the massive fraud repeatedly, and you continue to lie. You have no integrity, and lust only for power for your filthy, traitorous party.


The Thomas More Society's Amistad Project on Tuesday filed an emergency petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court over the swing state's unofficial election results. The conservative group claims to have identified more than 150,000 ballots that have the potential for fraud, something they believe could have an impact on the state's declared winner.

“We have identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results, ” Phill Kline, director of the project, said in a statement.“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law."

The lawsuit claims election officials counted ineligible ballots, failed to count ballots that should have been counted, and that a number of counting errors and irregularities allegedly took place.


You don't care, you'll lie about this like you lie about everything. You have ZERO integrity and say anything that promotes your filthy traitorous party.

The demagogue sociopath party seeks the utter and complete destruction of the United States.


1-Set Aside.


Says who, a collaborator in the cover up maybe ?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.
Sorry there is no way a 'basement-mole candidate ' won legitimately. Remember 2016? Democrats have NEVER accepted Trump as legitimate. Karma is a bitch. Get used to it.

45 is Traitor.

VICE-PRESIDENT ELECT HARRIS is many things. Strong, intelligent, and she knows how fight. \

She's a moron Pence is better!
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.
Sorry there is no way a 'basement-mole candidate ' won legitimately. Remember 2016? Democrats have NEVER accepted Trump as legitimate. Karma is a bitch. Get used to it.

45 is Traitor.

VICE-PRESIDENT ELECT HARRIS is many things. Strong, intelligent, and she knows how fight. \

Biden is a Traitor and Harris is a bond villain.
Wisconsin Recount (paid for by Impeached Traitor 45 to the tune of $3,000,000.00) finds 87-More Votes For President-Elect Biden.


Somewhere, somehow along the way, one of the idiots working for Orange Shit Stain must have told him that recounts very seldom help the loser....

It's Called The Law of Unintended Consequences.

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