Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

It is a conspiracy. Have you noticed the difference between Trump supporters and Biden supporters. Mostly Trump supporters love the US and Biden supporters love taking freedom away and censorship. If you don't notice that, I don't know what to tell you. Sure Trump is not perfect but he atleast cares for the US a little more then Biden. Just saying how I see it. How many Biden supportors hold the American flag? Most of them say it is racist.

Are you kidding me Comrade? Trump is as Charlatan. He cares about the US like Adolf Hitler cared about Jews. The only thing Donald Trump cares about is Donald Trump. He barely gives a shit about his own family.

I don't assume I know what Trump thinks. Are you like one of those Jesus people that knows what Jesus thinks? :D

So the side who pushed the Russia hoax in 2016 think Biden won?

The folks who've checked the election results think Biden won.

Because he, know you....won the election.

Joe has all the signs of dementia 79 million didn't vote for Biden.

So its the electorate's fault that Trump lost?

So much for the 'party of personal responsibility', eh?

No way 79 million voted for senile Biden.

^^^ And this is the issue. They adore Trump so much that they simply can't wrap their minds around the fact that so many don't.

You guys cheered him on when he did the things he did, and told everyone else to go fuck themselves.

Okay. Well, those people have spoken. And you just can't see it, because of your love for him.

Trump will win in court just watch!


Suuure, uh-huh.

And watch you cultists start crying about how the courts are all part of your conspiracy when they don't vault Impeached Trump back into the White House for 4 more years

It's all a conspiracy, and everyone but Trump and his sheep are "in" on it.

Shhh. Don't tell this guy.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!
What a pity you can't prove there is any.

I don't think any amount of proof would convince you because you believe the false narrative.
What is your source for that?

So you believe everything that comes from the MSM?:DIt is shocking how mind controlled you and your buddy are.:D
I said nothing about the MSM. I asked you what your source is for that image you posted. Are you too embarrassed by your own source to say what it is?


If you can't say what your source is for that image, it means they're bullshit figures on that chart you can't confirm.

Thanks for trying. Better luck next time. :mm:

So the side who pushed the Russia hoax in 2016 think Biden won?

The folks who've checked the election results think Biden won.

Because he, know you....won the election.

Joe has all the signs of dementia 79 million didn't vote for Biden.

So its the electorate's fault that Trump lost?

So much for the 'party of personal responsibility', eh?

No way 79 million voted for senile Biden.

^^^ And this is the issue. They adore Trump so much that they simply can't wrap their minds around the fact that so many don't.

You guys cheered him on when he did the things he did, and told everyone else to go fuck themselves.

Okay. Well, those people have spoken. And you just can't see it, because of your love for him.

Trump will win in court just watch!


Suuure, uh-huh.

And watch you cultists start crying about how the courts are all part of your conspiracy when they don't vault Impeached Trump back into the White House for 4 more years

It's all a conspiracy, and everyone but Trump and his sheep are "in" on it.

Shhh. Don't tell this guy.

Don't need to tell him. He's plugged into the hive where that data is automatically uploaded directly into his brain.
Give me a fucking example of what you tardz will accept as evidence. Just one fucking example.

Not this from this batshit, too freakin’ crazy, even for TrumpO and Rudy (Sidney Powell) “I can hardly wait to put forth all the evidence we have on Dominion,”

IS she lead on this.....she should be.

Powell perpetuated the false claims and implied the alleged connection was a sign of foreign election interference in her own interview with Dobbs on Nov. 15. She further claimed Dominion software had deep ties to Venezuela.

“I can hardly wait to put forth all the evidence we have on Dominion,” she said, “starting with the fact that it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez and then shipped internationally to manipulate votes for purchase in other countries, including this one.”

Why do Trump’s morons cling to their Bibles, Guns and Rudy? Cmon, rejoin decency and respect for America - the way it was designed to work. Give this Trump/Biblical/Eurocentric/Christian Nation crap up.
1. A flt is simply a number with a decimal that allows digits before and after the decimal. It allows more precision than an integer which is simply a whole number.

What would be the purpose of representing vote tallies in fractional math? You got ANY reason at ALL why a manufacturer would do that? It's to support "weighted races" you nidget.. Just like they brag about in their promo literature...

2. If a program supports a function, it simply means it is capable of that function. There must be a defined programming switch to turn it on or off. Don't see that switch in the code, it's not turned on. It's that simple.

It's an ADVERTISED FEATURE you nidget.. I've designed the firmware for about 50 products. I'm fully familiar with coding hardware at that level.. You cant GO to a hospital or med facility without using SOMETHING my consulting group has designed.. One of our largest clients was a touch screen company. My group did a lot of the R&D and manufacturing test stations for them.. Dont EVEN TRY to lecture me about variable types in code.

3.Do you even know what programming language it was written in?

WhyTF does THAT matter? What matters is what PROCESSOR they use to run the firmware.. You can do "fractional math" with long integers if you want to by "scaling" the number range and then doing ONE FINAL division in float at the end of computation. Most ALL languages support some kind of "float".. It's whether the PROCESSOR H/Ware does that operation in H/ware or S/ware computation that determines how "efficiently" it runs..

Not even gonna bother with the rest -- because you're thrashing here rather than ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS of WHY this is a feature in ANY voting equipment in America..
1. A flt is simply a number with a decimal that allows digits before and after the decimal. It allows more precision than an integer which is simply a whole number.

What would be the purpose of representing vote tallies in fractional math? You got ANY reason at ALL why a manufacturer would do that? It's to support "weighted races" you nidget.. Just like they brag about in their promo literature...

2. If a program supports a function, it simply means it is capable of that function. There must be a defined programming switch to turn it on or off. Don't see that switch in the code, it's not turned on. It's that simple.

It's an ADVERTISED FEATURE you nidget.. I've designed the firmware for about 50 products. I'm fully familiar with coding hardware at that level.. You cant GO to a hospital or med facility without using SOMETHING my consulting group has designed.. One of our largest clients was a touch screen company. My group did a lot of the R&D and manufacturing test stations for them.. Dont EVEN TRY to lecture me about variable types in code.

3.Do you even know what programming language it was written in?

WhyTF does THAT matter? What matters is what PROCESSOR they use to run the firmware.. You can do "fractional math" with long integers if you want to by "scaling" the number range and then doing ONE FINAL division in float at the end of computation. Most ALL languages support some kind of "float".. It's whether the PROCESSOR H/Ware does that operation in H/ware or S/ware computation that determines how "efficiently" it runs..

Not even gonna bother with the rest -- because you're thrashing here rather than ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS of WHY this is a feature in ANY voting equipment in America..
Again -- a long thread derail about Ivanka and banging and boobs. Two MORE folks tossed from this thread. Right after one of them got a warning in here yesterday..

I can do this all week.. Deleted another 18 posts. Wrote 2 more warnings and thread bans. If ya want to stay in this thread-- Stick to the topic..

If you're tapped out of "topical content" -- find another thread..
The LOSER 45 lost (Again) in Pennsylvania.




Time to concession. There is no path open except to further loss.
Last edited:
Michigan Certifies Election Results Despite GOP Calls To Delay.


Georgia has already that States Election Results and Pennsylvania is scheduled to certify today.

Edit. Georgia has already certified Election Results in that state. Pennsylvania is scheduled to certify today.
Michigan Certifies Election Results. No Suprise...President-Elect Biden Wins.

Biden barely left his basement& he bragged about his election fraud .

Tell us why TRUMPo’s lawyers including the $20,000 per day Rudy the courtroom Rube tell all the judges that Trump0’s lawsuits are not about election fraud.

“This is not a fraud case,” the Trump campaign’s lawyer Kory Langhofer told a Maricopa County judge last week. Giuliani repeated that line verbatim in the late afternoon session, of the Middle District of Pennsylvania lawsuit.

The campaign’s other lawyers made similar remarks before state judges in Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties.

Seemkingly u liberals didn't possess the intellectial ability to understang his point.

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