Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer who has led the most extensive efforts to damage his client’s political rivals and undermine the election results, discussed with him as recently as last week the possibility of receiving a pre-emptive pardon before Mr. Trump leaves office, according to two people told of the discussion.


What do you think he did? You only want a pardon for criminal behavior. It's not like a burp.
A.G. Bill Barr: No Evidence of Fraud That'd Change Election Outcome.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

His comments come despite President Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the election was stolen, and his refusal to concede his loss to President-Elect Joe Biden.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Barr said U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but they’ve uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome of the election.
Uh-oh, looks like Barr just committed occupational hari-kiri. :ack-1:

Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer who has led the most extensive efforts to damage his client’s political rivals and undermine the election results, discussed with him as recently as last week the possibility of receiving a pre-emptive pardon before Mr. Trump leaves office, according to two people told of the discussion.


What do you think he did? You only want a pardon for criminal behavior. It's not like a burp.

Ghouli would not ask for a pardon if he had not broken the law.....

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and allegations (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
When is Sidney Powell filing her superawesome lawsuit, like she promised?

I checked her official website. Nothing there but begging for money and hawking merchandise.

Oh, that's right. She's a grifter, out fleecing the Trump rubes. AndObeing that they're all morons, they fall for it.

Is she offering a once in life time offer of a free Brazilian Power Crystal?
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Well I was aware of it.. So actually were state's Sec States who borked the idea of buying from Dominion. So were Klobuchar, Warren and whatshisname.. ACTUALLY when I first told you that the highest levels of the FBI/Intel had hijacked the keys to the World's Greatest Domestic Spy Machine to spy on Trump associates -- you weren't buying THAT either.. That's a load of "unfinished business" that the Swamp is just gonna cover up..

THEY LOVE THEM SOME POWER. Even Trump disappointed me on the day the Patriot Act was scheduled for renewal.. 1st tweet in the morning was all about not SIGNING IT without Civil Liberty protections added in.. But inexplicably, BY NOON -- he renege on all that.. EVEN THO HE HAD BEEN THE BIGGEST VICTIM OF ABUSE of this system.. Know who else disappointed me? All the spineless Repubs who were SCREAMING (and still are) to INDICT and try all those who abused power and twisted truth to run a full out Intel op against the Trump campaign --- MOST of those morons voted for fast track of the Patriot Act with no revisions.. WHY? Because BOTH parties WANT that unbridled power.. And like the ring in Lord of Rings -- all these tools are useful "when elections have consequences"...

It's not a secret.. The power is too great for them to handle. And they LIKE IT that way..

Orange Bastard was too busy fulfilling promises. And fighting off witchhunts, impeachment and a fully hostile media..

oh boy. You've gone full whacko conspiracy theory on us. None of what you say is true ESPECIALLY that last sentence. Trump was fulfilling promises, like Ted Bundy was helping college girls with their homework.
Prove it. All I have seen all summer is Democrats destroying cities.

Tired, Worn Out, Useless and Boring.
Oh,yeah. They don't show that on CNN. Sorry.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.

Courts require evidence to proceed. None was provided. Ghouli kept saying he had proof, and has yet to provide that proof.

1 - Win.

1 - Set Aside.

39 - LOST.

Courts demand proof of wrongdoing. None has been provided.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

I have worked the Polls in both San Francisco and in Marin City for over 25+Years. The only reason I did not work this year was Doctor's Orders. I know from first hand experience how hard it is perpetrate Voter Fraud. Twice in the time I've worked as both a Clerk and Assistant Judge has someone attempted Voter Fraud. Once in 2004 and once in 2010. Both we called the deputies and the person was taken away.

Proclaiming Voter Fraud is one thing, proving it is another. Courts require proof, clear evidence of such fraud. One of reason Ghouli keeps failing is that for the crap he spews about Voter Fraud, he has yet to provide any evidence it.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.
Your hilarious.
As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.

What have you absolutely witnessed?

The other thing I find amusing, is that the default setting for almost every Neocon Trump lover is that if there was fraud it was the Dems. I'm, thinking if there was fraud, BOTH parites would need a good look at. I mean, Donnie Boy is just a working description of the word...

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.

Your logic above is destroyed by an honest answer to this one simple question.

"If Biden (or anyone else) is declared the winner, when it is provable that they benefited by fraudulent counts or votes. . . . Are they legitimately the winner?"

Yes or no.

Not if you've found enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome. But you're not going to do that. Trump's team isn't even really trying to do that. Trump is merely trying to stir up his idiot supporters so they'll back him when he tries to override the outcome.

As presented by Rudy in the video link.

They are in fact talking about numbers (and corruption) significant enough to affect the outcome.

Do you or do you not want our elections to be legitimate?
Talk is all they do. They present no evidence of fraud and are laughed out of court time after time. Hilarious! Make baseless accusation after baseless accusation and you just buy it even after it's laughed out of court time after time. Kinda like the corona virus is a hoax. It will disappear after November. The whole world shut down just to pick on poor Trump. Lol. Hilarious. How many times your dumb ass gonna be fooled by stupid ass Trump. Lol

Even SCOTUS would require evidence of fraud. Not that SCOTUS will come near 45 or looney tunes lawyers.

The evidence can be made clear by matching every ballot (in key / suspected counties and States) to the person who supposedly cast the vote.

The evidence would be further discovered with an aidit of nursing homes, homeless shelters and other long term care facilities addresses and the persons who supposedly voted from those locations (ironically with no etcdown ballot indications.)

The people have the right to know how many of our loved ones in long term care are having their ballots stolen from them.
Well then provide the evidence then big mouth. The courts have laughed at your attorney s. Just like I laugh at you. Put up or shut the up

Simply put.

Most cases do not start with evidence but with and alkegation (sworn affidavits) THEN comes a discovery period where both sides gather the evidence to support and defend their case.

That is one of many reasons why the dismissal of so many of the filings so far also stink to high heaven.

That said, I have no hope for justice in this country anymore and it is not all because of this election and it's related issues.

If you have confidence in the integrity of an election where each and every vote can NOT be verified valid? I suspect that is ONLY because you think your guy actually won.
I have worked for board of elections and am very confident in the system always people from both parties there and the board generally consist of good people unlike Trump. Until Trump team provides evidence they are the disks the appear

As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.

The only way to substantiate a claim of Voter Fraud is to provide proof of Voter Fraud. That is why Ghouli has a long history of failure. He cannot provide the proof needed to support the claims of Voter Fraud he has made.

IF there is proof of Voter Fraud (so far there has not been), then such proof would on its face be reason to call in question the integrity of the vote.

To date, not one of 50-Secretaries of State (the individual with the Constitutional Authority to handle Elections) in this country has reported Voter Fraud.

Bill Barr just committed political suicide by admitting the Department of Justice AND the F.B.I. found no EVIDENCE of Voter Fraud. Evidence is the the key word. No EVIDENCE means NO FREAKING EVIDENCE. Without out EVIDENCE you have NOTHING.

When you walk into to a court room to make a claim of Voter Fraud, but the judge wants to see your proof, the judge wants to see your evidence, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE to support a claim of VOTER FRAUD.

No self respecting judge to going to agree to there being Voter Fraud without proof of Voter Fraud.
As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.

What have you absolutely witnessed?

The other thing I find amusing, is that the default setting for almost every Neocon Trump lover is that if there was fraud it was the Dems. I'm, thinking if there was fraud, BOTH parites would need a good look at. I mean, Donnie Boy is just a working description of the word...

I have witnessed more than one disagreement over provisional ballots that got very heated. I partially witnessed two instances where cops were called and people were walked put of the polling places. I witnessed many occasipns of people "campaigning" in areas where it was supposedly against the law to do so. I witnessed more than one instance where more senior officials were in disagreement over whether they could or could not proceed without observers.

None of the above could I ever PROVE, especially, after the fact.
As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.

What have you absolutely witnessed?

The other thing I find amusing, is that the default setting for almost every Neocon Trump lover is that if there was fraud it was the Dems. I'm, thinking if there was fraud, BOTH parites would need a good look at. I mean, Donnie Boy is just a working description of the word...

I have witnessed more than one disagreement over provisional ballots that got very heated. I partially witnessed two instances where cops were called and people were walked put of the polling places. I witnessed many occasipns of people "campaigning" in areas where it was supposedly against the law to do so. I witnessed more than one instance where more senior officials were in disagreement over whether they could or could not proceed without observers.

None of the above could I ever PROVE, especially, after the fact.

As have I. l

Provisional Ballots are issued (in California at least) in cases of if the person's name not appearing on the voter rolls, the person shows up to vote and on the Voter Roster next to that voters name is printed "Vote By Mail". A person has moved and is not sure if their name is on the rolls.

In each case the person signs the Provisional Ballot Sheet and is given a pink Provisional Ballot Envelope to fill out. Name, Address, Reason for the Provisional Ballot Being Issued and the date. Then and only then is the ballot issued. The Provisional Ballots are returned to the Registrar's Office in San Rafael and names are checked and double checked. IF the reason the issuing the P.V. is valid, the ballot is counted. If not the ballot is discarded. IF a case of attempted Voter Fraud is found the proper legal authorities are called and the person called in for questioning. In California, Provisional Ballots are counted.

Again, there has to proof of Voter Fraud for a claim of Voter Fraud to be upheld. Ghouli has gone into court to claim Voter Fraud, but has NOT proved substantial proof, evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud. If there is no evidence of Voter Fraud, without that proof of Voter Fraud how do you prove Voter Fraud?

A claim of Voter Fraud must be proven by evidence of Voter Fraud. It is that simple
As a precinct committeeman and as a volunteer, I have worked in several elections too. Enough to know how impossible it would be to immediately provide hard evidence of any of the things that I absolutely did witness.

That is why the demand for hard evidence up front is both ridiculous and unreasonable.

What have you absolutely witnessed?

The other thing I find amusing, is that the default setting for almost every Neocon Trump lover is that if there was fraud it was the Dems. I'm, thinking if there was fraud, BOTH parites would need a good look at. I mean, Donnie Boy is just a working description of the word...

I have witnessed more than one disagreement over provisional ballots that got very heated. I partially witnessed two instances where cops were called and people were walked put of the polling places. I witnessed many occasipns of people "campaigning" in areas where it was supposedly against the law to do so. I witnessed more than one instance where more senior officials were in disagreement over whether they could or could not proceed without observers.

None of the above could I ever PROVE, especially, after the fact.

As have I. l

Provisional Ballots are issued (in California at least) in cases of if the person's name not appearing on the voter rolls, the person shows up to vote and on the Voter Roster next to that voters name is printed "Vote By Mail". A person has moved and is not sure if their name is on the rolls.

In each case the person signs the Provisional Ballot Sheet and is given a pink Provisional Ballot Envelope to fill out. Name, Address, Reason for the Provisional Ballot Being Issued and the date. Then and only then is the ballot issued. The Provisional Ballots are returned to the Registrar's Office in San Rafael and names are checked and double checked. IF the reason the issuing the P.V. is valid, the ballot is counted. If not the ballot is discarded. IF a case of attempted Voter Fraud is found the proper legal authorities are called and the person called in for questioning. In California, Provisional Ballots are counted.

Again, there has to proof of Voter Fraud for a claim of Voter Fraud to be upheld. Ghouli has gone into court to claim Voter Fraud, but has NOT proved substantial proof, evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud. If there is no evidence of Voter Fraud, without that proof of Voter Fraud how do you prove Voter Fraud?

A claim of Voter Fraud must be proven by evidence of Voter Fraud. It is that simple

If YOU grab a long term care patient's name and info and obtain (use copies) of a mail in ballot and then vote for that person by proxy without their knowledge.

Is that a valid vote?

How do you PROVE that sort of harvesting has taken place WITHOUT an investigation?
It comes down to this.

In order to sustain a charge of Voter Fraud, there must first be proof of Voter Fraud.

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