Rudy receiving death threats

This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah


Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.
Democrats. Just like you
CON$ervoFascists just like you. I'm a lifelong registered Independent.
Fascism is a socialist thing so it would be a democrat thing....Just like lynchings
slack jawed mouth breathing is your the way those are Christofascist lynching
It's interesting that the OP apparently approves of death threats against someone for daring to call Obama out.

And by the way, I think there's no question Obama does not love this country for what it was and what it has always been. He works night and day to change it.

that sums up the left/libs. they claim they are all about peace and love. then cheer when someone they don't like gets death threats for just speaking his opinion

I think if the left could. they would round up all the people they don't like or think is worthy in their small world, they would volunteer to drive the trains to the ovens and flip on the gas too. How does anyone live with that much hate in their lives? they are scary people

Wow, another stupid conservative praises another stupid conservative, both using syntax best served by crayon.

Wow, another stupid liberal with no argument. Please, pull the crayons out of your ears first.

It wasn't an argument, it was an observation. Next time, graduate from high school, take Intro to Philosophy, and maybe, maybe, you will have the ability to understand the difference. I doubt it.
Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.
Democrats. Just like you
CON$ervoFascists just like you. I'm a lifelong registered Independent.
Fascism is a socialist thing so it would be a democrat thing....Just like lynchings
slack jawed mouth breathing is your the way those are Christofascist lynching

the board needs to put a limit on how many ugly stupid post you can post a day

I vote for one a day. you ruin every thread you get in. It's disgusting some of crap you spew
It's interesting that the OP apparently approves of death threats against someone for daring to call Obama out.

And by the way, I think there's no question Obama does not love this country for what it was and what it has always been. He works night and day to change it.

that sums up the left/libs. they claim they are all about peace and love. then cheer when someone they don't like gets death threats for just speaking his opinion

I think if the left could. they would round up all the people they don't like or think is worthy in their small world, they would volunteer to drive the trains to the ovens and flip on the gas too. How does anyone live with that much hate in their lives? they are scary people

Wow, another stupid conservative praises another stupid conservative, both using syntax best served by crayon.

Wow, another stupid liberal with no argument. Please, pull the crayons out of your ears first.

It wasn't an argument, it was an observation. Next time, graduate from high school, take Intro to Philosophy, and maybe, maybe, you will have the ability to understand the difference. I doubt it.

Actually, I did graduate high school. Make it out of Kindergarten before lecturing me.
It's interesting that the OP apparently approves of death threats against someone for daring to call Obama out.

And by the way, I think there's no question Obama does not love this country for what it was and what it has always been. He works night and day to change it.

that sums up the left/libs. they claim they are all about peace and love. then cheer when someone they don't like gets death threats for just speaking his opinion

I think if the left could. they would round up all the people they don't like or think is worthy in their small world, they would volunteer to drive the trains to the ovens and flip on the gas too. How does anyone live with that much hate in their lives? they are scary people

Wow, another stupid conservative praises another stupid conservative, both using syntax best served by crayon.

Wow, another stupid liberal with no argument. Please, pull the crayons out of your ears first.

It wasn't an argument, it was an observation. Next time, graduate from high school, take Intro to Philosophy, and maybe, maybe, you will have the ability to understand the difference. I doubt it.

Actually, I did graduate high school. Make it out of Kindergarten before lecturing me.

Well good for you. How many years did it take?
that sums up the left/libs. they claim they are all about peace and love. then cheer when someone they don't like gets death threats for just speaking his opinion

I think if the left could. they would round up all the people they don't like or think is worthy in their small world, they would volunteer to drive the trains to the ovens and flip on the gas too. How does anyone live with that much hate in their lives? they are scary people

Wow, another stupid conservative praises another stupid conservative, both using syntax best served by crayon.

Wow, another stupid liberal with no argument. Please, pull the crayons out of your ears first.

It wasn't an argument, it was an observation. Next time, graduate from high school, take Intro to Philosophy, and maybe, maybe, you will have the ability to understand the difference. I doubt it.

Actually, I did graduate high school. Make it out of Kindergarten before lecturing me.

Well good for you. How many years did it take?

Oh, four. But why are we discussing education levels here? Don't you have crayons or finger paint to play with or something? Try not to swallow anything, and mind the label, "for children 3 years and up"
Rudy is a cynical POS that promotes himself as some special savior against crime and terrorism. It would be fitting for him to die from which he claims to be our hero.
The dumbass insisted that the command center be placed inside the World Trade Center - and this was AFTER the first WTC bombing. People thought he was nuts, and it turns out people were right. It definitely contributed to the confusion, and probably the death toll.
And your hero Obama hates the country. I will stick with Rudy.

Obama is NOT MY hero but he is the sitting president of MY country and for that he gets my respect. A-holes like you that make monkey noises from the freedom and anonymity of the internet mean less than nothing. You have no respect for what deserves respect and wonder why nobody wants fools LIKE you in the white house. You morons may be able to steer like minded morons in less educated parts of our country to win small elections but mark my words. America will never allow someone as dangerously stupid as Bush back in as the leader of the free world.

he has dome more damage in 6 years than every president before him, and you support him? You are a piece of work. You are clueless. Obama is the problem!

That statement is entirely and wholly utter nonsense.

Where do you people put your minds to come to these bizarre conclusions?

Next you are going to say that the terrorist attack in Benghazi was worse for the country than us invading Afghanistan and Iraq. You are going to claim that the piddling little rag tag terrorist plots since Obama was elected were far worse than allowing 9/11.

You are going to condemn the record levels of the stock market and applaud the biggest financial crash in human history.

Are you people just totally flipping MAD????

What were there some 20 bills by the repubs demanding investigations on Benghazi? How many road and bridge repair bills got run through congress? O That's a big fat zero!

How about just a simple Fuck You and thanks for playing you assholes.

I'm not impressed with Obama's achievements but the worst damage than all that preceded him? I never voted for him either.

The problem with this nation isn't Obama or any future president. It is willfully ignorant people like you.. That's right You stupid motherfuckers.
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The core of the GOP are the racists of the south....its a fact Jack

Id imagine most of the racist democrats live in the south to. What does that have to do with Guianni? he lives in NY. I live in Cali and have lived here my whole life. Ive got no idea if Gulianni is a racist or not, but neither the hell do you, just because he questioned Obamas patriotism. so the Fuck what?
I ve heard people call Bush vile things for years when he was pres, but thats ok to, because in the end we dont owe politicians in washington our respect. They owe it to us to prove their worthy to hold the office we elected them for. I wont be a shill for any of them whwether they're Repiublicans, or Dems. and neither should you. The day you cant question authority is the day your in real trouble.

Let Obama speak for himself and convince us hes a patriotic American , he can prove Guliani quite wrong if its in his heart. Its his job
And CON$ervative Republicans. Every Southern CON$ervative Republican voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Actually, most Democrats voted against it. In fact, those doing the hanging in your photos, are likely loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years.

But the Communists/Democrats control the message in the MSM. So, many don't know the actual history of the Republican Party. They only know it's been branded 'Racist' by the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. But it's far from the truth. The Republican Party is the true leader in Civil Rights.
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
Actually, most Democrats voted against it. In fact, those doing the hanging in your photos, are likely loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years.

But the Communists/Democrats control the message in the MSM. So, many don't know the actual history of the Republican Party. They only know it's been branded 'Racist' by the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. But it's far from the truth. The Republican Party is the true leader in Civil Rights.
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?

So any Republican that gets elected to office, is a 'Racist?' Man, you're one twisted little Entitlement douche. Probably time to cut your Freebies off. You clearly have too much time on your hands. You're losin it. Time to cut your Freebies and get you back to work. You craaaaazy :cuckoo:
Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.
Democrats. Just like you
CON$ervoFascists just like you. I'm a lifelong registered Independent.
Fascism is a socialist thing so it would be a democrat thing....Just like lynchings
slack jawed mouth breathing is your the way those are Christofascist lynching
You can keep saying that as much as you want it will still NEVER be true since they were democrats JUST LIKE YOUR RACIST ASS.
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?
Not much since most of the south changed their racists ways. Those that didn't moved to the north where racism is at unbelievable levels starting with racist thugs like you.
No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?
Not much since most of the south changed their racists ways. Those that didn't moved to the north where racism is at unbelievable levels starting with racist thugs like you.

Yeah, that particular poster is just another Race-Baiter Racist calling others Racists. Been there done that. You can spot em pretty easily. It's so old and tired at this point.
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?

With paulitician it's not alcohol, it a natural low, low IQ that is.
No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?
Not much since most of the south changed their racists ways. Those that didn't moved to the north where racism is at unbelievable levels starting with racist thugs like you.
Yes you are right the Deep South is committed to brotherhood and equal rights....sure buddy whatever you say ...Jesuuuuus ....most of the South has changed its racist way.....Unnnnnnn believable
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.

A very sad reflection on our awful failing Public School System. The Communists/Progressives have destroyed that too.
So you claim the Democrats have political power in the South ? have you been drinking?
Not much since most of the south changed their racists ways. Those that didn't moved to the north where racism is at unbelievable levels starting with racist thugs like you.
Yes you are right the Deep South is committed to brotherhood and equal rights....sure buddy whatever you say ...Jesuuuuus ....most of the South has changed its racist way.....Unnnnnnn believable
You wouldn't know since you are to filled with hate to go and find out. You democrats are pathetic.

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