Rudy receiving death threats

Perhaps, if GOP members don’t want to be accused of racism, they should avoid passing around racist pictures. Especially if they've been caught doing the same thing before.


Those who screech Racism the loudest, are usually the biggest racists of all. I'm guessing that sums you up.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron

That was then, this is now. You sound like a typical racist Entitlement douche.
Do not forget the Name LEE ATWATER
It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The core of the GOP are the racists of the south....its a fact Jack

Ha, you still can't accept your Communist in Chief is half white. You Race-Baiters are funny. You always seem to conveniently forget about his White Mother. Like she never even existed.
OK lets say Obama was living in the 1960 s...lets say it was 1961 and he tried to sit at a lunch counter ...they would say move on you are Black and he could say my mother is white at which point they would kill him....

Uh yeah, that was then, this is now. The dude's half White. What are you not getting?
Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The core of the GOP are the racists of the south....its a fact Jack

Ha, you still can't accept your Communist in Chief is half white. You Race-Baiters are funny. You always seem to conveniently forget about his White Mother. Like she never even existed.
OK lets say Obama was living in the 1960 s...lets say it was 1961 and he tried to sit at a lunch counter ...they would say move on you are Black and he could say my mother is white at which point they would kill him....

Uh yeah, that was then, this is now. The dude's half White. What are you not getting?
Oh he changed race is that your argument are a thick skull maroon
Perhaps, if GOP members don’t want to be accused of racism, they should avoid passing around racist pictures. Especially if they've been caught doing the same thing before.


Those who screech Racism the loudest, are usually the biggest racists of all. I'm guessing that sums you up.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron

That was then, this is now. You sound like a typical racist Entitlement douche.
Do not forget the Name LEE ATWATER

Ha yeah, you are just an average racist Entitlement douche. I nailed it. I always do. Get a job and quit ya Race-Baiting Bullshite.
They say I am crazy cause they don't think I know what they do...

An overwhelming majority of the electorate wants to preserve Medicare and Social Security … more than 82%, a majority that includes black voters and white voters alike. However, if you are a right-wing Republican hell bent on dismantling the social safety net, how do you divide and conquer this overwhelming majority? By playing the race card, of course! By stirring social resentments that turn one voting group against another (although both voting groups share the same economic interest). When large cohesive voting blocs are divided by dog whistle politics, they no longer talk to each other, compare notes, or vote their common interests. That is how right-wingers stir up the village idiots, then sneak around from behind and steal their wallets.
Perhaps, if GOP members don’t want to be accused of racism, they should avoid passing around racist pictures. Especially if they've been caught doing the same thing before.


Those who screech Racism the loudest, are usually the biggest racists of all. I'm guessing that sums you up.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron

That was then, this is now. You sound like a typical racist Entitlement douche.
Do not forget the Name LEE ATWATER

Ha yeah, you are just an average racist Entitlement douche. I nailed it. I always do. Get a job and quit ya Race-Baiting Bullshite.
Lee Atwater, Steve Scalise ...any questions ?
Anyway, back on topic. Giuliani nailed it. And shame on Communist/Progressive nutters for threatening violence. To hell with em.
Those who screech Racism the loudest, are usually the biggest racists of all. I'm guessing that sums you up.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron

That was then, this is now. You sound like a typical racist Entitlement douche.
Do not forget the Name LEE ATWATER

Ha yeah, you are just an average racist Entitlement douche. I nailed it. I always do. Get a job and quit ya Race-Baiting Bullshite.
Lee Atwater, Steve Scalise ...any questions ?

I tried to educate you, but you weren't havin it. The Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when your Party still had African American slaves and were hanging em from trees. The Party has an incredibly strong 150 year record on Civil Rights. But i can't force you to understand or accept that. You're choosing to stay ignorant. That's on you.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron

That was then, this is now. You sound like a typical racist Entitlement douche.
Do not forget the Name LEE ATWATER

Ha yeah, you are just an average racist Entitlement douche. I nailed it. I always do. Get a job and quit ya Race-Baiting Bullshite.
Lee Atwater, Steve Scalise ...any questions ?

I tried to educate you, but you weren't havin it. The Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when your Party still had African American slaves and were hanging em from trees. The Party has an incredibly strong 150 year record on Civil Rights. But i can't force you to understand or accept that. You're choosing to stay ignorant. That's on you.
You have no status to educate toe nail clippings have more education than you are a garden variety right wing white dude on a mission from God while booger drooling and mouth breathing slack jawed...
Ha, Race-Baiter meltdown. Now it's gone full-on Retard. It's in a crazed spamming frenzy. So here, allow me to help the Board out and get rid of it...

Hey Race-Baiter loon, just heard Walmart's handing out Obamaphones. Better hurry and get in line. Supplies are limited. Off ya go now.

Hope it works. Cross your fingers. :)
Ha, Race-Baiter meltdown. Now it's gone full-on Retard. It's in a crazed spamming frenzy. So here, allow me to help the Board out get rid of it...

Hey Race-Baiter loon, just heard Walmart's handing out Obamaphones. Better hurry and get in line. Supplies are limited. Off ya go now.

Cross your fingers. Hope it works. :)
Ha, Race-Baiter meltdown. Now it's gone full-on Retard. It's in a crazed spamming frenzy. So here, allow me to help the Board out get rid of it...

Hey Race-Baiter loon, just heard Walmart's handing out Obamaphones. Better hurry and get in line. Supplies are limited. Off ya go now.

Cross your fingers. Hope it works. :)

Seriously man, Walmart's handing out those Obamaphones right now. Better get going. Off ya go now.
How dare Rudy tell the truth. This is the land of deceit. Truth is a death penalty offense.

Dude we get it. You're a racist Entitlement douche. And you want Giuliani dead for criticizing your Community Organizer asshole. So it's no longer necessary to spam the board with boring annoying Race-Baiting shite.

We gotcha. Now go and get yourself that Obamaphone. Walmart says they're selling like hotcakes. You better hurry and get down there. Bye.

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