Rudy receiving death threats

The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

thats his opinion, he may be an asshole for all I know
and Vigilante is on Social Security already ....sucking of Tax payers

Hang up the Obamaphone and get informed. The Republican Party was doing Civil Liberties long long before your beloved Democrats ever considered the concept.
what is the GOP doing now ?/ meeting with white supremacist and stirring racial animus at the President which is why I say fuk all you all
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

thats his opinion, he may be an asshole for all I know
I know for a fact you are an asshole ...your post document that ...moron
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You're being willfully ignorant. Read up a bit on the history of both Parties. The Republican Party has been working for Civil Rights for a 150 years. It was doing it while your beloved Democrats were hanging African Americans from trees.

The Republican Party was into Civil Rights long long before your party ever thought of it. Try to inform yourself. Stop listening to Communist/Progressive Race-Baiting propaganda.
You party has the Southern Strategy

let Lee Atwater describe it to you
Lee Atwater'sinfamous “n*gger, n*gger” interview

The Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when your beloved Democrats still had African Americans as slaves and were hanging them from trees. You need to brush up on your history. Like i said, stop only listening to Democrat MSM Race-Baiting propaganda.

You sure is good at quoting history, but we are talking about the here and now. The GOP is, with each attack on the first black President, alienating itself from the Black community. But do please keep it up. It is encouraging when I hear conservative black voters ask each other what is wrong with the Republican Party.
No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You're being willfully ignorant. Read up a bit on the history of both Parties. The Republican Party has been working for Civil Rights for a 150 years. It was doing it while your beloved Democrats were hanging African Americans from trees.

The Republican Party was into Civil Rights long long before your party ever thought of it. Try to inform yourself. Stop listening to Communist/Progressive Race-Baiting propaganda.
You party has the Southern Strategy

let Lee Atwater describe it to you
Lee Atwater'sinfamous “n*gger, n*gger” interview

The Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when your beloved Democrats still had African Americans as slaves and were hanging them from trees. You need to brush up on your history. Like i said, stop only listening to Democrat MSM Race-Baiting propaganda.

You sure is good at quoting history, but we are talking about the here and now. The GOP is, with each attack on the first black President, alienating itself from the Black community. But do please keep it up. It is encouraging when I hear conservative black voters ask each other what is wrong with the Republican Party.

we got to keep the Rudys talking until 2016
No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You're being willfully ignorant. Read up a bit on the history of both Parties. The Republican Party has been working for Civil Rights for a 150 years. It was doing it while your beloved Democrats were hanging African Americans from trees.

The Republican Party was into Civil Rights long long before your party ever thought of it. Try to inform yourself. Stop listening to Communist/Progressive Race-Baiting propaganda.
You party has the Southern Strategy

let Lee Atwater describe it to you
Lee Atwater'sinfamous “n*gger, n*gger” interview

The Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when your beloved Democrats still had African Americans as slaves and were hanging them from trees. You need to brush up on your history. Like i said, stop only listening to Democrat MSM Race-Baiting propaganda.

You sure is good at quoting history, but we are talking about the here and now. The GOP is, with each attack on the first black President, alienating itself from the Black community. But do please keep it up. It is encouraging when I hear conservative black voters ask each other what is wrong with the Republican Party.

Read up on history. Stop only listening to Democrat MSM Race-Baiting propaganda. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for at least 150 years. That's the reality.
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The core of the GOP are the racists of the south....its a fact Jack
Perhaps, if GOP members don’t want to be accused of racism, they should avoid passing around racist pictures. Especially if they've been caught doing the same thing before.


Those who screech Racism the loudest, are usually the biggest racists of all. I'm guessing that sums you up.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The core of the GOP are the racists of the south....its a fact Jack

Ha, you still can't accept your Communist in Chief is half white. You Race-Baiters are funny. You always seem to conveniently forget about his White Mother. Like she never even existed.
Rudy receiving death threats

How do we know for a fact that his "secretary" actually received any death threats? According to the OP link:

(CNN)Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said his office has received death threats since his controversial comments accusing President Barack Obama of not loving America.

"My secretary has received some death threats," Giuliani said in a brief interview by phone. But the former mayor emphasized the majority of the voice mails left at his office were supportive of his remarks. Giuliani did not say whether he alerted police to the threatening calls. CNN cannot confirm whether the threats were made.
Perhaps, if GOP members don’t want to be accused of racism, they should avoid passing around racist pictures. Especially if they've been caught doing the same thing before.


Those who screech Racism the loudest, are usually the biggest racists of all. I'm guessing that sums you up.
That would make Martin Luther King the most racist of are truly a Gish galloping moron

That was then, this is now. You sound like a typical racist Entitlement douche.
Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU

You can save your can of STFU, there are racists in both partys, you will never believe that so taliking to someone like you is almost a complte watse of time, Dont you know all white people are racist, just because they are white? and most conservatives are white? , yeah yeah, weve heard it all before,
There are fairminded people on both sides, and racists, theyre not all white ones either, plenty of black ones as well.
The core of the GOP are the racists of the south....its a fact Jack

Ha, you still can't accept your Communist in Chief is half white. You Race-Baiters are funny. You always seem to conveniently forget about his White Mother. Like she never even existed.
OK lets say Obama was living in the 1960 s...lets say it was 1961 and he tried to sit at a lunch counter ...they would say move on you are Black and he could say my mother is white at which point they would kill him....

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