Rudy receiving death threats


Giuliani didn't mention race at all. He merely spoke the truth. Your Communist Organizer dunce doesn't love America. It is what it is.
You hate the Negro President ......

I don't hate him. I just think he's an Anti-American Communist asshole. And by the way, he's also White. He had a White Mother. I know how much that burns your Race-Baiter ass. But it's reality. He's half White. Deal with it.
Steve Scalise, David Duke, and why the past is never dead

Scalise is the Third ranking GOP official in Congress....he meets with white supremacist

You know they had to dig that up though, so he recieved an invitation to speak in 2002 before a group that may be racist. So what, unless he made a habit of that sort of thing it doesnt mean he holds any of their opinions. Its pure politics, the same game the news media is constantly doing.
And Obama should have known better then to accept an invitation to Bill Ayers house right? Politicians make that kind of mistake all the time, they are constantly giving speeches to groups, if you have to go back to 2002 and cant come up with something else, it amounts to not a whole lot
Ha, threw the Race-Baiter nutter off when i mentioned the President had a White Mother and is half White. Race-Baiters love to conveniently forget that. They're so damn dishonest and dumb. But hey, waddaygunnado right?
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.
The Democrats problem is to keep Giuliani and the others in the GOP clown car speaking out ....the more they speak out the more the GOP racism is exposed ...they are racist to the Bone

Giuliani didn't mention race. Only you moronic Race-Baiter douches have.

It doesnt matter to them , their idiots over that stuff. They think a conservative couldnt criticize a black president unless it was about race. I guess thats why the democrat party decided to nominate a black candidate to run for president. They have made their strategy to shut up opposition painfully obvious.

Hey here is a frosty can of STFU
Ha, threw the Race-Baiter nutter off when i mentioned the President had a White Mother and is half White. Race-Baiters love to conveniently forget that. They're so damn dishonest and dumb. But hey, waddaygunnado right?

Sorry the Republican party is thge party of Racism....the record is very clear on that
The Modern GOP Thrives onLee Atwater'sStrategy of Coded Racism

You obviously don't know the record. I'm pretty sure you're just an average ignorant Entitlement douche. Read up a bit more on the history of the Parties. The Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when your Party still had African American slaves and were lynching them. The Republicans have been doing Civil Rights for 150 years. Long long before your Party ever thought about the concept.
And you think this warrants death threats? For criticizing Obama?

You idiot.

Did he bring this on himself? I think he did. Rudy has become a bumbling, stumbling idiot in the Republican Party....which is a pretty big honor....from what I understand.

Criticizing the President warrants death threats?


I agree.....but it is what it is and Rudy must be rethinking his statement:

Rudy Giuliani Let me explain why I said Obama doesn t love America - CBS News

Frankly he doesn't need to.

Oh, I think he has gotten the word from the GOP brass to back off. He has certainly doomed any future plans at a political office.

I doubt he even wanted to run for office in the first place. He has nothing to lose, at all.

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