Rudy receiving death threats


Dude we get it. You're a racist Entitlement douche. And you want Giuliani dead for criticizing your Community Organizer asshole. So it's no longer necessary to spam the board with boring annoying Race-Baiting shite.

We gotcha. Now go and get yourself that Obamaphone. Walmart says they're selling like hotcakes. You better hurry and get down there. Bye.
Lee Atwater ...any questions ?
Remember, Rudy used millions in taxpayer dollars to build himself a secret luxury sex condo instead of a viable command center, and as a result a lot of people died on 9/11.

That's why decent people spit on the ground whenever Rudy walks by. Paulitician and Tipsycatlover, OTOH, they still proudly adore him.

Why? Because ODS rots the soul.
When Rudy Giuliani lied on national television that we had NO domestic terrorist attacks under George W. Bush, ABC's “liberal” coward George Stephanopoulos was afraid even to call him on it.
Conservatives are not racists . They were not conservative they where and are pure democrats
Conservatives are racists who even to this day would like to lynch Blacks
They are you . Racist hate filled democrats
Them is savage Christians burning people in the South...the Bible belt
God didn't make you hate
Them Christians hanging and burning Blacks they are the product of religion...there is no hate in me to do that to anyone ...
They were democrats not Christians....They are you. They are what you support every time you pull that switch for democrats.
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah


Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.
Democrats. Just like you
CON$ervoFascists just like you. I'm a lifelong registered Independent.
Fascism is a socialist thing so it would be a democrat thing....Just like lynchings
Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.

Conservative Democrats. See, there's no way out for you. :p
And CON$ervative Republicans. Every Southern CON$ervative Republican voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Actually, most Democrats voted against it.
LIAR! :eusa_liar:
JFK did.
Conservative Democrats. See, there's no way out for you. :p
And CON$ervative Republicans. Every Southern CON$ervative Republican voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Actually, most Democrats voted against it. In fact, those doing the hanging in your photos, are likely loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years.

But the Communists/Democrats control the message in the MSM. So, many don't know the actual history of the Republican Party. They only know it's been branded 'Racist' by the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. But it's far from the truth. The Republican Party is the true leader in Civil Rights.
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Um idiot, confederates where and are democrats ...Jesus you lack of historical knowledge is disturbing.
Here's the catch:

They were Democrats.
Actually, they were CON$ervatives, and still are.

Conservative Democrats. See, there's no way out for you. :p
And CON$ervative Republicans. Every Southern CON$ervative Republican voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Actually, most Democrats voted against it. In fact, those doing the hanging in your photos, are likely loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years.

But the Communists/Democrats control the message in the MSM. So, many don't know the actual history of the Republican Party. They only know it's been branded 'Racist' by the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. But it's far from the truth. The Republican Party is the true leader in Civil Rights.

The same Republican Party that is trying desperately to disenfranchise black voters and is basically sponsoring the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act. Is that the Republican Party you are talking about. You mean Rush Limbaugh's Magic Negro republican party? Is that the one you are referring to?
Dont you get tired of being a fool????? WHO is dismantling the voting rights act?
Actually, most Democrats voted against it. In fact, those doing the hanging in your photos, are likely loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years.

But the Communists/Democrats control the message in the MSM. So, many don't know the actual history of the Republican Party. They only know it's been branded 'Racist' by the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. But it's far from the truth. The Republican Party is the true leader in Civil Rights.
Them is Christian fundamentalist hanging black folks...they are the heart blood of the Republican party..why the fuk do you think the South is where the GOP is strong....

No, more than likely those doing the hanging were loyal Democrats. The Republican Party has been at the forefront of Civil Rights for the last 150 years. It's a real shame the Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM has duped so many into believing otherwise. Very nasty propaganda.
The Republican party has strength where ...oh its strong in the former confederate states isn't it ...waaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You're being willfully ignorant. Read up a bit on the history of both Parties. The Republican Party has been working for Civil Rights for a 150 years. It was doing it while your beloved Democrats were hanging African Americans from trees.

The Republican Party was into Civil Rights long long before your party ever thought of it. Try to inform yourself. Stop listening to Communist/Progressive Race-Baiting propaganda.
You party has the Southern Strategy

let Lee Atwater describe it to you
Lee Atwater'sinfamous “n*gger, n*gger” interview

You are making a bigger fool out of yourself. The southern strategy failed because Republicans couldn't stand standing with racist democrats....Hey what Democrat created the NAACP?
Rudy is a cynical POS that promotes himself as some special savior against crime and terrorism. It would be fitting for him to die from which he claims to be our hero.
The dumbass insisted that the command center be placed inside the World Trade Center - and this was AFTER the first WTC bombing. People thought he was nuts, and it turns out people were right. It definitely contributed to the confusion, and probably the death toll.
And your hero Obama hates the country. I will stick with Rudy.

Obama is NOT MY hero but he is the sitting president of MY country and for that he gets my respect. A-holes like you that make monkey noises from the freedom and anonymity of the internet mean less than nothing. You have no respect for what deserves respect and wonder why nobody wants fools LIKE you in the white house. You morons may be able to steer like minded morons in less educated parts of our country to win small elections but mark my words. America will never allow someone as dangerously stupid as Bush back in as the leader of the free world.

he has dome more damage in 6 years than every president before him, and you support him? You are a piece of work. You are clueless. Obama is the problem!

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