Rudy Stands His Ground Says Eff You to Democrats

Brilliant. A former federal prosecutor is flouting the law he used to uphold.
This is part of the decay of the country that the Trumpsters are enjoying so much.

My tribe declares your tribe and its laws and standards invalid and void.

They're too conned to see the long term implications of this. Be careful what you ask for.
well follow the constitution and he would most likely oblige them. take a vote. why are you against procedures being actual procedures the people voted folks into congress to defend?
I'm against simplistic, destructive, transparent tribal warfare.
There is NOTHING Transparent about what The DemNazis do in SECRET.
Brilliant. A former federal prosecutor is flouting the law he used to uphold.
This is part of the decay of the country that the Trumpsters are enjoying so much.

My tribe declares your tribe and its laws and standards invalid and void.

They're too conned to see the long term implications of this. Be careful what you ask for.
well follow the constitution and he would most likely oblige them. take a vote. why are you against procedures being actual procedures the people voted folks into congress to defend?

Until that happens, yeah, I'm behind the WH and Rudy. damn you got to deal with it. shame eh?
It's Democracy they are afraid of, and it's The Election they are trying to put a stop to.

They want to take down President Trump, then take down Pence, and then INSTALL Pelosi as Dictator.

Nancy even inferred this is what she would like to see, and so did her supporters.

Problem is, they are running out of time, and President Trump is playing Chess, while they are playing Checkers.

This is why all these DemNazi Sycophants are beholden to Nazi Pelosi. They see her as being installed as Emperor-Dictator of Their New Socialist Marxist Globbalist Totalitarian State!

Sieg Heil Pelosi!
Brilliant. A former federal prosecutor is flouting the law he used to uphold.
This is part of the decay of the country that the Trumpsters are enjoying so much.

My tribe declares your tribe and its laws and standards invalid and void.

They're too conned to see the long term implications of this. Be careful what you ask for.
well follow the constitution and he would most likely oblige them. take a vote. why are you against procedures being actual procedures the people voted folks into congress to defend?

Until that happens, yeah, I'm behind the WH and Rudy. damn you got to deal with it. shame eh?
It's Democracy they are afraid of, and it's The Election they are trying to put a stop to.

They want to take down President Trump, then take down Pence, and then INSTALL Pelosi as Dictator.

Nancy even inferred this is what she would like to see, and so did her supporters.

Problem is, they are running out of time, and President Trump is playing Chess, while they are playing Checkers.
they most all have said it now, we must impeach to keep him from winning in 2020. they know they don't stand a chance because the economy is too good.
I read the article when the first thread on it was posted. I like Taibbi.

That doesn't change one word I wrote.

Too fking funny.
sure it does. it devalues it. you made it like it was mine. You didn't comment at all about his writing. not at all. The fact he fears those schmucks more than the man he hates says it all. but not you, you laughed. you're nothing but a schmuck.
There's another solid, Trump-level response. Well done!

naw, it was a mac response about Matt Taibbi. he isn't trump. no matter how many times you wish to post such nonsense. it seems I have you trapped at the moment and now you're faking shit. wow.
Matt Taibbi isn't Trump.

Holy crap. News flash.

then why did you say I was talking about trump? seems you're confused as always.
Where did I say that, precisely?

What I said was that it's the Trumpsters are a consumed by hyperbole, hypersensitivity and paranoia.

That's when you melted down and went drama queen. Again.

I didn't say you were "talking about Trump", anywhere.

Seems you're conned as always.
sure it does. it devalues it. you made it like it was mine. You didn't comment at all about his writing. not at all. The fact he fears those schmucks more than the man he hates says it all. but not you, you laughed. you're nothing but a schmuck.
There's another solid, Trump-level response. Well done!

naw, it was a mac response about Matt Taibbi. he isn't trump. no matter how many times you wish to post such nonsense. it seems I have you trapped at the moment and now you're faking shit. wow.
Matt Taibbi isn't Trump.

Holy crap. News flash.

then why did you say I was talking about trump? seems you're confused as always.
Where did I say that, precisely?

What I said was that it's the Trumpsters are a consumed by hyperbole, hypersensitivity and paranoia.

That's when you melted down and went drama queen. Again.

I didn't say you were "talking about Trump", anywhere.

Seems you're conned as always.
and yet again, I posted a link from a demofk that hates trump. so how is it a trumpster being hyperbole? you're still confused, it's expected.
There's another solid, Trump-level response. Well done!

naw, it was a mac response about Matt Taibbi. he isn't trump. no matter how many times you wish to post such nonsense. it seems I have you trapped at the moment and now you're faking shit. wow.
Matt Taibbi isn't Trump.

Holy crap. News flash.

then why did you say I was talking about trump? seems you're confused as always.
Where did I say that, precisely?

What I said was that it's the Trumpsters are a consumed by hyperbole, hypersensitivity and paranoia.

That's when you melted down and went drama queen. Again.

I didn't say you were "talking about Trump", anywhere.

Seems you're conned as always.
and yet again, I posted a link from a demofk that hates trump. so how is it a trumpster being hyperbole? you're still confused, it's expected.
So you can't refute my post. I point out your lie, you just keep going.

Trump, Trumpsters, and their talk radio deities exist on paranoia, hyperbole and hypersensitivity.

You're just consumed by it, so you don't see it.

If you're going to keep lying about my posts, please just stop posting to me.
naw, it was a mac response about Matt Taibbi. he isn't trump. no matter how many times you wish to post such nonsense. it seems I have you trapped at the moment and now you're faking shit. wow.
Matt Taibbi isn't Trump.

Holy crap. News flash.

then why did you say I was talking about trump? seems you're confused as always.
Where did I say that, precisely?

What I said was that it's the Trumpsters are a consumed by hyperbole, hypersensitivity and paranoia.

That's when you melted down and went drama queen. Again.

I didn't say you were "talking about Trump", anywhere.

Seems you're conned as always.
and yet again, I posted a link from a demofk that hates trump. so how is it a trumpster being hyperbole? you're still confused, it's expected.
So you can't refute my post. I point out your lie, you just keep going.

Trump, Trumpsters, and their talk radio deities exist on paranoia, hyperbole and hypersensitivity.

You're just consumed by it, so you don't see it.

If you're going to keep lying about my posts, please just stop posting to me.
naw, it was a mac response about Matt Taibbi. he isn't trump. no matter how many times you wish to post such nonsense. it seems I have you trapped at the moment and now you're faking shit. wow.
Matt Taibbi isn't Trump.

Holy crap. News flash.

then why did you say I was talking about trump? seems you're confused as always.
Where did I say that, precisely?

What I said was that it's the Trumpsters are a consumed by hyperbole, hypersensitivity and paranoia.

That's when you melted down and went drama queen. Again.

I didn't say you were "talking about Trump", anywhere.

Seems you're conned as always.
and yet again, I posted a link from a demofk that hates trump. so how is it a trumpster being hyperbole? you're still confused, it's expected.
So you can't refute my post. I point out your lie, you just keep going.

Trump, Trumpsters, and their talk radio deities exist on paranoia, hyperbole and hypersensitivity.

You're just consumed by it, so you don't see it.

If you're going to keep lying about my posts, please just stop posting to me.
sure I did, you're just confused.
One big happy crime family:

Under current rules, the actual impeachment inquiry begins in the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

Point out the rule that says that.

The only reason to have a special vote in previous inquiries is because that is how the House use to grant subpoena power to the various committees doing investigations. In their zeal to investigate Obama, in 2015 the Republicans changed the rules to grant some of the committee chairs the outright power of subpoena. No rights to the minority. No transparency.

Now the Trumpublicans sound just like the Democrats in 2015.

Under current rules, the actual impeachment inquiry begins in the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

Point out the rule that says that.

The only reason to have a special vote in previous inquiries is because that is how the House use to grant subpoena power to the various committees doing investigations. In their zeal to investigate Obama, in 2015 the Republicans changed the rules to grant some of the committee chairs the outright power of subpoena. No rights to the minority. No transparency.

Now the Trumpublicans sound just like the Democrats in 2015.

U.S. Congress List of Commitees -

The Committee on the Judiciary has jurisdiction over matters relating to the administration of justice in federal courts, administrative bodies, and law enforcement agencies. Its role in impeachment ..
it's truly sad how fking stupid all you leftist in here are. pffftt.
We believe that as per the past two precedents, that it takes a full House vote to launch a proper impeachment inquiry.

Those were not rule setting precedents. Under the House rules at the time they had to vote to give any committee subpoena power.
Under current rules, the actual impeachment inquiry begins in the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

Point out the rule that says that.

The only reason to have a special vote in previous inquiries is because that is how the House use to grant subpoena power to the various committees doing investigations. In their zeal to investigate Obama, in 2015 the Republicans changed the rules to grant some of the committee chairs the outright power of subpoena. No rights to the minority. No transparency.

Now the Trumpublicans sound just like the Democrats in 2015.

U.S. Congress List of Commitees -

The Committee on the Judiciary has jurisdiction over matters relating to the administration of justice in federal courts, administrative bodies, and law enforcement agencies. Its role in impeachment ..

The House Rules are what govern the actions of the House, not Is there anything in the Constitution requiring a Formal Impeachment Inquiry or defining how that inquiry is to be set up before the Committees subpoenas are considered legal under the Trumpian doctrine of obstruction at all cost?
Under current rules, the actual impeachment inquiry begins in the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

Point out the rule that says that.

The only reason to have a special vote in previous inquiries is because that is how the House use to grant subpoena power to the various committees doing investigations. In their zeal to investigate Obama, in 2015 the Republicans changed the rules to grant some of the committee chairs the outright power of subpoena. No rights to the minority. No transparency.

Now the Trumpublicans sound just like the Democrats in 2015.

Under current rules, the actual impeachment inquiry begins in the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. That Committee holds hearings, takes evidence, and hears testimony of witnesses concerning matters relevant to the inquiry. Typically, as occurred in the case of President Nixon, there will also be a Minority Counsel who serves the interest of the party not controlling Congress.

Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure - FindLaw
Way to go Rudy!

<< Rudy Giuliani told the Democrats to pound sand and said Tuesday he will not comply with a congressional subpoena. >>

Rudy Giuliani Tells Dems to Pound Sand - Says He Will Not Comply with Congressional Subpoena

You can't ignore a supoena. Rudy SHOULD know that. He thinks Dumb Donald will protect him.

How do you go from being one the best prosecuting attorneys in the nation, to being a corrupt power broker, in the thrall of Russia? Just link All The President's men under Nixon ended up in jail, so will Rudy, Pompeo, and Barr.
Holder did, didn't hear you complain.

He lost in court and had to comply with the subpoenas and turn over the requested document. I don't think he ever refused to testify however.
Way to go Rudy!

<< Rudy Giuliani told the Democrats to pound sand and said Tuesday he will not comply with a congressional subpoena. >>

Rudy Giuliani Tells Dems to Pound Sand - Says He Will Not Comply with Congressional Subpoena

You can't ignore a supoena. Rudy SHOULD know that. He thinks Dumb Donald will protect him.

How do you go from being one the best prosecuting attorneys in the nation, to being a corrupt power broker, in the thrall of Russia? Just link All The President's men under Nixon ended up in jail, so will Rudy, Pompeo, and Barr.
Holder did, didn't hear you complain.

He lost in court and had to comply with the subpoenas and turn over the requested document. I don't think he ever refused to testify however.
Holder was also held in contempt of Congress.
We believe that as per the past two precedents, that it takes a full House vote to launch a proper impeachment inquiry.

Those were not rule setting precedents. Under the House rules at the time they had to vote to give any committee subpoena power.

Well there is a serious disagreement on what it takes to launch a legal impeachment inquiry.
The Republicans say nothing happens w/o a full House vote.
The Democrats say the current impeachment inquiry is legal. Who is right?
Let the courts decide, or have Nancy do a full House vote to launch the impeachment inquiry, WTF is the problem?
Currently the House and Senate are in total disagreement, so the voters will decide in 2020.
The Republicans are being hoist by their own petard:

GOP set to strengthen committee chairmen's subpoena power

House Republicans are about to give more of their committee leaders the same unilateral subpoena power that former Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa wielded against the Obama administration in his probes into the Internal Revenue Service and “Fast and Furious.”

The change means that, in a break from years of tradition, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) wouldn’t need to consult with his panel’s top Democrat before subpoenaing documents or witnesses about issues like Obamacare or the Environmental Protection Agency. The GOP is also proposing similar boosts in authority for Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), whose panel’s jurisdiction includes the Dodd-Frank financial regulations law, and for Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), who will oversee any probes into immigration.

Two other panels — Agriculture and Science, Space and Technology — are considering making the same change. And in a similar move, the House passed a rules package last week that gave the energy, science, finance and Ways and Means committees the power to let their counsels hold depositions in private.
We believe that as per the past two precedents, that it takes a full House vote to launch a proper impeachment inquiry.

Those were not rule setting precedents. Under the House rules at the time they had to vote to give any committee subpoena power.

Well there is a serious disagreement on what it takes to launch a legal impeachment inquiry.
The Republicans say nothing happens w/o a full House vote.
The Democrats say the current impeachment inquiry is legal. Who is right?
Let the courts decide, or have Nancy do a full House vote to launch the impeachment inquiry, WTF is the problem?
Currently the House and Senate are in total disagreement, so the voters will decide in 2020.
The Trump herd is tossing out delaying tactics which have no merit. As soon as one is batted down, they will toss out six more.

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