Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Good for Rudy

But it does nothing to exonerate the illegal actions of the President

Wah! Wah! Wah!
Democrats do it too
Except that nobody has presented proof that Trump did what Biden did.

Biden operated publicly and out in the open

If not for a whistle blower......Trump would have gotten away with it

Gotten away with what??? He didn't do anything and he didn't get anything.

According to this thread his personal lawyer has a whole lot of dirt he got from the Ukraine that will be used to do nothing but attack his chief rival in the coming election. That seems like something.

Somebody running for the nomination of their party does not give them immunity if they did something corrupt in the past. Find me that law that states it's forbidden. If Biden didn't do anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about, is there?
Somebody running for the nomination of their party does not give them immunity if they did something corrupt in the past. Find me that law that states it's forbidden. If Biden didn't do anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about, is there?

That is very nice.

Now would you mind addressing my post?
Somebody running for the nomination of their party does not give them immunity if they did something corrupt in the past. Find me that law that states it's forbidden. If Biden didn't do anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about, is there?

That is very nice.

Now would you mind addressing my post?

I already did. It isn't "dirt" if it's true. If Rudy turns up actual corruption from Joe and family, then it's fact and not dirt at all.
I already did. It isn't "dirt" if it's true. If Rudy turns up actual corruption from Joe and family, then it's fact and not dirt at all.

Well, it is dirt even if it is true. But that is missing the point. You said Trump did not get anything...if Rudy is telling the truth then that is not true, Trump did indeed get something.

Also, if there were actual corruption from Joe and family then it should be a legal matter and the information should be handed over to Barr. But that is not happening, because it is not a legal matter it is a 100% political matter.
I already did. It isn't "dirt" if it's true. If Rudy turns up actual corruption from Joe and family, then it's fact and not dirt at all.

Well, it is dirt even if it is true. But that is missing the point. You said Trump did not get anything...if Rudy is telling the truth then that is not true, Trump did indeed get something.

Also, if there were actual corruption from Joe and family then it should be a legal matter and the information should be handed over to Barr. But that is not happening, because it is not a legal matter it is a 100% political matter.

Dirt is getting questionable (not positive) information about somebody. The Russian collusion was digging up dirt. Why? Because there was nothing there but Trump publicly making a joke about Russia and Hillary's emails. And what did Rudy say Trump got?
Dirt is getting questionable (not positive) information about somebody. The Russian collusion was digging up dirt. Why? Because there was nothing there but Trump publicly making a joke about Russia and Hillary's emails. And what did Rudy say Trump got?

Go back and read the OP if you have forgotten what this thread is about.
If you pay attention to the Presidents defense, it speaks to your corrupt and wicked, Evil intentions and motives.

The only proof of Russian Collusion IS The Dirty Russian Dossier The Democrat Party Clinton and Obama Bought while lusting for it like they had for a dirty Debbie Does Dallas Porno.

The Russian Dirty Dossier is porn for sex addicted perverts in The Democrat Party.

Three words.

Russian Dirty Dossier

You are that shit up and want seconds.

Anything he releases was probably manufactured in some Kremlin espionage factory.

Man you have you head really really far up your ass. How do you manage to breath, are you living on farts?
who do you think Rudi has been working with Dick, to gather his so called information? Russians or Russian sympathizers in the Ukraine.... do you think they haven't filled him with propaganda and fake crap?
what about it and what does it have to do with my question?
Lol, so The DOJ is not supposed to investigate public corruption?

Go back and hand in your resignation to Putin.

I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.

The DOJ was NOT involved with the UKRAINE and Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike debunked conspiracy....

It was campaign lawyer Giuliani trying to get the Ukraine govt to ANNOUNCE an investigation in to BURISMA/Bidens, in order to get the WH DC meeting etc, NOT actually doing an investigation.... according to Amb Sondland..... the public announcement is all that was needed for their ''this for that''.
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So, it is now almost noon on the East Coast 1 day after Rudy said he was going to start dropping all this dirt.

Does anyone have a link to all the dirt he has dropped so far?

I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...
Do you think the U.S. president should take an interest when there seems to be a kickback of U.S. aid funds to a U.S. citizen whose family was in charge of allocating the aid?
NONE of that happened... you've been fed a lie, if it isn't you just making it up???
You have no way of knowing if it happened or not. The same way that you have no way of knowing why Trump wanted the matter looked into. You can't use supposition when it comes to Trump and assume you know his mind and then try to claim that the obvious appearance of conflict of interest regarding Biden is nothing to see. Not without trashing your own credibility.
I thought Trump informed us that the president and Vice President are exempt from conflicts of interest?

You're misinformed.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

I suppose he got this information from Russia supporting politicians in Ukraine. Rudy the Russian asset.
Rudy, having been an experienced investigator for over 35 years actually does the job....Sounds like you and the rest of the ABNORMAL pond scum in here are Russian assets, comrade!

He is not in law enforcement and hasn't been in law enforcement for near 30 years, he has not sworn an oath to follow the Constitution and give those investigated their constitutional rights

And most importantly the DOJ does NOT TALK ABOUT ON GOING INVESTIGATIONS.... in public to smear the American they are investigating, when investigating.

Just total bull crap from you on this....
How do you like seeing Schiff being proven to be a dishonest lying Schmuck on National TV for the next three days, just like you are?

Lol, so The DOJ is not supposed to investigate public corruption?

Go back and hand in your resignation to Putin.

I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.

The DOJ was NOT involved with the UKRAINE and Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike debunked conspiracy....

It was campaign lawyer Giuliani trying to get the Ukraine govt to ANNOUNCE an investigation in to BURISMA/Bidens, in order to get the WH DC meeting etc, NOT actually doing an investigation.... according to Amb Sondland..... the public announcement is all that was needed for their this for that.
I was just reading an article on the Biden's. Joe's brother always worked with him one way or another. His brother got a VIP job with a construction company. What luck too, that construction company got the bid for a 1.5 billion dollar housing project contract in Iraq from our federal government. Like Hunter, this guy had no experience in housing.

This whole family is corrupt it seems.

Republicans run the Justice Department

What are they waiting for?

1. Get your facts straight and verified and your ducks in a row.

2. Do they have confirmation, or are they waiting for more information?

3. In politics, timing is everything.
should the DOJ actions be based on political timing?
well, roy, it sure was for the last admin. but you liked it then.

sucks when you let it go for your side and it comes back to you like a bad used car.

You mean like when they announced the “reopening” of the Clinton investigation days before Election Day?

The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement. Do you?
How do you like seeing Schiff being proven to be a dishonest lying Schmuck on National TV for the next three days, just like you are?

Lol, so The DOJ is not supposed to investigate public corruption?

Go back and hand in your resignation to Putin.

I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.

The DOJ was NOT involved with the UKRAINE and Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike debunked conspiracy....

It was campaign lawyer Giuliani trying to get the Ukraine govt to ANNOUNCE an investigation in to BURISMA/Bidens, in order to get the WH DC meeting etc, NOT actually doing an investigation.... according to Amb Sondland..... the public announcement is all that was needed for their this for that.

I can honestly say that I will enjoy it.
Lots of unhappy faces on Pelosi’s hit squad and Dem Senators as The Evidence of how dishonest and corrupt The House Inquiry and House Managers were continued to unfold.
Is Rudy going to explain how his no talent son got a $90,000 job in the Trump administration?

The Atlantic Politics Daily: The Other Giuliani Who Works for Trump

What does he do, exactly? He’s the 31-year-old son of Rudy, the former New York City mayor turned Trump’s garrulous personal attorney. A former professional golfer, Andrew helps arrange sports teams’ visits to the White House, and often joins the president on some rounds of golf.

Beyond that, well, it’s not quite clear what he else he works on, as my colleague Elaina Plott reports:

“‘He doesn’t really try to be involved in anything,’ one former senior White House official told me, speaking on the condition of anonymity in order to be candid. ‘He’s just having a nice time.’”
How do you like seeing Schiff being proven to be a dishonest lying Schmuck on National TV for the next three days, just like you are?

Lol, so The DOJ is not supposed to investigate public corruption?

Go back and hand in your resignation to Putin.

I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.

The DOJ was NOT involved with the UKRAINE and Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike debunked conspiracy....

It was campaign lawyer Giuliani trying to get the Ukraine govt to ANNOUNCE an investigation in to BURISMA/Bidens, in order to get the WH DC meeting etc, NOT actually doing an investigation.... according to Amb Sondland..... the public announcement is all that was needed for their this for that.
Please, tell us what you think he lied about, be specific...thanks in advance... I'd like to argue it, debate it... so pick a topic of the lies that you claim schiff made and let's go at it! :D
How do you like seeing Schiff being proven to be a dishonest lying Schmuck on National TV for the next three days, just like you are?

Lol, so The DOJ is not supposed to investigate public corruption?

Go back and hand in your resignation to Putin.

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.

The DOJ was NOT involved with the UKRAINE and Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike debunked conspiracy....

It was campaign lawyer Giuliani trying to get the Ukraine govt to ANNOUNCE an investigation in to BURISMA/Bidens, in order to get the WH DC meeting etc, NOT actually doing an investigation.... according to Amb Sondland..... the public announcement is all that was needed for their this for that.
Please, tell us what you think he lied about, be specific...thanks in advance... I'd like to argue it, debate it... so pick a topic of the lies that you claim schiff made and let's go at it! :D

Schiff Busted Lying To Senate About Ukraine ‘Concern’ After Fact Check

Fact Check: Adam Schiff Falsely Claims Trump Conditioned Meeting, and Aid, on Investigations – USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page

Schiff Caught Twisting Impeachment Evidence; Media Fact-Check Trump Attorneys, Instead
Everything. Never mind the lack of evidence, the process itself was corrupt and Schiff is Corrupt.

1.) Congress did not authorize subpoena power to these committees, so they were unlawful.

This is why the second The President challenged them in court they withdrew the subpoenas.

2.) Even if the subpoenas were legal, The President at any time could have applied Executive Privilege.

3.) The conditions during the Inquiry were such that Due Process was denied.

The President was denied counsel representation, was not allowed to see evidence that they had against him, and was not allowed to cross examine witnesses.

Based on that alone the entire case would have been thrown out of any regular court.

Out of the total 78 hours of testimony The President was denied Due Process for 71 of those 78 hours.

How do you like seeing Schiff being proven to be a dishonest lying Schmuck on National TV for the next three days, just like you are?

Lol, so The DOJ is not supposed to investigate public corruption?

Go back and hand in your resignation to Putin.

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.

The DOJ was NOT involved with the UKRAINE and Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike debunked conspiracy....

It was campaign lawyer Giuliani trying to get the Ukraine govt to ANNOUNCE an investigation in to BURISMA/Bidens, in order to get the WH DC meeting etc, NOT actually doing an investigation.... according to Amb Sondland..... the public announcement is all that was needed for their this for that.
Please, tell us what you think he lied about, be specific...thanks in advance... I'd like to argue it, debate it... so pick a topic of the lies that you claim schiff made and let's go at it! :D

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