Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

We should periodically point out Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation. The announcement would be all he needed to smear Biden. Pretending there was an actual search for truth is insulting.

Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,
If Democratic politicians are acting illegally, why does Trump need Rudy?

Doesn’t he have a Justice Department?

Don't cry rightwinger, PLEASE. :D
It’s a reasonable question. Why can’t anyone answer it coherently?
Because they ALL KNOW that Trump and Giuliani did this for PERSONAL reason and gain.

They are not stupid, they just like to play stupid, for their Messiah, Cheater Don. :rolleyes:
The only semi-coherent answer that has been given is that “Trump doesn’t trust the DoJ” or that the DoJ is secretly already working on this despite their statements otherwise.

This ignores that Trump has appointed nearly every federal prosecutor. This ignores that Trump has his prosecutors working on his political errands already.

One silly poster even tried to convince me that Trump was just too busy to get the DoJ to work on it and was totally planning to do so sometime in the future.
Trump doesn’t trust the DOJ
Trump doesn’t trust the State Department
Trump doesn’t trust the Weather Service
Trump doesn’t trust the Generals
Trump doesn’t trust the CIA, FBI or NSA

But he talks to Putin and Kim Jong Un for twenty minutes and he trusts them
"youre to fucking stupid"


"at least he has documents to back up everything he writes,,"

You're lying again. The truth is -- you don't know what he has since he still hasn't released what he said he was going to release.


That proves Impeached Trump is a liar. It doesn't prove Impeached Trump didn't ask a foreign national to look into a political rival.

what did he lie about???

and he wasnt a rival when he started the investigation,,,

He was a rival when Impeached Trump sought campaign help from a foreign national.

but he wasnt when trump started looking into his actions,,,

Doesn't matter. He was a political rival when Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to look into him.
So, now it is a presidential matter and not a legal one.


you wouldnt be confused if you didnt edit my comment out of context,,,

back to your old lying ways I see,,,

I am not confused at all and I took nothing out of context. Your words are very clear.

I guess you didnt know that POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country,,,

I did not know that because it is not true.

so youre an idiot and a liar,,,got it,,

If I am wrong feel free to show me the part of the constitution that says the POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country


That proves Impeached Trump is a liar. It doesn't prove Impeached Trump didn't ask a foreign national to look into a political rival.

what did he lie about???

and he wasnt a rival when he started the investigation,,,

He was a rival when Impeached Trump sought campaign help from a foreign national.

but he wasnt when trump started looking into his actions,,,

Doesn't matter. He was a political rival when Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national to look into him.

yes it does matter,,,
We should periodically point out Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation. The announcement would be all he needed to smear Biden. Pretending there was an actual search for truth is insulting.

Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election
you wouldnt be confused if you didnt edit my comment out of context,,,

back to your old lying ways I see,,,

I am not confused at all and I took nothing out of context. Your words are very clear.

I guess you didnt know that POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country,,,

I did not know that because it is not true.

so youre an idiot and a liar,,,got it,,

If I am wrong feel free to show me the part of the constitution that says the POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country

so now youre a moron , idiot and a liar,,,
We should periodically point out Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation. The announcement would be all he needed to smear Biden. Pretending there was an actual search for truth is insulting.

Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

doesnt change the facts,,,
I am not confused at all and I took nothing out of context. Your words are very clear.

I guess you didnt know that POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country,,,

I did not know that because it is not true.

so youre an idiot and a liar,,,got it,,

If I am wrong feel free to show me the part of the constitution that says the POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country

so now youre a moron , idiot and a liar,,,

If I am wrong feel free to show me the part of the constitution that says the POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country

How hard could it be for you to do so?

Come on little man, prove me wrong.
We should periodically point out Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation. The announcement would be all he needed to smear Biden. Pretending there was an actual search for truth is insulting.

Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

doesnt change the facts,,,

You are correct, it does not change the fact Trump asked the Ukraine to help his personal lawyer get dirt on his chief political rival.

Dirt that Trump's personal lawyer now says he has.
I guess you didnt know that POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country,,,

I did not know that because it is not true.

so youre an idiot and a liar,,,got it,,

If I am wrong feel free to show me the part of the constitution that says the POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country

so now youre a moron , idiot and a liar,,,

If I am wrong feel free to show me the part of the constitution that says the POTUS is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country

How hard could it be for you to do so?

Come on little man, prove me wrong.

my god your an idiot,,,
Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

doesnt change the facts,,,

You are correct, it does not change the fact Trump asked the Ukraine to help his personal lawyer get dirt on his chief political rival.

Dirt that Trump's personal lawyer now says he has.

he wasnt running when the investigation started,,,and biden shouldnt have thought runnin would protect him,,,
Why only the corruption of one man?

What other career politicians has Trump asked for help with?

What other politician has such suspicious circumstances surrounding him?
Trump. Ironically.

No, not Trump at all. Nothing Trump is involved with compares to having a prosecutor from another country fired because he was going after a business his son works for. Biden's son made millions of dollars for doing nothing. Trump's son is working for free.

Except the story about what Shokin was fired is false.

So Trump is using hundreds of millions of American dollars to have the Ukrainian government investigate a phony story. I’d say that’s a big deal.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

doesnt change the facts,,,

You are correct, it does not change the fact Trump asked the Ukraine to help his personal lawyer get dirt on his chief political rival.

Dirt that Trump's personal lawyer now says he has.

he wasnt running when the investigation started,,,and biden shouldnt have thought runnin would protect him,,,
Running doesn't protect Buden from being legally investigated

It doesn't grant Impeached Trump the right to subvert the law to investigate him illegally by soliciting a foreign national to do his work.

"I am concerned that if we do not impeach this president, then he will get reelected,” Democratic Representative Al Green of Texas said this spring, explaining his support for impeaching President Trump, long before the phone call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the heart of the current saga. Given all the accomplishments of the White House to date, it is easy to see why so many Democrats share that sentiment with Green.

Start with the state of the economy. Ronald Reagan, in his 1980 debate with Jimmy Carter, famously suggested people ask themselves before casting their votes, “Are you better off than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go buy things in the stores than it was four years ago?
Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago?” He understood what political scientists and campaign operatives have known for decades. When it comes to deciding factors at the polls, perceived economic health stands, for many voters, at the top of the list.

Since Trump took office, more than 7 million new jobs have been created. Unemployment has fallen from 4.8 percent to 3.5 percent, with African American and Hispanic unemployment at historic lows. In sharp contrast to the Obama era, the labor force has been growing rather than shrinking. More Americans are now working than ever before. Even with the largest workforce in our history, there are more job openings looking for employees to fill them than prospective employees looking for jobs.

Given that no president running for reelection in the postwar era has been defeated with unemployment at less than 7.4 percent, the record of Trump on the jobs front alone sets him as a formidable candidate for reelection. However, job creation and labor market growth are not the only measures of economic success. Gross domestic product growth has risen from the 2 percent average of the Obama years to 2.5 percent, with two quarters of the
Trump years significantly clocking in above 3 percent.

Moreover, Trump signed into law the Tax Cut and Jobs Act two years ago. Though Democrats derided it as a sop to the wealthy, a study showed that an average family of four earning the median annual income of $73,000 received a cut in federal income taxes of more than $2,000. To the coastal elites who populate the modern Democratic Party, that may not be much more than their annual coffee bill, but to average families in the heartland, that is almost a 60 percent drop in their annual federal income tax bills.

Since Trump was elected, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has soared by more than 50 percent to more than 28,000 points. The S&P 500 has climbed by more than 50 percent to more than 3,200 points. The Nasdaq composite has risen by more than 70 percent to more than 8,800 points. If you think those gains go only to elites, think again, as about 100 million people have 401(k)s and 42 million households have individual retirement accounts. They know who is putting more money in their wallets and who is making it easier to save for retirement and pay for college for their kids.

Why Donald Trump will win 2020
What other politician has such suspicious circumstances surrounding him?
Trump. Ironically.

No, not Trump at all. Nothing Trump is involved with compares to having a prosecutor from another country fired because he was going after a business his son works for. Biden's son made millions of dollars for doing nothing. Trump's son is working for free.

Except the story about what Shokin was fired is false.

So Trump is using hundreds of millions of American dollars to have the Ukrainian government investigate a phony story. I’d say that’s a big deal.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

I already explained that to you. But since you have such a short memory........

Two stories about Sokin that's been presented.

Story 1: VP Biden went to Ukraine to get Prosecutor Shokin fired. The reason was because Shokin wasn't doing enough to investigate the company his son worked for, that was paying him 83K a month to sit home.

Story 2: VP Biden learned from his son that Shokin was breathing down the necks of him and Burisma, so the VP went to Ukraine, made a threat involving only hours, to stop the Prosecutor from continuing the investigation that would ultimately implicate his son.

Now, which story is more believable.
When cheaters cheat, in a contest, they are removed from the contest. It is the only way, to make the contest, fair and just for everyone involved... and not to encourage cheating by others in the future.

Even if the person that cheated is the prettiest girl, or most talented,

and even if the man cheating, would be great if he won the contest. CHEATERS are removed. We do not let them reap rewards, from cheating. Why? Because cheating is wrong.

Right Matters.
When cheaters cheat, in a contest, they are removed from the contest. It is the only way, to make the contest, fair and just for everyone involved... and not to encourage cheating by others in the future.

Even if the person that cheated is the prettiest girl, or most talented,

and even if the man cheating, would be great if he won the contest. CHEATERS are removed. We do not let them reap rewards, from cheating. Why? Because cheating is wrong.

Right Matters.

thank god trump didnt cheat,,,

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