Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.
I think it will be a close election no matter who wins the dem nomination
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.
I think it will be a close election no matter who wins the dem nomination

We are a nation embroiled in civil war. The middle is shrinking as people chose sides. Still, the antics of the Stalinists has turned an awful lot of people off. I don't think it's going to be close at all. I think the Stalinists shot themselves in the foot with this impeachment hoax. We need a 10% margin to overcome election fraud with democrats. In any election the democrats will rig at least 10% of the votes through ballot stuffing, illegal aliens, or altering counts. But I think the democrats have so badly damaged themselves that even that padding will not help them.
Everything you listed was provided to you by the Democrat party, and their accomplices in the MSM.

Let’s unpack this a little. It’s not strictly true. Yes, a lot comes from mainstream media outlets like the New York Times. I doubt that any media outlets you’d be more trustful of have covered this story or Ukraine in general before last year. A lot comes from career foreign service officials without a dog in the fight. Some of it comes from NGOs and some even comes from Congressional Republicans.

What is your point in this comment? Do you want to say that what I listed isn’t accurate?
Except the story about what Shokin was fired is false.

So Trump is using hundreds of millions of American dollars to have the Ukrainian government investigate a phony story. I’d say that’s a big deal.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

Because the evidence supports his claims. Joe Biden gave Burisma $1.8 billion in taxpayer money that vanished. Burisma kicked back $3.2 million using his son Hunter as a mule. John Kerry and and Nancy Pelosi had their son working as mules for the embezzlement scheme as well.
There is no evidence that shows $1.8 billion in US taxpayer dollars going to Burisma. I suspect you’re repeating a claim from a factually incorrect Glenn Beck video. Am I right?

Stalinist democrats have one tool in their belt, only one - lying. The answer to any question or challenge for democrats is to lie.

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.
And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

Because the evidence supports his claims. Joe Biden gave Burisma $1.8 billion in taxpayer money that vanished. Burisma kicked back $3.2 million using his son Hunter as a mule. John Kerry and and Nancy Pelosi had their son working as mules for the embezzlement scheme as well.
There is no evidence that shows $1.8 billion in US taxpayer dollars going to Burisma. I suspect you’re repeating a claim from a factually incorrect Glenn Beck video. Am I right?

Stalinist democrats have one tool in their belt, only one - lying. The answer to any question or challenge for democrats is to lie.

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.

What? Schweitzer is one of the few actual jouirnalists out there. The left attacks him because he exposes you, but no one has found anything against him - despite dozens of hit pieces from the little Goebbels of the antisemitic New York Times.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."}

Emphasis added to aid your faulty reading comprehension.
I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

Because the evidence supports his claims. Joe Biden gave Burisma $1.8 billion in taxpayer money that vanished. Burisma kicked back $3.2 million using his son Hunter as a mule. John Kerry and and Nancy Pelosi had their son working as mules for the embezzlement scheme as well.
There is no evidence that shows $1.8 billion in US taxpayer dollars going to Burisma. I suspect you’re repeating a claim from a factually incorrect Glenn Beck video. Am I right?

Stalinist democrats have one tool in their belt, only one - lying. The answer to any question or challenge for democrats is to lie.

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.

What? Schweitzer is one of the few actual jouirnalists out there. The left attacks him because he exposes you, but no one has found anything against him - despite dozens of hit pieces from the little Goebbels of the antisemitic New York Times.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."}

Emphasis added to aid your faulty reading comprehension.

Schweitzer is not a journalist. He publishes poorly researched anti-Democratic party books with a lot of misleading conclusions and stretches the truth to the breaking point.

Case in point, perhaps you didn’t notice that the underline portion references PrivatBank, not Burisma. Those are two different companies. Did you not notice?
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.

Trump has been campaigning for reelection since March of 2017
Because the evidence supports his claims. Joe Biden gave Burisma $1.8 billion in taxpayer money that vanished. Burisma kicked back $3.2 million using his son Hunter as a mule. John Kerry and and Nancy Pelosi had their son working as mules for the embezzlement scheme as well.
There is no evidence that shows $1.8 billion in US taxpayer dollars going to Burisma. I suspect you’re repeating a claim from a factually incorrect Glenn Beck video. Am I right?

Stalinist democrats have one tool in their belt, only one - lying. The answer to any question or challenge for democrats is to lie.

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.

What? Schweitzer is one of the few actual jouirnalists out there. The left attacks him because he exposes you, but no one has found anything against him - despite dozens of hit pieces from the little Goebbels of the antisemitic New York Times.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."}

Emphasis added to aid your faulty reading comprehension.

Schweitzer is not a journalist. He publishes poorly researched anti-Democratic party books with a lot of misleading conclusions and stretches the truth to the breaking point.

Case in point, perhaps you didn’t notice that the underline portion references PrivatBank, not Burisma. Those are two different companies. Did you not notice?

Lie much?

Oh and stupid, it listed who owns PrivatBank, same principle as Burisma.

I guess underlining only helps if someone has an IQ above room temperature.
Everything you listed was provided to you by the Democrat party, and their accomplices in the MSM.

Let’s unpack this a little. It’s not strictly true. Yes, a lot comes from mainstream media outlets like the New York Times. I doubt that any media outlets you’d be more trustful of have covered this story or Ukraine in general before last year. A lot comes from career foreign service officials without a dog in the fight. Some of it comes from NGOs and some even comes from Congressional Republicans.

What is your point in this comment? Do you want to say that what I listed isn’t accurate?

That is what I'm saying.

OCTOBER 16, 2019 By Sean Davis

A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter.

After Shokin was fired, he was replaced by Yuri Lutsenko, who also has been dogged by allegations of corruption. The Obama administration never demanded Lutsenko’s ouster, despite worries that Lutsenko was similarly corrupt and untrustworthy.

Allies of Biden, who is currently vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, have defended the former vice president from charges of improperly taking official actions that could financially benefit his son by claiming that the international community, rather than Biden and the Obama administration, were behind the efforts to get rid of Shokin. Kent’s testimony, however, indicates it was Biden and the Obama administration who were running the show, not the so-called international community.

Diplomat Testified Obama Admin Orchestrated Ukraine Prosecutor's Ouster

So according to Kent, the international community was not forcing the hand of DumBama. He was doing this on his own. He also said that what they did was force the removal of Shokin, and he was replaced with somebody just as corrupt, but had no problem with that.

Another source makes the claim that the Obama administration wanted to takeover the Burisma investigation when they learned of the work Shokin was doing.
There is no evidence that shows $1.8 billion in US taxpayer dollars going to Burisma. I suspect you’re repeating a claim from a factually incorrect Glenn Beck video. Am I right?

Stalinist democrats have one tool in their belt, only one - lying. The answer to any question or challenge for democrats is to lie.

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.

What? Schweitzer is one of the few actual jouirnalists out there. The left attacks him because he exposes you, but no one has found anything against him - despite dozens of hit pieces from the little Goebbels of the antisemitic New York Times.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."}

Emphasis added to aid your faulty reading comprehension.

Schweitzer is not a journalist. He publishes poorly researched anti-Democratic party books with a lot of misleading conclusions and stretches the truth to the breaking point.

Case in point, perhaps you didn’t notice that the underline portion references PrivatBank, not Burisma. Those are two different companies. Did you not notice?

Lie much?

Oh and stupid, it listed who owns PrivatBank, same principle as Burisma.

I guess underlining only helps if someone has an IQ above room temperature.

PrivatBank was owned by Ihor Kolomoyski (it was nationalized forcibly in 2016).

Burisma is owned by Mykola Zlochevsky.

Maybe I’m not as smart as you but that would seem to be two different people.
Stalinist democrats have one tool in their belt, only one - lying. The answer to any question or challenge for democrats is to lie.

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.

What? Schweitzer is one of the few actual jouirnalists out there. The left attacks him because he exposes you, but no one has found anything against him - despite dozens of hit pieces from the little Goebbels of the antisemitic New York Times.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."}

Emphasis added to aid your faulty reading comprehension.

Schweitzer is not a journalist. He publishes poorly researched anti-Democratic party books with a lot of misleading conclusions and stretches the truth to the breaking point.

Case in point, perhaps you didn’t notice that the underline portion references PrivatBank, not Burisma. Those are two different companies. Did you not notice?

Lie much?

Oh and stupid, it listed who owns PrivatBank, same principle as Burisma.

I guess underlining only helps if someone has an IQ above room temperature.

PrivatBank was owned by Ihor Kolomoyski (it was nationalized forcibly in 2016).

Burisma is owned by Mykola Zlochevsky.

Maybe I’m not as smart as you but that would seem to be two different people.


And you impugn the integrity of OTHERS? :rofl:

Kolomoyski and Zlochevsky. were long time business partners, as CLEARLY spelled out in the article.

You democrats got caught balls deep in the dog, you can't claim you didn't screw the pooch.
You democrat crazy corrupt rats better run and hide quick

Look at trumps big rise in approval
Numbers which proves its spreading fast this understanding that liberals are the enemy of America !!!

What a bunch of corrupt losers are the democrats
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.
I think it will be a close election no matter who wins the dem nomination

We are a nation embroiled in civil war. The middle is shrinking as people chose sides. Still, the antics of the Stalinists has turned an awful lot of people off. I don't think it's going to be close at all. I think the Stalinists shot themselves in the foot with this impeachment hoax. We need a 10% margin to overcome election fraud with democrats. In any election the democrats will rig at least 10% of the votes through ballot stuffing, illegal aliens, or altering counts. But I think the democrats have so badly damaged themselves that even that padding will not help them.
Democrat cheating will be massive and could overcome the actual will of the people

I sure hope I’m wrong
Everything you listed was provided to you by the Democrat party, and their accomplices in the MSM.

Let’s unpack this a little. It’s not strictly true. Yes, a lot comes from mainstream media outlets like the New York Times. I doubt that any media outlets you’d be more trustful of have covered this story or Ukraine in general before last year. A lot comes from career foreign service officials without a dog in the fight. Some of it comes from NGOs and some even comes from Congressional Republicans.

What is your point in this comment? Do you want to say that what I listed isn’t accurate?

That is what I'm saying.

OCTOBER 16, 2019 By Sean Davis

A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter.

After Shokin was fired, he was replaced by Yuri Lutsenko, who also has been dogged by allegations of corruption. The Obama administration never demanded Lutsenko’s ouster, despite worries that Lutsenko was similarly corrupt and untrustworthy.

Allies of Biden, who is currently vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, have defended the former vice president from charges of improperly taking official actions that could financially benefit his son by claiming that the international community, rather than Biden and the Obama administration, were behind the efforts to get rid of Shokin. Kent’s testimony, however, indicates it was Biden and the Obama administration who were running the show, not the so-called international community.

Diplomat Testified Obama Admin Orchestrated Ukraine Prosecutor's Ouster

So according to Kent, the international community was not forcing the hand of DumBama. He was doing this on his own. He also said that what they did was force the removal of Shokin, and he was replaced with somebody just as corrupt, but had no problem with that.

Another source makes the claim that the Obama administration wanted to takeover the Burisma investigation when they learned of the work Shokin was doing.
Are we allowed to use George Kent as a reliable source now? I sure hope you say yes because he’s not very helpful to the story you want us to believe.

This is a strawman argument. I haven’t seen anyone claim we were following anyone else’s lead. Only that our allies were in agreement with us regarding Shokin’s lack of reform.

Yuri Lutsenko was indeed dogged by corruption allegations. There was hope for him early on but didn’t turn out well. This was at the very tail end of the Obama administration. I can’t speak to what they did or didn’t do about him other than knowing he was pushed by Yovanovich to clean up how act which resulted in the smear campaign against her and her dismissal as ambassador. Lutsenko has been working closely with Trump/Giuliani during this time. He’s even gotten a vote of confidence from Trump as part of that July 25th phone call with Zelensky.

So, is George Kent a reliable source now?
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.

Trump has been campaigning for reelection since March of 2017
Thats SOP for all presidents now
He explained this last nite on judge Jeannie

Yes he has it all and bringing it out

He is on fire to prove just how corrupt democrats are

People like Mac 1958 here proves every day with his posting

Mac 1958 you better run and hide now did you see the big jump in trumps approval

Just wait until Barr and Durham brings their proof that you people are indeed corrupt to the core
It’s not a lie. Can you tell me how Burisma is related to ProvatBank? Schweitzer isn’t exactly known for his journalistic integrity.

What? Schweitzer is one of the few actual jouirnalists out there. The left attacks him because he exposes you, but no one has found anything against him - despite dozens of hit pieces from the little Goebbels of the antisemitic New York Times.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."}

Emphasis added to aid your faulty reading comprehension.

Schweitzer is not a journalist. He publishes poorly researched anti-Democratic party books with a lot of misleading conclusions and stretches the truth to the breaking point.

Case in point, perhaps you didn’t notice that the underline portion references PrivatBank, not Burisma. Those are two different companies. Did you not notice?

Lie much?

Oh and stupid, it listed who owns PrivatBank, same principle as Burisma.

I guess underlining only helps if someone has an IQ above room temperature.

PrivatBank was owned by Ihor Kolomoyski (it was nationalized forcibly in 2016).

Burisma is owned by Mykola Zlochevsky.

Maybe I’m not as smart as you but that would seem to be two different people.


And you impugn the integrity of OTHERS? :rofl:

Kolomoyski and Zlochevsky. were long time business partners, as CLEARLY spelled out in the article.

You democrats got caught balls deep in the dog, you can't claim you didn't screw the pooch.

The article doesn’t say anything of the sort. This is the extent of the relationship between the two:

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky.

This is what you claimed earlier:
Oh and stupid, it listed who owns PrivatBank, same principle as Burisma.

That seems to be quite different statements. Wouldn’t you say?

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