Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

No, not Trump at all. Nothing Trump is involved with compares to having a prosecutor from another country fired because he was going after a business his son works for. Biden's son made millions of dollars for doing nothing. Trump's son is working for free.

Except the story about what Shokin was fired is false.

So Trump is using hundreds of millions of American dollars to have the Ukrainian government investigate a phony story. I’d say that’s a big deal.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

Because the evidence supports his claims. Joe Biden gave Burisma $1.8 billion in taxpayer money that vanished. Burisma kicked back $3.2 million using his son Hunter as a mule. John Kerry and and Nancy Pelosi had their son working as mules for the embezzlement scheme as well.

Romney too.....that's why he voted for no witnesses without a second thought and we all know how much he hates Trump.

how can you have a trial, without live witnesses??

there has never been an impeachment trial, without witnesses, out of the 17 impeachment trials Senators have held.
We should periodically point out Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation. The announcement would be all he needed to smear Biden. Pretending there was an actual search for truth is insulting.

Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

Still is

Only a moron would think there was no purpose in trying to get dirt on Biden......after all, that is how he beat Hillary
Except the story about what Shokin was fired is false.

So Trump is using hundreds of millions of American dollars to have the Ukrainian government investigate a phony story. I’d say that’s a big deal.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

Because the evidence supports his claims. Joe Biden gave Burisma $1.8 billion in taxpayer money that vanished. Burisma kicked back $3.2 million using his son Hunter as a mule. John Kerry and and Nancy Pelosi had their son working as mules for the embezzlement scheme as well.

Romney too.....that's why he voted for no witnesses without a second thought and we all know how much he hates Trump.

how can you have a trial, without live witnesses??

there has never been an impeachment trial, without witnesses, out of the 17 impeachment trials Senators have held.

To be honest, Republicans are not going to listen to what witnesses have to say anyway

But this trial is not to convince Republicans, it is to convince History
We should periodically point out Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation. The announcement would be all he needed to smear Biden. Pretending there was an actual search for truth is insulting.

Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

Still is

Only a moron would think there was no purpose in trying to get dirt on Biden......after all, that is how he beat Hillary

you try so hard,,,
bless your heart,,
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
Ukraine is renown for saying one thing and doing another. Trump wanted that announcement to hold Zelensky to his word. He wanted that almost a year before the nominee was selected.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

Still is

Only a moron would think there was no purpose in trying to get dirt on Biden......after all, that is how he beat Hillary

you try so hard,,,
bless your heart,,
It is the Trump political model

Get dirt on your opponent, make up a childish name and repeat it endlessly
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.

If corruption is found, the President did his job. While nobody had a clue of who the nominee would actually be, Trump looked into it because if Biden was the nominee, there would be a chance (like last time) that a corrupt politician could be elected our next President. I think that is something the public should know about before voting next November.
No, it didn't, because regardless of Trump being in charge, the deep state is alive and well. That's why Trump got impeached.

At least you are open and honest about being a closed minded sheep when it comes to Trump.

What's closed minded about it? How many other Presidents ever had spies listening in on their phone calls to try and find the stupidest excuse for his masters to impeach him on?
What spies were listening into Trump’s phone call?

The one who relayed the details of the call to the so-called whistleblower. It's never happened before as long as I can remember.

That's because no prior President has used foreign aid to extract personal favours from foreign governments. So much that is happening is unprecedented, because there is no precedent for this Presdient's illegal and corrupt behaviour.

No President has used foreign aid to extract favors from a foreign government??? Were you asleep the eight years before Trump took office????? You did mean that as a joke..........right????
soliciting a foreign govt for your own personal gain or will, and using your personal lawyer as the operative to meet with gvt officials is government corruption.

soliciting a foreign gvt by using your position of power, for their help in finding dirt on your opponent is also against campaign finance laws

soliciting a foreign govt's help to start an investigation in to your election contest opponent's son, by holding back an official whitehouse meeting from the govt, until they make a public announcement of said investigation is ILLEGAL, govt corruption.

HOLDING BACK THE DISTRIBUTION OF MONEY ALLOCATED by congress, without the president notifying congress of the reason, and getting congress's blessing, IS breaks the law ...the impoundment control act....the president hid from congress, them holding it back...

Not using the DOJ and using Giuliani, the two accused of felony goons, corrupt ex ukrainian officials, a guy waiting extradition to the united states for money laundering and some other Ukrainian Russian sympathizers instead, breaks laws and treaties we've signed with the Ukraine on how to legally investigate American corruption, overseas.

None of your claims are supported by any evidence.
Liar. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden in July, 2019; 3 months after Biden declared his candidacy for president.

but he started the investigation over a yr before,,,

Everyone knew Biden would run and even Trump said Biden was his biggest challenge in the 2020 election

Still is

Only a moron would think there was no purpose in trying to get dirt on Biden......after all, that is how he beat Hillary

you try so hard,,,
bless your heart,,
It is the Trump political model

Get dirt on your opponent, make up a childish name and repeat it endlessly

but as Parnas proved,,,this all started long before joe was running,,,
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
Hunter should have stayed away from that Board, no doubt..even if just for the ethics rule of the ''appearance'' if impropriety.... and all ethics rules are rules and guidelines for a reason!

This case is a perfect example, even if no one did anything illegal.

However, from my understanding, it was not Burisma that was corrupt so to say, but Burisma's OWNER who was corrupt, and I suppose that can and is one and the same, in the Ukraine...

But from what I read, Burisma's owner, several years before Hunter worked for them on the Board, got appointed by the Ukrainian President that sympathized with Russia? And while the B Owner held this position, he illegally funneled govt funds to his friends and himself. He was finally fired. The IMF or Great Britain tried to retrieve these illegally taken funds from their aid funds that were given to the Ukraine as help, and filed a court suit.... but to make a long story short, the corrupt Uke prosecutors refused to send the evidence GB needed in their suit, and they had to drop their suit and all extended efforts afterwards to obtain the info.... that prosecutor Shokin was involved later somehow?

Anyway, the Burisma owner was prosecuted or did a plea deal in the Ukraine that was one sweet deal, where he settled by paying $950 million or so to them... not close to what he stole from what I understand, again, shows the prosecutors being corrupt... no jailtime.

... the Burisma owner put a BIG BLACK MARK on his company, and he put someone in to run it for a while, hired all new board members with 'good names' to appear to be now on the up and up, so to get back in to the so called, legitimate oil and gas business.

This is not uncommon with corporations that have gotten in to deep torouble and trying to clean up their act, or appear to clean up their act do.

Well, the Ukraine might be going after this guy again, unpleased with what the previous admin had worked a deal on, I believe? Seems like a double jeopardy thing to me? Though maybe it is for additional, different corruption?
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
Hunter should have stayed away from that Board, no doubt..even if just for the ethics rule of the ''appearance'' if impropriety.... and all ethics rules are rules and guidelines for a reason!

This case is a perfect example, even if no one did anything illegal.

However, from my understanding, it was not Burisma that was corrupt so to say, but Burisma's OWNER who was corrupt, and I suppose that can and is one and the same, in the Ukraine...

But from what I read, Burisma's owner, several years before Hunter worked for them on the Board, got appointed by the Ukrainian President that sympathized with Russia? And while the B Owner held this position, he illegally funneled govt funds to his friends and himself. He was finally fired. The IMF or Great Britain tried to retrieve these illegally taken funds from their aid funds that were given to the Ukraine as help, and filed a court suit.... but to make a long story short, the corrupt Uke prosecutors refused to send the evidence GB needed in their suit, and they had to drop their suit and all extended efforts afterwards to obtain the info.... that prosecutor Shokin was involved later somehow?

Anyway, the Burisma owner was prosecuted or did a plea deal in the Ukraine that was one sweet deal, where he settled by paying $950 million or so to them... not close to what he stole from what I understand, again, shows the prosecutors being corrupt... no jailtime.

... the Burisma owner put a BIG BLACK MARK on his company, and he put someone in to run it for a while, hired all new board members with 'good names' to appear to be now on the up and up, so to get back in to the so called, legitimate oil and gas business.

This is not uncommon with corporations that have gotten in to deep torouble and trying to clean up their act, or appear to clean up their act do.

Well, the Ukraine might be going after this guy again, unpleased with what the previous admin had worked a deal on, I believe? Seems like a double jeopardy thing to me? Though maybe it is for additional, different corruption?
Holy shit lol
soliciting a foreign govt for your own personal gain or will, and using your personal lawyer as the operative to meet with gvt officials is government corruption.

soliciting a foreign gvt by using your position of power, for their help in finding dirt on your opponent is also against campaign finance laws

soliciting a foreign govt's help to start an investigation in to your election contest opponent's son, by holding back an official whitehouse meeting from the govt, until they make a public announcement of said investigation is ILLEGAL, govt corruption.

HOLDING BACK THE DISTRIBUTION OF MONEY ALLOCATED by congress, without the president notifying congress of the reason, and getting congress's blessing, IS breaks the law ...the impoundment control act....the president hid from congress, them holding it back...

Not using the DOJ and using Giuliani, the two accused of felony goons, corrupt ex ukrainian officials, a guy waiting extradition to the united states for money laundering and some other Ukrainian Russian sympathizers instead, breaks laws and treaties we've signed with the Ukraine on how to legally investigate American corruption, overseas.

Well, if that had happened it might be different, but it didn't.

All we have are lies from you Communists.

Funny, when Joe Biden held back the distribution of money allocated by Congress in order to blackmail Ukraine into halting the investigation into his son, you didn't seem to think it was a problem.

If it is illegal though, you can point to the federal code.

Go ahead and list it.... :eusa_whistle:
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.

If corruption is found, the President did his job. While nobody had a clue of who the nominee would actually be, Trump looked into it because if Biden was the nominee, there would be a chance (like last time) that a corrupt politician could be elected our next President. I think that is something the public should know about before voting next November.
No he didn't do his job. His job would be through going through the legal means to acquire evidence, giving the American their constitutional rights, and used the DOJ and their investigative arm, to do the investigation.
NOTHING will be justified of Trump's illegal actions.

the vigilante does not get off any legal ramifications for murdering... a murder, outside of the law.
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.

If corruption is found, the President did his job. While nobody had a clue of who the nominee would actually be, Trump looked into it because if Biden was the nominee, there would be a chance (like last time) that a corrupt politician could be elected our next President. I think that is something the public should know about before voting next November.
No he didn't do his job. His job would be through going through the legal means to acquire evidence, giving the American their constitutional rights, and used the DOJ and their investigative arm, to do the investigation.
NOTHING will be justified of Trump's illegal actions.

the vigilante does not get off murdering a murder, outside of the law.
Ohhh the way he found it was worse then Biden laundering money to his son! That’s bothers you more lol and you wonder why democrats can’t win elections anymore lol
soliciting a foreign govt for your own personal gain or will, and using your personal lawyer as the operative to meet with gvt officials is government corruption.

soliciting a foreign gvt by using your position of power, for their help in finding dirt on your opponent is also against campaign finance laws

soliciting a foreign govt's help to start an investigation in to your election contest opponent's son, by holding back an official whitehouse meeting from the govt, until they make a public announcement of said investigation is ILLEGAL, govt corruption.

HOLDING BACK THE DISTRIBUTION OF MONEY ALLOCATED by congress, without the president notifying congress of the reason, and getting congress's blessing, IS breaks the law ...the impoundment control act....the president hid from congress, them holding it back...

Not using the DOJ and using Giuliani, the two accused of felony goons, corrupt ex ukrainian officials, a guy waiting extradition to the united states for money laundering and some other Ukrainian Russian sympathizers instead, breaks laws and treaties we've signed with the Ukraine on how to legally investigate American corruption, overseas.

Nah..... None of it washes. Trump caught the snake by the tail and is now dodging the venom. After that it's snake hunting season.

Everything you listed was provided to you by the Democrat party, and their accomplices in the MSM.

Let’s unpack this a little. It’s not strictly true. Yes, a lot comes from mainstream media outlets like the New York Times. I doubt that any media outlets you’d be more trustful of have covered this story or Ukraine in general before last year. A lot comes from career foreign service officials without a dog in the fight. Some of it comes from NGOs and some even comes from Congressional Republicans.

What is your point in this comment? Do you want to say that what I listed isn’t accurate?

That is what I'm saying.

OCTOBER 16, 2019 By Sean Davis

A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter.

After Shokin was fired, he was replaced by Yuri Lutsenko, who also has been dogged by allegations of corruption. The Obama administration never demanded Lutsenko’s ouster, despite worries that Lutsenko was similarly corrupt and untrustworthy.

Allies of Biden, who is currently vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, have defended the former vice president from charges of improperly taking official actions that could financially benefit his son by claiming that the international community, rather than Biden and the Obama administration, were behind the efforts to get rid of Shokin. Kent’s testimony, however, indicates it was Biden and the Obama administration who were running the show, not the so-called international community.

Diplomat Testified Obama Admin Orchestrated Ukraine Prosecutor's Ouster

So according to Kent, the international community was not forcing the hand of DumBama. He was doing this on his own. He also said that what they did was force the removal of Shokin, and he was replaced with somebody just as corrupt, but had no problem with that.

Another source makes the claim that the Obama administration wanted to takeover the Burisma investigation when they learned of the work Shokin was doing.
Are we allowed to use George Kent as a reliable source now? I sure hope you say yes because he’s not very helpful to the story you want us to believe.

This is a strawman argument. I haven’t seen anyone claim we were following anyone else’s lead. Only that our allies were in agreement with us regarding Shokin’s lack of reform.

Yuri Lutsenko was indeed dogged by corruption allegations. There was hope for him early on but didn’t turn out well. This was at the very tail end of the Obama administration. I can’t speak to what they did or didn’t do about him other than knowing he was pushed by Yovanovich to clean up how act which resulted in the smear campaign against her and her dismissal as ambassador. Lutsenko has been working closely with Trump/Giuliani during this time. He’s even gotten a vote of confidence from Trump as part of that July 25th phone call with Zelensky.

So, is George Kent a reliable source now?

Any source that makes more sense than your narrative isn't credible, now is it. Our executive branch has never served the international community on their demands. Our executive branch works on behalf of the American people--or is supposed to be.

What don't you get about a US diplomat that's an expert on the subject we are discussing? How is he not credible? Do you really believe the DumBama administration didn't know about Lutsenko when he was appointed???

Oh, I find George Kent to be very credible. (The Federalist not so much, which I think was mischaracterizing his testimony, which at the time of the publishing of the piece wasn't published) I just wanted to establish that you agreed as to the reliability of Kent.

Here's some of the things that Kent has to say about Viktor Shokin:
There was a broad-based consensus that he was a typical Ukraine prosecutor who ljved a lifestyle far in excess of his government salary, who never prosecuted anybody known for having committed a crime, and having covered up crimes that were known to have been committed.
To the best of my recollection, the story that he conveyed to my colleagues in Consular Affairs was that Shokin wanted to come to the United States to share information suggesting that there was corruption at the U.S. embassy. a And did you understand what he was referring to? A Knowing Mr. Shokin, I had full faith that it was bunch of hooey, and he was looking to basically engage in a con game out of revenge because he'd lost his job.
So then that was the wasting of U.S. taxpayer resources, and so that i s the reason why the IMF, the U. S. , and the European Un'ion said collectively the justice sector and the prosecutor is so important for the success of this country and it's so important to reform it that Victor Shokin has shown that he's actively wasti ng U. S. taxpayer dollars and he' s preventi ng reform. And because in the conditionality of our sovereign loan guarantees, the U.S. Government guaranteed loans for Ukraine to borrow in the market, 201'4, 2015, and 2016, reform, anticorruption reforms, and the prosecutor's reforms Were key condj tionali ty. The conversations that went between the embassy and the State Department were then brought ahead of the Vice Presi dent goi ng to Ukrai ne i n December of 20L5, and Shoki n's removal then became a condition for the loan guarantee.

George Kent, more than anyone, destroys the narrative you want us to believe about Biden pushing out the venerable Shokin to help Hunter.

There's so much to Geroge Kent's testimony, I highly suggest you read as much as you can.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

ITMT, the dickless wonders are actually announcing that Parnas video has Trump saying to get rid of Yovanovich! As if this was something. I'm sorry, has the entire world forgotten that Trump doesn't need a reason to fire an ambassador under him? Do we have any videos of Obumma firing any of the people he ever let go? All of these people serve at the President's pleasure! Even better, Dickless Schiff is now claiming Trump has made a threat on his life!

It just doesn't get any better.
soliciting a foreign govt for your own personal gain or will, and using your personal lawyer as the operative to meet with gvt officials is government corruption.

soliciting a foreign gvt by using your position of power, for their help in finding dirt on your opponent is also against campaign finance laws

soliciting a foreign govt's help to start an investigation in to your election contest opponent's son, by holding back an official whitehouse meeting from the govt, until they make a public announcement of said investigation is ILLEGAL, govt corruption.

HOLDING BACK THE DISTRIBUTION OF MONEY ALLOCATED by congress, without the president notifying congress of the reason, and getting congress's blessing, IS breaks the law ...the impoundment control act....the president hid from congress, them holding it back...

Not using the DOJ and using Giuliani, the two accused of felony goons, corrupt ex ukrainian officials, a guy waiting extradition to the united states for money laundering and some other Ukrainian Russian sympathizers instead, breaks laws and treaties we've signed with the Ukraine on how to legally investigate American corruption, overseas.

Wrong dead wrong

That was not what this is

This is investigating real crooked people breaking laws

Get over it

You democrats have been proved as the most crooked people

And trumps fast rise with approval proves the nation now is seeing this as true

The democrat crooks harming America by being bought off by crooks

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