Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Yes, the DNC pays at least a dozen of you commies to spread your propaganda, Easy and I just keep putting the truth out there and seems by the numbers next to my name, I am read a lot

But keep lying girl, it is easy and fun for us to play with your mind!....whatever is left of one!

Yep, the DNC pays me to say that Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever and to have hundreds of post bashing the ACA.

You get more and more unhinged with every post.
See the SHINNY OBJECT....Way over therr!....What do we call that MISDIRECTION to fall back on....I'm a Good commie....and know how to try and cover my tracks.... oh, the entertainment!
You are right you are a good commie given the way you engage in misinformation. Really, you just a master of protection. Projecting Trump’s corruption on everyone else.
dude - you are the same as him and occupied.

so focused on the people and your own hate that you allow right and wrong to blur so you can feelz good about your emotional imbalances.

you eat up the shit the left throws out and cry out against the shit the right throws out - never once realizing its ALL FUCKING SHIT.
Rudy Guliani is a "snake" like Trump's crime syndicate and family. He should have a treasure trove of Trump's crime documents, tweets, texts and emails. <---- Where are those?
Ask Obama, he had the FBI spy on Trump
Perhaps you missed it...

Of course the FBI spied on the Trump campaign

The newly-released report from Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz shows that by any definition the FBI did indeed spy. The great debate about whether the FBI spied on the Trump...

Almost too fucking easy!
Poor Rudy was feeling lonely so he had to get some press.

This joke of a man has made similar threats many times and you rubes always get a little woody when he does...only to end up with blue ball yet again.
Funny you speak as you clean off Rudy's cum off your lips....but little girl, you never fail to entertain....oh, the butt hurt is just sinking in!

Dude, you have become a joke on this forum, you make 100 post a week with wild predictions and ZERO of them come true. It is like you are in a battle with easyt65 to see who can make the most incorrect threads.

Yes, the DNC pays at least a dozen of you commies to spread your propaganda, Easy and I just keep putting the truth out there and seems by the numbers next to my name, I am read a lot

But keep lying girl, it is easy and fun for us to play with your mind!....whatever is left of one!
you keep putting more bullshit out there and then try to sell it. there have been several times i've found you both reading between the lines to draw out what you NEEDED to draw out only to go AH HA told you!

which is the same as pretending you know what "look into it" means. reading between the lines and making how you FEEL the "truth".

both sides have their idiots. you and occupied and those like you prove it daily. continue to bitch at the other side about how they do things while doing it in the very same manner you're bitching about.
Yes, using the lefts tactics back on them works, as you have just stated!
no - it just keeps the stupid people on both sides busy saying stupid shit with a 2nd grade "they did it first" reason to be stupid.

if someone is doing something stupid, you're not smart for doing it too. period.
Not gonna lie, Rudy seems like he's all hot air. If he has PROOF great. If not SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop stirring the pot
Funny you speak as you clean off Rudy's cum off your lips....but little girl, you never fail to entertain....oh, the butt hurt is just sinking in!

Dude, you have become a joke on this forum, you make 100 post a week with wild predictions and ZERO of them come true. It is like you are in a battle with easyt65 to see who can make the most incorrect threads.

Yes, the DNC pays at least a dozen of you commies to spread your propaganda, Easy and I just keep putting the truth out there and seems by the numbers next to my name, I am read a lot

But keep lying girl, it is easy and fun for us to play with your mind!....whatever is left of one!
you keep putting more bullshit out there and then try to sell it. there have been several times i've found you both reading between the lines to draw out what you NEEDED to draw out only to go AH HA told you!

which is the same as pretending you know what "look into it" means. reading between the lines and making how you FEEL the "truth".

both sides have their idiots. you and occupied and those like you prove it daily. continue to bitch at the other side about how they do things while doing it in the very same manner you're bitching about.
Yes, using the lefts tactics back on them works, as you have just stated!
no - it just keeps the stupid people on both sides busy saying stupid shit with a 2nd grade "they did it first" reason to be stupid.

if someone is doing something stupid, you're not smart for doing it too. period.

Besides being the truth, it is entertaining...if you don't think so, perhaps you should be in another thread!
Good for Rudy

But it does nothing to exonerate the illegal actions of the President

Wah! Wah! Wah!
Democrats do it too
I've learned to pay no attention to stories like this. It's like the whole alex jones or Q phenomenon. Something is always "very soon this or that is going to happen" only to find that nothing ever does.
Anything he releases was probably manufactured in some Kremlin espionage factory.
this is why people can't talk with you.

other side = makes up evidence / proof
the left - has been busted for spying on congress, falsifying evidence, making up RAPE crimes and inventing a RUSSIA hoax. yet you're worried the OTHER SIDE may do something similar.

when your rage is against the action, not the people, i may listen. til then you're just a nutless clown.

You claim that Democrats make up shit, and Republicans go on facts. Except that when Republicans investigate Democrats they can never find any proof of the crimes claimed - 25+ investigations of the Clintons = no evidence, no charges and no witnesses. They couldn't even NAME a crime committed, other than Bill's perjury for a blowjob.

When Republicans are investigated, they go to jail. The Russian "hoax" produced over 100 charges against more than 20 individuals and entities. 8 people plead guilty/were convicted, and they're either in jail or awaiting sentencing.

8 years of Republican lead investigations into the Obama Administration = no charges, no recommendations for charges, and no evidence that any crimes were committed.

So just stop with the bullshit that Democrats are all crooks. Clearly the Republicans are accusing the Democrats of doing what the Republicans keep getting caught doing - over and over and over again.
Anything he releases was probably manufactured in some Kremlin espionage factory.
this is why people can't talk with you.

other side = makes up evidence / proof
the left - has been busted for spying on congress, falsifying evidence, making up RAPE crimes and inventing a RUSSIA hoax. yet you're worried the OTHER SIDE may do something similar.

when your rage is against the action, not the people, i may listen. til then you're just a nutless clown.

You claim that Democrats make up shit, and Republicans go on facts. Except that when Republicans investigate Democrats they can never find any proof of the crimes claimed - 25+ investigations of the Clintons = no evidence, no charges and no witnesses. They couldn't even NAME a crime committed, other than Bill's perjury for a blowjob.

When Republicans are investigated, they go to jail. The Russian "hoax" produced over 100 charges against more than 20 individuals and entities. 8 people plead guilty/were convicted, and they're either in jail or awaiting sentencing.

8 years of Republican lead investigations into the Obama Administration = no charges, no recommendations for charges, and no evidence that any crimes were committed.

So just stop with the bullshit that Democrats are all crooks. Clearly the Republicans are accusing the Democrats of doing what the Republicans keep getting caught doing - over and over and over again.
We know you make up stuff. Virtually everything you post is a lie.
Anything he releases was probably manufactured in some Kremlin espionage factory.
this is why people can't talk with you.

other side = makes up evidence / proof
the left - has been busted for spying on congress, falsifying evidence, making up RAPE crimes and inventing a RUSSIA hoax. yet you're worried the OTHER SIDE may do something similar.

when your rage is against the action, not the people, i may listen. til then you're just a nutless clown.

You claim that Democrats make up shit, and Republicans go on facts. Except that when Republicans investigate Democrats they can never find any proof of the crimes claimed - 25+ investigations of the Clintons = no evidence, no charges and no witnesses. They couldn't even NAME a crime committed, other than Bill's perjury for a blowjob.

When Republicans are investigated, they go to jail. The Russian "hoax" produced over 100 charges against more than 20 individuals and entities. 8 people plead guilty/were convicted, and they're either in jail or awaiting sentencing.

8 years of Republican lead investigations into the Obama Administration = no charges, no recommendations for charges, and no evidence that any crimes were committed.

So just stop with the bullshit that Democrats are all crooks. Clearly the Republicans are accusing the Democrats of doing what the Republicans keep getting caught doing - over and over and over again.
oooooh - you typed some shit.

good. i was running low on shit to ignore.
View attachment 302249

Daddy was only the Vice President, and I raked in $100's of millions in cash... I can't WAIT till he becomes President!!!!!!!!!
Did he do anything illegal??? Unethical, yes.... but illegal? Like, did he get his daddy to go against US Policy ?

Well... currently there is an impeachment going on even when it is clear that no illegal acts have been taken. So I think we can at least investigate this one.
View attachment 302249

Daddy was only the Vice President, and I raked in $100's of millions in cash... I can't WAIT till he becomes President!!!!!!!!!
Did he do anything illegal??? Unethical, yes.... but illegal? Like, did he get his daddy to go against US Policy ?
and yet here we sit with ZERO FUCKING PROOF that trump did anything illegal - just your endless one-way only speculation.

god damn do you ever actually compare what you say to your own views/how you believe? or are you too good to question your own judgement with the dimestore crap you like to drop on others?
View attachment 302249

Daddy was only the Vice President, and I raked in $100's of millions in cash... I can't WAIT till he becomes President!!!!!!!!!
Did he do anything illegal??? Unethical, yes.... but illegal? Like, did he get his daddy to go against US Policy ?

Hunter Biden and his partners with Burisma received $16.5 million in illegal funds obtained by a Ukrainian crime family and laundered through another country. Biden and his colleagues took millions of dollars that really belonged to the Ukrainian people, and Joe Biden helped to precipitate this through his position as VP.

So yes, highly illegal.

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