Ruh Roh.... Don Lemon slipped Jussie Smollett inside information on his case...

I guess you really are this stupid. He staged a fake crime and reported it to the police. That is criminal. Did your mom drop you on your head as an infant?

You can address my point or not. I imagine it will be not.
Cuomo wasn't alone?
Lemon texted to Smollett that police sources told CNN that they wasn't buying his story, perhaps giving him time to change his story etc.

Obviously nowhere near the degree of Cuomo... but still... texting someone inside information about a case under investigation?
Yeah... not a good move...

I am pretty sure that Cuomo is right---that it was CNN's policy to HELP out any DEMS up on criminal charges or other complaints.
You can address my point or not. I imagine it will b

You can address my point or not. I imagine it will be not.
You don't seem to understand the concept of knowingly making false reports to the police. That is a crime. If a cop asks me hey what time is it and I lie to the cop that isn't a crime even though I lied. Yes you really are this dumb Congratsulations. Hey dummy what is your address I will call the police and report a home invasion with armed thugs at your house. I can do that right, I can lie right?
You don't seem to understand the concept of knowingly making false reports to the police. That is a crime. If a cop asks me hey what time is it and I lie to the cop that isn't a crime even though I lied. Yes you really are this dumb Congratsulations. Hey dummy what is your address I will call the police and report a home invasion with armed thugs at your house. I can do that right, I can lie right?

If the police can lie to us, I have no problem with the people lying to the police. Police have testified under oath things that were not true and not a thing happened to them.

Hundreds of police officers have been labeled liars. Some still help send people to prison.
They've spent far more on this trial than the investigation... for what amounts to a prank.

Frankly, I was good just exposing the hoax and letting the man lose his career and reputation.

Going after him criminally just seems a bit over the top, especially considering that 83% of homicides in Chicago go "unsolved".

It's almost like 'Wow, this is what an investigation looks like!!!"
Well gee whiz, Joe...if the Chicago Police weren't wasting their time chasing their tails because of the lies that Smollett told...maybe they COULD have solved some of those homicides! Duh?
Not sure why the Chicago Democrats are going after him so hard. It was a pretty dumb and ignorant stunt but they should of fined him and let it go.
You continue to ignore the fact that making false police reports is a crime and that. Why are you so dumb?

So is lying while testifying under oath. I do not support only holding one side accountable.
So is lying while testifying under oath. I do not support only holding one side accountable.
Perjury is a crime and it doesn't matter who does it. Yet you support Smollet manufacturing a fake hate crime and then reporting it to the police and then making false official reports. You are really dumb.
Perjury is a crime and it doesn't matter who does it. Yet you support Smollet manufacturing a fake hate crime and then reporting it to the police and then making false official reports. You are really dumb.
It’s a crime for which he’d be unlikely to do any time. Better to save the state the cost of a criminal trial and go for civil restitution.
I'm ok with this. Token black homos need to stick together. There's only a handful of these rare units on the entire planet.

Lemon has got bigger problems than juicy. He's tried to pay off his sexual assault victim more than once, but the straight white boy says, NOPE, let's show the world what kind of fucking animal you are..... oops.... not good for little black queers.
It’s a crime for which he’d be unlikely to do any time. Better to save the state the cost of a criminal trial and go for civil restitution.
And doing time is the only deterrent to committing these crimes.
Not sure why the Chicago Democrats are going after him so hard. It was a pretty dumb and ignorant stunt but they should of fined him and let it go.
Because he made a national case out of it.
It wasn't like you or I did something so asinine, he creates a national spectacle out of it and incited racial anger across the entire nation.
What this shows very well... is the state of our media.
Not just CNN.
Cuomo and Lemon, along with Pirro and Hannity, journalistic integrity is so far off their scope they honestly don't even know what it is.
These guys should be what people like them use to be - writing opinion pieces in seedy little cubicles never getting off the opinion page of a newspaper.
They shouldn't be the nations leading sources of information!
I mentioned in another post that while Bonzi and I were visiting her mother, I saw Judge Jaenine for the first time. What a horrible human being. What a hater. Over the top anger-shrilling yelling into the camera. I can't believe people watch her. I am dismayed they are.
No different than the shrilling hate filled Maddow.
I guess that Don Lemon/Chris Cuomo mancrush show is now in the rubbish heap of history.

Leftie media has been dishonestly hyping their propaganda for political purposes for years. But now we find out that they also abuse their profession to help family and lovers.

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