Ruh Roh.... Don Lemon slipped Jussie Smollett inside information on his case...

Covid is the forest. Covid has disrupted every aspect of American life, from how crime is happening in our cities, to how

As pointed out, the cities with Republican mayors are seeing just as much of a spike in homicides as anywhere else. The combination of Anxiety, economic depression and of course, the fact that the Gun industry spent the last decade doubling the number of guns out there, have all come home to roost.

But, no, on, it's because liberal prosecutors are no longer feeding grafitti artists to the Prison-Industrial Complex.
You've got your head buried so deep in the sand on this one, Joey...I'm surprised you're not speaking Chinese! It's the "Defund the Police" movement that's led to this spike in homicides not Covid! In cities like New York you had liberals abolishing the police unit who's sole mission was keeping guns off of the streets by targeting gangbangers and now those same gangbangers are killing each other and innocent bystanders by the dozens on any given weekend! You on the left OWN that policy and it's results! Your claim of "systemic racism" was always bullshit and now it's costing the lives of the very people you pretend to care about!
Um, no.

If the police wanted to keep that information confidential, they shouldn't have told CNN.

If they told CNN, it's because they wanted it to get back to Smollett to see what he would do.
Talk about convoluted logic! Where do you come up with this garbage, Joey? Seriously...


CNN credibility is now officially, 100% GONE!

Their biggest star turned out to be a co-conspirator, apologist, & key strategist for his brother, former NY Gov Cuomo, who knowingly, intentionally murdered thousands of elderly Americans, attempted to cover up the whole thing, while sexually harassed and assaulted women WHILE criminally using his staff and resources to write his book.

Chris used his contacts and news information to help advize his brother and attempt to attack & discredit the women his brother sexually harassed and assaulted....WHILE he sexually harassed and assaulted women....

While his producer turned out to be a frigging pedophile...

Then you have Lemo using his position, sour es, and info to help fellow butt-buddy Smollett try to con the police and get away with his bogus hate crime scam.

CNN has been proven to be a bunch of murder, hate crime scam, police-conning, in-air masturbating, criminal sexual co-conspiring would-be rapists, sexual harassing, sexual assaulting, child-scewing pedophile, unethical, immoral, fake news propagandists.

After everything that has been exposed about them not a damn thing they report or claim can be taken seriously.

The fact that they have not fired Lemon yet just shows how desperate they are to defend this criminal. The only reason he has not been fired yet is because he is firmly in thevprotected classes of being black and gay!

He was doing almost exactly the same as Cuomo but still has a job

CNN should change their name to 'The Onion 2.0'
You've got your head buried so deep in the sand on this one, Joey...I'm surprised you're not speaking Chinese! It's the "Defund the Police" movement that's led to this spike in homicides not Covid!

Nope, sorry, it was Covid. 83% of homicides are family or aquaintences. Lock people up for months at a time, increase the number of guns out there, and you are going to have increased homicides. The Drive By gets the splashy headline, the guy who shoots his wife because she burned dinner doesn't.

In cities like New York you had liberals abolishing the police unit who's sole mission was keeping guns off of the streets by targeting gangbangers and now those same gangbangers are killing each other and innocent bystanders by the dozens on any given weekend!

Yes, they abolished the "Let's hassle black people" unit 8 years ago... and crime didn't go up until we started locking people in their houses

You on the left OWN that policy and it's results! Your claim of "systemic racism" was always bullshit and now it's costing the lives of the very people you pretend to care about!

Oh, I think the NRA flooding our streets with guns has had a lot to do with it. How about this. You allow any muncipality that wants to ban private gun ownership to do so, and then let's see how it goes. If you are so in love with your gun, you can always move somewhere else.

Talk about convoluted logic! Where do you come up with this garbage, Joey? Seriously...

Try employing some critical thinking skills.

How did Don Lemon KNOW that the Police suspected Smollet of faking the crime?
Someone on the CPD told him or told one of his colleagues.
Why would they do that?
In the hope it would get back to him and he might change his story.
Nope, sorry, it was Covid. 83% of homicides are family or aquaintences. Lock people up for months at a time, increase the number of guns out there, and you are going to have increased homicides. The Drive By gets the splashy headline, the guy who shoots his wife because she burned dinner doesn't.

Yes, they abolished the "Let's hassle black people" unit 8 years ago... and crime didn't go up until we started locking people in their houses

Oh, I think the NRA flooding our streets with guns has had a lot to do with it. How about this. You allow any muncipality that wants to ban private gun ownership to do so, and then let's see how it goes. If you are so in love with your gun, you can always move somewhere else.

Try employing some critical thinking skills.

How did Don Lemon KNOW that the Police suspected Smollet of faking the crime?
Someone on the CPD told him or told one of his colleagues.
Why would they do that?
In the hope it would get back to him and he might change his story.
Let me's Covid that's causing the smash and grab robberies as well, Joey? Being trapped inside with their families caused people to suddenly start looting stores with sledgehammers? Your claims are so ridiculous they're not even worth replying to.
Let me's Covid that's causing the smash and grab robberies as well, Joey? Being trapped inside with their families caused people to suddenly start looting stores with sledgehammers? Your claims are so ridiculous they're not even worth replying to.

Naw, Smash and Grab robberies just aren't a big deal. It shows that crooks are learning to use technology more effectively... the cops need to counter...

Step one. Put down the donuts.
Naw, Smash and Grab robberies just aren't a big deal. It shows that crooks are learning to use technology more effectively... the cops need to counter...

Step one. Put down the donuts.
Sledgehammers are your definition of "technology", Joey? You're getting stupider by the post!
Sledgehammers are your definition of "technology", Joey? You're getting stupider by the post!

Sledgehammers aren't the issue. The Technology is that they are using social media to coordinate these attacks. There is also an organized crime element here... most of the smash and grabbers aren't taking the stuff for their own use, they are reselling it to organized crime to be resold again on Ebay or Amazon.

The first countermeasure is to get these Tech giants to start cracking down on this activity or work with law enforcement to identify it.

Not that you are capable of education, but check this out for people who want to learn something.

Police say that some of the smash-and-grab robberies that recently took place in California and Minnesota were organized on social media and were carried out by people who did not know each other.

Local law enforcement said robberies at a Bay Area Nordstrom, a San Francisco Louis Vuitton and at a Minneapolis Best Buy were all organized on social media, according to The Wall Street Journal.

For the people who took part in some of the incidents in California, Snapchat was used to organize the crimes as thieves were possibly attracted to the app’s ability to make messages disappear. Once law enforcement arrested some suspects, they at times did not know the names or have any information about the people with whom they were working, the Journal reported.
Sledgehammers aren't the issue. The Technology is that they are using social media to coordinate these attacks. There is also an organized crime element here... most of the smash and grabbers aren't taking the stuff for their own use, they are reselling it to organized crime to be resold again on Ebay or Amazon.

The first countermeasure is to get these Tech giants to start cracking down on this activity or work with law enforcement to identify it.

Not that you are capable of education, but check this out for people who want to learn something.

Police say that some of the smash-and-grab robberies that recently took place in California and Minnesota were organized on social media and were carried out by people who did not know each other.

Local law enforcement said robberies at a Bay Area Nordstrom, a San Francisco Louis Vuitton and at a Minneapolis Best Buy were all organized on social media, according to The Wall Street Journal.

For the people who took part in some of the incidents in California, Snapchat was used to organize the crimes as thieves were possibly attracted to the app’s ability to make messages disappear. Once law enforcement arrested some suspects, they at times did not know the names or have any information about the people with whom they were working, the Journal reported.
I'm amused by all of you on the left that have now decided that it's the Private Sector that should be responsible for the security of their businesses...not the Police! Gee, does anyone want to guess what the reaction will be when private security forces injure or god forbid kills a robber? The same idiots that are saying stores need to hire guards are going to be screaming to the heavens because those very same guards hurt a robber!
The first "countermeasure" to smash and grab robberies is to put Police back on the streets and let them do their jobs!
I'm amused by all of you on the left that have now decided that it's the Private Sector that should be responsible for the security of their businesses...not the Police! Gee, does anyone want to guess what the reaction will be when private security forces injure or god forbid kills a robber? The same idiots that are saying stores need to hire guards are going to be screaming to the heavens because those very same guards hurt a robber!

Um, yes, if a security guy shoots a black teen over shoplifting, darned straight people are going to make a big deal.

Here's a crazy idea. Don't put your merch in a window that can be easily broken and stolen. Or you can put cheap mockups of the product, that will do the job just as well.

The first "countermeasure" to smash and grab robberies is to put Police back on the streets and let them do their jobs!

It's their job to strangle a man for 9 minutes or shoot a child playing with a toy?

Now, to be fair, the cops are pretty good at their jobs. They execute 10 million arrests every year, only 1000 of them involve deadly use of force. Of those 1000, most of them were legit. You come after a cop with a gun or a knife, that's on you.

It's when they shoot unarmed black people over petty offenses that people get upset, and they should be.

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