Rule 9

Meh... Trump Fan Boys disagree.... not unexpected.
I'm not a fan boy, that's the world you live in. It is a logical choice for me, it's him or Hillary. Sobbing over Cruz does nothing.

Well sorry, guess I'm gonna sob over Cruz. Oh fucking well. :dunno:

Look, I am through trying to penetrate the hard heads. You don't care to listen to me, you want to insult me and call me names... say I'm butthurt and sobbing over Cruz... whatever. Go ahead and lose the election to Hillary! Then try and sell your nonsense that it was all my fault. We already know that's what's going to happen... maybe that was the plan all along... nominate Trump so we can kill of the Establishment and Conservative Republicans all at the same time.

The thing is, whether or not you've destroyed Ted Cruz, Conservatives are still here. We'll regroup and find a new candidate. We'll be back, we're not going away. But look.. you enjoy the next 4-8 years of Soviet leadership under Emperor Hillary. You deserve it!
I would think Pence has got nothing to do with anything.

I would think they need to go back to Cruz or Kasich or Rubio.

I don't think they could and have any shot at pleasing many. I think Pence would represent the fairest of choices under the circumstances. I also think Trump would have a huge say in it and he's not going to go for Cruz, Kasich or Rubio. He has already picked Pence as his "backup" so it would make perfect sense in that regard.

I still don't know what to make of this... whether it's just noise or something credible. I guess we shall see?

If the premise is removing Rump as the candidate --- then he can't possibly have any say in it at all. He's the last person to have a say in that scenario.
Meh... Trump Fan Boys disagree.... not unexpected.
I'm not a fan boy, that's the world you live in. It is a logical choice for me, it's him or Hillary. Sobbing over Cruz does nothing.

Well sorry, guess I'm gonna sob over Cruz. Oh fucking well. :dunno:

Look, I am through trying to penetrate the hard heads. You don't care to listen to me, you want to insult me and call me names... say I'm butthurt and sobbing over Cruz... whatever. Go ahead and lose the election to Hillary! Then try and sell your nonsense that it was all my fault. We already know that's what's going to happen... maybe that was the plan all along... nominate Trump so we can kill of the Establishment and Conservative Republicans all at the same time.

The thing is, whether or not you've destroyed Ted Cruz, Conservatives are still here. We'll regroup and find a new candidate. We'll be back, we're not going away. But look.. you enjoy the next 4-8 years of Soviet leadership under Emperor Hillary. You deserve it!
I would think Pence has got nothing to do with anything.

I would think they need to go back to Cruz or Kasich or Rubio.

I don't think they could and have any shot at pleasing many. I think Pence would represent the fairest of choices under the circumstances. I also think Trump would have a huge say in it and he's not going to go for Cruz, Kasich or Rubio. He has already picked Pence as his "backup" so it would make perfect sense in that regard.

I still don't know what to make of this... whether it's just noise or something credible. I guess we shall see?

If the premise is removing Rump as the candidate --- then he can't possibly have any say in it at all. He's the last person to have a say in that scenario.

Rule 9 isn't about "removing" a candidate after nomination. It's about "replacing" a candidate. The rumor is, the RNC is trying to talk Trump into bowing out instead of being a "Loosah!" (His immortal fear) So this is a condition requiring Trump's consent and participation... not an "ousting" as you are imagining.
I'm not a fan boy, that's the world you live in. It is a logical choice for me, it's him or Hillary. Sobbing over Cruz does nothing.

Well sorry, guess I'm gonna sob over Cruz. Oh fucking well. :dunno:

Look, I am through trying to penetrate the hard heads. You don't care to listen to me, you want to insult me and call me names... say I'm butthurt and sobbing over Cruz... whatever. Go ahead and lose the election to Hillary! Then try and sell your nonsense that it was all my fault. We already know that's what's going to happen... maybe that was the plan all along... nominate Trump so we can kill of the Establishment and Conservative Republicans all at the same time.

The thing is, whether or not you've destroyed Ted Cruz, Conservatives are still here. We'll regroup and find a new candidate. We'll be back, we're not going away. But look.. you enjoy the next 4-8 years of Soviet leadership under Emperor Hillary. You deserve it!
I would think Pence has got nothing to do with anything.

I would think they need to go back to Cruz or Kasich or Rubio.

I don't think they could and have any shot at pleasing many. I think Pence would represent the fairest of choices under the circumstances. I also think Trump would have a huge say in it and he's not going to go for Cruz, Kasich or Rubio. He has already picked Pence as his "backup" so it would make perfect sense in that regard.

I still don't know what to make of this... whether it's just noise or something credible. I guess we shall see?

If the premise is removing Rump as the candidate --- then he can't possibly have any say in it at all. He's the last person to have a say in that scenario.

Rule 9 isn't about "removing" a candidate after nomination. It's about "replacing" a candidate. The rumor is, the RNC is trying to talk Trump into bowing out instead of being a "Loosah!" (His immortal fear) So this is a condition requiring Trump's consent and participation... not an "ousting" as you are imagining.

I see. Thanks for the clarification.
Problem I see is ''we the people''. That is who voted him in to start with. Now someone wants (It's rumored) to come along and replace him?
Oh nm. I see you said it would be with Trumps consent. That would be different.
Rule 9 isn't about "removing" a candidate after nomination. It's about "replacing" a candidate. The rumor is, the RNC is trying to talk Trump into bowing out instead of being a "Loosah!" (His immortal fear) So this is a condition requiring Trump's consent and participation... not an "ousting" as you are imagining.

Ain't gonna happen. Trump is already planting the seeds amongst his followers that if he loses, it's because the election was 'rigged'. He doesn't have to win in November.

You see, I don't think Trump ever wanted to be President. If he did, he'd be a lot more disciplined in his messaging. I think this was always a marketing stunt for his brand that just got our of control because your party is so fucking dysfunctional with its racism and misogyny.
Donald John Trump will not leave the race unless he see that he will lose big, and then maybe because of his ego he will drop from the race.

Now if that were to happen he will wait until late October so he can screw the GOP this November. I have written more times than not that my gut is telling me he is a shill for Clinton and those voting for him are just ignorant fools!
Rule 9 isn't about "removing" a candidate after nomination. It's about "replacing" a candidate. The rumor is, the RNC is trying to talk Trump into bowing out instead of being a "Loosah!" (His immortal fear) So this is a condition requiring Trump's consent and participation... not an "ousting" as you are imagining.

Ain't gonna happen. Trump is already planting the seeds amongst his followers that if he loses, it's because the election was 'rigged'. He doesn't have to win in November.

You see, I don't think Trump ever wanted to be President. If he did, he'd be a lot more disciplined in his messaging. I think this was always a marketing stunt for his brand that just got our of control because your party is so fucking dysfunctional with its racism and misogyny.

Again, even more intriguing as to why this rumor could be credible. If he doesn't care about winning and doesn't have to win in order to win... why not bow out early? This way, he can strut around claiming he "coulda won" and no one can challenge that. He saves face, doesn't endure the inevitable bitter defeat to Hillary, his stock goes way up... I can see Trump spinning this into a self-aggrandizing win for himself while handing it all off to Pence, who frankly, has a better shot at attracting rational support over Hillary Clinton.
Bro, please stop letting your brain get buttfucked by the MSM. Do your research from non-MSM sources and join us on the Trump Train.

Trump is the GOP nominee for President. There is no other name that will be on the ballot.

This is what happens when a wing of the party takes over the party as a whole.

funny part is, it is the left wing if any.
Again, even more intriguing as to why this rumor could be credible. If he doesn't care about winning and doesn't have to win in order to win... why not bow out early? This way, he can strut around claiming he "coulda won" and no one can challenge that. He saves face, doesn't endure the inevitable bitter defeat to Hillary, his stock goes way up... I can see Trump spinning this into a self-aggrandizing win for himself while handing it all off to Pence, who frankly, has a better shot at attracting rational support over Hillary Clinton.

Lot of wish-fulfillment here, Chief Running-Gag.

The thing about Trump is that he enjoys the game. ONe only has to look at his business dealings that it's about dominance for him. He's not going to let the GOP establishment force him out.

Oh, he'll manuever. He'll threaten to take Newt as a running mate and then pick Pence... or he'll act like he might endorse Ryan's opponent in the primary before endorsing him and reading off a script.. but at the end of the day, he's in the driver's seat and that's where he's going to stay.

The real question is, are you guys going to let him define your party for a generation?
Meh... Trump Fan Boys disagree.... not unexpected.
I'm not a fan boy, that's the world you live in. It is a logical choice for me, it's him or Hillary. Sobbing over Cruz does nothing.

Well sorry, guess I'm gonna sob over Cruz. Oh fucking well. :dunno:

Look, I am through trying to penetrate the hard heads. You don't care to listen to me, you want to insult me and call me names... say I'm butthurt and sobbing over Cruz... whatever. Go ahead and lose the election to Hillary! Then try and sell your nonsense that it was all my fault. We already know that's what's going to happen... maybe that was the plan all along... nominate Trump so we can kill of the Establishment and Conservative Republicans all at the same time.

The thing is, whether or not you've destroyed Ted Cruz, Conservatives are still here. We'll regroup and find a new candidate. We'll be back, we're not going away. But look.. you enjoy the next 4-8 years of Soviet leadership under Emperor Hillary. You deserve it!
If Hillary wins no conservative will ever have the opportunity to win again. This country will swing so far left with immigrants getting the vote no conservative will ever win again.
If Hillary wins no conservative will ever have the opportunity to win again. This country will swing so far left with immigrants getting the vote no conservative will ever win again.

That sounds like a problem for you guys... But the reality is, maybe if you found ways to appeal to immigrants instead of pissing them off, this wouldn't be a problem for you.
If Hillary wins no conservative will ever have the opportunity to win again. This country will swing so far left with immigrants getting the vote no conservative will ever win again.

That sounds like a problem for you guys... But the reality is, maybe if you found ways to appeal to immigrants instead of pissing them off, this wouldn't be a problem for you.
Dude if you win and flood our country with immigrants those of "us guys" with money will simply leave and go somewhere else. The rest of "us" who don't have money will be forced to sink with you. This country will end once you have more people on the dole than you have producing revenue.
If Hillary wins no conservative will ever have the opportunity to win again. This country will swing so far left with immigrants getting the vote no conservative will ever win again.

That sounds like a problem for you guys... But the reality is, maybe if you found ways to appeal to immigrants instead of pissing them off, this wouldn't be a problem for you.
Dude if you win and flood our country with immigrants those of "us guys" with money will simply leave and go somewhere else. The rest of "us" who don't have money will be forced to sink with you. This country will end once you have more people on the dole than you have producing revenue.
This is as ignorant as it is idiotic.

Immigrants built this country, we’re a Nation of immigrants, and continued immigration is what keeps America great and strong.
If Hillary wins no conservative will ever have the opportunity to win again. This country will swing so far left with immigrants getting the vote no conservative will ever win again.

That sounds like a problem for you guys... But the reality is, maybe if you found ways to appeal to immigrants instead of pissing them off, this wouldn't be a problem for you.
Dude if you win and flood our country with immigrants those of "us guys" with money will simply leave and go somewhere else. The rest of "us" who don't have money will be forced to sink with you. This country will end once you have more people on the dole than you have producing revenue.
This is as ignorant as it is idiotic.

Immigrants built this country, we’re a Nation of immigrants, and continued immigration is what keeps America great and strong.
Not if they come with their palms out expecting Governmental handouts.
Again, even more intriguing as to why this rumor could be credible. If he doesn't care about winning and doesn't have to win in order to win... why not bow out early? This way, he can strut around claiming he "coulda won" and no one can challenge that. He saves face, doesn't endure the inevitable bitter defeat to Hillary, his stock goes way up... I can see Trump spinning this into a self-aggrandizing win for himself while handing it all off to Pence, who frankly, has a better shot at attracting rational support over Hillary Clinton.

Lot of wish-fulfillment here, Chief Running-Gag.

The thing about Trump is that he enjoys the game. ONe only has to look at his business dealings that it's about dominance for him. He's not going to let the GOP establishment force him out.

Oh, he'll manuever. He'll threaten to take Newt as a running mate and then pick Pence... or he'll act like he might endorse Ryan's opponent in the primary before endorsing him and reading off a script.. but at the end of the day, he's in the driver's seat and that's where he's going to stay.

The real question is, are you guys going to let him define your party for a generation?

I guess bigoted racists have really thick skulls? :dunno:

I'm not a Republican and this ain't my party.

The only wish I've had is the same one I've had the past 30 years...that the GOP would nominate a Conservative for president.

I couldn't care less what Trump does, to be honest. Stay in, drop out, doesn't matter. I just posted something I had heard rumors about so that we could all discuss it.

But then... you're a bigot and racist, so your head is pretty hard... nothing much can penetrate it. I'm probably just wasting my time responding to you and I should probably think about putting you on the ignore list... but it's so enjoyable slapping you around like my little bitch.
I guess bigoted racists have really thick skulls? :dunno:

I'm not a Republican and this ain't my party.

The only wish I've had is the same one I've had the past 30 years...that the GOP would nominate a Conservative for president.

I keep explaining this to you, dumbass. You aren't a conservative and no one wants to nominate what you are- Plutocratic Anarchists.

When you put your noxious shit on the ballot in 1964, YOU LOST 44 STATES.

Then you figured out how to wrap it up in the bacon of racism, sexism and Homphobia. And that worked for you, until people figured out those things were wrong, too.

but not to worry, WHEN Trumpenfuhrer loses epicly, you can claim he wasn't a "real conservative".

I couldn't care less what Trump does, to be honest. Stay in, drop out, doesn't matter. I just posted something I had heard rumors about so that we could all discuss it.

But then... you're a bigot and racist, so your head is pretty hard... nothing much can penetrate it. I'm probably just wasting my time responding to you and I should probably think about putting you on the ignore list... but it's so enjoyable slapping you around like my little bitch.

Chief Running Gag, the only thing you slap around is your male member,and you'll go blind doing that.

The fact is, Trump proved you can win the GOP nomination without bowing down before the gods of "small government" and "personal freedom". All you need to do is tell the bubba rednecks that them darkies want half of their cookie.
Meh... Trump Fan Boys disagree.... not unexpected.
I'm not a fan boy, that's the world you live in. It is a logical choice for me, it's him or Hillary. Sobbing over Cruz does nothing.

Well sorry, guess I'm gonna sob over Cruz. Oh fucking well. :dunno:

Look, I am through trying to penetrate the hard heads. You don't care to listen to me, you want to insult me and call me names... say I'm butthurt and sobbing over Cruz... whatever. Go ahead and lose the election to Hillary! Then try and sell your nonsense that it was all my fault. We already know that's what's going to happen... maybe that was the plan all along... nominate Trump so we can kill of the Establishment and Conservative Republicans all at the same time.

The thing is, whether or not you've destroyed Ted Cruz, Conservatives are still here. We'll regroup and find a new candidate. We'll be back, we're not going away. But look.. you enjoy the next 4-8 years of Soviet leadership under Emperor Hillary. You deserve it!
You fucking GOP'ers are enemies to America.....

Hitler said the same thing about Jews...
Meh... Trump Fan Boys disagree.... not unexpected.
I'm not a fan boy, that's the world you live in. It is a logical choice for me, it's him or Hillary. Sobbing over Cruz does nothing.

Well sorry, guess I'm gonna sob over Cruz. Oh fucking well. :dunno:

Look, I am through trying to penetrate the hard heads. You don't care to listen to me, you want to insult me and call me names... say I'm butthurt and sobbing over Cruz... whatever. Go ahead and lose the election to Hillary! Then try and sell your nonsense that it was all my fault. We already know that's what's going to happen... maybe that was the plan all along... nominate Trump so we can kill of the Establishment and Conservative Republicans all at the same time.

The thing is, whether or not you've destroyed Ted Cruz, Conservatives are still here. We'll regroup and find a new candidate. We'll be back, we're not going away. But look.. you enjoy the next 4-8 years of Soviet leadership under Emperor Hillary. You deserve it!
You insulted me first, Sport. The hard head is on you. There are two choices now. Two. You are shrill and hysterical and caught up in the media feeding frenzy. I am not. I deal with reality the way it is, not the way I want it to be.

I don't see how I insulted you... you mean calling you a 'fan boy'? That's an accurate descriptor. You said I am "sobbing over Cruz" and I don't think I am... I fully understand that Cruz is out of the race... something that many Trump fan boys don't seem to realize.

Boss I think you don't get it... This is the bully boy tactic... They are insulting you all day but are really sensitive at the slightest criticism.

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