rule of cool statuary.

Sep 12, 2008
This is on Main between 3 and 4th. It was a gift to the city by a former mayor.

It drives visitors nuts.
It used to be a fountain for horses.

Joan of Arc, as a memorial to WWI soldiers.

At 39th and Glisan.

they just cleaned it up and polished a few years ago.

This is on Main between 3 and 4th. It was a gift to the city by a former mayor.

It drives visitors nuts.
It used to be a fountain for horses.


Maybe you should make a donation to the city and see where they put it?


Consider the Statute of Liberty for example. Was this a French donated prank to make America accept all the vagrants and criminals of the World, by the Emma Plaque they placed on the lady??

I have long been of the opinion that all PUBLIC ART* ought to be subject to a vote by the public at large.

*(public art as in statuary and art that is in public buildings but NOT art purchased by and for display public museums...that museum art I want the curators to choose)
I've long been of the opinion that government should not waste taxpayer dollars on art.
Is there a statue of Art Linkletter anywhere?
Chicago has some neat stuff like Calder sculptures.
The big bean is simply awesome.. I think it's called clouds or something like that.


Yet in the same park, they have this. Creeps me out.


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