Rump to sue media for giving voice to women

Steve_McGarrett said:
"We need a Fuhrer in these turbulent times to deal with the Mexicans and Muslims who want to kill us. Trump is that man and White America will make it so, especially the silent majority." the Fuhrer in this case is Hillary as she thinks she is above the law and that whipping up hateful hysteria is useful.
NO YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO BE A HATER AGAIN BECAUSE YOU ARE STRINGING A BUNCH OF ASSUMPTIONS TOGETHER. tHE BUS TALK IS PROTECTED UNDER FREEDOM OF SPEECH. TRUMPS CASE IS A LAWSUIT THEREFORE HE IS SUING, NOT TRYINg TO.................................................... AND THEN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT IS FALSE: .................................................................................. RE: "MOREOVER, the women making the claims are by their descriptions corroborating what he's already bragged about on the bus and in the studio with Howard Stern."AND " When somebody confirms what you've said about yourself, and admitted to saying, you don't have a libel case anyway."AND " they've confirmed the bus talk" SO LETS BREAK IT DOWN AS YOUR STATEMENTS ARE A STRING OF MISLEADING FALSE STATEMENTS : please realize that SCANDAL is usually put together this way..................Once again: The "Locker Room Talk" on the bus was protected under freedom of speech. It may have been about Nancy O'Dell and she remained friends with Trump after the time they spent together, and the time of his talk. They continued to be friends and there is a picture if her with her arm around him in 2010. The "furniture shopping- supposed physical encounter was in 2005." Perhaps it was a mutual fling, she rejected him and in his burn he got rude talking privately to the boys. Regarding the new allegations, none of these women nor anyone on thier behalf ever filed any lawsuits. The satutes of limitations have run out on them. In addition, Trump believes this is a smear campaign. Trump apologized for his rude bus talk. YOU ARE MAKING FALSE STATEMENTS ....

Number one, if that's supposed to be addressed to me (I can't tell), learn how the quote feature works.

The pickapart:
Again --- nobody claims it's "illegal". There's no need for "protection" for something that isn't illegal in the first place.
And quit posting in ALL CAPS. All that does is confirm that Rumpbots can only argue from emotion.

TRUMPS CASE IS A LAWSUIT THEREFORE HE IS SUING, NOT TRYINg TO....................................................

Yuh huh.


Regarding the new allegations, none of these women nor anyone on thier behalf ever filed any lawsuits. The satutes of limitations have run out on them.

I don't know if either are true, and you don't exactly come off as any kind of reliable source if you know what I'm saying. But it's irrelevant anyway --- nobody claimed these women either "filed lawsuits" or are in a position to. None of them said that. You're introducing multiple strawmen.


Such as?
Depending on who "You" means of course....
"Freedom of speech" (First Amendment) refers to what the government can do" THIS IS FALSE.

And we quote:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Now what's the subject in that sentence?

Steve_McGarrett said:
"We need a Fuhrer in these turbulent times to deal with the Mexicans and Muslims who want to kill us. Trump is that man and White America will make it so, especially the silent majority." the Fuhrer in this case is Hillary as she thinks she is above the law and that whipping up hateful hysteria is useful.

Go tell Steve McRacist. It's his quote, copied verbatim.
v. sued, su·ing, sues
1.( Law) To initiate or pursue legal proceedings against (another party).
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I think at some point here Trump will sue himself for being a sexual predator, then lose the case to himself and his own lawyers who will defeat and win the case at the same time, then he will claim court costs and the multi-million dollar settlement against himself by himself as business expenses on his tax return so he get's out of paying taxes, again.
Or you can pay them off, threaten, and or ruin their lives and reputations as the Clinton's did with the multitudes of Slick Willie's "indiscretions".
MOREOVER, the women making the claims are by their descriptions corroborating what he's already bragged about on the bus and in the studio with Howard Stern. When somebody confirms what you've said about yourself, and admitted to saying, you don't have a libel case anyway. Ironically if several women had stepped forward and said "I've known Rump for X number of years and he never laid a hand on me" then Rump might have a case against them for damaging his hard-cultivated reputation AS a sexual predator. Because they'd be contradicting his projections. But in reality that's not what happened --- they've confirmed the bus talk. They're saying he's NOT lying about that.

And a further observation on this point:

If confirming rather than contradicting what one has put out about one's own sexual deviances is grounds for a libel suit ---- it isn't, but just to follow the Rumpian logic to its conclusion --- then there's one more entity Rump has to sue and that is .....

.... Ivanka. His own daughter.

Because when the whole walking in on teen and preteen naked girls thing came up, Ivanka was asked about that practice and responded:

"Yeah he does that".

--- so she confirms the same pedophiliac voyeurism that Rump himself already had described doing to Howard Stern.

By his own logic then, he has to sue his own daughter for confirming his sexual deviancy.

You can't say we don't live in interesting times.

Donald Trump threatens to sue New York times for defamation - Full article
"Lawyers for Donald Trump have called on The New York Times to retract a bombshell report in which two women claimed that Trump had touched them inappropriately."

At this point in time, shouldn't he be focusing more important matters? Also, didn't he claim to be worth $10 billion. Complete waste of time suing them. Plus there are hundreds of news sites that have probably made similar claims

several stories have been proven false.
The air plane one could not have happened at all in first class nor was she even on the 707 flight

Others ones by one are being proven with documentation that they are not correct. NYT and CNN won't tell you, but others online and cable have.
Donald Trump threatens to sue New York times for defamation - Full article
"Lawyers for Donald Trump have called on The New York Times to retract a bombshell report in which two women claimed that Trump had touched them inappropriately."

At this point in time, shouldn't he be focusing more important matters? Also, didn't he claim to be worth $10 billion. Complete waste of time suing them. Plus there are hundreds of news sites that have probably made similar claims

several stories have been proven false.
The air plane one could not have happened at all in first class nor was she even on the 707 flight

Others ones by one are being proven with documentation that they are not correct. NYT and CNN won't tell you, but others online and cable have.

Horse Shit!

You are a Fox watcher.......I can spot one a mile away!
Donald Trump threatens to sue New York times for defamation - Full article
"Lawyers for Donald Trump have called on The New York Times to retract a bombshell report in which two women claimed that Trump had touched them inappropriately."

At this point in time, shouldn't he be focusing more important matters? Also, didn't he claim to be worth $10 billion. Complete waste of time suing them. Plus there are hundreds of news sites that have probably made similar claims

several stories have been proven false.
The air plane one could not have happened at all in first class nor was she even on the 707 flight

Others ones by one are being proven with documentation that they are not correct. NYT and CNN won't tell you, but others online and cable have.

Horse Shit!

You are a Fox watcher.......I can spot one a mile away!

OAN usually, but I prefer to read from some 300+ sources
Donald Trump threatens to sue New York times for defamation - Full article
"Lawyers for Donald Trump have called on The New York Times to retract a bombshell report in which two women claimed that Trump had touched them inappropriately."

At this point in time, shouldn't he be focusing more important matters? Also, didn't he claim to be worth $10 billion. Complete waste of time suing them. Plus there are hundreds of news sites that have probably made similar claims

several stories have been proven false.
The air plane one could not have happened at all in first class nor was she even on the 707 flight

Others ones by one are being proven with documentation that they are not correct. NYT and CNN won't tell you, but others online and cable have.

Horse Shit!

You are a Fox watcher.......I can spot one a mile away!

OAN usually, but I prefer to read from some 300+ sources

You couldn't read from 200 news sources if you stayed at it 24 hours a day. The only thing worse than a liar is a Republican liar.
Donald Trump threatens to sue New York times for defamation - Full article
"Lawyers for Donald Trump have called on The New York Times to retract a bombshell report in which two women claimed that Trump had touched them inappropriately."

At this point in time, shouldn't he be focusing more important matters? Also, didn't he claim to be worth $10 billion. Complete waste of time suing them. Plus there are hundreds of news sites that have probably made similar claims

several stories have been proven false.
The air plane one could not have happened at all in first class nor was she even on the 707 flight

Others ones by one are being proven with documentation that they are not correct. NYT and CNN won't tell you, but others online and cable have.

Horse Shit!

You are a Fox watcher.......I can spot one a mile away!

OAN usually, but I prefer to read from some 300+ sources

You couldn't read from 200 news sources if you stayed at it 24 hours a day. The only thing worse than a liar is a Republican liar.

I have spiders for categories to filters out subjects I don't read and adds subjects I have searched online. It gives me headline notices every few seconds, like a ticker tape, and a list on my page.
I have five such sites set up. Today on one site it was 247 sources around the world. Some days more.

No, I don't usually read the daily local news from Oshkosh Wisconsin or Fargo N. Dakota, sports, classified or obituaries. Global, national, politics, science, medicine, archaeology, religion, finance, technology and a number of specific countries and subjects in a few languages
CNN justified the firebombing of a Trump campaign headquarters because the left wing media outlet didn't agree with Trump's 1st Amendment right to free speech. Meanwhile the idiotic left claims that a law suit by a civilian over unsubstantiated accusations stifles "giving a voice to women"? Is the freaking left going crazy?
CNN justified the firebombing of a Trump campaign headquarters because the left wing media outlet didn't agree with Trump's 1st Amendment right to free speech. Meanwhile the idiotic left claims that a law suit by a civilian over unsubstantiated accusations stifles "giving a voice to women"? Is the freaking left going crazy?

Read much?

Rump didn't threaten the women. He threatened the newspapers that reported what they said. Is that level of complexity beyond your abilities?

If you hear Hillary Clinton say something you don't like, do you threaten to sue the radio station you heard it on?

Read the OP Dumbass.

And note that he also threatened the reporter who did her due diligence by calling him to get his opinion, calling her a "disgusting human being". Apparently Rump is of the opinion that following fair journalism practice is "disgusting".
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