Rump to sue media for giving voice to women

Quick Viginlante.....Go after the guy who is NOT running for president........:ahole-1:
He was president when he was doing it, and liberals said it was none of our business. You have no credibility.
It was our business and it was investigated...a lot....and he was impeached. Don't you remember?
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was president when he was doing it, and liberals said it was none of our business. You have no credibility.
It was our business and it was investigated...a lot....and he was impeached. Don't you remember?
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
It was our business and it was investigated...a lot....and he was impeached. Don't you remember?
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
He was found innocent of all the phony charges the GOP hacks came up with.
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
He was found innocent of all the phony charges the GOP hacks came up with.
He was impeached for purgury. Quit trying to rewrite history.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
He was found innocent of all the phony charges the GOP hacks came up with.
He was impeached for purgury. Quit trying to rewrite history.
And acquitted in the Senate.

past tense: acquitted; past participle: acquitted
  1. 1. free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.

Quick Viginlante.....Go after the guy who is NOT running for president........:ahole-1:
He was president when he was doing it, and liberals said it was none of our business. You have no credibility.
It was our business and it was investigated...a lot....and he was impeached. Don't you remember?
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
Liar. The Senate can't find anyone innocent, that 's under the control of the judicial branch. And they find for guilt or not guilty, not innocence.

Plus Billy payed Paula Jones $850k to drop the suit.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
He was found innocent of all the phony charges the GOP hacks came up with.
He was impeached for purgury. Quit trying to rewrite history.
And acquitted in the Senate.

past tense: acquitted; past participle: acquitted
  1. 1. free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
Lost his law license.
He was impeached for purgury. Quit trying to rewrite history.

What morons like you fail to understand is that IMPEACHMENT means a TRIAL by the Senate......and their final decision (verdict of the trial) found Clinton innocent.......unethical, perhaps, in the view of many, but NOT culpable.
He was impeached for purgury. Quit trying to rewrite history.

What morons like you fail to understand is that IMPEACHMENT means a TRIAL by the Senate......and their final decision (verdict of the trial) found Clinton innocent.......unethical, perhaps, in the view of many, but NOT culpable.
I don't think you know WTF you are talking about.

Your idol the rapist and woman abuser Bubba WAS IMPEACHED. The Senate merely voted on whether to remove him from office or not.
Whoever started this thread is an idiot and doesn't know anything about law. Just an ignorant hater. LETS CLARIFY in order to attain the level of high school US Government and History. What is Impeachment? What are Slander and/or Libel? Any US citizen can make a civil lawsuit. Heck perhaps non citizens can sue too. READ: MANY people are making civil lawsuits all the time and it keeps all the lawyers very busy...................If you think that a character assassination is unfair you can sue for defamation. The courts are chock full of cases. It is not a special privilege. Especially if you pay for your own lawyers. ...........................................................................................................................

The impeachment process plays out in Congress and requires critical votes in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is often said that the “H
ouse Impeaches and the Senate convicts,” or not. In essence, the House first decides if there are grounds to impeach the president, and if it does, the Senate holds a formal Impeachment trial.

Impeachable Offenses
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.". Well, that's up to the members of the House of Representatives. According to
constitutional lawyers, "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" are (1) real criminality -- breaking a law; (2) abuses of power; (3) "violation of public trust" as defined by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. In 1970, then Representative Gerald R. Ford defined impeachable offenses as "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." An excellent definition, Mr. Former President. In the past, Congress has issued Articles of Impeachment for acts in three general categories:

    • Behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office.

    • Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

    • The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a Resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue.
The Full House (probably operating under special floor rules set by the House Rules Committee) will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.
    • The Senate will meet in private session to debate a verdict.
    • The Senate, in open session, will vote on a verdict. A 2/3 vote of the Senate will result in a conviction.
Last edited:
CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

Excellent...when Trump's lawyers are done with them they'll be red, raw, and raggedy....lying scum.
SO ACCORDING TO NATS LOGIC (the Senate......and their final decision (verdict of the trial) found Clinton innocent.......unethical, perhaps, in the view of many, but NOT culpable.) THE VERY SAME "INNOCENT BEFORE PROVEN GUILTY" IDEA ALSO APPLIES TO TRUMP. tHIS WILL start as a civil defamation lawsuit pursued by Trump. The Impeachment process of Bill Clinton was more criminal. The action being taken by Trump is a civil lawsuit to do damage control for his reputation. So far there is only one shabby questionable criminal or civil claim with a hearing in December regarding a Jane Doe type mystery person. The women in the news have not made any legal claims against Trump, only gossip. There are also statutes of limitations which limit how long a person can wait to make a claim against another. There is no criminal or civil case against Trump regarding the bus tape as Mr. Trump was fully protected by freedom of speech in that instance and the lady he spoke of has refused to bring any allegations. SO TRUMP IS INNOCENT. as of now.
It was our business and it was investigated...a lot....and he was impeached. Don't you remember?
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
What the heck is purgury?
SO ACCORDING TO NATS LOGIC (the Senate......and their final decision (verdict of the trial) found Clinton innocent.......unethical, perhaps, in the view of many, but NOT culpable.) THE VERY SAME "INNOCENT BEFORE PROVEN GUILTY" IDEA ALSO APPLIES TO TRUMP. tHIS WILL start as a civil defamation lawsuit persued by Trump. The Impeachment process of Bill Clinton was more criminal. The action being taken by Trump is a civil lawsuit to do damage control for his reputation So far there is only one shabby questionable criminal or civil claim with a hearing in December regarding a Jane Doe type mystery person. The women in the news have not made any legal claims against Trump, only gossip. There are also statutes of limitations which limit how long a person can wait to make a claim against another. There is no criminal or civil case against Trump regarding the bus tape as Mr. Trump was fully protected by freedom of speech in that instance and the lady he spoke of has refused to bring any allegations. SO TRUMP IS INNOCENT. as of now.
The Left knows there is a double standard in the way the law is applied. Hillary is above the law and Trump is not. They like it this way.
Does Trump know what he can be asked about women in all of the depositions that will be involved in these lawsuits?
He's setting himself up for a Monica moment.
I don't think you know WTF you are talking about.

Your idol the rapist and woman abuser Bubba WAS IMPEACHED. The Senate merely voted on whether to remove him from office or not.

Can't fix ignorance on this forum....LOOK UP what "impeachment" means.....It is a TRIAL by the Senate and they render a verdict at the end of that trial....

BTW, Bill Clinton did NOT rape anybody.....the ONLY allegation came from Juanita Broaddrick and she openly stated that it did NOT happen and actually continued to work for Clinton...

Listening to Hannity and Limbaugh caused YOUR brain to rot.
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
And found innocent of that accusation by the Senate – a Republican controlled Senate.
He was impeached you dumbass.
By Republican partisan hacks at taxpayer expense and found innocent of the hack's charges.
He was found innocent of purgury?
What the heck is purgury?

Where you go before heaven?

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