Run run as fast as you can

The T clearly is running like a scared puppy now, and beginning to trip and fall over his own feet, with very few to support him.

Republicans in Congress are soon going to have to make a hard decision:

1. Do they support impeachment now and get him out of the way before the 2018 election? A few, including McCain and Jeff Flake seem to perhaps support this strategy. This might give them a (fat) chance in 2018.

2. Or do they do nothing and wait until Congress changes in a big way in 2018 and the new Congress does the job.

The big question now: Who's got the balls to do what almost everyone knows needs to be done?
Bet not one Trump supporter has the balls Party before country
Still hoping to make an accurate prediction? lol
Trump likes eggs!!!! OMGEEE!!!!
And you idiots gave Hill and Obama hell for lying AND NOW the greatest lying pos ever to enter our WH and you support it?? For shame traitors republicans but I repeat myself

What did he lie about numnutz?
Just recently That comey called him for a meeting,,,,,that comey told him he was under investigation

Actually, he said that Comey told him he was not under investigation.
Trump Escalates War With FBI, and the Bureau Fights Back

He's trolling, and trolling, and trolling. That's not *running*. He's instigating, because when morons react, they expose themselves, and make stupid decisions, and that's when they can be cleared from the board.
Yes Comey called the WH and asked to come over for dinner You dumb ***'s are idiots

Actually, Trump invited Comey to the WH for dinner. Do you ever get anything right?

The T clearly is running like a scared puppy now, and beginning to trip and fall over his own feet, with very few to support him.

Republicans in Congress are soon going to have to make a hard decision:

1. Do they support impeachment now and get him out of the way before the 2018 election? A few, including McCain and Jeff Flake seem to perhaps support this strategy. This might give them a (fat) chance in 2018.

2. Or do they do nothing and wait until Congress changes in a big way in 2018 and the new Congress does the job.

The big question now: Who's got the balls to do what almost everyone knows needs to be done?
Bet not one Trump supporter has the balls Party before country
Still hoping to make an accurate prediction? lol

That one is as thick as two boards.
Trump Escalates War With FBI, and the Bureau Fights Back

He's trolling, and trolling, and trolling. That's not *running*. He's instigating, because when morons react, they expose themselves, and make stupid decisions, and that's when they can be cleared from the board.
Yes Comey called the WH and asked to come over for dinner You dumb ***'s are idiots

Actually, Trump invited Comey to the WH for dinner. Do you ever get anything right?

Don't confuse him with facts. They hate when people do that.

The T clearly is running like a scared puppy now, and beginning to trip and fall over his own feet, with very few to support him.

Republicans in Congress are soon going to have to make a hard decision:

1. Do they support impeachment now and get him out of the way before the 2018 election? A few, including McCain and Jeff Flake seem to perhaps support this strategy. This might give them a (fat) chance in 2018.

2. Or do they do nothing and wait until Congress changes in a big way in 2018 and the new Congress does the job.

The big question now: Who's got the balls to do what almost everyone knows needs to be done?
Bet not one Trump supporter has the balls Party before country
Still hoping to make an accurate prediction? lol

That one is as thick as two boards.
He certainly isn't too smucking fart.

We should never expect much from Ed. His abilities are limited to the liberal talking points.
Trump Escalates War With FBI, and the Bureau Fights Back

He's trolling, and trolling, and trolling. That's not *running*. He's instigating, because when morons react, they expose themselves, and make stupid decisions, and that's when they can be cleared from the board.
Yes Comey called the WH and asked to come over for dinner You dumb ***'s are idiots

The T clearly is running like a scared puppy now, and beginning to trip and fall over his own feet, with very few to support him.

Republicans in Congress are soon going to have to make a hard decision:

1. Do they support impeachment now and get him out of the way before the 2018 election? A few, including McCain and Jeff Flake seem to perhaps support this strategy. This might give them a (fat) chance in 2018.

2. Or do they do nothing and wait until Congress changes in a big way in 2018 and the new Congress does the job.

The big question now: Who's got the balls to do what almost everyone knows needs to be done?
Bet not one Trump supporter has the balls Party before country
Translation: I HATE TRUMP! I HATE TRUMP! I HATE TRUMP!!! But I can't discuss the real reasons why, because they make me look like a hysterical leftist fool. So I have to keep "believing" all the silly Fake News democrats have been making up to excuse the fact that they had a poor candidate who lost the election through corruption and a socialistic agenda that normal Americans didn't want.
Acorn Do you have some one who ties your shoes??

Says Special ED.
I haven't noticed him running lol. He's dishing it out faster than the stretched assholes of the left can take it.

Is there ONE republican here that can say if a Dem president reacted to ,lied and said the things trump has that they wouldn't be calling for impeachment??? Just one??
I haven't noticed him running lol. He's dishing it out faster than the stretched assholes of the left can take it.
Hope you're not catching all his bullshit It's not Kosher ...unless you get a Rabbi

A poem for Trump
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d,
As home his footsteps he hath turn’d
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;—
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung.
What are the rules for impeachment proceedings on a USMB member who spews bad poetry?:tongue:
Impeach him. Throw his arrogant, juvenile ass out of office. Fucking do it. Do it now. I can't stand the fucker, get him out. Tell your party to do it, present their evidence and get on with it, put up or shut the fuck up.

I'm serious. I want Trump gone fucking yesterday.

But remember this...

If you thought Gorsuch too conservative for your tastes, imagine who Pence will appoint... He's a conservative. Donald's not.
What are the rules for impeachment proceedings on a USMB member who spews bad poetry?:tongue:
A classic compost You must be a republican No taste no class
You got no sense of humor, poopsie.
I beg to differ I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh
You hide it well.
A tough looking group of bikers were riding when they saw a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stopped. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to commit suicide,” she says.

While he did not want to appear insensitive, he didn’t want to miss an opportunity. He asked “Well, before you jump, why don’t you give me a kiss?” So, she does and it was a long, deep lingering kiss.

After she’s finished, the biker says, “Wow! That was the best Kiss I have ever had. That’s a real talent you are wasting. You could be famous. Why are you committing suicide?”

“My parents don’t like me dressing up like a girl……

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