Rush: BHO channeled seized assets to LW groups/Community Organizers


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Jan 8, 2019
Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?
Last edited:
Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?
Bob Goodlatte?

Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?
Bob Goodlatte?


Scorned ex bf of yours?

Limbaugh makes shit up. You didn't know that?
True. You should see what Forbes has to say about it.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

I read that. Forbes is only reporting that Goodlatte made that claim. They aren't saying it is true. Right wing politicians like Goodlatte aren't any more believable than Limbaugh.
It could make someone appear like a loony Liberal to continually deny truths.

Your psyche will have holes in it like Swiss cheese.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
This is from 2 years ago. Why does this matter now?

Oh distract from the dumpster fire, treasonous president we have now. Got it.
Limbaugh makes shit up. You didn't know that?
True. You should see what Forbes has to say about it.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

I read that. Forbes is only reporting that Goodlatte made that claim. They aren't saying it is true. Right wing politicians like Goodlatte aren't any more believable than Limbaugh.
It could make someone appear like a loony Liberal to continually deny truths.

Your psyche will have holes in it like Swiss cheese.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

If you say so. Did you think Forbes was endorsing Goodlatte's statement? What part of the article led you to believe that?
Limbaugh makes shit up. You didn't know that?
True. You should see what Forbes has to say about it.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

I read that. Forbes is only reporting that Goodlatte made that claim. They aren't saying it is true. Right-wing politicians like Goodlatte aren't any more believable than Limbaugh.
It could make someone appear like a loony Liberal to continually deny truths.

Your psyche will have holes in it like Swiss cheese.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

If you say so. Did you think Forbes was endorsing Goodlatte's statement? What part of the article led you to believe that?

I didn't read more than the headline and skimmed enough to know it supported my position and I just did what Libs do.

I used it as a stick to beat the Left with.

But Libs are allergic to facts and truth. So when they reach out to corroborate one of their positions they find thin scratchings and so they just recycle the insults thrown at them by RW'ers.
Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?

Between 2010 and 2012 18-20 American agents in Communist China were captured, tortured and killed. Turns out the mole was CIA agent Jerry Chun Shing Lee. His real name was Zhen Cheng Li....and the Obama administration had hired him to work in our CIA.
Now if only the Chinese will start hiring Americans to run their intelligence service we can do the same thing to them!
Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?

Between 2010 and 2012 18-20 American agents in Communist China were captured, tortured and killed. Turns out the mole was CIA agent Jerry Chun Shing Lee. His real name was Zhen Cheng Li....and the Obama administration has hired him to work in our CIA.
Now if only the Chinese will start hiring Americans to run their intelligence service we can do the same thing to them!
I think we are better advised to tragically write off a tit for tat reprisal and make ourselves content with knowing they gave their lives so that our side would have an edge over their side.

The biggest edge I can imagine is knowing we don't have any more Chinese inside our intelligence community than we do and consider that a tactical advantage.

But what do I know?

Next to nothing but whatever I get from spy films and YouTube videos and Wikipedia.
Limbaugh makes shit up. You didn't know that?
True. You should see what Forbes has to say about it.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

I read that. Forbes is only reporting that Goodlatte made that claim. They aren't saying it is true. Right wing politicians like Goodlatte aren't any more believable than Limbaugh.
It could make someone appear like a loony Liberal to continually deny truths.

Your psyche will have holes in it like Swiss cheese.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

The Limbaugh allegation is the beginning of a BIG LIE, the food which provides energy to the right wing. I will stand correct on this single issue when there is probative evidence to support the claim beyond a reasonable doubt.
Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?
Yep, I heard about it when it was happening. Eric Holder sent billions to all these leftwing scum. Why do you imagine we have all these new leftwing whackadoodles in Congress now?
Limbaugh makes shit up. You didn't know that?
True. You should see what Forbes has to say about it.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

I read that. Forbes is only reporting that Goodlatte made that claim. They aren't saying it is true. Right wing politicians like Goodlatte aren't any more believable than Limbaugh.
It could make someone appear like a loony Liberal to continually deny truths.

Your psyche will have holes in it like Swiss cheese.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

The Limbaugh allegation is the beginning of a BIG LIE, the food which provides energy to the right wing. I will stand correct on this single issue when there is probative evidence to support the claim beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's absolutely true:

Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil BofA Deal | Investor's Business Daily
Oct 24, 2017

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'


Jessica Karmasek

House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, says the Department of Justice steered settlement funds to allies under President Barack Obama.

Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned that money seized from crooks like El Chapo should be used to fund the wall.

That prompted him to mention, in a stage whisper, that President Barack Obama used seized assets to fund Left Wing groups and Community Organizers around the country.

This was news to me and I wanted to ask if any of you had heard of it?
Yep, I heard about it when it was happening. Eric Holder sent billions to all these leftwing scum. Why do you imagine we have all these new leftwing whackadoodles in Congress now?

Exactly right.
Limbaugh makes shit up. You didn't know that?
True. You should see what Forbes has to say about it.

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'

I read that. Forbes is only reporting that Goodlatte made that claim. They aren't saying it is true. Right wing politicians like Goodlatte aren't any more believable than Limbaugh.
It could make someone appear like a loony Liberal to continually deny truths.

Your psyche will have holes in it like Swiss cheese.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

The Limbaugh allegation is the beginning of a BIG LIE, the food which provides energy to the right wing. I will stand correct on this single issue when there is probative evidence to support the claim beyond a reasonable doubt.

See if the footnotes are bogus, okay?

Wouldn't want to slip false information into the evidence chain.

Does Obama stand to be in big legal trouble if Trump is not ‘taken down'?

From, “The Russia Hoax”
Staffers at the State Department and the White House, including President Obama, regularly communicated with the secretary of state at her private email address.7
Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8
Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.
When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9
Indeed, it surely was classified.
Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.
Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.
If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.
It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10
But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.
They shielded her.

They were not about to challenge the person they were certain would become the next president of the United States.


8. Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016; Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016; Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.

9. Ibid.

10. Chuck Ross, “Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements to FBI,” Daily Caller, December 4, 2017.

11. Report by Office of Inspector General, Department of State, “Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements,” May 25, 2016; Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau, “Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Department Review,” New York Times, May 25, 2016.

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