Rush Limbaugh attacks 11 year old whose mother died

Vote Dems. they will heal all the sick, take care of all the poor. it's just that they will do it Forcefully by the laws THEY INACT TO taking it from the worker bees in this country to give to the drones.:lol:

whooboy buddy, you betcha.
Limbaugh is kicking some ass...

Limbaugh prompts healthcare calls, ties up House phone lines

By Jordy Yager - 03/16/10 08:15 PM ET

House phone lines were nearing capacity on Tuesday as conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh encouraged fans to call in their objections on healthcare legislation.

The House e-mail system was also deluged in what the House’s technology office called “a very significant spike” in traffic.

...While Ventura said the CAO didn’t have specific numbers of how many calls the House was receiving, he did say that it would have to be “an extraordinary volume” in order for it to clog the system.

Limbaugh prompts healthcare calls, ties up House phone lines -

To be fair, i dont think the system was clogged because of Rush. I mean i dont that it would have been clogged because of Rush, but the fact is those offices had their phones off the hook so the politicians didnt have to hear the "little people" whine about what they were doing.
I don't care why the phones were clogged today, just as long as they were.

Lets Roll people. :clap2:
Why start a thread about Lush Rimbaugh?
Everyone around here knows he is a former dope head Viagra eating whore seeking hypocrite.
Great entertainer and speaker he is. I listen to him often.
These days that is all the right wing fools need. They actually believe he is a leader of the conservatives.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave.

I love how you liberals never actually address anything someone says to debunk you. but instead resort to name calling as if simply by making fun of them you can marginalize their ideas. You can't form a coherant argument. Yet you think you're amazingly intelligent. it's amusing and mindboggling at the same time.
Right-wing media set sights on family of 11-year-old who spoke about his mother's death at health care event - CafeMom

According to a New York Times report, Marcelas Owens appeared at a March 11 press conference with Senate Democrats and spoke about his mother's death. The Times reported that Marcelas' mother, "Tiffany Owens, died of pulmonary hypertension in 2007 at age 27 after losing her health insurance because she could no longer work. Ms. Owens had been an assistant manager at a Jack in the Box restaurant." further reported that Marcelas said at the event, "I came out here for health care, I got involved because my mom was a health care activist, she testified and participated in rallies. She wanted people to have health care and not wait till management level to be offered health care."

On the March 12 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh aired a clip of Marcelas' remarks at the health care event and said, "Now, this is unseemly, exploitative, an 11-year-old kid being forced to tell this story all over just to benefit the Democrat Party and Barack Obama." Limbaugh later said, referring to Marcelas, "Your mom would have still died, because Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014."

The death of this child's poor mother is not the appropriate way to advance Obama's HC agenda, the fact that they tried this speaks volumes to their desperation, his ship has sunk, it is long over due for Obama to retreat on this and focus on the economy, we live in the United States of America, someone needs to remind him soon or our ship may sink too....
The dem's have definitely sunk to a new low with this one.

What's amazing is that they are lying through their teeth and everyone knows it. But because it advances healthcare "reform" it's alright.

Nevermind the woman still would have died, because it wasnt lack of insurance that killed her. We just need an emotional story to make people stop thinking about the issue and which we can accuse anyone we want of being heartless if they oppose healthcare afterwards.

You liberals try to play on peoples emotions. You use tragedies in people's lives as a justification to take away their freedom and usurp their power. You pretend to give them hope. You pretend to act compassionate and charitable. It's so disgusting.

I can promise you every pain you cause others with your deception will be visited upon you 10 fold unless you change your ways and stop this insanity.
Remember how the right rallied around the poor woman on life support in FL?

They care not who they use up to gain their political ends.
I sure as hell did! At the time I couldn't let go unremarked the life of a woman whose parents wanted saved, and the only person and witness speaking for her supposed 'request' to be let die being a man who had divorced her, and might very well have been the very person who put her in her condition at that time; and he was the only one who would benefit when the expenses to keep her alive ceased.
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Lying and using people mean absolutely nothing to the Democrat-Progressive party today.

It is justified to use as a means to THEIR POWER. they could give a shit less for the little peons in our country..

hopefully the people will wake up after this sickening administration and see the TRUTH.
So you are saying they celibrated the death of a 27 year old woman?

Typical conservative cynicism

where did he say they celebrated her death? do you think it's appropriate to use an 11 year old to advance an agenda? to parade him out like a fucking freak in a carnival to make political points?

what kind of a piece of shit does something like that? play the devils advocate here....did not Rush have a valid point?....if it doesnt go into effect until 2014....what good would it have done her now?....what good does it do ANYONE right now who needs Ins?....4 years for someone who is sick and needs help probly too late....

Harry, I think there was a very valid point to be made in telling the public his Mom's story. And the point is that even it's too late to help his Mom, someone else's Mom can be saved in 2014. But we have to act now and not keep waiting or 2014 will offer as little hope as does 2010.
Harry, I think there was a very valid point to be made in telling the public his Mom's story. And the point is that even it's too late to help his Mom, someone else's Mom can be saved in 2014. But we have to act now and not keep waiting or 2014 will offer as little hope as does 2010.

How is there a valid point? Even if health care reform bill had been in effect, she would have died. She recieved care. She died depsite recieving care.

How will this bill save lives? It won't. Im dreading this bill. If this bill passes I have no doubt that Im going to lose my insurance in the future. And I dont trust the government to take care of me. Nor do I want it too.
It is justified to use as a means to THEIR POWER. they could give a shit less for the little peons in our country..

You're joking here, right? The Democratic Party not caring for the little people in our country, is that what you are claiming here?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought it was the Democratic Party that stands for the interests of the individual against the interests of Big Business and their staunchest promoter, the Republican Party.

Let's begin with labor unions. Last time I looked, Republicans hate labor unions more than just about anything. And who is it that labor unions represent? Remember the "little peons" you were talking about a bit ago? Those people. And who is it that labor unions are fighting with to protect the little peons? Yup. Management. Big Business. You know - the same Big Business that our newly packed, conservative United States Supreme Court just gave the green light to for unlimited campaign contributions.

Let's move on to "tort reform" - conservative code for ridding the medical complex of financial responsibility for its negligence at the expense of, you guessed it, the little peons who will no longer be adequately compensated for their ruined lives at the hands of medically malpracticing doctors, if the GOP has its way.

How about a little welfare? Welfare anyone? Who is it that opposes welfare as strongly as it can? Once again - our benevolent Republican friends. And who is it that welfare benefits? Little peons.

It wouldn't be so bad if a claim such as this was just being made - but to have it being made by someone from the Right boggles the mind. It's like the guys who ran the concentration camps in WWII claiming that the Americans liberating the camps didn't give a hoot about the people who were being liberated while THEY were the only ones who really cared about them.
the whole thing is sad...especially him losing his mother.....

RUSH is an ASS and a damned good paid one....

but at the same time, i think it could be an unhealthy way for this child to realistically deal with his grief....if i were his guardian, i do not believe i would let him take up this cause at his age or during this mourning/grief period.

I agree my friend. I personally think that Children should be left out of this whole entire political circus, and without a doubt when dealing with the loss of a family member. Great post. ~BH
It is justified to use as a means to THEIR POWER. they could give a shit less for the little peons in our country..

You're joking here, right? The Democratic Party not caring for the little people in our country, is that what you are claiming here?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought it was the Democratic Party that stands for the interests of the individual against the interests of Big Business and their staunchest promoter, the Republican Party.

Let's begin with labor unions. Last time I looked, Republicans hate labor unions more than just about anything. And who is it that labor unions represent? Remember the "little peons" you were talking about a bit ago? Those people. And who is it that labor unions are fighting with to protect the little peons? Yup. Management. Big Business. You know - the same Big Business that our newly packed, conservative United States Supreme Court just gave the green light to for unlimited campaign contributions.

Let's move on to "tort reform" - conservative code for ridding the medical complex of financial responsibility for its negligence at the expense of, you guessed it, the little peons who will no longer be adequately compensated for their ruined lives at the hands of medically malpracticing doctors, if the GOP has its way.

How about a little welfare? Welfare anyone? Who is it that opposes welfare as strongly as it can? Once again - our benevolent Republican friends. And who is it that welfare benefits? Little peons.

It wouldn't be so bad if a claim such as this was just being made - but to have it being made by someone from the Right boggles the mind. It's like the guys who ran the concentration camps in WWII claiming that the Americans liberating the camps didn't give a hoot about the people who were being liberated while THEY were the only ones who really cared about them.

as I said, Liberals and Democrats care when they can use other people monies by force to do it. just look at welfare. it has done nothing but keep these people in abject poverty, running to their mailboxes every month looking for A CHECK. and yet you all call that, CARING.
you all and youR BS you care MORE. what a crock of shit.
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It is justified to use as a means to THEIR POWER. they could give a shit less for the little peons in our country..

You're joking here, right? The Democratic Party not caring for the little people in our country, is that what you are claiming here?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought it was the Democratic Party that stands for the interests of the individual against the interests of Big Business and their staunchest promoter, the Republican Party.

Let's begin with labor unions. Last time I looked, Republicans hate labor unions more than just about anything. And who is it that labor unions represent? Remember the "little peons" you were talking about a bit ago? Those people. And who is it that labor unions are fighting with to protect the little peons? Yup. Management. Big Business. You know - the same Big Business that our newly packed, conservative United States Supreme Court just gave the green light to for unlimited campaign contributions.

Let's move on to "tort reform" - conservative code for ridding the medical complex of financial responsibility for its negligence at the expense of, you guessed it, the little peons who will no longer be adequately compensated for their ruined lives at the hands of medically malpracticing doctors, if the GOP has its way.

How about a little welfare? Welfare anyone? Who is it that opposes welfare as strongly as it can? Once again - our benevolent Republican friends. And who is it that welfare benefits? Little peons.

It wouldn't be so bad if a claim such as this was just being made - but to have it being made by someone from the Right boggles the mind. It's like the guys who ran the concentration camps in WWII claiming that the Americans liberating the camps didn't give a hoot about the people who were being liberated while THEY were the only ones who really cared about them.

as I said, Liberals and Democrats care when they can use other people monies by force to do it. just look at welfare. it has done nothing but keep these people in abject poverty, running to their mailboxes every month looking for A CHECK. and yet you all call that, CARING.
you all and youR BS you care MORE. what a crock of shit.

Stephanie, all you have to do is take a look at the long-standing and very well known positions of the two parties on the major issues I discuss here (welfare, tort reform, labor unions and Big Business v. The Individual in general) and it is quite apparent which party supports the interests of the "little guy" and which party supports the interests of Big Business.

As I have often said, I don't judge - I just report. ;)
Democrats are great at protecting the people from individual rights is what Democrats are great at.

They supported slavery, ignoring the individual rights of slaves.
They support unions, trampling on the individual rights of small business owners.
They support huge government, at the expense of individuals who must bear the burden.
They support the welfare class, trampling the rights of those who work and want to get ahead.

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